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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1963, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST ist, 1963 I c Profebsioni Drectory ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE A. F. McKENZIE. M.D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 186 Res. 147 WLAEJAN A. KILPATRICK, R. N. Phone 193 SOFFICE HOURS 2:o4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 P.m WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARI< SURGEON phone- 10616 Orone, Ont.1 W.KAY LYCETTe, B.A. ýSarrlster2- Solicitor. lu 'the Of fices of g R. R Waddell Q.C.g MAI N ST., ORONO 9 tMERRILL D. BROWNg Ontario Land Surveyeirg [311 ucen St 'Box 1659ý BowfnvlMlile, 0Ontario Telepliofe 623-7251 0 Li.SKA IFE Chartered Accoirniant By Appointlenft OnlY UaeS., Orono Telephene 138 P.O. Box, 208 WITBY Phone 0"8.8197 MorteihMonteith Riehi & Co. CIAR EED 3ACCOUNTANTS 13,Simicoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone: 728-7521 Whitby 689j-4131 .Aia 1 942-0OM General OfFIE -MAIN ST., ORONO Phonoiý 12516 Res. 11716 Aucfonerand Valu atuî Specia n iiFan and Furnture Sales Cosut e for tcrms ai~dates 'J",e A 18t G on Aucioneerand Valuator CuodetsAucienSales of ail sizes and at reasonable rates Conimulcato ith hlm ant Port Perri, Ontario Electrical Contraeting ! Electric Heating and Service PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PHONE là CONTRACTORS FOR FARM anti IOIJSE WIRING Free Estmates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and (iuaranteed Repairs te ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appiances Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios -S. e -Irons Insurac Sevicey 0 91nsurance naliServieOEJ 0Auto, Package and ComPesiteo oPoielsFire, Farni, Lifeuf O1ugay lAability, Marine, AcietanI Sickness, i. 9Bolier, Fideilty Bond, Etc. ' g0 OSadie HamiIton- g Phono Orono 1R16 iFIRST MORTGAGE -LOANS BOX 133 Mo. 8-u5?, Stafford Brothers 318DunasSt. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers ef Cemetery Meniorials Dealers in Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles -Iscriptions Cul and Cometery Repair Work MNonulments and Fanilïy NMemorials Our qluality and service leaves nothi:g f0 be desirod Ask the person wvho bought. froni us, a neighhour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITF COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IHOPE IlLargest Display in Southerui Ontario" * FOR SPAINTING -DECORATîNGu BUILDING -CUPEQAIRDS ' gREPAIR AND FINISH FURNITURE Call 0 Phonoe2W8, Orone WANTED URGE. BAR-fl-Q 4c ORONO CHM4BMER OF COlo For their 6th 'annual5 The biggest 0of its kind Wed., Augi Long hours, no pay. h own uniforn Corne anyway if you HELP WANTE A waitress for the Restaurant, Highway 11 Phone 10RI, Orono. WANTED A used piano for asse ân New Christian Educn ing. Contact Mrs. C. W phone 1548, Orono. FOR RENT Two bedroom Cottage Kosh Lake. Hydro. PhoneO iono 1308. FOR SALE Brand new last year, 20)0, power take off. A] of Timnothy and Alfalf a ing in the field. Raymon d MacDonald, ono 12-r-2. WAYNE'S 3MAINTE SERVICE Rugs Machine Sbampý square foot. Ail types Blinds cleaned and Interior Painti Hedges trimmed and G Window Washing. Har Tile Floors Relun Contact Wayne. Kenni Orono 255. RADIO - T.V. RE Will do rart time Bac roPairs. Ail work guare HARRY WIERS Phono Orono 1( NURSING MOI Lyntonhurst Manor Home bas warm cômf commodation for bed, tionts. Reasonabie, rate. Phono Orono 1308, edy, Phone tfi PAIR.S co and T.V. anteed. ;MA, 849. r Nursing fortable ac- and up pa- 27-p Eleetric Motors g Repaired ' g o Wmdm-gs, Switches, Boaringso 'Jd Brn.shes, Electric Tools'J Oand Smail Appliance Motors gWork Guaranteed AI* ler g Phono: 1176, Orono g Solicitor for tho Eâtate WANÜED TENDERS WANTED Work wanted fo1r girl 21 years off Tenders will ho rocoived by the- 'ege. Phono 14R16, Orono., b-c unldersignod Up to and including July 31,, 1963 for redecorating rôom _______3 of Orono Public School. Work tïa ho comnpleted by August :[5, 1963. ~ 11E~AI~IF Further inifOrmation nxay heobo- WALITKR FRANKt tained from the undersigned. The. REALTOR ily acceptod. $1000.00 dlown huys 7 room bouse with good stream. 9 acres land near Newtonville. Asking $8000.00, Orono. 6 room bhouse, good well. 011 furnace. Only $1000.00 down. Fuil price $6500.00. Horace R. Best, Sec.-Treas., S.S. No. 12, Township off Clarke. a-c, APPLICATIONS WANTED, jApplications will ho recoived hy, Newcasle. 8 oom bose, ce tlite undersignod for the positiion of location. Only $100000 clown. Pull1 Secrtary f0 the Principal of S.S,. price$600.00.No. 12, Township off Clarke. Dutiesý f0 commence Septernier 1, 1963, 100 acres. 9 room bouse, barn, cOnsisbing off one haif day por week. greenhouse. 60 acres workable. Closing dateý for applications stat- Pull price only $890000. $1900.00 ing exporience and salary expected- down. xviii be August 10, 1963. Horace R. Best, 50 acres - 25 acres Xmas troos; 25 acres Pàne bush. Full pri", Soc.-Treas., S.S. No. 12, $3000.00. .,;.O 0cD0< 0c=0=0ý0=ý0 30 acres with bhouse and large' Sbarn. Pond. Noar Enniskillon. Ask- g Banes nd Bam ging $9000.00. - $1000.00 clown. g LUBIGadHATNG gLinsy.300acres. Good bricek 0g L 3 I G a d H A T o s n a n I d e a l s to c k f a n m . 02J, HOUR BUI4NER sERvIcEG A. J. McGILL B-A FINANCINO ' 0Low Interest Rates Phono 1407, Orono g Phnos:Local Representative Hampton CO. 3-2288 ' Buideing a ou rse? PUMPJNG UT I or oned&r 'i g contpeact WRITEWAIN TLE Fr ,t osP insloy Nchoso Phn oevl 721 fiE 11 RN Townsnip off Clarke, NOTICE SRainey's Store wifl ho -cls' Monday,--Tuesday and WednesdVy, August 5, 6 and 7. FOR, SALE ENTLV DIED Approximately 1000 sq. ft. u sed SAVERY--At Stockley Nursng clap board, in.Golod condition-. /AIREFS1, Home, Osh'awa, on Monday, July Milton TamJblyn,, phone 0rono: 29th, 1963, William Savery, R.R. 1, 2228. t4f VIMERCE Newtonville, in his 94th yoar, bus- Cand off the late Margaret Bryson FOR SAýLE li TENDER Street Fair andi dear father off Russell, Laur- Tendlers xiii be rec1Oived by the,_ cl Én Ontario once, Grace (Mrs. Chas. Vule) and undersignecl Solicitor up to, 12 :0C- Ruth (Mrs. Ewart Robinson). Ser- o'ci7ock no)on on Thursday thio 1Sthý n iewas 'held in the Morris Fu "r.~iy 0 Agut19q ore pureh!.asý ust 14 alI Chapel, Bowmanvillo on Wed- of 1pro(perty of the Estate of the 1atcý Mst s , nesday, July 31st at 2 p.m. Inter- WILLIAM JOHN, WATSON consis- suPPy ment Orono Cernetery. a-- ting of houso, two parcels of land and other buildings on the west- can't cook. CARD 0F THANKS side of Main Street in the Village Kendal wishes f0o extend to the off Orono. ED business mon of Orono and to Mr. Upon the first parcel of land,, Ponderosa and Mrs. Ken Neal'and friends i'having a frontage -on Main Street, 15 and 35. their heartfelt thanrks for holp sol4 0f approxiamately 491/2 foot and a-p genorously contrîbuted during Ken- depth of 115 feot, is orectoda dals first annual fair. g frame house cointaining 14 rooms, with two bathrooms, one 3-piece, embly ooi Kondal Recreation Association. land one 2-pieco, serviced with hy- ,atin Dbly oo a-c, dro and heated by oi1 furnace. atio Buld- _______________ i The second parcel of land loa- 'ted at the--roar of the above mený. f. Biuîings, CARD 0F TItANKS tioned parcel to the west, has di-. My sincero than'ks f0 ail those monsions of 148 foot by 45 foot up.- acwho sont me cards, gifts and flow- proxim'atoly, fronting on a street ors during my stay in hospital. AI- allowance known as Sabra Street ln, so spocial thanks to friends, rela- the Village of Oreno. for rent on tives and neigbbours for their With this propertyis includeda, many -acts off kindness. driveshed and stable, drilled weIL 20-d-p Sincerely, and cistern. The bouse is suitable Eira, Duvail and adaptable for apartments and, has aluminium framed windows. installed on the front thereof. Ulere, Case Balor, is a large gardon and the property lso 25 acres, RECEPTI[ON is centraly iocated in the Village Lhay stand- Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Hollings- and close to Village services. worth, Orono, will ho at homo to Ternis: 10% 0 f price with ten- thoir relatives, friends and neigh- der: ]Balance te ho paid in cash on, ËPhono Or- bourson the occasion of their 50thcoig;Osngdt eharng P-C Weddifig Anniversary on Fri'day od. ovoning August 9th frorn 7 to 9:30. Hîghest or any tender n ot nec-, ENANCE - a-p eossarily accepfed. ___________________ InsPction of the property may- )ooed c. aho arranged by contacting Wiia.v Of Venefian RASPBERRIES FOR SALE ordonm Watson, Pone13218 Or..o, repaired Raspberries priced 15e a pinit or ono, aWtsn hn 129o. Ling 30c a quart, you pick thlen your. oc ~adnCaro solf. W. K. LYCETT, rdWood and ~~~~Mrs. Abert Pos;- phon rloonoOtlb nlstiOd, 2237. -C. lý

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