ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY lSth, 1963 ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE A. F. McKENZIE, M.D, IPHYSIClAN and SUR-GEON Phone 186 Res. 147 MARIAN A. KILPATRICK, R. N. Phone 193 OFFICE HOURS 2:00 t0 4.00 p.m. 7:00 t0 8:00p.ml WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS By APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART YETERINARV SURGEON ]Phone 10616 Oroe, Ont.1 4,. -KM LYCETI, B.A.g In the Offices of g L R. Waddefl Q.C. g MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone 138 Orono R IERRILL D. BROWNg BSA.. B.A.Sc. 0. L.S. PBOFESSIONSAL GIER( Ontario Land SurveyOr 321 Queen St BOX 1lui Bownbanvlfle, Ontario O Telepholie 623-7Z51 LJ.. SKAIFE Cbartered Accountand By Appoitiflelt Only Maï-n St, Grono, Telephofle 13 F.O. Box ?,08 WHITBY phone 6688197 Monteith, Monteith I Riehi & Co. ACCOUNTANTS S imcoe st. North, Oshawa Telephoiie -728-7527 IWhltbly Aax General I-NSURANCE FRED LYCETT OJIrICE - MAIN~ ST., ORONO Poo12516 Res. 11716 JACK REID Orno's Licensed ,AucV«.foneer and V aluatoi Specialie in Farm and Furnture Sales Consuit me fer terms and dates Phone à r 18 Oroue TE'D JACKSON Auctioneer. and Valuator c)noduetý AutIo Saes j0f aE i lao mmd at roriesonahworates- OemnamlcitOwth Imut Port Penry, Onlmi FORSAL j oaoes, Raspberries and Ve,-' -etabies for sale. Delivered. urviiieR. Rienstra, Phone 22316. Electrical Contracting1 b-pi j Electrie Ileating jWANTED and Service Carpeter work wanted. Smal or1 l arge jobs. Free estimates. PHONE 245 Phone Orono 22116, after 6 p.m. Orono, Ontarioh- I .APPLICATIONS ~ Applications, sealed and proper- _______________________ ly marked, will be received by the undersigned, Up to and including O rono Electric Juîy îth, for the position of1 Li- brarian of the, Orono Public Lib- PH ON E 129 rary. Applîcants should be willing CONTR'ACTORS FOR to attend four-day course dumîng August. Yearly remnunemation FARM an.d HOUSE $400,0, expenses of course to be WIRINGpaid by the Board. Further in- WIRINGformation froni the undersigned. Free Estimates Mrs. S. J. Norton, APPT .1ANCE1i SALES Secretary-treasurer, Repairs Orono Public Libramy Board. Prompt and Guaranteed Rp sc-c to ail kinds of Eleetrical Equipment and Appilances Sncb at Metors - Water Heaters FOR RENT T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons Two bedrooni Cottage for rent on _____________________Kosh Lake. Hydro. SPhone Orono 1308. 20-d-p FOR SALE f3Brand newv last year, Case Baler, o200, poweèr take off. Also 25 acres Hia iiins. - f Timothy ànd Aif alfa hay stand- o ing ini thé field. g Raymond MacDonald, Phone Or-t Oono 12-É-2. p-c SInsurance Service a WAYNE'S MAINTENANCE tjlnsurance In al l In B1BI1cheau SERVICE O O ~Rugs ahn hmpooed 9c. a I lAuto, Package and Compositeo square foot. Alil types of Venetian P Blinds cleaned and repaired - Policies, Fire, Fanm, Lîfe, ~ Interior Painting fHedges trimmed and Garden Care OBuglay, iablit, Mrin.0Window Washing. Hardwood and * ~Brglry, Lialllt, Mrin,,o Tule Floors Refinished. AccdmtandSiknes, lad 8Contact Wayne Kennedy, Phone AccientandStekess Wld- Orono 255. t gBîlier,'Fidellty Bond, Etc.-9 RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS O.0 Will do rari tume Radio and T.V. 0J repairs. Alil work guaranteed. 0 HARRY WIERSMA, ~Sade Ham Iton Phone Orono 164». ýSadî HamltonNURSING HOME o Phone Orono 1R16 Lyntonhurst Manor. Nursing 0 o Home bas warm comfortable ac- pl commiodation for bed and uppa FIRT MRTOGELANS Phone Orono 1308. 27-p 1BOX, 133 Mo. 8-35521 Staford Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers h» Domestici & Foreign Granites and Marbles - InscriPtiOns8 Cul and Cemetery RePair WorkL Mlonuments and Fanîily Memorials Our quality and service beaves nothlng W o cdesired Ask lte prsOn who bOught frm us, a neighbour, friend or relative The R1JTfER GRANITI COMPANY 173 'Ontario Street PORT HOPE "iLargest Dlsplay inx Southiers- Ontarloey" uFOR o çPAINTING -DECORATINGO UBILDING -CUPBOARDSg SREPAIR AND FINISH o FURNrrURE Cal DOUC SIMPSON PhoneoZW20wOomo g Repaired. f Windings, Switches, BearingsO fand Brnshes, Electric Tootsi3 o and Small Appliance Motors o g Work Guai-atnteed g.AI. iHeard Phione: 1176, Orono Barnes and Byamg 0 PLUMBING and HEATINO g Sales and Servie f f24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEg -B-A FINANCING gLow Interest Rates g Hampton CO. 3-2W8 0 Tyroe CO. 3-2 g PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS WJRTEWASHIWO STABLES Bert TemMPidas PneN*wtomliIe 4721 ALL id able. 1'rame biouse containîng 14 room.se, Apply Orono 1731. a,-p with two bathrooms, one 3-piece> _________________________and one 2-piece, serviced with hy- flOUSE FOR RENT dfro and heated by oti furnace. 6-room frame bouse for rent on The second parcel of land loca- lot 4, concession 6, Carke township ted at the rear of the above men- Phone 16R8, Orono. i ioned parcel teo the west, bas di- ____________________________mensions of 148 feet by 45 feet ap- COMINOEVENTproximately, f ronting on a street COMNGEVENTailowance known as Sabra Street ln Barn Dance at Alan Fosters the Village of Orono. barn, Kendal on Saturday, Juiy With this property is included .a 20th. a-c COMING EVENT Kendal Street Fair, Wednesday, July 24th, a-c C03UNG EVENT IR9ERAL PICNIC Walton'a Park, Newoastle Satnrday Afternoon & Evening JULY 27th Starting at 2:30 p.m. Ail Weicome AUCT'ION SALE Tracitor, baler, threshing mna- chine, 1iolstein cattie, feed, furni- ture ýetc, the property of Raymond MacDonald, Lot 30-31, C3oncession 8,'- Clarke Township, 1 mile north of Lesivard., Selling Saturday, July 20th at 1 p.m. Ternis cash., No reserve. Jack Rei, Auctioneer. and cistern. The house is suitable and adaptable for apartments and has aluminum framed windows installed on the front thereof. There is a large garden and the property is ce ntrally located in the Village and close to Village services. Terms: 10% of price with ten- der: Balance to> be paid in cash on ciosing; Closing date to be arrang- ed. Highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Inspection of the propérty in" be arranged by contacting Willia Gordon Watson, Phone 146 Orono, or Aima Watson, Phone 13218 Or. ono. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontarlo Solicitor for the Eatate DIED GRIC-At his home, 45 Bruton street, 'ort Hlope, Sunday, July i4, 1963, Alfred Grice, beloved hua- band of ElIa Carson, dear father AUCTION SALE -Mrs. «Ibert Battersby, (Marie), Two tractors, chain saw, peasant1 R.R.1, Port Hope; Mrs. Bruce equipment, furniture, ou pintings, Blaker (Aleen), Telkwa, B.C.; Mrs. electritoal appliances. dishes etc. Clifford Coper (Maude), Orono; Theproext 0fKeneti C TosMrs. Carl Rowden (Audrey), Har- Theod; Mrs. ArofurePoliard.(Tome, Lot 10; Con. 3, Cavan Township, Cireoo;s.Arhrs Ja HIkon) l mile south ao fMilbrook, selling C(Deori)ntmrJak M r oar Friday evening, July 12,, commenc- (Denike,(Maltgare), Drtf oa rd ing at 6;30 p.m. eie(agrtD tod;Ms Terms cash, no reserve. Roddy Bâbee (Gwendoiyn), R.R. 4, Jack Reid, Auctioneer Port Hope, Edward, at Ida and the late Jaçkie. Rested at the Rosal ______________________-Funeral Chapel, Waiton Street, ~ Pot Hoe for service in theChap- WÂLTE FRAel Tuesday, July 16 at 2 pn. In- terment Welcome Church Ceme- REALTORt Orono - 110 acres. 9 room house, large biarn., creek, gravel pt. Ask- ing $2000000; $600000 down. ýMIlbrook - 3 bedroonm home. 3~ acres;. Asking $3000.00; $70000 down. 30 a'cr-es, large stream near New- tonviqle. $300 10.0down. 'Newtonville - 4 roYom bouse. Asic. ing $390000ü. Terras. $500.00 down and $5000 month buys restaurant on Highway 115 just south of Orono. Full price $3500.00. Orono - 117 acres. 8 room modemn home. All conveniences, large barn creek, pond. Asking $2,0.; $4000.00 down. $0 0.0 Tyrone - 125 acres. 12 room brick bouse, 2 baths and furnace. Large barn, creek. 40 acres oats pla.nted. Askîng $37000.00. Ternis. Orono- 50 acres. 6 rooni bouse. Ail oonveniences. Small barn, creek, tractor and equipment. Ask- 'ing $17000.00; $2000.00 down. A.J. McGIJL Phone 1407, Orono Local Representative Buldnga buse? or remodelling your proeeu mne, thon contact Floyd ficholson PHONE 2,11O"~NO 1 ery. IN MEMORIAM MARTiN-In loving riemory of our dear son and brother Allan Clare Martin who Passed away July 15, 1959. The rolling stream of hf e g,--s' on, But stili the empty chair Reminds of tbe face, the smile 0fone Who once sat there. The:ý years may wipe out mariy things But this they wipe out neyer, The memromy of those happy day3 ,When we were ail together. Ever remernbered by Mother, Dad, Audrey and Lorraine. a-p IN MEMORIAM MARTIN-In loving memory of Our mother, Leta Martin, who passed away on July 15, 1962. She walks in a beautiful garden Where trouble and grief are un- Waiting to welcome ber loved ones, As God calîs each one home. Ever emembered by Clame, Ila and family. a-p CARD 0F TRANR5 My heartfelt thanlis Vo relatives and friends for their kind expres- sions of symipathy ai the trne of my motber's death. Joan Ard a-p CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreci.aiion. to neighbours, fiiends and, relatives for ther- kindness, the lovely floral offemings and messages of sympathy given us on the lOSS of a dear wife and mother. A heartfel't thanks is extended to Rev. Basil E. Long, Mrs. Richard Miothe Heather ý Rebekj" Lodge and Mr. and Mrs. I*artley Barlow. / t FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned Solicitior Up to 12:00 o'clock noon on Thursday the l7th day of Auguàt 1963 for the purchase FOE SALE !of proper y of the Estate of the iate Hardman piano, upright, in good WILLIýAM JOHN WATSýON conis- condition. - ing of house, two parcels of land jPh'one 16a8, Orono,. a-p and other buildings on the west side of Main Street in the Village 10f Orono. FOR SALE One roil-away bed. Complete Upon the first parcel of land, with spring-fiiled mattress. Excei having a frontage on Main Street ntcondition. Alco g;rl's usedi of approxiamately. 491/- feet and a B11icycle, good condition. Reason-idep-thof 115 feet, is erected a