ORXONO WEEKLY T Authâorized Mas eeonld Caa Mail, Post Offi( The Provine4al election campaign is w~ meqi ttheir procosals for the future of tihe Prov, wvith aIl three parties in the act off woatng the John Ridbaits, who is andi bas proven ijican, seemns well in control off the political &C Snly recently apposinted Prime Minister off tihe eà<>wn qualities of leadership, of determnatIor rwe iott>adt. VWl'st Minister of EFducation Jo] legislation enacteti greatiy cbiangling the forn caional sy§tem. This legisiation has, we1 proýve itself, bit its exiltence has sbown that Riatswas ready to explore and l'o improv( «c ducatiion to meet present day desnands In being electeti as head &f the Conserv * beitev,.e was a grat achievemen' fo'r Johrn oonquered much bigger names in the party ar ihought surely Irad an edge through senàority S±ýný,ce bis appointiment be h"a ated as a le'ade Mis action, providing, we, accept bis -Aipproval in~ prinicipal andi the wilfingness t tise formation of a Federal Penieon Plan" is taken a stVig out of the opposition's campawig was bis onily right decision that couid be n1lade ai bave stated in titis colunin that te Pens kbe Federal in scope and administration. The paity bas however over the 20o plagued wiVh s'rne shady deailings. It is to bi li as al been ferreled out and corrected for be tolerateti in any form or marnner. The opposition leaders, though conscie eerinoe, have not had the opportunity off the ïegaing party. To hoid'office in the rich Prov vihere money is availaibie to provide serv.cesr ,Cher titan an adrantage. * 7Tere oeetaînly are 5come issues in thLs eiecý the publice must delve into in order to decý'de votirig day. Localiy we bavethrmeecandidates (Lhree ,all' having ceitain qualifications whieh could ibo the Province andtists riding. Mr. Alex C servative, lias now conipleted one term off Provincial LegLtIature andti as serveti on. i nttees during the past four years. He also iit<) theeîementary education systexn through Mr. Alian Beer, Libera'l& bas youf.h, a desire t. aýb-ackg-rund offte higbest municipal, leve WVarden off the United Counties. Hdz praci cornes througlh fanming andi as a Generai Mc M.Ashton, N.D.P. also bas bt-en ass'ociated o4f years in municipal affairs baiving W-Orke * for municipal government. Even tiboug hie is 0àf Vhe iding lbe appears Vo have a desire Prvneand DurhTam. In .the mea5Vim~e tihe maclinery f'or holkb on Septuiber 2Mth is weli undenwaiy and it w tcioin that le a Iied Èhat evening. ELECMlON TJIEOW»ACKS Lasxt week whiie Alex Oarrnters wa Darlington TownslÀp denouncing the Federai #Ës leader John Robarts was spealdng elsewA evening stating tlitt ie agreed ini principal w pla. Mndtay ngght. in Onono, Bruce Beer, Oouniy and brother of AleaiBeer, was eau.tîonim tù be aware 'of free give-aways . . . ttiis wee. LLberals are offering free text bookes hrough ment in tUns paper. Galrke Higli Scbooi. R blas been W. FRANK REAL ESTATE 0 13 LIMITED 0 (j 177 Church st. ORONO WEEKLV TIMÉS, THURSDAY, ýýPTEM8ER i2tJh, 1963___________________ WEST DURIIAiM fIANADIAN Centre, Bowmaavile al 8:515)pu. many of the blstoric events leading IM E CLB -SEPEMUR i, 163 Following Mr. Lynch, Canadu nup to the Second World War. While DeB- ETE , 1, 93 Club, w4ll present His icei neyluEngland s'ae.married the ' Fala ceDprtrn~As off September 4 subseipt-ýion Baron Guy Davfresne lie La Chiev. - 1f Listoll1, and lbas contumed tickets1 for tihe fifth season off the alerie, Beigian Amibasïsador to Can- ber literary1 career. In 1958 shè eil onl its Vay West Durham, Canadian Club went ada. Duringthe second World War, published ber second, novel ."Thet ince off Ontario. on sale in Bowmanville and sur- Baron de la Chevalereî ve as Goldeni Tree", narrating ber ex- e generai public rounding areas. Membersh.ip is Colonel on General MvacArthur's periences as edbtor off a magazine, an astute pol open to anyone who wishes te join,' Staff off the Allled Plowers in Tokyo. "East Europe and Soviet Russia', eneTusI ad aspeialinvtaton s et ededBaron de la Chevaleriebas previ. andi ber sacrifice off closiag il cee hsman adaseilivtto setne ~ Povnce bs o Higli Scbool students w> o huld ously served as Belgian ininister to down in order Vo gain the re.$ ase e, arn celin- eno bain 1witeetiganWashington and Amnbassador Vo offber young nepbew wbo was lefi. hn Robarts hbad knowledgeable speakers. The aim Pakistan. His toic will be "Facing in Hungary after the uprising. 'Uns, nia o ou eu- off Canadian Club is Vo bring an a New W'orld, on Wednesday, Faîl, Lady Iistowel will pujbliah beatve off t ournsso Cnaa edu- stryOctober 23. ber fiftb bock, I"Mannual for Mod- aseaeme, Johnt poliarens, oradiCnadatc, ber ll sory On Wednesday, November 20, ernManners", andi she is now en- as ah m.anas &r oiensoftraadin set.t an egCommodore O. C. S. Robertson gaged in writing a bîstory off Tang-. executive meeting on Wedanesday, "The arfre the adinorItb oWest i Sepembr 4 te tlýlwig -spek-"Th Serc fo th NrthWes 1There wili be one lecture in 'ative Party we' estemer 4,uee the fo'o, preak. Passage." A lively and adventur. February andi one in Mardi an& ers ere nnouced y th prei. ur career cf exption.t> and inav'the dates, speakers andi topies wi. Robarta as be dentý,Mrs. Edward Samuel. ,nd men who we The opeaing speaker will be Mr. gation give Commodore Robertson be announed laVer. anti proprie'ty. Charles Lyncb, Chief off the Ot uhsoe o i etue.Ie1To, close tho season, on April IU, taw Bueaucf be outam ewswill address Canadian. Club as a, 1964, the Canadian Clu~b will prffl_ er. taaBra fteSuhr esresuit cf bis coimnd of, I1.M.C.S. fent Dr. Phitlp Ketohuni, who la 3,slement .off Services. Until 1947, M\4r. Lynch Labrador on ani expedition to the well knoWna as an educator and o c-oprat le asReuerscoresondnt n Br.Northwest Passage. Commuodore beadmaster ,off Trlaity Colega, one whîch bas lin and bieaded the team off Re,-uters IRobertson bas s'erved as observer Sobool, port Hope, until bis re- gn. Naturally ilcorrespondeats coverlng - the War 1and adviser t19the U.S.NIsjSea- iremient last year. Dr. Ketchiuc efor we belleve Crimes, Trials la, Nuremburg.tI dragon ii, 1960, and basegaged la bas recently been appointed, spec- ion lansiuold 947 Mr.Lynb W~ naed eut various expeditions l'o Greenlaxid, !iai assistant for seccndary sch»o. ers chief ce espofldent la Canad-a, 1Alaska and the Canadian Arctic affirs Vo the Unversiy otToronto, dd years been and , three years laVier bie was iffromr 1952 l'o 1961. cbum bas serveti cn the Boarrd *f )e bopedt tiat il named Editor off Reuters' North. On Monday, Janiuary 20, 1964,,t Governors off the University for ILt this Éhou'ld not American Service, in Newv York. danladian, Club will welcome, the dean Dr. Claude Bisseil. Dr. Keý_ In 1956, Mi, Lynch resigned frM '1lNew Year and a diastinguis'hed years. After bis reirement froS, mtius en ff euters to beconie Uniteid Nations womnan, tbe Countess off Llstowell. T.C.S. Dr. and Mrs. Kettdhuma eadou e of be corr-espondcen.t for* the C.B.(., and Hungariani bora and, edueated, travelled extensive'iy, apending c«n- ince off Ontarqo b i wllkow1ado n 1TV Lady Listowell was the fîrst soc- sideraeble lime, lu Kenya, andi Dr. , pêr,,onality,.1Mr, Lynchwil spak ety woman Vto become a journal- Ketcbumn will speak Io Csnadiaan must be notitg on the 1'Ottawa See'Ïe" on Wed- ist iii pre-war Hungary. la the Club' on some aspect of f 14fr tion anti la VWs nesday; September 25. la the Lions course off ber job, she rieported ýKenya. ther action (on t peas ita.a poti) ibe off service ýarruthers' Con- service in thle aumerous coi-' bas as insight bis profession. ýo serve andi bas ,l baving been VtIcai education otors employee. Ibfr a'numiber ,d as im~pector ;noV a reeident e Vo serve bis ng tis, election 1111 be your de. ts speainrg in 1Pension Plan, 7here the 'a.me !th the Federal M.P. for Peel ng Mia audtenq- ýk the Durhbam tbir advertise- the policy off thbe Chamber Ml he past to bonour studeats off taie Or- ono scliool. IJast year sixteen âtu- dents were feateti by thie Chamber FurtJber consideration is 10 be givenl la the matter. The directors' are o meet Vo consider the annual Santa Claus ap pearance la Orono. The Orono sign at the s'outb 0f the Vllage is Vo be painted and Mr. P. M. Lun was authorized to obtain the paint. The presideat pointed Vo the need off a project andinlatitis vein -con- sidlerable 'discussion foliowed. A- mong the projects meationed was aCuriling Rink and Winter Carnival The Little Charitable Foundation of O)rono would like to informn you that a Dentist wilbe setting up his practice in the Orono Mtedical Centre Dr. R. A. Heston-CookB.D.ýS. wlll commenehMs practice on T uesday, October 1, 19 63 Appointments eau be boolked lfrom Septemr Gui . OFFICE IOURS q a,,m, 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. Saturday:9Q-12.30 12 WOP 'nI144MANx RNEASOùg&NSWHYL- Gjood uGovernment deserves YO UR Support, 1More lobs and rlsing lacornes-mn 1962, 45,000 new Jobs were opened up ini Ontario; personal încomes soared more than 8 %.e 2 Ahealthy rural econory-your Ciovernment is takiag vital action in developîng the land by drainage and reforestation schemes. 3Fair mnarkets for farm produts- efforts to place ail producers of farmi products on an equivalent basis improves maCetconditions. 4$15 Miillion in aew business-the re- 4 'suit of your Government's success- fui efforts Vo induce 200 foreign companies Vo produce here. 5Aid to municipalities; low taxes- 5 y our ConservaVive Government gave,$469 million Ibis year Vo local authoriies-helps hold down taxes, Progress in publie 'welfare-your ,6 Governmenf is.ever mindful of tho less fortunate members of society-- and aids them many ways. 7School bgards get $233.3 milon- 7 grants to elementary and secondary sehools have reaçhed a record figure -up over $31 million. 8Improved instruction la sehols- Ontario teachers benefit fromn one o f the Most extensive training pro- grams in North America. Homes for the Aged program-your 9Government lias assisted in provid- ing new accommodation for the aged-in all, 2,250 new beds. Portable pensions for everyone-Vhis 10O pIan means if you change jobs, your pension will. NOT be forfited- iV moves with you. hf Decisive planning for your welfare- your ConservaVive Government' s record bas placed it among the most advanced jurisdictions in the world. Vigoreus leadership-good Govern- l 2ment leadership gels hiags doue for the people. John Robarts' adminis- tration is for YOU. .vote Progressive Conservative win Ontario PUL 5IE Y TUE ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATMVEAMSCI TI ON 4 R-ELSCT, ALEX C ARRUTHERS PROGRESSIVE.CONSEJRVATIW'E * g a 1 - *4