4VA~c' ~'~< -,VvVr ~>. ~ 4V 4V OKONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUUSDAY, SEPTEMI5ER-5f1, 1963 $3,800 Wagered At Parie Mutuals At Oro'no Fair Eïght heats of racinig were feat- ured at the Orono Fair Iast Sat- qairday afternoon with pari-mutual wagering. A toJtal or some $3,800 passud thnrouigh the mutuals on the races mhich is not an exccptionially great qum for the tlosands in attendance. Eight heats of racing wcre offer- cd, ail 0f wich werc well classi- fied with 'a handicap trot being pessibly the mnost keeniy contested. 410.0was offered in pursers. Tihe finst race, a pace, Was run in twlo hýieats ,wdth Cunney Lou Yocke, ondby Madili and Mackie of wheatl;"ey, placing irst and second and Superior Mark, owned by Vern Soper, second and first. Laurel Hal ondby B3rethor Bros., Sunder- jaxul, placed tird in both heats and in fourth was Margaret Hal, ,Mvlnd b.y Rosa B3rown, Newtonvî1le. pooùers were Tony Woî4thY, Azidy Oouncil and flonna's DrCam. Tlie second and sixthi heats saw PninCess Fnrisco a horse owned by S, Moore, ljinidsay, take the tirsrt heat wIth Ke'th Wet's H-aWpY -Babe taking the second hleat. pýraueas Fnisco y"was best in the s'uinm-aay. Happy Bawb e placed thlrd.-ii the fist Jhcat. In the first ïekat of tkiis racç Ienta Volo C f ei on the baok stretch throwing& tihe driver. Although Henra Volo C and Mag'ic Key dlid flot finish, neithen were hurt to aay extent or enena, owned by Lloyd Cochrane Negtleton, was a keen contender in both haif mile heats. Punse for the event was $160.00. iPterboro Action Saturday night in Peterborough, Meadow Bob driven by Gerald Robinson, reached the money with a third and last position. Worthy MIte, driven by Bill Hooey was last bothi trips 0-f is race. Bobby Dale H. owned by F. Post, also reached the money witha third and fifth postion. On Augus 3lst Jack Reid of Orono, drove Flemington's Betty, a two year old, owneci by Roweland Farms of Newton Robinson to top position in thc Supertest Stake in Hanoven. Money 'in the race amounted to slightly over $5000. This race-is the f catune race for two year oid trotens in Ontario., Orono Fair (Continued f rom page 1) many of -the teams was nip and tucl. The cattie shoaw was away up in the H-oIstin branch but saw some decrease in the bee<. cattie sectàon. The Guernsey Show wa*s on a par with other years. In the horse chiv- jalon there was an excellent show- ing of ,hcavy horses Frid'ay atter-1 were thedrivers.--n- -n-widh muet have exceiled 1o P.trîcia Margaret, owned by previous years. The lig'ht horses in' j:Ràley of New Hainburg, "on the the carniage and roadster classes ,uSmn;ry of, the Handicap Trot eaw sligiht decrease in entries. The ,wiiha firat and second, Cherry saddle alasses were however most IFreeze of Lyndon Hill Parme, exciting and picturesque both in Brax&,lord with a third and first,1 the Western and English saddle Vax. Cela of Roweland, Farmne Classes. The stake classes weoee Necwton Robinson, was second and also well filled with close compe- third, Lusty McKinney, ýowned by tition. Jýi:,m Keeling, Owen Sound, was fooeth and sixth. Others in the The Midway, besides sporting the ract were Far Cry Guy, Buckaroo1 usual games of chance had num- .and Jimmy -Mac. This race was lIerous children's rides including pu&sdbly the feuture of the meet iMcrry Go Rounds and Ferris as both heats were close finshea. Wheels, candy floas, candy apjples pop, chips and hot dogs were tlie 111e f<urth race, a pace, saw ~ordier o!, the day.- ,Superlor Mary o>f Vienna take the first heat and finish sxth in the1 The class of farin machineryand james Holmes, MIton,ý won, the cother mercantable items was most second. Pat Foxibes owned by interestdng with many new itemeo second heat coming in third in the cisplay such as a scooter-sl'ed. heat. Others placing were Two 0 One, o! Collingwood, 2 and 3; The inside eithtbits were in a Br*ad!cliff of M. J. Swartz, Toronto, c s!tei w hrevstr amid diven by.Junior West, 4 and, could spend hours inspecting the -; Frîsky Gratton, Sundeland and work of public schacil children drivn byJackWillams and4. gh school students, artiste, hon- Mighty Rentown, owned b y E. TIlI, tculturigt's and the knïitten and Uxfbridge,, 5 and 2; Miney Do~wn, 1Isewer. Al classes heki thein own wned by E. Speer of Kingston 7ý with former years with an intereat- anld 7., ing, art and craft dtsplay by stu-1 dents of the hîiglh school. Dust in the In the Onono Businessmien's Trot building was the only draiwback of ia local horse, Judy -Burton, owned this huge showng o! cnafts arts by Wm. Reid, won bothtr ips. Vol. and of an array of colour. ROYAL Bowmanville 623-5589 This Wednesday to Saturday, September il - 14 Thle Great . ^scape Excellent, and i Color One complete show nightiy at 7:30 Special Children's Matince Saturday Ileluil ,and Peter ~,, Color - Admission 25e - ~~auIi~Ih~ fi ~ PLAYM ATE ~ N~ El .~ Micro Mesli Micro Mesh * Banlon Top Seamless - Pair 59c SealmIfse - Pair 79c' - With tlhc Coupon from Your Red& White Circular you can get these: First Grade - Fresh Churned, Crefflery Butter 2lb99 Homogenized (Deposit on Jug extra) jug Milk 3 qt49 Sunspum Brand IceCream Bo)neless (Cryovae Halves) u 'Specially- Seiected - Value Check'd" S"For Frying or Broilng Rib Steaks 0lbS o"Burns" WýeU Streaked "SugareCured", OShlàmrock 1 lb. flat package Rindless, Bacon lbb67c 0 "iBurns"' Fresh Sliced 12 oz. saran pkg Bolona lb 35c 0 Cornish's1 0 ORONO V2z gallon carton 79c Seamless - Pair 199,C Produce Feature of the Week Lusclous Call1orni4 No. 1 Grade. RAPES mâW Il9c 'E Regular 69ec. - Grinette M Super, BlueBlades 49c Regular 69e - Giant Size Crest Tooth Paste 49c Regular 79e BRYLCREAM tube 59c Regular $2.00 - Ton! Homne Permanent $1.29! Rgular 98e - Antiseptie LISTERINE 14 oz 69c Regular Price 60e - No. 1L20, No. 127, No. 620' Ansco Film 2 for 69c Ketichup Salada Tea, Bags Spaghetti Heavy Duty - 12e off Success Wax No Dealers Please - Fancy Quality Sockeye g' kNo Dealers Please - Zip Brand Dog Fod No Dealers Please - Choice Quality Crushed oGranulated - With an order of $10.00 or over SUýGAR 2for -43c 60 for 77c 2lb 37c Sun., Mon., Tues. and Wed, at 7:30.pm and »t 8:45 ~m Dr. No Sem ConnOry, Urouia A1ldrm~ Adult Enteitainment 'Wte Swan - Aqua, pink,,yeow, lte Tissues1 8 for 89c 40 oz. Tins 89C Red'and White, ONTARIO , .--i ' 4"C=Zl /lb. Tins 15 oz. Tins 12 or $ 200Z. Tinsl 5for$1 5'L, Bag 51b 49c