ORQNO WEEI<LY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 121h, DU6 Propose Amnalgama-ý tioen 0fG# T elephone Co. An amalgamation of the Glono, TeehfeCompany Limrited eud heEriîn Community Téléphone CmayLimited is being .4ought anda pecalmeeting le being held1 ii rno for the Orono Tlephone omayshareholdere. The meet- ing tso be heki on Thursday Sep- tomb'-er l9th. NoLc'e have beeri sent out by tle president of the Orono Tele- pboün Campany, Mr. H. S. Coughlin Jr., in which' the purpose 0of1the am-,,, gaination ies sated o be to an ve, a greater efficiency iu the ecoý,ýinied operation of each 0f the companies. 1V je feit that the coin- byined equity position of the amai. garc.ated company wiil be sufficient to 'enable the company to make satisractory arranigements for ad- ditional financing. The total num- ber «f pnones in thje new coomp:auy wou:d be 2460 of wlfich 1114 would be ïïî&uualiy operated. Il. le also the intention thatth11e bead office will be rnoved to Dun- v eand ie Orono area wiII bave one ..aemnber on the Board of Dir- ector S. Tl?ýe resolution o be preýsented. on Stepeiber 19111 will require tjwo. bra, cs o! the vtes cast o pass. A.,tnouLgih Viere m'ay be o1jection tb the resclution îV appeaxs that it wn«lll noV be sufficieut Vo block the inove as Community Telephione and AssociaVes hold around 6eventy per cenit o!fthe votng shares lin1the ,lxcal company. These were pur. cbrased some turne ago at $150.00 ï, share. Big Day In Kendal The Kendal Bantain Basebal] teani won their serles with the Bee- ton Bantams Saturday in the Kený da2 P3rk. The sere was the best 2 out of 3 gairnes xith Kendal win-. hng the fir8t and hrd gaines. The recent vlctory was edged 10-9 for the Kendal crew. The first gaine cd thie serbes was won by Kendal 8-7, with the second going Vo Beeton 18 to 4. .n Saturday's gaine Bairy lane pâtched for Kendal gaining thirteen sth4ke-ots. Brian Poster caught. Tins Saturday a double header wil be played ln Keudal wheu the Kendal and Fenwick Pee' Wees meet ut one o'clock ani the Kendal and Fenwick Batains meet at lin-oc Vlurty. .The Pee Wee gaine will be th1e second -gaine between Keudal. and Fenrvick. The first gaine was a victory for Fenwick'by a score o! USE RIGHT MIXTURE FOGR THIE NEW LAWN rate summer and early faîl are the bet ceasons to starlt a lawn. DLiring Iis perbiod there are !ew weeds. snd cool weather encourage gvod rootîug. noiculturiegts wIth the Onario Departinent of Agriculture remind hornoowners, thal a4n should be seeded ýas esrly as possible iu Sep. temfber. This wll ensure -a good stand 0f grass before winter sets Iu. The experts recommend uslng a basic mixture containiug Ken- tucky bluegraes (or Merion blue- griass), Creepbng red fescue aud Ry egrass or Red-top. By adjustlflg 11e proporýtion of the various gras- sese mixtuires msy be prepared fobr differeut locations snd condi- tion-. ',enrtucky bluegrase forme 1the basis of most mixtures because It as. permanent and grows uuder a wde ranige of conditions. Since luegrasees are relatively slow in beominig established it ies UtOmn- ary to add other quick growing grasses suchi as Red-top or RYe- grass to provide a quck cover. on aress that are very dry and are excessively drained, the pro- portion o! Creeping red fescue, Or tbe varicly Pennlawfl le lncreased. Ùluegrsss wil tolerate heavy shad. od conditions. The mixtures outlbned b)elow are basic seed mixtures and May ,todified o suit particular ou M4r. E. Hammxu las returned bmre f rom the Bowimanville Mem- orial Hospital. Mrs. F. Birmacombe returned to her home- in Oruno Tuesday aftel a prolonged stay in the Memorial *Hospital, Bowmsanville. DRAMAFESTIVAL' 0F ONE-AC T PIJAYS ORONO TOWN HALL September 26, 27, 28 8:15 P.M. sharp Entrîes from: Ajax, Pic-keing, Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmani-lle, Lindsay and Orono Adjudicator - Esse Ljungh Adults: 75c. Students: 50e "We -needed it now, the bank said yes, s.. Many a household purchase like this'starts with a purchase of a car...*a new home heating systema. .. a batik loan. People find that the simple, natural thing to, son's or daughter's education . .. a family vacation... ët 1 is to borrow where they save - at the local bank. In Three out of four bank loans are 10 individuals for f act the chartered banks are the largest single; source their personal credit needs. And the total amount -ot uonsumer credit loans, both in number and-value. of such boans has, almost doubled in the past five T nrouglh the years the chartered banks have made years. . .further evidence of tÈe way bank dustomers il inc,-asigly easy for people to borrow, aI reason- are relying more and more on their local branc hes for au).. liates, for almost any worthwhile purpose: te borrowing as well as for AlI other financial services. TUE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY throiýgh fui/-range banking responsive to growing, changing needs The Election fict 1960 SECTION 77 (1) NOTICE 0F OLIGA ADVANCE POLI Notice ie bereby giyen that pursuant to The EZlection Act, 1960, (Section 77) Advaiîue Polls for the Eiectoriai Dcetrict of Durhami will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday th1e 19111, 20111 and 21st lays of September, 1963 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. (9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Dayllght Saving Mime) and from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. (8 pani. until il p.m. Dayllght Saving Time) The Advance polling places for th1e said Electorlal District will be Located aI 1the Town Hall, lu 1the Town o!.Bowmnanvileé, for ail Polllng Subdivisions of 1the T&wnsM,,%,of Càrtwright, th1e Township o! Darlington and 1the Town of Bowmanville, Town- ship of Clarke and village of Newcastle Located at Orange Hall, lu the village of Millbrook, for al Polllng Subdivisions of th1e Townshlp o! Manvers, th1e Town- ship of (Javan and the village o!1Millbrook, and Located at the Town Hall, ln 111eTolvn of PortlHope, for a»l PoIllng Subdivisions of th1e Township o! Hope and 1the Town o! Port Hope. Dated at Orono tbis 111h day of September,,1963. JOHN LYALL LOWERY Returning Officer