ORON 0 il ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Autborized as Secondi( Class Mail, Pos-t Office DePartm-ent, Corne To The Fair Possibly no othier anuual ýevent in Orono takes mure eflfart, planning and work than dbes the annuàl fali exhibitiOn which will take place this week-endi on both Friday afcer- ncxm1 and evening anid Saturday afternoon and evening. Tt certainly appears that a great effort is being exerted by those inteoested aind willing workers of the £air to put this show over the top. Imnprovemnents have, been quite evident over the past few years and the 19M edition is tu be no ex- ception. To gtay in contention and to attrapet spectators to the Car board muet, and we believe are, increasing the atrract. iveness of the Orono Fair. Oily by àùvaning aheacd with new tentures a.nd iniproving the yearly 9tandbys wil they main- tain the fair t itm prçoeitlllevel of interest and on and be- yend thè ucse~fti past. Wée 1 not dnite thltw ean assur~e you tËii4 the Board and t.her workers are making every effort to make 1bs Ui bet fair ever. Suceà is hiowe ver,.nct, icasured oply in -th .e cftlrt e=nerted by-tic dîrecetors or by the calibre and numbe~r «u, exiits. Ibere niuBt be an audience, an ent7usia8tc 'au- dieuce. This is yiethe c general public plays thir pait Xnot onty by aItending the lair but SpeaIkiig with enthusut'stintu tbter frentda and neêghbours id the Miir and fta mmmy features. iVe wish the Durhatm CentùtdAerIoultural S"cety everY wuecoem in heir ar tWts year and wm e ncourouge cur readers bb atend this Lreàt iod i vent for t'wu dfyt and evrening o *Un »ad, enjoyment. The C ,-;t Mounts, . r-uririg te urrent éi~n le ~ction ccsaign, pol- ltktouq cetvarlous UtMnpeg wWl be pioinisant us &U »ote cd ben- 4».Beor* swaVlow'ut te 1ut, we ahog,4tuxat >00k st the bSka, ow i1Mch wil t1weae benefits «M vau? Ooet they wil. mid the. niony fer thic IeauSùi<y corne freour pokts. We uny mt zmcte or tm»deWbanid pst hcw it's ta.ken, but taken flle. Udozbutiy uthe. 1& it" .probeeue4n hf« tsx Indi.i -u s imree r&4morie cd aut responeibities are <caried fur ,S by tht varieusgoverimiens two inalat u a wkrt auffr. ftt»u. Gune àM*the 4g6yw -wen a utn anciMe SIrnly »Ot aeouren thei-log e»b&n. %eout'W bagiven1 thi e fl- MalS the Open 4oor tQ Our poeke t bo4oà Wocet îuin mw *MMiwe.pe 'out i n boXne ax. V3iat o!M ow, tSp, wlat w. psy in P?<pei*y taxes. Atdd the two to- rétber and they Coe 10lea tz&I ameoubt. We flot.t, *UoU~ ;bcw nucbh more we pay lin taxes of aetr »,SUCh us dal«s *1waes on mgt et the. tbUxýp we buy, ore"cca taiXes OU SMh iteim as gauoiine an.d tcobacce, or wiat are deacribed as wel- *Mie Conibt0im Wtare in tacAtatxes - old azt Pensin and en>omerft numn-ê t'axes. Add tlxese to wbcA we abrea4y know we poay in mome and property taxes and We carne cio&e to dgubllg thcet ot knOwn t'axes, Altg,,-ther i you'rea Caisadian, niarnied and wth tiwo affldren, owni your uwn hucýe and make $100 a week, you'te paying iuî$23 a.week in taxes -a]niost $1.200ý a yeur. It's mttboitthei atine -aanouut as you spend for groceries. TItS Not Too Reasonable -The Ontar16 munimpi~a Association isfolkoWing a dangerous path in asking permissive legislation to make u nemployed penesons work for their welfare payments. SOn the surface, it is a reasonable request, particuliarly when lt carnies provisions that wvork be limited to regular rates of pay equivialenit to the amüunt of welfare received, and that coverage be grianted under the Workmen's Com- pensation Act. It las batcked by the request of the Welfare Officers Association that the Ontario ilnister of Public welfare and the federal minister of heaItti be asked to "1provide that empiloyable welflare recipients be obliged to wo-rïk for the generalwelffare assistbance they receive.", loser examinietion of the proposail, however, reveals its dangexu. t could very well lead to municipal exploitation o! 141bor, Vtocdisruption of the labor market in a cominunity andi te municipal waste through the hardenIng of a permanent Iow-wage Work force eniployed on unnecessary m'ake-work There la cobviously a genenal municipal welfare protblem, but ft is not going to be solved by an, oversiniplified, approach Buch as that being taken Iby Uic OMA. The solution muet be more patient, more subtie and more civllzed., Sodioiogical studies in depth condcteti in seyerai lar~ge North Amerioan iles revýea that about 85 per cent 0f welflare recipientswoulfd much prefer Wo hold steady jobs Uian to live off the cornmunity's charity. What these people need for tlieir owu self-respect as much as for their daily fleeds la regular em.ipoyment, flot irreguilar make-work sub- etitutes; their pligtht is a part of Uic general, pressing pro- blcm of national unemploymuent, for whch the three levels of governmient must Endt a solution., The chronic charity cases forin the other 15 per cent - familles in which son follows father on the relief rolis, faiiies whicii seem incapable. uof living except on public weXare Something more than a forced-work programn is needed o remove this hard core - probably an enlightened edtucation'al program based on intensive studies of Uic pe-ranent reliefers. 1-f the rmunicipalities have jobs W f11, thcy should fM1 II em inJ U thenormal f iothrough the national emioy- eut service. To do vex ýisewoud be to ereate either, a preïerreti class of workers (il a seacond clama, neither of _'s hladesirable. Oabhawa Tâues Local Race Horses Showirig Well, Harn'ess Horse raclng. continues in the area Ixvth action both at Peterboirough, local faims and the Mohawh.- Thils we ekend wifl see action at the Oronb track on Sat- uriday afternoon with activities cimentcing at 1:-00 o'olock. A Itota- of $1100. is being offered in prizes and good horses are expected to conmpete. West-Mc-Crae~ Statblieof horses. Action lias now started at the M1ohawk wliere Hoflywdvod Richar~d plaeed first in crne feature. The horse is owned by Jaek Rveld. -Lawrence 1-Hooey's Joey Behln onu a feaure at Buffalo the fore- part of the week. .In speaking with Jack Reid, he pointsoult tbJat sev'enty.five percent of the homes will be new to this area, neyer ha-Ving raced on the Orono track before. Their time willl be fast with most haig a mark of 2.05,and better. Last Saturday lin Petterborough Keitli, West driving Happy Blabe -> co=> co=:o took a tiràt and tliird w th timescof to 2.14, and 2.14.1. Aloenterýed i he FRA Nu Kt CIJA races were P.F. om's Bôbby DaleO who placed fouth Iu a 2.17 event, Worthy Mite, Dourth in a race of R L E mATE by Juinio5r West to Mr. 'Ed Harris o IMITED Wvith Bih Ho«ey nafter the , trn4nnng and drivng. 1~47 Ohurch St. f Meadow Bûb aLJso cornes under newvnemlbip ,w ecete.gje ~ i~ii1 ~88f by Dr. R. J. Tagguaat. Gerald R)ot-. inson -i a part ownýer =nd on Sao± urday 1ast drovetè a 'win in 2.10.4. En its second heat At finshed k&.. At th Ucrecent Greenwuod trx>ts Jlack WiI$am's IILpM ac pioed meverth ini a se'ven furlong ract Klfth i a 5iuniIar eace. Jiappy Mac and Junior West'gE rowii auiey, la Inow in MStrea1 alonc witb thle - Come to The Fair BICCER AND BETTER TitAN EVER Annual Port Hope Agrieultural Soclty FALL FAIR, Sept. 13-14 Trhe Littie Charitable Foundation ofOro would like to inform you that a Dentst Oroe edia ltée Dr. RK A* Heton-Cook, 8. D.S' will commelice hm pratice on Ij q THE ..........