GRONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMIBER 142thq 1963, Orono Fair P LADIES DE PARTMENTF5 Mr.s. Graîce Chant: 6 fîrsts; 4 econidsand 1 third prize. Mrs. 'L. Patterson: 4 first; 2 sec- ond; 2 third. Mrs. P. Walker: 1 second. Mrs. W. B. Hoar: 2 firsts. Miss Anne Werry: 7 first; 5 sec- ond; 2 third. Mrs. E. Prout:2 first; 2 second Mrs. E. Schmid: 4 first; 1 sec- ond; 1 third. /'i Mrs. R. D. Morton: 1 firdt; 3 sec- ondi. Mmu. M. Killeen: 2 second Mrs. G. R. Putnam: 8 first; 3,' second. Mrs. L. E. Bryant: 6 first; 13 second; i third. Mrs. M. Coates: il first; 9 sec- ond;, 3 third. Mrs. S. Moore: 5 first; 1 second; 4 third. Mrs. V. Skerratt: 6 first;. 10 second; 3 third. Mrs., G. Brown: 8 flrst; 12 sec- o1âd; 2 third. Mrs. W. Van Eyk: 1 first; 2 third. Mrs. E. Smaele: 2 first; 1 second. Mrs. StanAllin: 1 firgt. Mrs. R,. Knuds en: 2 f irst. Mrs. F. Jose: 2 first Mrs. M. jefferies: 1 second. SPECIALS >To ,'exhibtor from Clarke and Dariington havin.gthe niost points: ist, Mrs. Grace Chant, Hampton CerVtificute, Ellis Shoez. 2nd, Missý .Anne Werry, Bowmanville - Cer- tificate Wideman',s Ladies Wear. MADIO ISMAICRETtU r HEAT BURNER SERVICE ~.J r4*~J . H rize Winners LOCAL NEWS Goodbrandic Fabrieýs Speëcial - For Best Mother and DaugIter Mr'. Ronald Best is a patient in Aprons. Winner Mrs, Grace Chant, the Bow'mnanville Memorial Hospit-', Hampton. ai with a knee infection. Pauline's Specialty Shop Special Mr. and Mrs. CyrIl French of foir Child's Dress - Mrs. H. OhaWa were visttors on Saturday Schmid, Orono. with Mrs. Irene- Murray and also Mary Maxim Special-îst Mrs. attended the Orono Fair. R.Putnam; 2nd Mrs. M. Jeff- Mr. and Mrs. Burns Ktmer of ere;3rd Mrs. V. Skerrat. St. Marys, visited over the week- Mhckaby's Special for NEW ex- end with Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. hiibtor with most points- Mrs. 'Mr. Tom Tebble of Hamilton qi- E. Smale, Hampton. tende'd the Orono Fair., Sirûpson Sears Special Most Mr. S. Parker of Hamiltonattend- Points in Needlework and Domestic ed the Orono Fair on Saturday. Science- Mrs. S. Moore, Port Perry. Potatoes, late: H. J. Brooks, W. Womens Groups Special "Kit- Farrow chen Kapers" - Ist Blackstock Potatoes Collection: W. Farrow. Wamen's Institute; 2nd, Hampton Collection of -pickl ing Vegetaibles: Service Club; 3rd, Wooler United C. Turner, Mrs. C. W. Downey. Churh Woen.Collection of Onions: C. Turner. Churh Woen.Display Garden Vegetables: W. GRAIN AND SEEDS Farrow, Don Staples, Mrs. C. W. Bushel Faîl Wheat: A. Blanchard Downey. G. B. Rickard. Hay, Ist cutting- C. Tamblyn, 1Bushel Barley 6 rowecl: G.. B. Mrs. Stan Afin. C. Turner. Ri ckard. Hay, 2nd dutting: C. Tamblyn, - . ~ . .-. C. Turner. B!usfli arley 2 rowea: G. tB. Rickard. ,Bushel Laie White Oats: Wes Yellowlees, G. B. Rickard, A. Blanchard. Bushel Early White Qats: C. Tanilblyn, Harold Yellowlees, B. Tink. 25 Ears Hybrd Corn: C. Tamblyn 12 Stalks Dent Corn for ensilage~: R. Osborne, C. Tamblyn. Sheaf Faîl Wheat: J. W. tBoyd Sheaf White Oats: E. Gilbank, 'G. B. ickard. VEGETABLES, IBeets: W. Farrow, Everett Har- _art:E Harness, W. Farrow, Mrs. C. W. Do'wney. Corn, Yellow: J. W. Boyd, Mrs. C. W.. Downey. Cabbage, winter: C. Turner, W. Farrow. Calbbage, red: C. Turner. Cauliflower: C. Turner. Mangels, sugar: A. Pos, C. Tor- ]bMangels, other: A. Pos, R.' Os- borne. I Onions, yell.ow: C. W. Alln,,Mrs. E. Stapleton,,E. Harnes.s. Onions red, C. Turner,. Parsnips: C. Turner-, D. Staples. Pumpkin, pie: C. Turner, S Chapman, G. Gummer. Pumpkin, field: C. Turner, W. Farrow. Peppers, red: C. Turner. Peppers, green: C. Turner, Mrs C. W.' Downey, H. J. Brooks. Squash, EHubbard, green: Mrs. C 1W. Downey, C. Turner. Squash, Pepper: G. Gummer, Mrs.' C. W. Downey, H. J. Brooks, Tomatoes: W. Farrow, E. Harn- ess, Mrs. C. W. Downey. Turnips, field: W. Farrow, R. Osborne." Turnips, table: R. Osborne, W. Farrow, G. Gummer. jWatermelon: John Gibart. Muskmelon: G. Gummer, C. Tur- ner, Don Stapies. Potatoes, early: W. Farrow, 1. J. Brooks, Mrs. C. W. Downey. of action ta take ta keep insured MINSORANCI 0 If you change Jobs, follow carefullY the instructions on the back of the Certifi- cate of Paymnent,,Form 104, which your group is roquiredta give yau. 0 When you reach -your l9th birthday you are no longer covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty days ta keep insured. Forins are avaîlable at hospitals, banks and Comi- mission offices. * When, you marry, the Family premiumn niust be paid to caver husband, wife and eligible. dependants. Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ONTAIo XIOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION I.LWAYI KUEP TOUR HIOSPITAL INSURANCE CERTIFICATIE DANY 2195 Yanie St, Toronto 7 Ontario Mr. Hlugh Stapleto.n, Newtonvîiile, vias the lucky winner Saturday evenîng, of a «iaw lPontiac car1 drawn at the Kinsman Carnival in Bowmnville. The Orono Tykk and PeeWees wdll pday thýeir last game of bali for ýthe season this Saturday after- noon at 1:00 p.m.1 UJNITED CH URCH Orono, Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Lonig SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ith Kirby - 9:45 a.m. Orono -,11 a.m. Leskard - Wthdrawn during July and August SUNDAY CHURUH SCHOOL Orono - 10 a.m, Kirby - Il a.m. Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractai who selis, instails and guarantees c ARIMAN FLLrMRING IHEATING Phone 143 Orono Port Hope Agricultural Society SEPT. 134 TOWN PARK Exhibits :- Riding Horses-Jumping Raking - Preserves Arts - Crafts Schoolwork Flowers - Produce VARIETY SHOW with Dick, Walkers Orch'. SEPTEMBER l3th. ONLY - 8 p.m. General Admission $1.00 Children 50e 3 DRAW PRIZES __ - 2 __ We have a good selection of Rats to choose f rom these are ail new styles and materials. Priced f rý-m................. $5.95 to $14.95 Ladies' Handbags in genuine leather, Vinyl, Tapestry and Cut Velvet. No two a like. Priced from................. $5.00 - $11.95 New Dresses arriving each week, real nice styles and new shades and materia1s. Sîze 9 to 241/. Priced from ........ $12.95 tÛo $26.50 Stretch Slims -- Heavy quality Viscose and Nylon for fait and winter wear. Smartly .'I styled with neatly tapered legs, elastic stirrup, straps and handy side zipper. Size 9 - 20. $8.95 Ail-wool flannel Sllms in plain or plaids.- Size 10 to 18. Priced at............... $11.9ý5 Blouses in Terylene and Cottons. Size 12 to 20. Priced from...... ....... $3.25 to'$5.95 London Lassie In'N'Outer Blouses, color of green, blue, beige, white and check. .. 3.9 ARMSTROG' a 1