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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1963, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TITURSDAY, AUGUST gth, 196 No Op'position Presented At the Carke Township Council 9 Concession A. The projecit is tem- sou l nVte area is quite sandy SQ meetig onTuesday afternýoon the porariiy being held Up while a =e the entire new section will have, thid rýadngwas given the Plan- price is being sought for the pur- gutters and storm sewers to pre- ing Byl w wth n0 opposition be- chase of land in this area. Culvert vent wash-outs during heavy vaias ing registered. Prior notific*tIon size s aiso being considered. of the spring run off. There is also was given of this reading and a to be a retraining wall constructed designated time was alloted forUA TCNOBIG at a point where the road will have persons wishing to speak either f'or TOA AEC EA CEON LIFIG steep banks at the side. or agatintteb-a.N esno The bridge at Canton iii and deeainappeared before coun- the narrow windlng road uip the, cilon hi mater bll to the nortb for three-quarters BOWMANVILLE PLANS DANCE Although the by.-iaw was given of a rilile, are Vo be rebuilt this the third and final reacling no ap- If ail. HALL DEMOLITION pointments were made to the Plan- Tenders for the reconstruction A by-law authorizing the tearing ning Board at this meeting. of the road, about five miles north dawn of the East Beach Dance The by-law now sets up the Town- cf Port Hope, will close August 14, Hall was giv7en two readings by the Thispinf Cslarkes n Planning ra.with work expected to commence .Council Of BOwmnanviîîe Tn h nge nisel dsgno male foron or about September 1. any chnge inbuildng or ale ~Town Clerk Jack Reidexand land. OnIY Until such time as la- ototh rjc seimed>,lndj dividual by-law.s passed under the at of,00 th seprectea estmated to Council that letters could not 'be Planng Ac wil chages e noed $7wo ,ad a ad isexpetedto ctake sent 'out to the three possible, ow-. P l n n g c w l l c a n e s b n t e . î w a d a a î o n h s t c i n n e r s o f t h e s t r u c t u r e o i n f o r i n In connecton with the proposed te them that unless some action wyater System lin Orono a resolution l The new bridge Will be turned should be taken on their parts, ten- and f rontage rate byllaw were pas-1 slightiy to reduce the sudden turn ders would be called for the des- sedwit th byaw btanin tw now at the south end of the old truction of the building. readings.' The resolution set forth bridge, but will be essentially in the xater area as the Police Vil- the saine spot as the old one.t lage Of Orono and also set up a1 cOnn ý-tOn rate 0if $4.20 annually1 The road up the hili will be HIGH WIND TOPPLES WALL and a wvater consumption rate Of, straightened slightly, but an effort $3000 a year. The frontage by-law lis being made to .pare as many of 0F NEW CHUP.CH set ani annual rate of 42 cents a foot the trees as possible in the move. CosrconfthBo anil to a maximium of 66 feet. These 1Cnýrc!no h omnil rates and the project will now be1 With only a f ew trees coming Peatecostal Church on' Libertv presented to the Oàtario, Municipal down, the natural beauty of that street south in BowmanvIlle was' Boar.d for their tentative approval. section of the road will be pre- deiayed during the week-end w.hen served and the bad conditions now high winds -toppled an end wall., A supplementary road by-law lexisting will be corrected more byt was aiso givea the necessary read- widening and regradn hnb h alo h atedo h ingbes toc nadTonahipr0f $1 i0,0.0drastic straightening. structure, was comprised of- 22 tier toar hf spn nTwsi ra, hs ix-incb cement block. It feula - year. I ~~~~~~~~The new construction will extend wr nt h og 3akfor forth to the corner north te oug ofnt ther Apr royal was also given for the, Canton school. ne ît o h ng of the church ýat approximatelyc transfer of Township property, the 3:00 p.m. Sunday. east haif 0f/ lot 7 in Concession 9 The existing road has a paved to the Ganaraska River Authority. surface about 18- feet wide, with! The wail had been ceonipleted on The token price of $1.00 was in- uitile or no shoulder. The newiSaturday, but was net braced la volved la the t raaskfer. paved surface will be 22 feet wide, 1 any way. Construction is expected The agreement with the caretak- with concrete guttersand a ten-foot to be held up fortwo or three days erM.Roy Patton, was completed sboulder with guard posta. Storm and the material cost loss was es- _1Ysc2ussion centred around the sewers are also to be instalied. timated around $30),00. placement of a culvert at lot 8 and. Thé Counties Engineer said thce ACROSS 55 Trade agreements 1 Cul59 Rave cabbage 60 Form of 5 Bribes -to be' 9 A kind of 6i Be unsuc- wood cessful 14 ieght of 63 Incrustation India . on teeth 15 R ussian sea 67 Ciibing 16 Takes as plant one's own 69 Cit'y of 17 Su ell Nevada 18 Fiower 71 Trieste wine 19 Lawful measure 20 Looked (Pi .) close 12 Distance 22 Duck measure 24 Period of '13 German timne river 25 Goddess of 74 One of Co- discord umbus' ships 27 Lauds 115 Laths 29 Excuses ý 76 Carpenter's 33 -Kiln tool (Pi.) 34 Native 7 Urge on c -9 metai 35 Mediterranean vessel 37 Narrates 41 Plant appendage 43 Rails j45 Encoùnter 46 Change 48 Saltpeter 60 Annainese measure 51 Meadow 53'A small opening anat.) Answer To Puzzle N4o, 753ý CAT IN G MA MEW 'LEASMISPl1 N EAGERN pAT R 0 ORS T 9 That which gives stability 10 Hoosier author 1l Theater e seats 12 Extra tire 13 Book of mapa 21 Goti of love 23 A Nigerian -people 26 Surgical tbread 28 News article 29 African tree 30 Russian clty 31 Tidy 32 Fine lune of of a letter 36 Diner 38 For fear that 39 Shakespeareamj king 40 Portico 42 Kind of cloth 44 Members of UPPer House of Congress 47 Marijuana cigarettes 49 Rockflsh 52 Wing 54 Stout 55 Tranquilizes 56 Arabian gazelle 57 SPanish lassa 58 Male f0rebears 62 Mother of- Helen of Troy 64 Group of three, 65 Coin of India 66 Peruse 68 Seine 70 Recent 1 21314 516178 9 10 1 1 13 14 15 w - - 17 18 1 20 Q2 ~ 23 24 -5 26 2728 - - 29 30 31 -32 3 3 34 3353 38 3 .41 42 43 - 445 45 4647 M 55 56 57 58 59- 60 62 il 63 64 65 t66 ----min - M27 --- ç 7l - - - - 75 76 __7 PUZZLE NO. 754 Alex Carýruthers Attends Regina Convention Alex Carruthers,, M3PP for Dur- bain, and thce Hon. William Mur- dock,' speaker of VIce legislature,> will represent the Ontarlo govern- ment at the fifth Canadian Area Confereace of the Commonwealth Parliament Association, at Regina froin Auguatil Vo 17. A represeatative 0f each of the Opposition parties in Vthe Legisla- ture will also take part in Vthe con- f erence. The aim of the Association, Mr. Carruthers said, la to provide op- portunities for thce interchange 0f views between parliamentar- lans on problemis of mutual inter- est and importance. Net only does this interchange of ideas ake place duriag the formai sessions but what Mr. Carruthers cQasiders equally rewarding, through infor- mai contacts during the conference and the tours. 'Me conference thus provides the members, ina bis o- pinion, a wider vision of their par- liamentary duties, and a greater sense of purpose in providing Vthe citizens of Canada wîth sound and realigtic administration. The 1963 conferece wili have as its headquarters the Legliglative Building at Regina, with tbe Saska tchewan Government acting as Icost In addtion to the conference it- self, there will be an extensive bus tour 0f the province. Points 0f in- tereast in thce tour will include the potash mines at Es§terhazy, the Sqaw Rapids Power Developmeent, P'rince Abert Park, Greeawater Park, -farm. visits and the .city of Saskatoon. Some fiftýeern topies wHi be under discussion witb Ontario being re- spon -sibIe for two namely, "The! Relations of the Parldamentarian to thue Civil Servioe" and "The Role of a Permanent Speaker in1 our PaËiamentary System.'l Municipal Loan May Not Assist Orono Last week Bill C-76 was passýed ai from the provincial goverament la the House 0f Commons of Can- may be useýd for muncipally owned ada which established the Munici- water treatmneint plants, storm. sew pal Developmen and Loan Act. ers, streets and thoroug4hfares, pub- This Act set into motion a funýd of lic buildings and transport or tran- $400 million to be usýed by munici- sit systein, achools and hospitals, palities undeýr certain conditions. Iqt may also be used forwater dis- The Village of Orono bas showa tribution mains. interest in thîs Act as it was feit that it could be of assistance in The municipality may borrow financing the proposeýd water sys fro-m the fund an amnount of two-, tem in Orono. Presenltly it is not thiirds of the total cost. 0f this a- known whether or not it will be of mount the municipality, providng assistance as final details have the project was completed within not been received by Vthe various the time linit, would receive a departments at the Provincial le. credit of twenty-five per'cent. TIcs vel of governinent. It is however would be a forgiven-ss of abGut exýpected that clarification will be 16 percent on the total projecit. made within a few weeks. A copy of the Bill has been sent It is understood that the PoEce to this office by R. C. Honey, M.P. Trusteýes have conta'ýtcd both thce for Durham. Federal House and the Ontar;o Wa- The rim pupoa~0f he ~ ~ter Resources in thio mnatter. The To prme increased poen?î j project would have to be first ap- in Canada by financial assistance bc prved a ot before it crl ouard by way of 1bans to munie*paties b lcdbfr h eea or to enable thenm to augmentoY a~ celerate muncipial capital works The overaîl initent of the BY.Ii is Lw' N w to create ne~w public works projeects ie ' which would not have been undýer- Miss Kathy Qrady entertained a taken wit-hout such assistancýe. This Inumber of ber young friends at al is so stated in section 7 of the ActÎ birtbday party, last Tuesday after- and could be a point Uhat would noon. eliminate its use in Orono. The water project in Orono is andi was slated to býe carried out prior to the estabîlishinent of the Loan. The water projeict iýs net a new projeet created because of the exiatance of the Loan. Einal word will however have Vo cýome, possibly from the Ontario Water Resýources Commis- sion who will ia due course be ini- structed in VIce use of VIce- fund -ia conjupction with such applications as Orono's. Trhe project meeting Vthe condi- tions of section 7 andi given approv- Mr. and Mr.s Albert Mitchell and> fami'ly are holidaying at thedr cot- tage near Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wallace and f amly are bolidaying at BuckhocnU. Lake this week. Mrs. J., E., ica dhasbeen confined to ber hom.,ie since Satur- day last through iliness. Mrs. G. Roper, Toronto and Mrs. JT. C. Gamey are spendng holldayi at Cape Cod. more acres'per dollari AVAILABLE NOW FROM WATSON'S Mi:-ARINE & CYCLE MAIN STR4EET OR-ONO, ONTARIO DOWN I Hait 2 Mine vein 3 Succulent plant 4 Battled 5 Flsh (p.) 6 Gold in Spanish American countries 7 Gone by 8 Slumber

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