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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1963, p. 5

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OEONO WEEKLY TIMIES, THURSDAN, AUGUST $th, 1%63 Medicare -Plan Outlined'By Dr. Dymond At Cobourg Ontario Health Minister M. B., Dr. Dymond said he was opposed Dymond outlined bis government's 10 a government monopoly and poiicey in drafting a health insur- questioned the ability of a govern- ance plan, when 1e spoke recently ment to operate its own plan as aI a garden party at the YM-YWCA'FsuccessfuJIy and as economically grudCobourg in support of as other plans are now being run. Rus_ýsell RGwý, the Prograssive Con- "Thie best control 'of costs is serveaLve provincial candidate in vid open competitJ.on," hie in- Northumberland. std He stressed that two factors were -I dont believe that Aith 1e basic as far as the government was responsibiiity of government to concerned. A medicare plan must torce people 10 insure themselves1 be universaily available and also under any partidular scheme." voluntary -in lte samne way as hos- However, th1e Health Ministerj p-itai insurance. Isaid that government had a definite -The universaily available prin- responsIbility to provicle coverage cipl'e wiil insure that anyone can for those who could not provide qualify regarcileÉs of age or healtli their own. and that the policy cannot be can- ýCoverage will, therefor, be gov-1 celled for these reasons, the.min- ernmenî-provided for those 'famil- ister said. ies incomes below $2,000,per H1e stressed strongly, his 0apposi- year, an estimated 300,000, and also tion to compulsory participation for an equal number who are not stating tbat individuals wiil be free paying, income tax. The first class to receive coverage from the comn- includes 11105e on welfare and the pany of their choice. second those wbo obviously need The ýgovernm-ent's responsibility support. Is two-fold - 10 proviele coverage Mr. Dymond denied that this was fur tbose unable 10 do so themn- afr fmasts uls selves and 10 ensure thiat prem- irf orm a cfme eta"uni ss O iums do not go beyond a govern- reard f man incoestaxfrma ment pres'cribed maximum, Dr. pat easts. Dymiond'said. The government will provide cov- The minister said hie was very erage for about 20 per 'cent of the miuob antgvrmn oto population, co sting initially about ofl medirÈe plani as in Saskatchew- $30,000,000. a, -le saicl he bad ample faith Jn , "I don't thin'k you can Ca"'i Ibis thle ability '0f private concernis 10 Fa puny effort. It is Sound and logi- operate their lndividual plans, sub- a tlokafethnedad jettoteConditions s e. e1iti tain 1the competence oftb ciîed 44 non-profit plans now in I province 10 finance." successful operation in the province Dr. DymoKnd added, "This Plan over a long period of years. is not afinal step nor is it perfect. __________________,t is a first steP," Earlîer the minister bad referred 0 to th11e rapid extension of bospital insuVraucçe since the scbemne was ad0PAly I ij8, stating that Coli- erage had rîsen from 70 10 98g per cent of th1e population. AD~ SATC He warned about rising cosîS, _____________________ iting an increase in hosp ital in- surance expenditure fromn $168,- j 0,000 1a.projected $350,000,000 by 1965. /FFIWE Y>O1i CiALL The speaker also defeiided the YOU VOCE 5 S1 governmnent's mental heaitb record YOUR 0jfLIE' ISSA Di saying that 4J per cent1 of al bos- WtK OWDAM PIEID piaiaesand ail mental bealth )'OUNEF US AL' beds were paid for by the province. feV,',u VEC S BM D'-Ontario is out in th1e foTefrOnt in its attitude to mental bealth. No, Il other province is doing so much C)Q fer the mentaiiy disluribed." C> "There is no longer a stigma to bel mntllyilas there neyer sbould have been." S He said that mental healh care sbould be a community concern and for tbiat reason the government is prepared to aid community -t clinics 10 establIsh psyc'hiatric' HO M Etrealment centres. ej E Dr. Dymond contrasted the sixty Tdays of decision at Ottawa hc haci procluced virtually no legisia- ® S V CE ton with the "fruitful 5days a %hicb 27 pieces of legIsiatIon had been passed and with a full On- ~BURN R SEVICE tario session that bad resulted in 200 legisiative bills or amendmenîs LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. Black and famn- ily are holidaying at their summer cottage, Piigeon Lake.< Mr. and Mrs. jack t Hughson'and daughter of, Kingston visited over the weekend with Mrs. J. Richard, son and Mrs. E. J. H'ammrr. Miss Diane Gilbart bas accepted a position for the summer aS a Counselilor at Rolling Acres Ranch, Varney, Ont. SCARBORO CHILD FALLS erations in a car accident at the- intersectiorn of WighwaVs 35an 1~RM ATO401 Tuesday morning A three year old Scarborough Mrs. Arthur White, 28 Annan. girl is in the Sick Chil:lren's Hs DriVe, ýwas treated at the Oshawa, pital, Toronto, for observation af- ýGeneral Hospital and releascd. Her ter ghe teul out of a car on HighwaY huspian~d suff ered a cut up per lip 35, noitb of ýNewcastie, near Trick- in the accident that causeci $2»O ey's Corners Monday night. damage 10 their car. Julia Mimnes, 915 Drimorten drive' fell out of a car driven by Ernest Charles Barnard, WiKIowdale, at 8:40 p.m. SELLS BUSINESS jSbe was taken 10 Bowmanville Walter Stewart, owner of Walt's1 Memoriai Hospial. Hospital auth- Do-Nuts plant, Lindsay, announced oritiies saidc she suffered multiple Tbursday that 11e bas sold bis bus- lacerations and a possible concus- mness 10 ArnotClarke of Lindsay. sion. Tbe child was transferred 10 Hie said be also sold bis Orono en- th1e Toronto Hospital for observ,1a- terprise to Bruce Miles of Orono. lion. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Black andBrasNe family of Toronto were supper A Scarboroug'h bousewif e suf- guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wil- fered a broken nose and facial lac- son, Wednesday of last week. ________________ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and their son Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miss Audrey Billings spent a f ew Watson, Betty Ann and Larry, Of days Ibis week' with Mr. and Mrs. Waterdown bave returnied, home Weldon Inch and family at Ibeir after spending hoidays with Mrs. ottage near Parry Sound. > Watson's, sister, Miss Agnes Fer- 'Mr. and Mrs., Alex Watson, with guson at Kennebunk, Maine, U.S.A. that11esaid*will bave an'impact on every provincial deparîment. He said 1the Ontario Trade Cru- sade was acbieving ils purpose of providing new jobs. Concluding the minister said.he was opposeti to name caliing. Re- ferring to a speech by Liberal leader John, Wintermeyer aI a picnic in Newcastle, he said that if name calling were al a party could indulge in, il had better gel out of business. "We must 100k b the future cf the province andi loin hands 10-. gether in a sense of responsibility in Iis great cause." UNITED CHURCH Oronïo Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B- E. Long SUNI3AY, AUGUST llth Kirby --,9,;45 a.m. Orono - Il a.m. Leskard - Withdrawn during juiy and August SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL" Kirby -- Il a.m.* 'k Mrs. Garnet, Kingston' is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Robt. Allin, this week. .Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain, Orono and Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Akey, Bowmnanvilie enjoyeti a motor trip 10 Cape Cod. Callyour Jicensed Plumbinq Mechanical Con tractot who selis, instali and guarantees CA RIMA N PLUMBLNG ILfEATING' Phone 143 Orono ORONOTINSHOP Clearance 5Sale Co mplete'stock of plumb- ing and heating goods as welL as pairits and, encamels will be sold a t Discount Prices R. E.. LOGAN, Prýop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario DRES'zS SALE We still have good styles in Ladies' and, Miss- es' Summer Dresses in sizes 10 to 241/ If you want a bargain in a dress, look them over. The regular y values were up to $22.50 and they are priced f romt LADIES' SLIMS 6 only, good quality Summer Slîms in sizes 12, 14, 18 and 20. Regularly $5.95. Sale Price paid $3-95 SHORTS SETS 4 only Shorts Setsin colourful prints for Sum- mer. Sizes 10, 12 and 14. Regular values ta $7-95i SAÀLE PRICE........... ...., $5.50-$5.95 GIRLS', BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Fine cotton batiste baby doîl p Yijamas in Pink, blue and yellow. Sizes 8,' 10, ard 12 yrs- Regular $3.00 SALE PRICE per pair ............... $1.9g GIRLS' BERMUDA SHORTS Good quality Bermuda Shorts for girls in red, brown, turquoise and gold. Sizes 8 ta 14 years. Regular price $2.95 SALE PRICE .......-...- $1-98 h eARMSTRONG'S 1

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