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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1963, p. 1

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Ornas OXONO WEEKLY TIMES, TJiTRSDAV,SETME 5th, 196 3 Claims, Not Worki'ng A cood Line. up 0f in Public Intere'st" lysFrFsia Speaking at a Liberal raliy in Port H-ope recently, Ontalo ýLilbemnal Leader - John -Wintermeyer. blaated, the present Oonservatlve govern- rrent for refusing ta "work, in the public interest." "They have lost their iniative and Cdesire to woirk for the public 'welfare", he charged. "Only fear 40f being thrown out 0f power meti- -vaies theni." The riiy,spnrd by the Un- iteti ,Counties Liberal -Association, wxas attended by somne 18ù personS ndwas held at the Dr. Power He constructed a comparison of socdi policies adopted and propos- cd by the presenit governmnent witb -thiose advocated in the Liberal platforni. He attacked the To,,ry government, policy on crime, mnedieare, mini-- Yunm wage laws, pension plans and credit;, and of!ered alternatives. The Liberal Leader chidedý the -governinent for appointing a Royal ,Comxnmission ta'IoInvetigate :crimie jinthe province and then, not actini, 'on any of thereomndtft fÉrom I he Commission. 1 l-e a<iused theni of acting hin «jireCt oppostion to the recommet'd- n onfo the conrznittfee by e<t- IWinting an officiai Of the AttOrney- '~ee'lsOffice as OPP Comm"Ist- sioner "to tlgliten Pâliticeacnto oUver the Ontario Provincial Phc. -Thle government's ùbwn ROYal! ioonuissioner iwaý shdcked at tiý iliel sid control o! fthe OPP Éhould be rem-oiTed f rom- political Mr. Wintermieyer then-rdrecw co- parilson betv'een the m-edicareý plan proposed by bobli parties before the issolution of ithe lasI pàrhia- "The Tories wýant 10subidize insurance ýonipaflies s0 that every- ,ne can buy a mainimaum, bare- huones poicy." He said thatý companies would be -forced to.join forces 10 offer even mainim-um coverage- to the aged, disabled, iii and poor, so that none o! thein would suffer exÉtreme filn- ancial losses. "The Bihl gives no- indication o! -what the premriumns would lie. It does flot even. say that the prov- ince will pay for those in needy ciîrcurnstances. "It only states that lthe province nmay pay or 11aIIthe muniCipahity mnay fer these on relief." He outlined the Liberal plan: Thme government would purclmase cover- age f romn PSI and other «ne)n-Proifil, ,dctor-sponsored medical service plans for aIl who could not afford it. We are. very pleased that the the apportunity to expand to al Orono Dramna Festival looks as parts of the province and that the thoughl it will agadn be a papular trend to situa'te ihi the large cities meetýing place for a wide range of be reversed. dramna groqups, an -,,th, 27th and He attacked the Conservative 128th Septemnber. governnnent for not acting earlier Oid familia r faces will be wei- to .9tanip out "'the loan sharks and comed here aaufroni The. Osh- high4interes*t artists that have beenaaLttehar:ThHny t milîgheipless and desperate High Schnolohf Whitby; Rowman- people for year-s." ville Dramia Workshop;, The Piýc-Ax "The Select Co6mmittee, of the Players; The i a Dramna Work- Legisiature which has been looking shon. loto second mortgage blans, and Our new friends wvill be the Ajax miortgage brokers is sbowing the Ltnted Church Dramia Croup, public some of the thievery that the~ Whitby Draina League; LinidsaY Tories have permitted to go on for Little Theatre, and our own Hi Ci years. Group who are niaklng their debut 'The last ýpublic outcry over sec- in the world of draina. ond mortgage bcans was three ________________ years ago and resuited in a bill re- the federai plan was open to ah] rluiring brokers to be licensed by eraployees,,. inci:uding, the seIf-emi- govrnmnt.pioyed, whu!le the provincial> plan. "R-cent events have now proved was availabie to errnpioyees In in- it nothing miore tha n a licence to dustri 1es 1of~ 15 w'orkers or more; steal." the federal pl'an caled to, counter-. He stated that under a Liberal act inflation, theother was static;,. goverrninent truae rates o! interest definite percent4>ges of earnixngS and important ternis would, by were proposed iv the foderaI plan laiw, be ini large print on ail agree- and the pilovinclaà plan offered noý ments, andi that any lender or Indication of total cost or exuployee- broker that failed to> comnply -with employer division co5lýs. the regulation wouhd fozfeit any Mr. Wintermney6r chideti Premier inlterest on the balance of the loan. Robarts for not' taking a stand ' on; The Libex'al Leader direoted th the question o! pensions, anld pointr attention o! the audience 10 a coin- eti out tit, due to ieiislation p"s- parison of the Robart governmrrent's ed by thý- C, 4lt,-woùld, "Portable Pension Plan", and the be presently im.possible for the Fedeiral government's "C0anada people af Ontarlo to participate in' Pension Plan." hie Canada Pension plan. He pointed out that the provincial. He urged that the people o! On- plan would offer a pension of onily tarlo take the iead in the adoption ~$145 per month.i încluding universa] of the federai plan. He çitated that old-age pension of $6 after 40 la Lî,beral governninent wiould'amend years of contributions while the lor repeai the Portable Pension Canada iPlan wul pay $175 a. Plan of the donservatives and mionth a!ter only 10 years. . "tk the ieadlership- in equaiizing Othier aspects o! the two plans1 the standarqid o!foca welfare and, Werenit scussedi. He said,,tbat: justice 1a1 aQro<4i sCanadan h ýrary Sets Rotes To Be Effective In 1964 The Orono Public Library Board retary, Mrs. J. Norton, was given made furtber plans on Tuesday ev-_ autharýity 10 contact , Mvrs.. R. ening in preparation to re-opening iWaddeli in the prospect of rentin- the Library. The hours for the Li- Ithestore recenttly vacateti by Pari' brary 10 be open were set for a !ner Plumibing and Heating. This period of four hours on il was feit w'ould be of a more The LIbrary when re.oýpened wihi adequate size be open fromn 2 ta 5 and froni 6:30û _______________ ta 7:30 p.m. No definite date was set for thme reopeniing as it depentis "W e H v ' on 'a nunilber of factors lat Ibis time. W la e x Menfbership charges were also e9talished. For those in the Police Village the charge wWh be a modeet The Liberal plan wouid immedi- 5 cets forLI it emersh~Lip iJr -ateiy insure the unemployed, the for both adulîs and ehidren. The 'disalbled, weifare cases andt Iose membersbiip for non-residents of ,ove 65yëarold Tlen aplin rOrono' are 10 be: adults $1.00; Higli -aiot er5yaopltfhponcelanforSchooh students 25e and chiltiren 5c., be negotiated. Teecagswl oeit f Mr. Wintermeyer predicted that ý fect on January ist, 1964. Na. this plan wouid cause no tax in- cagewl bMaeothtiýe ecrea&se andt hat the premiuxn pi that, th, Library is open during 'woulti bei hess than those no.. 19aiti te PSI andi other organizatiens. A fine is also to be set-up for He stateti that under the Libera-! overdue bokThts bas net as yet plan the fees of ail doctors would been set. lie paiti, and thâma, prescription Miss Monroe o! the Provincial drugs wouid be supplied free te lthe Llfrary is 10 meet the Boardi and1 -unemployeti, the pensioners, thme go over thme books in time Library disatbied and -the needy. ithis comiag-Friday atternoon, Sep. .Concrete legisiation for the estâb- 1 temiber 6>h. At 1h15 lime thme nec- IlisIment of a Minimum Wage Law essary information for the opera- was a thIird point raised by the tien under the new system is 10 tiberai leader. be discussed witim Miss Monroe. He proposeti a !ixed minimum The Board are bopeful off recelv- -wage of $1.25 per hour for ail Woxrk-ing lthe "Book Lists" Ibis week in ers, male and f emale, in the prov- order limaI new books may be pur- Ince with lthe exception of farmý chaiseti and aise te be able 10 ak and doestIc workers arr-angements for tbe supply o -If you feel il rigit anti justt 1,h.t cbuîdren's books !rom the Depart- a man witi4?a famuly shoulti be ex. ment. pected te work for hes tban $50 Mrs. J. RLIckaby, Mrs. R. Taggart for a 40-balur week, thon don't vote andi the Librarian were appolnted Liberah. as a book purchasing (commïttee. "TheConervtiveBihpaseti Consideration is bein.gîgven to Ianlthe astisarliament didfl't ev noving the Library aint the Sec- set a -minimum wage. Il just ga-e the Minister of Labor the power '0t Mr. Wintermeyer disgressed Irom bis prepar-et text anti calleti for the decentrahization o! industry Going," St Enrolment Increcises Silght'ly AClarke The Clarke H gh,' Schiqo] àpened, isdosTuesda.y niioring wl4enlIWej Pbio S ol 22students repoited -for l 9 eiaoos close to 285 within the next two Lu1o1In-fe weeks' as some studenýts are stl Enrc..ment at the Orono PttÙbilc working at their summer jobs, En. ~olha3 increased this year 0V- rolment at the school at the ciose '-- that of 1962-63. On opening day of June numbered 265. the nrolment reached *a, total of Enrolment in the various gr- es 19 pupils in the six roomIs of the is cxpccted' b .reach 87 in gý.aJc senhool. Enrolment at the end of .ie 75in_ dte; 1in l J=ne re5ýted at 187 pupils. lvn:3 n? gra d'Welvè fad, 23 Twenty-iL ree studenýts sard in grade thirteen. The figures r e- ýtheir schooling in grade one Vina veal a greater number -in grade year. thirteen tbis year as compared Mr. John, Paxton is the new P'i- with last year. cipaî of the sebool and teacheS Two1 new appointmente4tlav-e been., casýee~sven and eight. Mr. Pax- made 'to the 'Waching!' staff., Mr. tiii is a resident o! Greenwood and Yvan >LhItfPfý" -C àî~fWiîi b plans t"commute between, bis ~a~in~rei4i,~4 âc th ~~?~Ôe ~ Orono. Formerly Mr. cçpetby Miss Seguin who this Paxton'. waS principal o! a . wo- 'y~ stahi~ i~iôp.. roorn schooi, S.S. No. 4 Uxbridge. 'Mr~.ôii "' ~ ~ . The remainder o!flthe. teacidng j, a reRpain as last year with Miss B. Iic..bdi~ t ~iig ,Ii~~ eCain feachipe grades 1 ani 2, Mms. ~n6~'f iT'y'~ ~*barleton, 3 and 4, Miss Allldred IMia à #be teacW)lxg, Gzrade 13 2 'rii 3, Mrs. F. Lunn 4 and 5 and Géogrtipy and IOUF4l?. AU 4* À~V V' 5 aÂUr *W ~ ~ , . ... r~ y6 and 7 "AnoVl%er.fe uré, nçyy 4p th schoorh Ibis 'yégr, s't 1tc o!f -the ne track .theli.cnIeia contrtdte ontlhe*i!l'5temside of the school. ENEOLMENT 18 sJp ÀT OIYAN ILE An increlased enrýolieit,,a, branti iew agricultural, wing and two ncw_ teachers are lIme f eatures o! BOWv- mnanrVhile>'Higl Slo's opening Tuesday. The number of .atudents în al grades: bhas increased tronm 4fl has year .1t about 530 for 1W59q,,94. The addition o! two new, ,teach- ers ,brings -the total for the sho jup 10 26. United' Church Shoot To Open'This Sunday Morninig The Orono United Sunday Church reeonsitruction i i the baeent of ehool i3 to ,-pen this-SuadaLy mrn 1-tepresen.,t- hurch--long vwith the ing in ful operation. The Chuilch new stage will be conpi'ered by School Wlll not as yet be!using thelthis Sunday. Workz in the new new Education Centre wUich-,has educational, centre is expected ,ta yet tii be con-pleted.1 be completed by Ocýtober,6th when Ail departments in the sehool ex- the Ftally Day Service will be held cepting the Kindergarten and Ïor the Sunday School. Nursery Departments Will assemi- Plastering of the second story of ble in the Sunday Scliool Room in the new building is completed wïth the basernent of the churcli. The similar work well on the way in Primary and Junior Departm.ents the basement rooms. The terrazza will then resume their classes in floors have yet to be completed the baseimenit of the Town Hall. -ý and Will only be started when all The Kindergarten and Nur sery w-ork is completed. Departments will assemble at the The Sunday School is again set. Oddfelow's Hall for thiir classes. ting up an award systemri for at- Presentiy it is expected that the tendance during the year. -3ood Idea Where We Are ates John Robarts At Cobourg "As a group, organization, party lthe establishmnent 'of the, depart. 1962 and il 15 expectedti 10botter anti goverameat we have a good ment, of labour -section 10 deal with Ibis han1»u. idea of wbere we are going" saiti affairs o! women ln iadustry; the Re!erring 10 medical services Premier John Robarts la Cocbourg reinstlalen-ent o! ,the Junior farm.' lasurance, lthe premiersaie that recently. Mr. Robarts was ad- ing boan, andth ie arrangement ad 'legisiatien hati been introduced t ressiag a croawd of about 200 aI lthe credit,,for young farmers for time provide protection for people but pavillon 10 meet bum informalhy. purelmase o!, equipinent andth Ie that no scbeme was wanted te The premier stressed the positive operating capital ta, rua a !arnm. bankrupt the province. "People approaCh. oe! the Progressive Con- He went onl 10 refor 10 the es- are interesteti in looking after servtivs ad sad "e ae n t tbhisimmnento! a Foodi Council te themsel'Ve", 1ie sud, %' AMda" tervstie ndcitsing but rantern-bring, together fer lthe firstitrne scbeme wilprovide coverage for constructing." He stresseti the the man wbo grows, processes andi yeu regardhess of piysi!cal condi- neeti in lime province o! "ýmore of distributes; the person wbo pur- tion o! age, whicm you niay taice everything-mare people;, more chase6s; anti the- research whlcb if you wish il, anti we wiih provIde jobs, more industry, income, and bas broughil usahl under one roof. for those who cannot provide il for wages, and f rom ai these tbings In the educational field, be said. demslv ,es-" will come more revenue la arder two new- ýuniver1sities have been The systeinio! grants amidlime bo provide those tiings people re- establisbed, one in Peterboroughi increased bdans given 10 towns- andi quire." and theo other in the Niag'ara Pen- villages as the broader blghiWays 1 insula wîtb lwo more planneti in are being completid acres the The aew administration Of, twO, the !Toronto area. There bas also province; the Human Riglits B4his; years standing, be said, Iad a been devised the new scleme cd Labour Saftey Oouneib; were other great advantage of beiag sJble ta granits for elementary educatien ta niprovements achieved by the Con.. buîti upon niany years of exper- give al young people an equai op- servatives. lence, ant imany years o! sounti por tun'ity for education. Premier Robarts saidti Iatparkazs governmont. However,' he 5aid, O 1nlthe, economic front, be saiti, were also under censideration "ou ineret s pimailyin th e Econoamic Council bas been os- "Ia 1955 Ibere were nine Provin- pr~esn anti wIat lies aheati o! tablîshedto advse h<ow î< -en cial Parks in the province and in L5intefture." courage mndustry t produce 60),000 1963 there are 85. Everyone inth Su'mming Up briefly the acIieveý new jobs neetied in the province province sbeuld bave an oppor- monts of lthe past two' years, Preim- every year. tunity to siare Ithe blue sky, fresh 1er Robarts referred te the logis' There Were, lie saiti, 145 new air, water, woods and streanis" ballon covering minimum wages; industries brought mbt Ontarlain I he saiti. iir, Orono, Sepýt. 5, 6, 7,,

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