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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1963, p. 8

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OIR0NO WEEHLY TIMES, TIIVRSDAY, SPEBRlt~1»6~3 PQRK LOIN SALE ROA8T O' PORK lb 43C 'Tenderloin Portion l 9 3 bAverage' b 49 'ineapple..Grapefruit 4 Z.T DOLE DRINK 2 for 69C KETCHUP Aylmer Strawberry JAM 15oz. Trms 2 for3,9C. 21for 4 lc 24 oz ja r 45c FIG BAR BISCUITS lb 37c DREAM WHIP TOPIPING 2-49c Australian eedless RAISINS2 lb pkg 49c 18 oz. Pkgs. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for'65c Golden Dew Coloureti M ARG ARINE 100 Off Farmihouse Frozen APPLE'PIE 24 RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH IGA MG 924 oz. Size LIQUID DETERGENT 7c OPF Pkg. 1of 1 CONFIDENT SANITARY NAPKINSý RECEIVE $6.00 BONUS'TAPE WITH INSTANT POWDERED 3 lb. Pkg. IGA SK131 MILK ORANGE PEKOE Pkg. of 60 S.ALADA TEA BAGS 12o OF (HASE & SANBORN a oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE AEUROWAX1i.Tn GOLDEN PASTE WAX CartoDn of 200 NO. 7 CIGARETTES 1½oz. Pkg. LOWNY'S BRIDGE MIX RECEIVE $1..61N »ONUS T£APES WITH I3EITTY 4CROCKEIR 20 oz, Pkg. ASSORTED CAKE MIXES FLEECY FABRIC SOFTNER UNGRADED IGA CIIOICE PEAS NO-] GRADE COOKING ONIONS TABLERITE VACUUM SEALED SLICED COOKED IIAM CENTRE CUT LOIN PORK CHO1PS orROAST Ontario No. 1 Grade POTA TOE New Crop Valencia SORANGES- 2 do: Crisp and TendOir Bratord Grown -CELERY 2 PRUNE PLUMS «J%6 1 lb. Pkg. "lHospitality"l (Avàilable Thurs,, Fr1.., Mt lb 45c BLUEBERRY PIE 64 oz. Size 2 15.oz. Tinïs 3 lb. Ceo 6 oz. Pkg. Any Pkg. 25 lb. Bag 5MW Sizà2% zen 69c for 29c' Iqt 59c ea 45c 39c Weston Sunbeani oz 3cB UT TER RUFFS ýea 35e VÊ4 HIOLSTEIN SHOW (Continueti from page 1) is smootb andi weli blendeti. It is worthy to note that both 'àbeý Grand andi Reserve Grand Chamip- ion fem-ales originateti in the br of P. Haskins at Port Hope. Oafy, three senior get of sire were sho>wm aniali three were by thie Eastýern- Breeders% A.I. Unit sire, Sovereign Supreme, the winnier be- ing siown by Donlad Budti, anti including the Grand Champion f e- maie. Don)rald Budcld also showreae 1 winnlng junio>r get cf sire, tiis tao, from a Eastern Breeders sire hati the top breeder's herd antit.Me Seiling Rockman. Carlo s TainJI'uyrt winning progenty of dam, the lat ter from i Pabst Governûr Saliy. Other cIass winners includeti: Everetz Lynn Brown, Newcastle, first senior heifer oalf; Wesiey .Werry & Sons, Hampton, fimst dry two year olti, first dry thiree year olti; Robert Stevens, Bowmaurvilie first two year oli lin milk and firSt dry ageti cow; Rt. B. 13row.n, Bowmanville, first senior yeartling bulli, first dry four year o].d;,DLrn.. aid Budd, first junior bull cal!, firet four year olti in mnilk; Carlos Tga.. blyn, firàt junior, heifer calf4 J,. H.f Jose & Sons, firsit junior year1ingk buIl. LIBERAL CAND)IDATE (Continued from page 1) lare not gaying that this must ap- ply te conservatives, for in 1957 the Liberals were in Ottawa for 120 years and I can say that 1 be-. lieve a change was gooti for our deniocratic system then too.. The Liberal Party is pietigeti to control the growth of vertical li. tegration in Ontario. If it is nec-~ essary for us to pass legislation we 1wili do ~so. The Liberal Party la not tied to the apron strings Of big business and we wîll give con- sideration to such briefs. anti W& will take such action as we deemn necessary. it is my belief that we can vvmrl no-operatively with Federai Gev- ernment in the formulation off Na- tional Marketing Boards and work, together in- empanding our export Imarkets. i The tobacco anti dairy industries are two places where co-operation between federal anti provincial de- partments on National Marketîng Board legisiation will help to move anti expanti our export marik etS surplus stock, ant i wll inecase No doubt similar legislatien wuuld be helpful teo cther agricultura! grouaps. I aesure ail farmera la Durha 0of my desi're te co-op.r- fte w;ti th te, federal agriciiitùral au.thoritiez a in is anti allier fieuds, RIB PORTION 3ý lb Average RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH TABLERITE RINDLESS 1 lb. Pkg. SLICED SIDE BACON ]REGULAR OR PINK 6 oz. Tmm SU~NKIST FROZEN LEMONADE COLOURED, 12 oz. Cut IGA MILD CHEESE 3 lb. Cele, ONTARIO WEALTHY APIPLES CEE GRADE 3 lb. CELLO CELLO CARROTS IKENDAL Wieplaying baseba11 la f league gcime lnaKendai on aî- day aftern-ýoon, Tommiy Foster, 7SOn of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster h1At the misfortu ne,,when sliding. into home base to break his leg. Tomn- my hati just commeced his ~ ondary eclucation in the new Port Hope Technioai School. The County rond builders ftave bregun work on the rmcae Hill on the seventh line. The inaple Èrees have been cut on the norili side andi will be cut on the eau 1th side off the road also. Beauty mnust, give way to progress as the top off the bill is to be lowered and 'the valleys on each slde are to bc rais ed like Dean's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tansiev andi Michael were weekend vistors with Miss C. W. Stewart. Mrs. Transley inee Betty Howe) was a former teacher at McLean's Sehool. 'They visiteti others in tuneghorw4 This writer was mostiprse. with the outstanclîng Art lbt a% .lie Orono Fair. One beautiful tree in autumn colours impressetd ie so mflch 1 decideti to f'nd who a the artiàt. It was Miss Dorfeen Powell a former teacher of M-vc- Lean's schoo>l whio hi taena suinmer school course in Art. 1 Mr. andi Mrs. Orvilie ZeaIa lka are happy to announce tffie arriv-ai of a baby daughter in Bowmian'vlie Memnorial Hospital onSetm r ninJth, a playmnate for the other rive M1rs. F. Brîmacombe has returie- ed to her homre in Orono ater ,- a long stay in Bowmaniville'M.i orial Hospital. The 'littie claugiiýei-off Mr. ant Mrs. L. Farrow who live soulb 0j f l fell fromi the cari and seriousty in- jured bier car drum. She is iiiMem. oriai Hospital, Bo-wman-vmlIe,-

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