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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1963, p. 2

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~-~--- -~.--. - -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUG17ST t,16 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Aithorizcd as Seconrd Class Mail, Post Office Deparirrcent, P-stahiisbed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester RyC. Forrester - Edf tor and Manager Common SenseMust Prevail if you',re driving anywbere bhïs Civîc Holiday Week-end your f irst essential for a saf e and happy trip is plain common oeene, courtcsy and patience. This point was made by Ontario Transport Minister James Auid as lie suggesbed a four-point check-list for good divers in tlie bcavy holiday trafufic. Keep a safe distance bebinid the car ahead-- at leasb one car length for e'very.10 miles per hour of your speed. 1Ailow pien'ty of time for your brip, and shrug lb off if traffic slows you down more than you bad antïcipated. Watcli for "hig'hway hypnosis'": If your reactions are getting slow, turn off wliere you can park and strebeli your legs before going on. Move wi'bh the traýffic, at wliatever speed it is going. Anyone wlio persists in going ither faster or lower than, snost other cars on thc road is a creator of accidents. "Ail good drivers foilovv these ruies," Mn. Auld said. "They're only common sense. The person iVho tail-gabes, or deviates in some other way from these standards, is being dungerously careless. * "Good sensible dî-iving ican make Iis CivIe Holiday Weekenid safer and liapper, for evcrybody." Money Wasteld An editoriai appearing in thc Oshawa Times bas saved us f rom writing the same reaction when we first noted the ý1ew intersection slgns erected along- Highway 401. From bbc Times: "We Wonder What free-spending genlus in bhc Ontario Dcpartment of 1ighways tliouglit up the gimmic'k 0f thc nunthered exits on Higbuway 401. Another cause of wonder- ment us that bbc higbways minister approved tbe idea. Nun-3bers arc replacing names on bbc exit signs along sliowing mo)st 0f the new designations.- Wlat b as noV been the super-higliway. Thc Oshiawa Tumes'bas publishcd a map revealed is thc total,,cost 0ff Vis uscless and unnccessary operation,, but it must amount to many tliousands of dollars. But mere tbousands of dollars'have become picyune items, VobbcheDepartment 0f 1Htghways. .Thc numnbercd exits are supposcd to be an improvement But are tbey? We thin'k not. Tic signs with place names werc adequate; they couid be casily read by motorists diving w1tlhin or atthe speed limit -- and there is no reason to make any sort 0f concession to bbc peopie wbo cxceed thc imit. Moreover,' they could bcecasily folowed, in conjunction witli ordinary road maps, by motorists not acquaintcd with-tlie arcaus blrougli whicb 401 passes, Now thc Dcpartmnent Of- Hgbways must.,produce 5pecial maps, to show bow bbc numbcred exits link with other roads and communities' the road maps produccd to date do flot permit tie additionai of sucli detailcd information, or if they do, bbc type must be seo smail as o be difficuit o decdpher. Techclange, states thc Times, is entrcly unnecessary ,and wastcful,"1 -ANew Univesity Thc Counties Council of Northumbcrland and Durhami bave been urged o support thc purchasing 0f a site for a Univcrsity in thc Trenton area. Tic brief put forth notes bbc Jack of University accommodation which is to cxist in bbc near future and points Vo bbc fact bliat no0 University serves ani area east from Toronto Vo Kingston, Thus here is'a necd for a University to serve this area. Vicwing bbc need 0f a University can oniy lbe donc bbrougb ompiied figures and it appears tbat those figures supplied Vo the United Counties are of a provincial nature and flot sufficient for hs arca for any real consderation. Also Vo say Vt bbcth area from Toronto Vo Kingston is noV or wiil noV lie scrved by an University is not prescnting a truc picture. Ib oniy presents a picture 0f a narrow band atong bbc lake- shore. Diurham Couiity iil ceitainiy lie scrved by tic ncw Linversiby at Peterboroughi, bbc Trent University. The city of Peterlborough lias tie facilîties Vo previde the needs and crtainly the majoeity of students in Durhami would find a 'iess o the UnIversuty in Peteriborough mixcb casier bban in thc Trenton area. IV would appear that if Durhiam Couniy is o support a University it could be of more licuafit Vo sup- port the Trent University than any sucli Unîversity' in Tren- ton. There is aiso a possuLbility et a University, in Oshawa sormetime un Vie future. Tiere is litUle douit of tic need for more Univerýites but planning of locatons should lie thc first obligation in or- dier that thcy may provida thc grcatcst convenicncei to thé, grclatcst number. The Provine can certanly lay bhc directuon fo-r sucl i moves and tVo turtiher empioy economy. Politicians, Ail In Form'- At onyLbrlPci Fatal Accident On H*ighway 115 Takees L'15feý A tragic accident Thursday Bill Hoy, Kendai; Mr. Norm An- car, which was following the HoiV morning about 10:30, involvingdrews, Cowanviiile, Fred Grahiam, car, came into the norlth-bued morning about 10:30, invilving Orono and, Mr. John Patton,, Orono. lane and collidcd with the And. ce;,ý four area cars took the iife of Mr. Three of the cars were travelling car which was travelling 'nortà. John Patton of Orono. Mr. Patton south whîie the Andrews car was This apparently spun the Pattou a ife4-tong resident of Clarke travellini, north. Considerable dam-'car around and over inthe sou ,I Township, and of the Kendal area, 1 age wa. doct) the Patton and, bound shoulder and in- contact wth lias resided in 0O'rono for about the!Andrews ca,:rs while siight damage the Graham car Which had b-on past ten years. ['was rejitered to the Graham car 'followîng the Patton car. The fatal acci'dent occurred on !and no da mage to the Hoy car. i The Hoy, Patton and Grahain Highway 115 in a section almost 1 The accident is assumed to have. cars were foliowing one ano aer opposite the Fina Service Station.1 happened when Mr. BiI Hoy, trav- on the south lane. Occupants of the other cars were 1 eiiing sout-th,. was about to make 'a Occupants in the Andrews ci.-. niot injured. ileft-L-and1 turn off 'the highway to, the famliy, were uninjured as Thé four car-s învolved were Mr. the Ser vice Staton. The Patton an occupant in the Graham cr are indebted to him for taking a î7 dayv from hs busy schedule to b W i with us. In the Liheral Party therel is no division between federal andj provincial Liberals. we are ail L-akeshore Uhampionship' Liberals. Dutyto Eect eerThe Kendal basebal club have Ontario Pee Wee D playdo:~ "Inth oe et perovnilelcnWon th,- peninanit for the Lakeshore Dates and teams have yet to X "in bllbc ext proinciualmeton Minor Pee Wee D group and in so anonedfrte nai elect Allan Beer, Bethany, wiio is deing will 110W advance on to, the downs. an excellent candidate. He will yeinangteBck'oý give valuable support to Mr. Win- fined to lhe area of Hamilton, Tor- B lmntn h îcsoc termeyer, who Wiil be the Prime onto and Oshiawa. "There must be Pee Wees in two straight gaines, Minister of Ontario after the next industrial expansion, and it i the Kendai boys have won h elcton" r.Hoeypredtcted. essential that other parts of this Cliamponshtip for the Lakesha, eThi statMnr asapluedad rvic b enfUe ids district. The final game of the e Thisered byetecrwd. plade niaoineepnet led yi Lut es was played in Blackstockla heeredby e r Ca dd at. or D r ia el p e t ledeclared. jThursday whicb was a victory o T éet ialCaddt oDu- "My, objective is to have a Lib- Kendal by a score of 87-7ý bamn in the coming provincialel eral Government in Ontario as etoAlnBeer, said that it was there is a Liberal Government in ThgaeftueKR:i'so indeed heartening to see, sucli a :Ottawa, Russell C. Honey is work- ond triple play of the sCason.Tf' large crowd enjoying the ,ptcnsc. ing for you in the House of Coin- play on Thursday came -in the~ 1 mnsandAlln Ber ilirepe-last inning wben the bases w8rec "It is three tiiimes as large as last sens, and lln theerntaioLt epe- loaded. A uine drive went to Pc.e year, and -everyone is wonderfuily sn yuxel nth naroLg's1enderson at short-stop Whlo nad' enttbusiastic," hie remarked. lature. 1 am lookIng forward to his 1 ~election, and I kniow you feel as 1 the first out. A throw to Bii lvie. Mr. Beer spoke of the optimism do. I thanlk you ail for the work Jerry T hompsoan at sa en te am'ong Durh'am Liberals, and of you have, donc for the Liberal is'ered thher onut scn their achievement in re-electing Party. itrdteohrtoots Russell C Honey M.P. on April, Bill Mercer pitched the ferst 8tb. He toid 'of. the sterling work 'The barnacles of time hang 1 innfngs for Kendal with Bob Fr, being acconipiished in Ottawa by heavy on bhe Ontario Conservative coming in in the sevenith. Bill'!- Mr. Honey. - "This i's the Durha.m Government. You and 1 must do Our inson caught tbhentire game. La voters reward for their efforts dur- parts, to ensure that the change be ry Brown for Kendal registeac ing, the last caipaign," lie pointed made from the tired' and lagard the best hitting in the game v :1 out. Tory G'overnîmeiït to an alit liardj three triples and two doubles. working Liberal administration. Will iWork Ùnceasingiy Work hard to elect Allan Beer in V. Malcolm, W. Kiipatrick Mr. Beer pledged that he, n1j Durhiam," Mr. Winlermeyer urged G. McLaughFn shared in the . workuncasig'l Wih te Lberin i Closig, Ho reccived tremend'ous ching duties for Blackstock w in, Durham. for victory so he wiil apiause. M Mact heid the plate. ho aCbie to support Mr. Wintermey- er in the Legslature for the ben efit of ail the people of this area. j n ANyRM F D Y!" LLOYDl rI~~ .John Wintermeyer told the buge gathering that lie las attended mnany Lberal events but that he had neyer enjoyed a meeting as mucli as he had this one beicaus,, of the large number of younýg peo- ,pie present. "The resources of our country are our young peoule, and we know the important cont"i- buti'on that they will make in thec fu-ture to our.political institutions," lie explainied. Promotes Best Interests This type of family p:cnic does much to proniote the best inberests of our province and our country, Democracy is founded on famiy life. If this fact is civerlooked, ib wouid mean that our basic roots have been forgotten. "If is a privilege to be here to- day witlh; gu many of thi liberal familles of Durham County,l Mr, Wînitermeyer told bis listeners, and lie thanked Hughes president of the Durham Liheral Association, for extending the in- vitation to hlm. Mr.' Wintermeyer agrecd with Mr. Hloney on what he had sa 'd bout the provincial and federal branches of tbc Liberal PartlyHe commendcd thc electorate of Dur-. bani for their w 'Jse hoi ceof Mr-. Honcy for their federal represcn-a- tive. '1 w- for your support ii ti provincial election by working hardJ ifor AlIir Reein'an efficient andi COnscierntiOw, man, Who iL e w' qualified Vo be M.P.P. for Dur ham," Mr. Wintermeyer said ein phatically, tha.n 8'0,1eolecil7- t' e r-Lbera1 Picru c ui an outs n:n- The O i r-ýo Lh-r il L ar - L - chairman of iii. cr i îit:ýec n YLP. resuî ppreici"u ii tii.caii charge of arraînternents. Russeell C. I-oliey, MP., exprescs- fundamni oe,n, -sa, , andJ he Glenholme HîieP7reidcIt cf cd bis appreciaioî te Mr. Hgli, ,sstrsscd tineed of ansurîng quai thc Durhcm Go-,,ntv Lberal tAs - thccenemittee,Oand al who bcd OPP uurunisin l ea', -1 eu ciabion, 7 elcor 'he tc owd, a'i hclped witb the erganization cf the tarîo. Youc'stcrs *n ruraa rea . thanked -Mr. Lvkuthe -ome - vcrorablr eccasin. Ilc aid how jmust b lesmLcsr teee- cia7uman; Roger Klarcu pleased lic was te sec su ti ai en- those un u, ban centres fer adequateý PortHoe iwa in charge c f f OnoscoWd present, and referr- preparatioîu for thec vears alcadei th a-sadctss:Pr- dto thcenbiusuh asm of ithe Libelr-aIlic stated firmiy. Rareîeirirv a 0f ie pecai 'bhering. Draw Mrs-. Robent E B ,Bw On your behaf1 amu happy to Speak-ing 0,f ndustriai cevelop- rnaniil, wi*iwas espnsiie or elcome o3-r Otarlio LiberlLa cnM Wrtemyr sstd flc ecratos Ms.Reinlde bc1 onJh Wintenmcycr eal' bas bee :,n-ua cr I'LL îI"E 'iDU iT15 1 1OLPIN6 UP A iICE 0P THIS PPCOPES5-vOU'L-i FRESA BAKEP FNP VOJR UiEN51ItS f -1 E AS RÉAPY AT kANC>, ~ONAZ M'DEA5,WME rN I P, 4161 FINP MY' WORK ON VOuR SPAWULA 2 VUTEN§ýIt. RACK' p- w

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