O(rono VO)LUME 25, NUNIBER M6 Weskly Top CIhrke tudent' OROND t-EE KLY TIMES,> THURSDAY, AUGUSI l5th, 1963 chol d.Appoints 1V-7 'Jrono ioungstersWin r*. /y A . . y reta For n n c p aI IVorey [At btreet Pair. e à The O ono Chamber of Coin- It -as estimated early ti ol 7he Oono Public Sehool Board 14.8 cents per gallon for oi1 was merce annual Street Fair is 150W ing that theChamber had clearec :oton Monday evening in thse received from Harry 0. Ferry. pacbsoybing held last nigbt asm0 rud$200fc i 0Colwhen they acceptedtndr This was filed, as littie differenCe on the Main Street of the Village. many concessions operated at the .crpa i'ting and appointedi a sec- exists on the preseat price of 15 Co ebe epdi a sîight street fair. sEiary to the principal of thse cents per gallon. reductar in th attendance whcbi At a previous meeting thse Board 1aipr 'u-, I to be down from that of Býngo, games of cha nce fi -b {,f three applications for the po05 accepted tenders from Jack Hlood'other years. -Around 850 pasel no - I and ring games werc ar-D- :lio f secretary r.J Shcrtler for the purchase of school books. through the gate1 during the night thse ventures of the ee ~-A g',iV apone ta orywg fThe Board is to receive 20% off Ba'--B-O from winch cam e s) $2 0. utis ae fr ahai da a he ubîshe's ric onîîbary At the close of te teet Fa"r hot dogs was a neav add!t o o t week. QUers applying were Mrs. books and 10% off piiblisher's pric- thse 50-40-10 draw,. was beld in wbich fair tiis year. Dancin inc1udin 7. PL'ckaby, $1.50 an hour and Mrs. eso tx ooa wo youngsters of thse Village werp round and square met wt_ con-i Wmn. Madill at a yearly price of tLee wr v'iýý. Th'ey wcre Charles siderable succeas as da'scers darc e250. 00. and Judy Wood, ciltdren Of Mrs. ed under tise stars on the Main Only one tender was re ceved LIOrHTNINC, CUTS HYDRO SER 'Jean Wood, Orono. The seller Of Street. Music was supplied by the fortis pintngai heacioo whchICE IN THE SOUTH 0F ORONOwinniag ticket was tise children's Keating famîly with calling by Mac wsreceived fr>m Mr. Doug. Ligtning on Tuesday afieno rn'aheM.Vri ilo.cnbry Sbnson Tedeed ric fr pnt-caseda bea inbydo no. Tise winners received cash in the The cbildren found great delght sng as 1720. rea 0f Isesouh ed 0 Or no.aount of $23750 with the seller1 in the Merry-Go-RPounid on Ilc Hydro was off for a period of some gtig$75.TeCabr etdte ol ieclru'osý,p- A letter was reoceived from Mrs. fifty minutes, while repairs were gtig$75.TeCabrnte ie ol ieclru oss g Donald Staples asking, permission being, made. A fuse was bun out a sum of $19000 from-the sale of rabisits and cats.- They also enjoy-i te send twio children to the Orono on onne phase and a switcb fused thse tickets. ed a miniature- ferris wheel. pujblic Scisool for -the coming terni. over on another phase. A lightning _______________________________ Permission was granted by -th-e arrester was also degtroyed in the; Pjoard wiso felt the priee' of ad- busines section of the Village. m, îssion would be in exces 0f that______ cdls er h ereae. as n o , r sk ci e k Te Board withheld action, to re-f h KPw ns rroert pairs of valves on thse wat er pump. There will be no Orono%,1V C aiJïY Itwsreported that plastertng lnt Weekly Times Publshed this TeGnrsaRgo oýr alsadgraebnwt l -cîsroisxhad been completed. commng Thursday, August 22. Tie anrkaRgo Cne-tblsa argebswhal in thse correspondence a letter Due to holidays the Orono j1to ubrt eetyapovdtelwrbace rme f kwas received from Orono Fuel and Weekly Times will be elosed tbe, idea of purcbasing thse Port the trees and tise grass mowed. Lsmmber Ltd. to the effect tisat oi] from Thursday, August 22nd I Hope Kiwanis park, situated on Small foot bridges have been con- burner sei-vice for the achool would to open again on Monday, ýHigisway 28, at Rossmount. structed- over thse spring fed not e fee 0 chrge.A piue f Agusi26t.Istreams leading into the pdad and -net befre ofchage.A proe of ugut 2th.Claude Fitzgibbon,' of thse club a large bird bouse has been erected ____________________________________________executive, was telephoned afier tise, "Tie recreation park would decislon had been made andad have a good publicity potential for to come to hear tbe autisoritys the authority," saîd Field Con- O ~ .Jd% ~ UcU proposaI. serVation Officer, H. Hooke, Wbo At tise sugg-esýtion 0f ElmoreIhas examined the site for the auth- L y Scottiste authority made an offer ority, "and wrould be an attractive b r ie ii A l I~ V i3 I o ~l cas th tad 100aces) possible camping toward the bà i wîthouý,t tise Crstmas trees now.recreation ares for picnicing and Mr.aadMrs Rwlad Hllnga C~wlnvile. Assisting in the kitchen grc-wing on the soutisern portion, of thse patrk." ot, ark tet elbae ee agses Mrs. Roames Rutbgs'ý0w- allowing tihe club to retain, the Mr. Hooke estimated tisaI possib- ~w~isa rcetin a tser hmeonerford of Ktrby, Mrs. Herman Dun- trees or seil them to someone else, i 1y $2,000 to $2,500 wortlh of labour ter fliwedding anb,-isaylp of Scarborougb and Mrs. W 1-. witb a time limît of five yer1 t n aeiaaia enptm thombterg.verar bc ento hretttes the creation of the present park. Friday, Aug-ust 9tis. te Cairns of Sc01eg.gvn hava He s;uggested tisat a fair offer For thie occasion Mrs.Hoig- Mr. and Mrs. Hollingswortis The aut'ornty's proposed price frIeln oudb pt 5 wor4h wore a becoming d utso!were the recepients of Many 10vly ortis lnd as$4,00 per acre, with the club retaining bine printed nylon over ýtaffeta wt gifts andI cards, among tbe 1latterl Tbey also a9ked Mr. Ftgibnthe rigist to remove the Christmas a corsage of, gold coloured Munis, lwere those fromn Their Excellencies to see if tise club would consider trees -as tisey become markictable. thse grooms boutonnaire was a Governor General Vanier and seln h oto ftead Commentîng on tbe land, hie said M ss iviarilyi ~a daugier of Mlr. r sîd Mrs. 0. Falls, R.R. 1 New- tonvMîe, and a gra de 13 student at Clarke HIgis School, wrote a total of rnne g--ade 13 papers ias3t J ,une. In these s îe pas- cd in thni ai! and cistair d frt ,l enDur marks in seven o' '-ce ine,. M'ss Falls w7ilà attend Teaýýh,ý's College this a11 i ~for Puble Scisool t h à,igh1ard Ceek Farm On Tbursday, July 25tis, tise Dur- lsam 4-,H Poultry Club beld i'u regular meeting in tise form 0f a tour. At 8:00 ar.. we lait Bowmanville and travelled to Highland Creeli where we toured Baumebhen Foui- try Farm, Mr. Baumcisen sbowed us arouad bis operation. The item of most inlterisst waýs tise feed mix- ing miiil. Rit ad been saved froni tise fire in London exrier this year. Tisere are very feni 0fthese in op- eratrosu. At 10:00 a.m. weleft here and journeyed to Featisererest Farms ait Mount Albert, This is oae of Ontanrio. We were sisown through tise iargest poultry operations ïn tise laying bouses andth ie grading andI storage rooms. Tise bu.1dingi holýd approximately 60,000 laying benýs which are ail in cages. Ap- proxlmately 15 ladies operate this large poultry enterprise. gold coloured mumn. Madame Vanier, Prime Minister wtiiout Christmas trees; on it sep- ýtlere Was a-large swamp to, t îej Afier dinner we went. to tise Mal'Fny, fr1 ends, neigisbours and Letr1. Pearson andI from:Rep- jarately if tisey didn't want tenr noÈtb 0f tise park area tisai wouid Sisur-Gain Farmn at Maple wliere re-,ltives niera presant 10 off er COflý resentative Russell C. HI e. iî nar~ett eants require extensive drainage if il we were sisown tise different live- ~g-e.tuatins.Mr.trees. were to be of any use, but suggest- stock entarprises wisicl tbey are Tise guest ýbook nias attended by Har oll âinghswori wa bon n Ts ansCu asbe ed tisaI witis a f ew ditches cut to undertaking. A short tour was then Aniversary couple's daugiter, a rs. o oingasisirewa Engan ing $?0,OOQ for tise farm including allow tise water to run off from tise takea of tise Central Ontario Cattle I an Mr. Hllinswoth iasbor an estimaied $7,000 10 $10,000 Worth P,ýsorgeaDunlop. in Roose, near Hull. Tbey were 0 re lne tsr uigts springs a series of nature trails Breeding Association also at Mapla. ý c)ri,- eaduin heevnig, f res lntd heeduin temigisi e pened tbroug'b the area. Frnierweiat1Vse a- wee r. .M.Stut tw ad1 a .reý n 93 mieiaey ferpgtsvemarried d lubd helndt teso 1Frmhee1913tt teMa- wera ~ ~ ~ 'oin- Mr. . .Cautntniada. mmdîeyAf t pathevnhendar o f tise landI, ad-H ecie ie adtiesutis, sey-Ferguson Farm ai Millikan, Mrs. Rüy Farrow, Crooked Creek. cmn adnri on a bigiser level, ami noni partially We were sbown iisrough tise swine isucis nas served by grand.. uests aiiended from, Toronto, jacent to Higisway 28, the club bas covered witb Christmas trees, as' and beef setups andI looked ai sonre daughters Miss Joan Ruherford of Scarboro, Seisomiierg, Cann.ngtof constructed a small pond and bas toporfrgoarcutalse ofiemciney Oshsawa and Miss Frances Cairns 'Uxbridge, Cooksville, Oshsawa, created a pienie park around il. of Toronto and daugiter in-law, Crooked Creek, Cowanville and In ibis park area are parking Mrs. Armond Hollinganiortis of KirbY. 1faclhties, playground areas, picnic I C k cihrr b er De Ie ga t es i. -. I ir AA ir.& T~ T lie Orono Cisamber of Con- MrIl. Duvali proposed and so 1neriis lo10 snd a delégation 10 tise moved tisaitishe secretary be autls- jnexi m eeting of tise Orono Police orized 10 write tise Oas Company Trustées to discuss the prâblem Of and ask tsaItishe nalural gas station laneways being blocked on tise on tis e asi aside of Higbway 115, Main Street-in tise business section. soutis 0f Orono be rennîmed Orýono Messrs. Dane Found and J. C.* instead of Bonimanville. Tamblyn were- appointed lis mee, No correspondence isad been re- wits tse olie Tustas n tsl5ceived from the Postal Department connection. Tisa subject nias aP- concerninlg the reques't for tise'oui- proacised by Mr. Found at tise re- cloor automatic stamp machin2. cent meeting of tise Cisamber On However Mr. Carmian reported tisai Monday evening nhicis was beld ai ise had been informed tisai before rteMsport Restauant. 'sucis a machine could be placed on -j Mr. Found said tisatili was im tise building tisaitishe ownar of the possible te keap, bis car. off tise building must. fîrsi s'gu a waver of MainStret s hs înewy nasdamage. Tisis waver would relieve as cue, locadoff b nn~-tise Postal Department from any thonwit th reuesiproslbkngd mage to the building if tisemas 'overnigis parking on tise Main chine was torn, from tise wall, tis street nihicis was submitted to tihe dmgn t a r ana Trutee 'b tse isaba, alecerstatedthaitishe owner nias willing to was received from tise TrusteEca sign sucis a waver on tise condition sîating 'tisa no action was to be tisaitiste vastibule was remsv. I take inp osibîin ovrniistfrom tise inside of tisebilding. The I parking ai Ibhis lime. secretary of tise Cisamber was ini- structed to write tise proper rsutiî- A major part of tise. meeting was orities to seek 10 bave tise vesti- taken up with reports and final bule remnovad. Some f alt tisaItise préparations for tise Street Fair vestibule served no great purpose wbiob was iseldon the Main Sreet and was a nuisance wben enterng.1 Anniversa lat iht, Wednesday. 1tise Pos t Office in Orono., àwille