ORONO WEEKLYý TIMES,, THURSDAYV, JULY 18, 1963ý Futurity Chief Wins In 2 05.a1- At Greenwood Raceway Mr. Lawrence Hooey has moved esome of bis horees into the Green- wooYcd racewa,ýyin Toronto and on Saturday ight "Futurity Chief" registered tbe third fastegt îrace oi the nîght. Futurity Chief in winning set- a time of 2.05.1. The horse bas been. racing at Monitreal and Ri- deau Carleton. Local horsemen are practically al1 nuw £acing at Greenxvood and hardly a nîght goes by without an entry being on the crd from this aiea. Keitb West's "Happy Babe" on Satuîda y nigt was enteîed in -the first race and came. in f ourtb in a race ýthat was headed by Jimmnie Patch in a time of 2.06. Virginia's, Boy, owned by A. Glenney of New- castle, registered a third in the seventh race wich went in 2.07. Other Saturday nigt activity in whicbh a local borse was entered was in Peterborougb wbere Dr, Taggart's "Meadow Bob" came in &econd and third. JacÈ Wiiams' "Happy Mac" un- drtble trahîling of McRae at tbe Greenwozod, fiiislied fifth last weel< Th'ere was plenty of horse left at the finisb and local horsemen oee a win in tbe near future for thiq trotter., Other action by local hors- es sasw Agate, owned by Lawrence Hooey and winner of the first Colt Derby in Orono, place third in a race wonby Jonairo in a time of 2.05. The Mac-'Wesgt Stables bave also raced Fbo Son ani Merry Pence, both placing fiftb. Jack Reid raced three of bis horses on Tuesday evening atthe Greenwood witli< Hollywood Rich- 1 ard placing thîrd in a race that setI a time of 2.06. Silk Boy W placed fourth and Jimmy Mac, well back after breaking. Dave Rougbiey bas sbipped Bomber Dares, a two-year-old, into the Greenwood. This horse bas been affected with tbe virus for sometime and bas been unable to race. No doùbt it will, see action in tbe near future. As a resuit of II~ 1-~ EQUITABLE ICOETAX FOUNDATION URGES (Continued from page 1)' impose on co-operatives and credit unions the samne income tax ioad as is borne by investor-owned busin- ess enterprise. Co-operatives in Canada are presently doing more than one and one-hait billions of dollars business annuaily and pav ony toker ncmem taxcs on this 1buge volume of business. Credit Unions wtth deposits of close to one billion dollars and whicb have made four billion dollars of loans bave not contrihuted a single dollar in income taxes. You bhave warned Canadians that the Nation's Financial Flouse must be put in order if we are to avoid ending Up on tbe rocks. This foundation urg- es that you now throw political ex- pediency aside and tax co-opera- tives and credit unions on their net profits whicb they choose to eall supu.It is outrageousfo thei government to procastinate in cota- pellîng these tax favoured groups to bear their fair share of the cost of government. We followed closely your earnest statement made in parliament July second outlining your search for nCW sources of revenue and your further Mtatemnent in parliamnent July eigbtb i'oducing by one bun- dred ançd fitteen million dollars tbe level of sales to ýbe collected from the buýdilng îndustry thereby in- creasing the prospective deficit by that amnount. We now point out that if we would remove the in- comne tax concessions fromn co- operatives and credit unions a sub- stantial portion of the prospective tax revenue whicb you conceded Monday nligbt could be secured from untaxed credit unions and co-operatives.. We further suggest that baving regard to the present state of national finances there is the virus the horse bas not quali- fied for a couple of ricb stake races. - ORONO 5c to $1 STORE1 Men's Broadcloth Boxer Shorts. Our regular low price wais 77c. SALE PRICE...... 59C. Badminton Sets, complete with Net and Birdie, Regular $1.77. This week's Specal $1.49 Misses Short, Jamaica in. plain Sheen or print- ed Sailcloth, assorted colors. Regular uprice, vas $1.00. Alteration Sn)ecial . . ....79c. Tee Shirts, Children's Crew Neck, Sereen print Sizes 2 to 6 years. Regular 49c. This Weeks SALE PRICE ONLY .... 39c. Girl's Pyjamas, Cotton, size 8 to 12. Our Yeý- ular lorprice $298. This week Special $219 Skîrts, Ladies' Sheath, assorted c-lors, sizes 10 to 20. iReg. $2.98. SALE PRICE ........ $2.39 Skirts, Ladies' Cotton, back zipper' assorted colors., Regular $1.98. This week Special $1.59 Women's Shoes, Dress tie Black Leather, flat heel. Regular $2.85. CLEARING PRICE $1.99 Corduroy Dress a Pillow, makes bed Pillows intQ decora;tiv-e Cushions, zippered-i, assorted solid colors. Each for ......1...........9e LOCALNEWS Quebec and Miss Mary Bow),en, Toronto ave on a tour trip to Eur- ope. Mr. E. Porter, Sherbrooke, spent Tuesday of thîs week visit- ing Mr. Wm. Davey. iThe Orono Cubs will th's x'eek- end observe their annual week-endI of camping. The two packs are to) camp at the Victoria County Park' on Canai Lake. Trie Orono Police Trustees Met , cniudfo ae4 ma different story.was recorded for with tbe O.W.R.C. on Tuesday thin l ais bntbyir Toronto whiere setting pf ra1tes for sinl ee e yasoef thie new water systern we)--,dis- anly etedbya sore ofu cuisscd. When the paywil oo b ve i tisgru îzed the by-law will býe drawn Uplay f sex en teams. rau for a,,iyroval from the 0ntaio %ýMn fsvnt ,in, icipal Board and for pas 3irig hy thxe JUN10OR G IRLS TO PLAY TownhipCounil.IN ORONO PARK ON MONDAY Townsip Concil.The Orono Junior Girls wMi Mrs. Hector Bcwen is visît'ng play an exhibition game in tbe Or- with lier daughiter Mrs. Wm. ono park on Monday evcning when Campbell and family, Camp Pet- th'ey ili face a visiting team froni awawlva. I [Lndal. Game time is set for 6 :30) A~ gond number of Girl Gu'des Eamily of Melville, Sask. visited left or Saturday lait te, attend i ox er the i' c k-end with Mr. and week 0f camDing at Nogies Creek, !Mrs. Wrn. Carman and tamily. Pigeon Lake. i Miss Anne Woodyard R.N.« of Mrs. John ýStone is again a pat- New York is visiting ber parents, lent in the Bowmanville Memnorici Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodyard and Hospital. brother Edward. Mrs. Ed Grahama left MaIton on Mr. Reid Cochrane, Mrs. Wmi. Monday night by Jet for Portage Cochrane and Mrs. John Cowan at- La Prairie, owing to the serions tended the funeral of Mr. Peter illness ýof ber brother-in-law, Mr. Van Del Den at Hamilton on Tues- Laurie Sprowl. day. The late Mr. Van Del Den Mr. and Mrs. E. 'English and formerly lived on the Sixth Uine family have taken Up residencie n the former Mrs. Maria Cowan house on Cburch Street South. Mr. Gary Hancock bas accepted the position as butclrer at Cornish's Red andWhite Store in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor have started the construction of their new honme on Mill street north.> Mr. W. P. Irwin bas also started the construction of a new bouse on Division street. no need to await the report of the Royal Commission on Taxation to tax the untaxed and to bring a- bout a condition of equitable tax- ation between investor-uwned bus- iness and their competitors organ- ized on a co-operative basis and as credit un1ops. Tbe Equitable Income Tax Foundation,' David A. Gilbert, President 918 Carlton Tower, Toronto, Ontario. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Mnister Rev B. E. L on g SUNDAY, JULY 2lst Kirby --9:45 a.m. Orono -1Il a.m.. Leskard Withdrýawýn during July and Auguât SUNDAY CHR4JHSCHOOL Kirby - .la.m. and worked at tbe forestry. Mr. Russell Rosborough a former principal of the Orono High School and recently of Niagara Falls, bas ýtaken permanent residenceat bis Redwîng Cottages on Buckhorn Lake. Mr. Rosboroughi *as resign- ed bis posItion as principal of a Niagara Falls Eigb School, a po- sition he> bas held since, leaving Orono. Mr. Rosborougb will teach la a Peterborough High School and live at bis cottages on Buckborn Lake. Callyour - Jicensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractor who seils, insta Ils and guarantees CAR MAN PLUMBING ITEATING Phone 143 Oroii ORONO -TIMSHOP Clearance Sale Complete stock of plumb- ing and heating goods as well aa pciints andý enamel-s will bel sold4 at Discount Prices R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phoine 118116 Orono, Ontario _____________________________________________ 5, We have TOOMANY SUMMER DRESSES. TIIEY MUST BE SOLD. 17 Only -- Dresses priced f rom $7.95 to $22.95. ON SALE .$4095 41 Dresses, ail new stock. Regula price $19.95 to $ 16.50. O1N Sale 4 . J 25 Dresses. Ail this sprîng's stock Reg. up to $17.50 On Sale .. 16 Dresses, AI, new suîxwmer stock. Regular up to $18,95 On Sale., 10 Dresses. New styles this Sum- mer. Regular $21.50 for...... $12,95 9 pair of Ladies' Summer Slims, $ 9 aJI sizes. Regular $5.95 for Ladies' Canvas Shoes. Regular $1 a Summer Gloves, white also Mlue. . Regular $1.75 for,,....... ... 59c -p A"R MSTRONG'S: iiý 1 Ili