Bowmnanvile Parents Mak IBid For SehoGl Bus Service Tarets «f 101à Pub'ie School 1 teiephbne conversation with an of- -i B wniahqvil1e itIèIofaia!the BuleyBus LUnes tba4,t -,iafs for free 'bus service are no bus would bemade avaUtaJble to beIi~their ebidiren out of schoal. the chtldren of the Beaches. Thi olicy-, 1they c1aiAnito uphold Mrs.,Frederick said: "Wihat are -ti ithe Board sees fit to provide we paying taxoes for? We Vaâlked> to bs Ervice foar their, chiddren. The Mr -.Burley and he told us that wie ~lldelare al from the Beach ýwau1d not have bus servilce unles ares n(d frdistance to walk 15 theBoard cevered the contiiat, 1 Co mtd a e aver two miles. want samething dane now." bahHg-way 401 and the raiîway 1Stu, James, treasurer of the buck faveta be crosaed. ýB0ar(l: ,"IWe faund the distances Nk"lyWparents Tue-sday~ night ta the, jetremetiles of the beaches ýed ta-,I get a hearing wth the ta ýbe2-.1 land 2.6 mles."? a>i-o bard. Whaen refused entry ' Iour problem, like yours, 15 fin- tbe jroup attended the regubar ýancia1," expianed the Chairman. OncImeeting. "Ou'~tr b is l struck in the Apring rr'-e parents camplained ta the Of the year, and at- prefent We CkrLuDe!1 theat tey had been told cannût finance a sChool bu." heewould be a epecial schl . '"Then Our children w111,0go t ni c meting on Tues4ey night ý,scbo1inh theý spi'iug,". was,:the gen~ ie teY presented their petitk>n eral cry. 4e rn he mari7ing to thes Board Eleparents returned to th-e Bll MitcheèR stated:« "We are nOt ~oIboard n eeting and¶ were g,'- Ipaying & - cent. Wtt offered bol aplit an udience. h-d casýts with you ini aur petitiofi, 'eywere toldi that the Boardlbut 'we hbave changed our mnds. bad eacbed1 no dt iis:nn on 'theii, 'Either'Sau pay for a bus or our prilm, alter twa hours of dlitb- chiiren ril1 flot be in schaal this tr*on. It was agree," tht another year2 meeting woulld be caled ta discuss Mrs. McDonald then Statedshe he-stuation, felt that there .ere sufficient Ètu- The Mirents claimed that they dents ina the area ta warrant a vwere !nfornied ejt th'e beginning cf achool being bultdoWr>È dIOTeE the 1t962-1963 schlo1 year, W.hen 'ýBX1 ,no one woa 40 do tib be-ý ýýbey first cont rac-ted the Buslle as i ih mprove, the aréa.,ý that &uif they used the service lWe can't have a school and naw we tbo ot the schaool year that it oan't býave a bus ta take our cbfld- oudbe made avaitalble ta tbern ren o schoal. Wt waild you do this ear.if you live4d dwu there?" ~EL~. orah~rObnliiaseakne -if I lived down there I w"ud the rou, ~t. ý at-- jt,5..OO fl(4ve, " aaidMr. Olaiit. FHe Uil,. P MIL3nday 44ýe day befrc, cholal ded: -Tto a place nea'ere to a ata:fted, Ehe was infoiite1d4 n a IW,,hO*" HedIn .Custody For Cutting Pote s M)71 Ray -G Iasof Clarkse Iwx' Ishýp_.Was renitardeç1 __j cutisVody by ilanville, Tâ., alter being 1 f a igilt it a hptping qwn WU tW h 1-celýi~pone poles beloniflg 9.ta the Orn Te1qep one Oo-m'palY. The ,court wa-s tUl tha '-the acsd had eut 1down ione al l U uus because the cornpan. aad dscoflfected his telephone. Mr. Glass alter- the phone wasý disconi- __- ý nec, reconnected it hi Imef, it wsstated.' Oni Septernber 2nd the Orono I inesmen neturned'anci took dOwn thie wire Icading ta the house. Con- sbic F. Dryden then stated tUat Ï%y limes }MS Glass went out and choppeA JE. .down a second pale, a c orner -pale andthat the twires went acraSSI the "Sorrv. Bud-we're closed on Mlonday nightsil" CÂLL 1792 >OROHO TOR' ImmediateFE Oil Furnace CIe anout' If your furnace bias not yet had its annual cleanit and tune-up let PARTNER'S ESSO SERVICE do it for yeu NOW before the new, heat- ing, season starts. We,,wilI give 'you immediateservice ýabsôlutely FREE if you becoime a Esso 011 customi r for the new season. We have tour own Heating Service Department nd our own expeiend, fully-qualified service technicians réady to serve you;' Change now to Esso for the winter, PIIONE Or-ýONO 1ý782 " Pcirtner Pluimbing & Meatingi 10 wOPT4g -HMANV ff Y u ood Govrment,» deseve~OUeR spof -~'FaIr pay for all'-actÎin byyourý L.Spnservati vc vril4e nI set Mini- i ur Prrovince.ct o!È t.Action in agricultur-r ural Ontario's, L future depends on Young fres The Conservative Government pr:o- vides loans and other measures to encourage them. 3 igher standard of living-Gavern- mentprojeets have increased Ontario's f'arm ficarne and employment; ensure the most productive use of land. 4 oduwapproach ta housing---Your Government's efforts in co-operation with private enterprise is providing better, safer accommodation for Ontario families, C'You enjoy Canada's* finest ighways- 3and the Rabarts' Government in- tends ta see yau get more. 1,700 miles of niew multi-lane highways are scheduled. -More parks, mor e isitors, More O recrea9ft)ii lu 192,yoûriConserva~ tive Governnment had 81 p rQviheia parks, operating. Visýitors rose 260 tc- 7.8 milliont! Fine for your child-Your fGoverrarnentis determined-that there will be no limitation ta the creative and praductive- capacity of styç1ents. 8 niversity education avàlable to al- this is the goal of yaur Caniservative Government. New universities are ta apen in Peterboroughi, Niagara Falls and Windsor. 9Allowances for the aged and disabled boosted to $65 monthly-it is only one af many welfare increases. Your Con- servative Government aims 'to im- prove conditions further. 1O Vigorous leadership-a measure of goad political leadership is the abil- ity ta get things done for the people quickly and wisely. John Rabarts' administration is for you. Vote P'ogressive Conservative in Ontario FUBLISHEO EV THE ONTARIO PRUGRESSIVE CONSRVAIE A-, O N RE-ELECT7' PROGRSSIVECONSIVATIVE / t, t. '1 t' 4' *1 I oei I - -la