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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1963, p. 1

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-VOLUME 25, NUMBER 31 ORONO'WEEKLY TIMWES, THUUSDAY, SPEBR2tb, 1963 Henry ýStmet Higb Scbool Draina Club, Whitby, present "*Hello Out -Tbere." - Friday evening tbree plays wil be presented. 'The Orono-HIM-C group witb a cast 0f teni, and under the direction of Mrs. Gladys Asîst -wiil present "Sorry, Wrong Num- ber." The Ajax Drama.iWorkshop are to present "A Minus"' and the Oshawa Little Theatre, "'The Stronger." On the final night, Saturday, the New Play Wor'kshop froin the Osh- aiwa area will present "Marrid In Spite of Thieiseives," and the Bowmanville Drama- Workshop, "'The Sandbox." Saturday will aise note the sum- mation of the adjudicatr M. Esse W. Ljungh. The six awards will aise be presented at this time. As la other years the adjudicators remarks will no doubt prove most înteresting. frA J.1 P1'a I iiReal J state Broker,, has set ûp hXli Real Ei5cate Office in Orono and 1.9 alse c)eratinJ a branch office in Oshawa. Mr. McGill states that he' is specializng in residential, busi- iness and rural properties. Orono Library Board Purchcising Books The Orono Public Library Board being erdered. met on Tuesday evening whenthey A letter is te be sent te t-le deait with the location of the Li- Towvnship Council asking for fia- îbr-ary. It was decided at the meet- ancial assistance to heip replace fing that tbey would remain at their those books taken out of the Lib- present location, it being centra.] rary. The Board feit their re- and with ample space. The Board quest Was feasibie as these in the received a letter froin the Little Township will benefit by the ex- Charitable Foundation la which the Police Village bas granted a they were offered the use of a ïStance of the Library. To date basement roomn at the Medicai suin of $700.00 and the Provincial Ceentre;-free of charge. The Board (povernment a sum of $400.00, feit this was a most genereus of- Aer but at the present time are to Miss Munroe of the Provincial remain in their present locatïi. Library wili again visit the Orone .4Board members did, however, view% Library this ceming Monday te set the roomi at the Medical Centre, eaut policies te be followed. Te date The,,purchasing comitt[,ee 0f thle onie 25001 books have bpeen taken Iibrary bhas been givýen, autbority te off the Library shelves. These purchase at the present timne books books wili go on sale at a later totalling in cost to $600.00. Somne date with the sale expected to te Chiidren's books have already ben la the, Municipal Building. those ,ordered and the rest wîli be Ordered Interested in the 'books may then within a f ew days. Supplies for veiw the selection before they are llhe operation 0of the Library arediscarded. jIý lzm ILK Tne secretary was instructed to ike Bld For al Fund Aid write the Coun-ties Road Depart- ment te agk the ýtason'why Stop Signs have net been erected at isýtreets that iatersecýted the Coulnt- i-s Road la Orono also te ask wbaht progress is ibeing made towards3 î*dening the Counties road. at Owp Main and Mili Streeit intersectio>n. Permýsson was gr anted for plac- jnga s'tampvending machine on a IVilla ge post eutside the Post Of1- 1 fice. 1,Mr. Floyd Nicholson was hired te replace tbree fire tank tops. Alex -Carruther Re- Area Juniors Score 'Trustees ma High At Lindsay Fair' Elected To Legislature About 100 4-H Club meinhers frrom seven counties in east cen- Mn c p Mr. Alex Carruthers .&as re-elec-i Darlîngton 496 1099 1201 tral Ontario too1k part in the cham- The Orono 'Police Trustees, on tedto the Ontario Legislature on Hope 29 517 601 pionship showw Wednesday after- Monday nigbt instructed thersc -Wednesday when the votes of Dur- M4anvers 241 402 444 -non ttenGyCntrlE-rtr t owr er s e haîn gv~' hm a mrgin f 1196 11341 6412 790.)i, 3'blition. The entrnts came froin Dpriet0 uiia Ar a votsaver is i,be mrl oponent, clubsMunicnalVictorian vots oer is âbeal ppoent clbs n VctoiaPeterborough, forn-ing the Department that Orona Allan1 Beer. This wiil be Mr. Car- Provincially the Conservatives Northumberland, Durham, Musko- was working witb the Ontario ruthers , second term 0, f office at nder the leadership of John Ro- kca, Haliburton and Ontario count- Water Resources for the installa- Queen's Park. The total1 vote in barts won a strong vote, of confi- jes, and awards were presented to tion of a Municipal Water systeni Durhamf was over 15,000. dence winning 78 of the 108 seats. winners at a after the in Orono. The Trusteee were am AlexCaruthes ttal moutedThe Liberals wonl 23 and the NDP 7 asin ta tti poec b cn Ale Caruher toalamýuried In'0la bwa Alber-t V. Walker de- mptiion. sngtath poe b eci -to 908 Alan eer 4121 ad Hroldfeaed omm ThoastheNDP John Murphy of Victoria County sidered' eligible for benefits from to 908 AlanBee 642 nd arod fatd TmmyThmas th 1 receivedthe d'est Hardware Tro- the Federal Municipal Developmert1 Ashton 1134. and brou-ght this seat into the Con- phy as the top showmaan in the and Loa.n Act. A letter was aIso Officiai returas are as1 folows - servative f old. Northum'berland rid- dairydivision of the competition, sent to the OV.RCmalking a 1 l ng also remained ConservatiVe be- frm ehbtnmngrN .smlrrqetfrcnieain0 Asbton eeer Car- .fOf xiio, aae .j iia eus o ruthers 1 o yRusl oe Wilsoni.. He also received a cash 'the Water project under the new Bowmanville 229 1235 14981 The Lberal 1,cader, John Winter- showvmanshjp in' the Hostein caif Act. Port Hope 157 1414 1746 I reyer was dcfeated in bis ovn class and won tbe Master Feeds R. Forrester st'ated that be had Newcastle 28 267 260 riding ln weste rn Ontario. Trophy for showmanship i h otce h ....i hsmt Millbrook 2 1071 In 1959 Alex Carruthers won out Kawartba 4-Hl calf competition. ter and wished an officiai request Clarkte 6 1 ver T1ed Woodyard of Orono baving The A and. P Trophy for the to, be made. He also stated that he Cavan 18 335 520 ta plurality of alnîost 2000 votes. AL championship beef clf group was had been informned that the A'ct bas Cartwright 63- 258 385 ibis Mr-. Armnstrong ran for the CCFP resented to th~e Scott 4-H Caîf ytt efnaie u budb - Club's Pauli Webb, Ross Bailey and within b a liefetwholdb ______________Donald McTavish 0f Ontarjo Coun-'wti fwwes Y. They- receivý,d the tropjhy from DoUg Simpson reported on furtber RonaldKnapp.negotiations re fire protection and O ron o Play Enterîed Forisiowmansinl the bef outlined that he had informed the dvsoFrances Rickard 'of Dur- council representative' that ,h e harn Countywon first prize . She Police Trustees wtshed only to op- iff M aise picked up the Mason and erate the fire sYsýtem under the ex. I - Dozra% 4m a, Festiv ali 1 Vhyte Trophy, presented by Wl isting Village fire 'by-iaw witb 'a toih-ndcniu an Wye tllri o y.e-fwminer changes. He. feitother ýConmeningoniht nd cneiu- y alo wlkedoffwit theLInsàybY-laws were 1net necessary- noî- for cthey innthethest interest of heFestival of.One .Act.-Plays i NewB ak no rs best group of Hoistei n calves, Mi ss the Village. The fire coînmitte .e met' -obe held In the Town Hall, Orono, hrnTmli atTedywt h ienýrbi <Jompeing ths yearare seen th mencing the flinst part of SîaonTnioy f Orono, Douglatueay ihtefre aral Cý,mpein-ths var. ae sventhi wek th,,Canadian Imnperial las Jose 0f Newcastle and John1 at Mr. K. Lycetts office'. pyswitb onie entry from the Vii-;Bank of Commerce, Orono Branch, Werry 0f 1Hampton accepted the D. Simpson 'also explained an lage off Orono. The FesýtIval are operatngir with a new s 1et of trophy froin Mrs. Ivan Rodd.ý engineer's drawin-g for the addition .apedns-ored by the Durhain Central bank hbotrs. Johin Han-cock0of Durham Countyttepretfrehl.heTs- Agricutural Society and bas been 1 n. thie pa-st tie Orono Branch bahas second in showmanship Of ees gave theill approval to thie ce- an event each Septenmber, been closed fron 1 !ocon until 1:00) dairy caýttle class. ment block addition along with ,eighltly performances are to s 1tart 'cloclk. ,;r i ~~ebank other alterations sucli as a new at 8:15 p.m. býas rem a n' ncd cl ng thbour. Now the bank is oe rein f ont do t an de it.H _______________________ 1000 .m.tmtl 300 p.m., a period Mercer questloned the co-ýst 0f the Two plays are beïng presented -f v hours. addition which, it Was stated, 7hursday evefing wl)en the Pic-AxM.R i agemd ol itb ~ayes 0fPickerig ad Ajx at 4t5î~55~kt555tin&5ieU55n Mr R. iekon, an'aermad woud no beknow unil tnde ýayrs o Piceii ax ct -ýZ thais annouincement the latter pal-t were called. mt"A Good Woýman" and the >g, @e iPllIk> l s- A f. tif w± e ,.,- Wm.b John- Tamblyn - Lau-rel Emma Gates 1 Northminster United Churc.h, -mother in a pink chiffon frock sage of pink roses and chrysantiie- Dshawa was the scene 0fa pretty draped to a self-rose at the waist, mumis. The honeymoon was spent wvedding on July 27th., 1963 when pink- hat, white accessories and in Northern Ontario and Mr. -and Laurel Emma Gates, daughter of corsage of matching carnations. Mrs. W. John Tamblyn now reside Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Gates was The Master of Ceremnonies, Mr. at Park Plaza Apartments, 170 umited in marriage witb William John Hodges, called on the bride's Park RoadS. Oshawa. John Tamblyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luncle, Mr. W. E. Fiee 0f Bowman- James C. Tamblyn, Orono. ville- to give the Grace and after 'The bride who is on the office The Reverend H. A. Mellow per- a delious repast the usual toasts staff of Oshawa General Hospital fomdthe, double ring ceremony were given and heartily applauded and the groom who is with Oshawa -Aidc the organist was Mr. John by all., The groom gave a special Public 'Utilities Commission, City >,tbertson. introduction of bis grandmother, Bus Division, are both private The bride, wearing a full-length Mrs. H. Rowland who was present. Pilots and active members of the gown of chiffon over si1k taffeta, For going away the bride donned Oshawa Flying Club and were teni- was given in marriage by ber a pink chiffon sheath dress witb dered various pre- nuptial presea- I father.'1 Chiffon motifs were appli- back-buttoned j acket, pill-ibox batI tations by their co-workers and jued at the round neckline and to black patenit accessoisadcrCOmnt red ýhe belled skirt, whicb fell in rîcb Eolds at the 'back from a moulded hipline, accented by a bow. A cluster of organza petals held ber -C bouffant veil and she carried a bouquet of pink roses, stephanotis and ivy trails. Mrs. Douglas Underwood, Osh- awa, cousin Of the bride was mat«........ ...... ron of honour and Miss Jean F. Tamblyn, Oronc,, sif4ier of the groom acted as bridesmaid. They wore pink chiffon frocks with bell ... skirts :covered with rows 0f pink lace and the bodices witb attached stoles. Their haloes were single roses and veîlmng and they carried pink and white chrysanthemums in cascades. The flower-girl, Tracie-Ann Hodg. es, dauigbter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hodges of Oshawa,, looked winsome in pink 'chiffon with satin bolero. She wore a wreath of pink fi wers on lier dark bair and carried a miniature pink and white cascade bouquet. Mr. C. Ross Tamblyn. Ornn, was best man' for bis bro'thei; and the ushes were Mr. Edward Gates, brother of the bride, and Mr. Grant Tamblyn, Oshawa, cousin of, the groom........ The reception was hebd in RedronI United Cburch Hall where the ~î%, bride's mother received in paleI blue organza over a blue lace sheath witb mnatching organza coat, < ~ ' . turban and corsage of roses. As- ' sisting lier was the bridegroom's Mrand Mrs. Joh Tamblyn Dr. R. A. Heston-Cook opens his dental practise la the Orono Med- ical Centre- on Tuesday, 0&otber ls.Dr, Heston-Coo1k is a graduiate ,of Cambridge University, Eng'land and bas recently beexi praeýti:ng la Stirling, Ontario. He has aisG practiced in Engiand prior to cm n;g to Canada. We welcpine thia new profession to Oro>no.

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