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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1963, p. 1

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"OIM~ 5, NUMBE 2 A Popular Featuye OROO EEKLY TIME S, TliURtSDAV, SEFTEMBEP. 12th, 1963 e.,,w vent s ro h etg The 1963 edition r the O)rono Fr . ay evenIng.Bol ee events ~)UHAI *Ni NOI?ïumia-Fair is no past his1tory. In record- e- ,livt-cl the activties of Friday lie- ing this cliapter of the history of L3rc a considerable croxvd Fli d y LIND 19 3 POWÏNG MýATCH taie fair there will be uitile doulit uv-iing. The TYûaceo competitions that success will bc amongst the a wth ~c ioosiflg of the To- In~rete plwmn et ~ hecomments to be made. The atten- -iq oi.wre ohrfau ljone )f Presideýnt Bruce Eaglesondac was downi somesmhat fromu ~ ~ p~~yatr i i~ ohorg n Tesdy eenig, ueprevious years wiîii the-,,gate so h'ilsow xcpgfor the September3. Present also were la Vic Wil Alin0fNewaste, ndreceipts notinga drOP Of SOMÈ $90. nre,.ho in the Holsltein shiow Vice Crdon iackIn of obour , a year the attendance was re- -j,~w~ the bleacheraoudli VîieGdar ûtars, G. .o Hero t. corded around 6,000. 1The drop in ,--,ep2aaedl wth iîrs attendance eould have resuited on,~ ci Bobet Aln, Godon cGee andsturday evening wten the SilmI 3ceayRaipli Banbury. Thie I MCn- hwfildt ttata The fat calf auction brought to'P eraioa Poing MatUch wvill be an adiid thie amateur contest Pri ces and titis is expected tO er- lield on thie Colin Smiythe Farina in the previous year.cuaegetrpruiainnx Pl CouetyQ0tober ti te l-2tii. year. The tug of wai: was wonl by Thsevet also wili. featjire ti i n general the fair was aira rywi roe h toge Lests. The last ime the latter con-poigms interesting 'to to-i th eom tiinoeralde- fsswere held in Canada was ini attendance. The fat C'aif shov ination and the conitest beliween. 1953 at our Match featured at the 1 and auction and the tug of war on (Continued page 2)ý I Aoden Plougli Home near Cobourg'I________ _________________ This event. wa~s coiimemnorated by ç the Golden Plouigli Cairn wýh1cn '4sands nernte <ounty Buildings zand in front 9f the County Home. Hosein Show At Fair iimarconests have been hli n l ('cdebtwe tetAieEPvents i Largest In Last (cY ars Caniada. Our local officers accept- ed the inivitation of WilliamBezr The Black and White DaY SPOn-thwnigaedcwnnilDr andSon, us es 0fPlinvli j yor di te DurhLim Holatein Club isý Sovereign Princess, at cow ifith (-orner lu hold the counties matchland hled Septeniber t,6Ir-i connec-a usadn de iitw~ o I at their farmy. 1The date of Satua-- tien witli OrOne Fairboult u et A. J. Tiiihfenl TrOfly dayOdtber~tJ wa seectd ~ the biggest exhibit 0f Durhiaml l etudrdfeaeo th cause it is before the IntcernationatCouty Hoî01 sinteps fv W andenalesman Jnio Famer iyeara, with 155 liead shown by 27 Tire Junior ChýaniPil femnaL(e attending higli school to take part exhibitors. Weatlier codton eeWas the firtpiesno etil n flie plowing match and tracter idladtequhywa glTmneA ivmntIiaSOW clu anvttes Th Acievmet epecaly in the, younger animai s, by Carlos Tambiyfl of Orono, Whleo Miss An l ci fWhtby is sov'heebln~ 'd day for the Northuiberaiid Trac-,Iaeccording f0 oJudge Ralpli Duntoli, fIe Re jse&e Sons or awartop 'Illi.rj ,,At 1nltby Miss Glendca Johnson of N as1.Gienda vwag I tor Club directed by Extension J0cf Brampton. J. H. Jose & Sons on flitation Jui)Or presening te blaket Ô.belilf cf Johson' Dig store, tlu tne ,win- 1'EngJneer Oiwen Gibb a.nd Asseciate 1 Thecre was very kçen competitioi , nie. T eJno hmn iS a deep1 uer in thie English Saddfle lass at the Orono Fair. The sade Representa;Uive ,'increw Watson, jfor botili tuePrmeExbto and -strong, týop hifer, 1wAiti the Re- clasesat liefai wee abg tirc~cn.wii lea fatue 0 th mach hsPremrier Brceder a'wards, ""th R, serve well balanced and dairyi(. ________________________________________yeari. A class will be added for 4 B. Brownvi, BowmIantviiie, taking ý bl forrow i Th.'1e usuaI Essu, 1tePr ie hbtr banner for There was a uablmnW C arn b ,r S Ce chin cg Eoî N ew jaton, an ,îpso-n speciais are 1the ie L neh hvnga oao wt te St prin'slr" Cbý1 sales are requested to mnake a castie, were close behind witli 124, agedi bull, Gkadilbrae Leader Star' P rojects To U ncle-take dcisplay of their equipinent. Oth-ers !and Donald Budd, Port Hope, W110 dust, showii by J.HsQenors 'are wvelcoïned but the following are 1was showing for onfly the second Nevfca5tte.1Tle Reserve Sno S~xeenmemers0f he rorto te ome nietal Kar Klub to be contaeted: G. M. Herriot and yer a igi eid il 2 hampion stood nýext tW hlm in C ,'ubr'~! Cmmece et at Mil- which formerly was located in Or-- Son, Ali1 ames ly asson, IPrçanier. Bueeders with 134 points as, a-wa Udba oe tcrs Rsturatmonday eveling ono. Some indlvdý(ual members Oie ocksbutt; Charles Fergus- points. J. 1-1. Jose, & Sons wr' eier, dnd onty yJ.ame1 whe~ tey ecivd areprtfroi ae 0 asis alngwit a .on-)on, David Brown; Jack Reid, Mas fthe runerill being Carlos'ý3fi-Coombes, BowmL:ni"4lle o-nd . hel levure i whch areport- omartio 0f $500 frm VIe hanie. domrusl;BIlLwene n1'ln Ooo)it 1 oints. Je s ons. HoweVer, the Reser rd ~ ~ l antc 15.1 rmVean-1 Cons_ýiderable dsuso gi ernational; Grafton Co-, Man lGrndChmthehp wadwedk nua-l stree1t fair heid in Atigust. A centred ao:' thVe OroeoTele- iger Ban Help; vnTakry oadBudsiwdVeSno 0 I uirCapotewsn- bankbalnceof 22~800 4st. pone cmpny n is loal <pea ýobile MIil; and the varlious gsand Grand Champion femaàle,-win-,ning senior bull caîf, Tarùn 111e prba-le of$nt 8.0Lesli settpe- ion andthe ropsdmre iîcmais0 tleae.Eda igthese honours witil the top Pabst Walker Lad, howýn by Calos seTedave ftaateMjthe Ern erpoe omay.1Buttars is f0 arrange with local ilk ing three year old', pee -A-(Boc Tamblyn f Orono. Helaavr Fon$anid-ailfliose cho hll~î assist- was fl iltai little could be doue ladies for lunches at ixoon. Howard R.A oeeg aly h aadnpbde aI ith p eitt0 ctd wi~ I nulSre ar vntogite iltfvu H1enry, District Director of Camp-j well balancedi, smooth individual, strengti. 1The Reserve Junir e Imaintaiiiing 0f the iead oficýï,e inibelîcrofit No. 2 ia expected f0 be I Wth a partidularly good udder. f0 the second pieiint ifi A rcqliest fronm the MOterOity Oono witli usi and application is made'ITire Reserv\e Senlior and Reserve senior bull caif clasg, Ganaraska >ar Club for- assistane1 provid- OooCa jnhp witt hesonbyD adBi.H hed l aspesnfd 0in fr nO.P.A. judge. The ladad Chmvinlls etf0oiefsonby D onpage dd8 H ing trophies f raso eb 5abr Committee 10 prepare the, field ý ap lsel 3omnilo Çntfudo ae8 lun tlie <ýsliwa Children's Arena j thazt flere was a total of thil4tuy-tJw President Eàagleson, Hbst Will1 Blez- 'w~s ece'vd.Thie Mote.rCty CLar honour tuents last year at fltheti'dpg 4 on etto Clbcontains membersi fromn (Confinued page 2) ihr Vas &een C np tto P à Uiberdi Ccndidïte Sees Need For1 IMprovment To Orono, Entrcances Allan PBeer, Durham Liberal liowever there ýare times when be- 1provided at no cost to the parents 'Candidate, spoke to a ga thering of ing 'honest withi our convictions we land of course will lie paid for out from 150 to 200 in the Orono Town must offer const,ýructive criticismlIof ýthe provincial treasury. Bôok' Hall on Monday evening when hieland ft is ini this vein that I refer being purcliased in these quantities wledged, if elected, hie would work to the educIeational system that we anid for the government can > long and liard to see that. Onono have in Ontario today. I believe I purchaséd at greatly reduced receives proper entrances from have said before we have an edu- prices. Hi*ghway 115. Mr. Beer stated that cational system in Ontanro whieh Agriculture the Higihviy entranices to Orono in my opindon lias lacked planning off 115 are not only a safety haz- land researchi and indeed Mr, Ro- I want to mention a few aspects ard, but they arpe hrking the bus- barts considered it of sucli minor of agriculture, and I will be brief iness and industrial 1f e of this importance that for considerable for we have a speaker wlio knows ziw. Tiiere seem-s to be no logcal time lie did not have anyone specif- muclh ore on tis than 1. Just to explanatîon wly other towns and ically appointed to hold that port- mention Our position on vertical in- villages can obtain praper en- foiîo. So it is nlt too surprising tegration whicli is becoming in. tramces from the Provincial higli-that we are- encountering many creasingly alarminbg to the smaii 'vways while. Orono muist suffr h problems at this time. farmers ail across our Province. existing inadequate facilities,li Mr. Beer, stated thlat the Liberai Onllylast fali a group f rom Dur- said. The speaker spoke of a man Parz as la euaion 0f ham preseated a brief to the Gov- who tried to make a left-liand turn primary importance.' We believeernmnent regardiag the infiltrai!on I into Orono on a Saturd.ay afternoon our young people are our richest of big business into the vegetabie and wlio gave up in disgust a.nd and most treasured resource. Weigrowers f ield. No legislation: to byýpassed Orono. A candidate for beleve in, equal opportunfity f or prote et the vegetable- growers of -PUblic office must b# concerned ail chuîdren regardless of vberei)uhn was considered, beoailse with tliings affecting his ~riding 1 î- their ability to pay. 1 of tlie influence that these com just as lie mujst be concerned for We must and will provide facilitijespanies invoived liad on the.govern- the Province as a wliole, lie said.. for the education of.ah wliho qulify ment. This points up the patron- Educulion for High Sdliool anid Uiversitie--- age tlitt is Involved in a Gover'n- h lias neyer been my policy to, We belleve in a standa'rdiZation of mnrt tbat is in -too long and tit crdi,-L~ze the opposition, Stated.Mr. text boëks wbieli will be uniform j Ineed for a change inontario. We Binl order to gain public favour1 across the province and wil D (Continued page 8) JIt was not ail pies, cakes, horses and cal le at the jrSooblair last Frîday and,,Saturday. The art of horseshoe 1pitcbnrg was in ful w#Ing under the auspices 0f PRobert Glanvillle Feeds, Orono. Th1e par- ticipants were keen Wlthi as maniy as four ringees ihi an eud.,TIh& touruamÏenlt vas won ,by ,the McLailgilin Brothers 0f Caeoarce. A& Kinmount and Toronto Inftan placed second wrifh C.iahiîe and Ro-be-rt Glafillllplacing ,third. Sliown above are Rebert Glnil and Rey Mcliaughui-n of Cae.sarea, picking up the shees. 1 1

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