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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1963, p. 6

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-~ - - -~ m.r -.r~n - ~v- OR.ONO WEEIKLY TIMEs, TII IRSDAY. 'M'Y 19 93__lm_______ TOWN TAKES AMTON ~eailer this year to conventrate on 'To COLLECT TAXES1 the collection o« all overdue taxes.R ac Part Hope's Tax Collector J. Cç, This year's taxes are reportedIR -h O . BMradlèey, is taking aceion againet coming at a normal rate. deiqetaccounts, with tax cer- Coiectors of thîs year's taxes, tifies w l tae on fo tre 68.91,pilthe ecdarreastotal4- O nHm i tifes ing tappoied fo prope- u9,plt fie end pf June, total4- years or more, -and others due ling $76,439.93. ,1Hgwy3 n 5rcre prior to January 1, 1963, are be- This has kept the town's bank nlghway of accdnts115 ered ae mng placed in the hands of Division acoount ahead Of expenditures, enumber 0faccienkt ofer-ene Court officiais for collection. with a total of $101,379.50 on band, edwt ra n fra-n Thi relecs cuncl'sdecsio Jue 1 colliions taking place Sunday ev- This refleArrears outstand dngsiat theeend.ening. Minor injuries were record- Arrers otstndin aý theended as-an outcome of the accidents. of Jne ttalld $6,63485.Donald Ray Cornish, 1048 Cedar - LARGEST FAMILY PICNIC street, Oshawa, was treated ai -OUTSTANDING SUCCESS Bowmanville Memorial Hospital ~SC ~J'~'~ Perfect picnic weather Saturday ani released Sunday after his car hot sun, cioudiessl skies and a rolled on Highway 35 at a curve at Q~Nlakeside breeze - assured the l7th Orolia. annuai UAW-Local 222 get-togeth- er f is rpuation as the largest A passenger in the auto, Alfred er ofits eputCochrane of Pontypool, was not in- family pidnic ln Canada. jured. Unofficiai estimates rau ail the way from 20,000 ta, 30,000. With the Athecarr-n colsn -~ I ---ave- ..1. z hv oocurred ai 11:55 p.m. Sunday early aftemnoou, carloada of people heading for parking spots inside the grounds were liued Up on Sim- coe street ail the way baOk to Rit- son South. A PUC officiai said there were five extra buses (nine i ail) càm- ing into the park, same as last year, with 14 to 16 buses unloading picnickers every hour. A UAW officiai said their esti- mates on food were "'Pretty close". O rono Weeklyý Times ha esmansopupveards of 50,000 PHONF 9r1 HONO ice cream, 35,000 bags of potata Z chips and 12,000 stickso0f candy floss were consumed. Are ylu niakîngu the rnost of ail these Bankl-ing, Services? Your local brýanch of the Canadian Imperial Bank cf Commerce offers a complete range o akn ev ices. Here are a few examples: - . 13 14 15 16 17 819 b28 29 3031 AUTOMATIC SAVINGS PLAN A. he easy way to savfe. Alyou do is autharize us tatransfer an agreed amounit to a speciat Savings Account at regular intervals, Your savings and interest grow automnaticallyl TRAVEL FUNDS ... the safest way ta carry fonds. For ail trips,. at home or abroad, always carry Travellers' C heques purchased at any Bank af Commerce branch. BANKING BY MAIL ... makes any Commerce branch as close as the nearest mail box. A service for cus- tomers who find it difficult ta get ta the bank. These are just some of the many services affered by the Bank af Commerce. For fu details, visit yor nearest branch. Let the Bank that Builds simplify the business af bahking.for >'aul CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK, 0F COM"ýMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve you R. M. DICKSON, MANAGER Orono Enterprise. There were no injuries police stated. Drivers of the three vehicles were. Herbert Fields, 903 McKay avenue, Windsor; John Frederick Spring, 1555 Bir-chm-îount avenue, Scarborough; James Earl Patton: 2751, Victoria Park, Agincourt. Damage was estimated ai $200 for the Fields' vehicle and $400 to Spring's car. An Oshawa driver, Kari Schoen- ad, 461 Fairleigh avenue, was in- voived ia a tniree car, rear-end crash north ofthie 115-35 intersec- tion 'on Hlighway 115 'ai 10 p.m. Sunday. Drivers of the other cars were: Ivurray Sparks, address unknowfl and Jamies Thomnas, 77 RatbbUrf road, Islington. There were no ini- juries. George V. Hickey, 121 Centre. street, north, Whitby, was involved fin a three-car, rear-end crash on Highway 35 soUili of Enterprise Hll ai 9:.30 p.m. Sunday. Other drivers viere. Joseph La- ger, 27 East l3Lh street, Hamilton and Hugli McDoiîalct, I1i4 ark roaci ioronto. Lido Hess, 656 Chris 'ie street, Oshawa, had $75 worth of damag e done to his car whien lie Was i- voived in a four cair, rear-end crash on i ighway 35, south of Eii- terprise Hill ai 8:40 p.m. Sun day. Divers of the other cars were and damiage ta their cars: Roif Barbe, 16 Hollywood avenue, Wil- lowdale ($100); James Eddington, il Tresillian road, Dowasview ($175); and GeovSe Hermer, RR 4, Coborne ($200). GOD AND YVOU GFo page 3) cidents, SEND YOUR NEWS ug..way 115 TO THE TIMES i There were no injuries, Police IM stated. Quglht t10be that the distinction be- tween time and eteruity begin ta meit away. Jesus said, "«He that believeth on me has eternal life." Thus death loses its finality long befare we encounter it. On the bas- la of experience we repeat the as- surance, "Neither things preseni, nor things 10 came, nor if e, or death, can separate us from the love of God which is lu Christ Je- sus dur Lord." God turns tragedy int blessing,, defeat into victory, audyet il is Sa difficult for us 10 see it, particu- larly when we are involved. But if we look back over the long scene of history we can more easily see that there is a purpose and al creation is rnoving toward it fui- filment. It is when we take the shoî'ter view, from the point of our own invoivement blini the pattern is less distinct. But somewhere back of il ail God is guiding, and his guidance is for the best . There wiil be things happen in the news and in our lives which wiil make us ask, "Why1 did it happen?" or "Why was I saved?" SURl we won't have the answer expect in a g eneral way that God does guide and takes even the tragedies and turna them toward fie fulfilment of his purpose. The secret for us iS to find an experienced which as- sures us that God is the God of the living, so that it does not mat- ter what'befalis us or is against us if God is wlth us. Our ýknowledge is limited. We understand only in part. - But ilirough itl ail God guides us for the best. May these things stay in our minids and challenge and inspire us for the exp,,erienices whichi lie a hiead. Andmy d' purpose un- f old aogus. thone somor -J 'I r 97 Otacu gets ta the bottom >of mo'wer prohlems! LOOK AT THESE FEATURES. Sufety baffle prevents in-'corner clogging Blade adaptor for positive blade drive - n;ozcts crank shaft Broached. offset steel blade -works harcder, Icsts longer Dischorge deflectt downvîcird - prevents injury from foreign objects Over-sized muffler reducesI engine noise te a hum Gloaming baked-on enamnel firiish Rugged, heavy-gauge steel deck for longer life Smooth, non-clogging rubber tires Self-4ubricating iron'hearings elimînate messy oýn Prices start et just $59,95 ""ATSON'S Marine &Cy c MIN STREETOOONT Townshi*p of Clarke NotieT Propserty Owners Notice is hereby given to property owners- in the Township of Clarke that the Council of the said Township bas now given first and second reading to a by-law regarding the appointment of the Clarke Planning Board being a, Board with jurisdiction over the Clarke Planning Mcea. Interested persons wishing to, dîscuss the said hy-law in question are hereby advised to m eet with Council at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, 1963, at the Council Chamber in Orono. H1. E. Mill son Cierk. MM-9- i Î 3 L lÀdmftwý

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