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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1963, p. 2

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ORONO EEKLY TIES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l9th, 163 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES The Election is Over ,The Ontario Provincial election is nowpassed history ecording another decîsive victoy for the Conservatives under the leadeship of John Robarts. The voters of On tario have ap- prOved his leadership and his adminstration, The Liberal campaign, accOrdin'g to the voting, did flot arouse increased interest 'in the party and many claim a. lack of positive policy with too much use of scandal oratory as a weakness. The NDP gained two seats over their future five and in this respect have shown some gain even though, it Was smail in number. The support did support John Ro- barts. The voter could very ýeasily be mindful of the changes in the Federal authority from Liberal to Conservative ba'ck to Liberal with little improvement in conditons in respect to, gaining positive legisiators. TÈhe change in Otawa over th", past f ew years has brought Canada very little. This could stili be resting in the minds of the voters. With the election in the backgound local residents will be anxious to see finalization of th Municipal Development and Loan Act which was instituted by the Federal Govern- -ment and which is to be administered through the Provin- cial government to the local level.. This Act, if applicable to Orono, could greatly reduce the cost on the installation of the Municipal water system by 25%, of 66% of the total pro- ject, ex-clusive of other grants that might apply. 'In the in- stallation of watr this couki make a notable deCrease. Presently legisiation has not been completed but from a leter received by the Orono Police Trustees it was noted that Pmie Minister Robarts -intends to enact Legisiation to funther this Act immediately following the date of September 2Mth, election day. This will lie awaitecl with interest. Mr.,And Mrs. J. D. Brown Celebrate 5,8th Anniversary A delightful dinner party honour- extended best wishes from ail. k4g Mr. and Ms John D. Brown Granddaugllters Evelene Brown,, On the occasion of their 58th wed.. Ellen and Catherine Milison pin- ding annjversary was held at Mill. ned corsages and buittonaires on er's Restaurant on Fri4ay evening, the honoured couples. Septemiber l3th. Their family and -Following the delicejous dinner close relatives celebrated with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milîson enter- thein. tained ahl guests at their home. Movies and slides of many prevj. On behalf of the gathering their otis happy occasions were reviewed aon, Mr. Leroy Brorwn, Lindsay and later'refresË!ments. were ser- Md Mr. Everett Brown, Orono, ex- cçed in'luding a lovely wredding pressed congratulations to the cake. happy couple and best, wishes for John D., now jn his Sth year then, continued bealth and happi- amazed, ail whf i he quàted easily flea.'They alse aeknowledged the three recitatios learned in his 4wh wedding. anniversary of an.. 5chool days. "King Bruce and the other'couple at head taible, Mr.'Spider", 'Tarrner Jk>hn"' and and Mm., Mjltoin J. Tainblyn and "Somiebedy's Meuther",. Orono lelephone Amalga- matee.With Erin Telephone On Thursday laait the' sharehold-1 either peferred orcommon shares, ers of the Orono Teleplione 0Cm- one, share o! either pre!erred or pany voted Ln favour of amalgam- common of the' new Company wl atipg -the Orono Telephone -Comp- be ýreceivlid. There will, remain anywit the Erin Oommunity Tel- authorized and unissued 4247 pre- ephane Company Limited to form, ference shares and 128,200 common a new company to- be hnown as shares of the amalgamnized comp- Cen~tral Comimunity Telephone auy. These shares are sulijeot to Company Limited. alloment and issue by the Board Few were jn attendauce ai the of Dj[rectors, meeîting and no ver~bal objections to ,,the amalgamation were ma de. The It was proposed that H. S. Cough- Vote carried by 268 to 7. 0f the 268 lin Jr., of Peunsylvania U11i le the In favour 239 were voted by five Ipresident of the new Board along prexy. holders. Ta carry the pro- with Russell Gifford, Dunnviîîe vice posai twathirds of the votes cast president and Kervan Miller, Dunn- niust have been jn favour. The ville, secretary-treasurer. Other nieeded percentage was away be- menabers 0f the Board are te lie Yond that required..- Elmer MoKinnon, Hillsburgh and The converting of shares froni. Robert Morton, RR 1, Kendal. the Orono Company to the new The total assets o! the two cern- Central COMPany -111 provide 100 panies (Orono $102,552 and Eris shares for evry, Orono common $52,314.19) as o! June 30, 1963 a- Èhane. For Erini shareholders o! Mount to $613,M3.90. Heather Rebekah Lodge 'The regular meceng of Heather Committee. Rebekah Loidge No. 334 was heiçi There were several tlank-you Tuesday, Sept. 24th. Sister Alice and appreciatjonI carets read, ne- He1oey, Noble Grand presiding wItb ceived an'd filed, $ister Laverne Barraibaîl, Vice A letter was read !rom the North- Grand assisting. umberland and Durham T.B. Asso- It was the sad duty 0f the o!fiters cation, expressing their apprecja- te drape the charter for our laie tien for the use 0f the Community Brother "Bil" Riddeil who was Hall and facilities, during the me- a charter member 0f Heather cent T-B survey. Lodge. Mentioned in the 1letter was the Minutes of the lasi. meeting were fin% co-operation which was recediv- read liy Sisier Miidred Rainey, in ed and much apprecjated by the the, absence o Recardiug Secretary association. Bister Mae Allen. Installation e! the uew officers Roll cail showed three offîcers of Heather Lodg-e will take place at absent. There were ne outstanding tentregular meeting Tuesday, accounts. October Sth. Annual reports were given liy - A coffmttee was named ta corn- Bister Carol Boyd, Conductor - Con-* plete arrangeme te recejve thei venar 0f the Prcperty Ccmmittee District Deputy President, SisterI Etster Maude Cooper, P.N.G. for Crace Love of MaYfbeile Lodge, B3enevolen* Comnmittee in the abl- Port Perry.1 eceof Sister Emma Lunu, Jr, P. Birlhd:ay Creetingsý were extend- RG.,Convnored to Sister Velmna Wa-tson. SjtrLaverne Barrabali1, Vice Business bjein-g cicudj oge2 Gran, cnve o f teVisiting 1closed ada o i hur wa:s spent Fali Priz e Winners FAT CALF SHOW Ist, R. Baker; 2nd, Cee. Carson; 3rd, J. Richard, & Son; 4th, C. B. Richard; 5th, C. B. Richard; 6th, Grant Yea; 7th Don Hiarris; 8th,ý Wes Wood; 9th, Russell Osborne; iOth, Wm. Roy, DAIRY CATTLE - JERSEYS Bull: W. F. Batty, Waynýe Kerr, C. Bradley, W. Kerr. Milch Cow: C. Bradley, W. F. Batty, W. Kerr, W. Fý. Batty. Hefer, 3 yrs.: C. Bradley, W. F. Batty, W. Kerr, W. F. Batty Heifer, 2 yrs.: W. Kerr, C. Brad- ley, W. F. Batty, W. F. Batty. I Heifer Sr. Yearling: W. F. Batty, W. F. Batty, C.,Eradley. Heifer Jr. Yearling: W. F. Batty, W. F. Batty, WV. F. Batty, W. Kerr. Heifer calf Sr.:' W. F. Batty, W. Kerr,, W. F. Batty, C. Bradley . Heifer cal! Jr.: C. Bradley, W. Kerr, W. F. Batty, C. Bradley. Bull calf: W. F. BRtty, W. Kerr, C. Bradley, C. Bradley. Yearling bull.: W. F. Batty, W. Herd bull and 4 females: C. Bradley, W. F. Batty, W. Kerr, W. F. Batty. !Get of Sire: W. F. Batty, C Bradley, W. Kerr.3 Sr. Chamnpion femiale: C. Bradleyà Jr. Champion female: W . F. Bat- ty Sr. Champion male: John Batty. Jr. Champion maIe: John B 1attW Clarke High Sche!o1 "News GLEE CLUB T1Up will be awarded to the outstanding- On Wednesday, October 2nd ap- salesman. AIl commissions in this- proximnately thirty-eight Glee Club' oanpaign wilI go to the Students mem0ibrs will travel by bus to the Council to sponsor activities for theý O'Kee!e Centre in Toronto to attend students for the ensuing year. the opera, "La Boheme" FOOTBALL GAME Shiela Sîter' Thursday, September, 26th the, Clarke Football team will meet- MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN Courtice in their first league game. 0f the season, The game will be Next week the students of Clarke played at Clarke. There will lie a Eigh School will start their annual full report on -tbis -important game- selling subscriptions and renewals TEAM DANCE for1 a variety of magazines. 'A prize' On September 25th at 3:15 we ________________________held a team dance. The admission was 10 cents and the turnout wa- FLOWERS- excellent. Mr. Lowery introduced the foot- Ist 2nd rd bal team folowed by the Chee'r Mrs. C. Tink 13 8 3j leaders leding us in sdlme cheers.- Mrs. R. Lane 1 2 The dancing was a mixture of 0. J. Luxtoni 2 a 4 fast and slow dances. I am sure Mrs.*R. Van Horne 8 9 that everyone had a good time. Mrs. M. Killeen 1 Donna Fergusou Everett Hamness a a TRIP TO STRATFORD Mrs. Alice Hoey 1 On Friday, Septenber 20th, 138 Mrs. H. Schmid 2 6 5 students 0fo Clarke travefled b y 0. W. Rolph, 1 train to Straford te see the pro M'rs. L. Guy 5 3 4 duction of Trailus and Cressida. M'rs. Stan Allun 6 4 Mr. Wells, Mrs. Dippell a.nd Mrs, .NArs. V.. Skerratt 3 Ruherford were chaperones. The- Mrs. Grace Reid 2 play was excellent and everylonc' M.'rs. W. Cobbledick 1 agreed that it had been well wortii Vrs. Len Pears ýthe price of admission. Another Mrs. I. Challice 2 bright notethis year . . . it didn'L vTr.M. J. Tamhlyn 1 r ain. Marlene Peletier G rs . Watson 5 BEEF"CATTLE -sHoiRTH0R$Ns Mrs. R, Chiapman 1 'Bul 1yrs.'ol: . B Rckrd Mrs. G. Brown Bull 2 yrs. old:G.oB. Rickad Mrs.ý M. Coates Bull2 ys. ld: ohnRicard Mrs. W. B. Hoar Bull 1 yr. old: Johni Richard, G. . H. Jose B. Rickard, F. Coille W. Farrow Bull ýcaîf sr.: John Rickard, John Mrs. S or Ricifard, F.Collie. S or Bull cal! Jr.: John Rickard, G. B. Rickard, F. Coîhie, R. Osborne. POULTRY- Milch Cow: G. B. Rickard, C. Ricard F.Caile Jon Rcl<rd R. M. Brown, Peterboro 70 Helfer 2 yrs. aid: G. B. Richard, S. Rapîey, Port Hope 1 John Richard, F. Colle, p. 00111e.- G. Gummer, Coiborne 8 Heifer Sr. Yearlinig: John Rickard Mms. Ro(bt. Allun C. B. Richard, R. COcborne, F. Col. Newcastle 6 le. Ji Miller, Janetville 9 Heifer Jr. yearling: C. B. Ri-ck.f[e,~ Pears. Orono, 8 ard, G. B. Richard, J. ichard, R. 3ert Trini. NeWtoniville 6 Osborne. Don Andrews, Pt. Hope 2 Heifer calf Sr.: E. GiI-bauh, J. E. Snudden. Oshawa Richard, G. B. Rickard, J. Richard John Cilliart, Orono Hefr a!Jr.: J. Rlckard, C. J, T. Osborne, Co'urtice 1 B. Richard, R. Oshorue, C. B. Roy Forrester, Oronc 2 Rickard. John Siater, Orono Herd bull and a females * G.B Rickard, J. Rickard, F, Cole, R. Gand Champion o! Show:1 Osborne, Brown, Peterborough. Cet cf Sire:. J. Riek-ard, G.B.R 1k ard, J. Rickard , R. Osbiorne. Bs tnad .M Peterfboroughx. Ail prizes in tliis section W4 won by C. B. Beatty. Bull 3 years: Claire Coad, McLeod. Samuel Bull. cal! S.:. N. McLeod !lrssClile2c Bull cal! Jr.: Calme Coad. r. W. Cbbeik 6 Miich cow: C. Coad, N. McLeod, Mrs.* C. Billings C. Coad, Mrs. C. J.Tablyn 5 Heifer 2 yrs.: N. McLeod, C. Mrs. 8,Mo.orne ln Coad. Mrs W. B. Hoar 164 1 Heifer Sr. ye.arling: N. McLeod, Mrs. O. Challice 2 N. McLeod. Mrs J, Walker 3 Heifer Jr. yearling: N. McLeod,1- t C. Coad, C. Coad. 1-4t.h.Brant Heifer cal! Sm: N. McLeod. Ms.LE.ryn Heifer cal! Jr. Hugli Alun, e Mrs. E. Stapletn Allin, N. McLeod, N. McLeod. r EStpeo Herd bull and 3 females: N. Mc-Mr..Gathr Leod C. oad., 1Mrs. Gemald Rainey i GtoSiN.MLeod, C. Coad Mrs. M. Jefferies Ce !r:N. McLeod , . oa Mrs. C. W. Downey 2 N. MLeo. j (Continued on Page 8) 2 2 1 2 1 2nd 47 4 1 To ak2 US rvr iHl Top raunking Uthedrer Jim H pri MawIl uneilthe nw CaparGra Prix Sep t te andan8.a.e Prh ept28.a-l ea' nr The nno8' yer-od Texn'shentryan was annrituncEmpiorae bytheorgalu- iHalglitelshEmir elotf Clu Hnealliontaeladrie os id o!to the 250-mile event. A native of Midland, Texas, Hal competes on the Formula One cir- Cuit for British Racing Partne,-z and'has beconie a faniliar figura- at major Europlmtn tracks in hia, Western-style racing oui! it- of lveî. and stetson. He was among th& leaders ln both the British and the, German Grand Prix. Jimi has raced at Mosport lie fore but it will lie the world prena- iere for the new Chapparal, a car lie helped design. PCOwered by a 5,00cec. ra mo<unted Chevrolet engiue, thc- C4~Parral has a chassi and aIl the power ueeded to taik,- the.Peépsi-Cola TrcPhy and winner's. portion>o! -the $11,0W0prize mone7_ With, the eutrY of Hall, the.thirci Canadian Grand 'Prix is shaping- into the nost exciting rae ,i Canadian sports car history. Heaiding the field of drivers i» the 196e world champion, Graham. Mul Of England, -in a uew Brali_ ham" sports car, designed byformn- er world champion Jack Brabharn The lassy field aiso 'includezr John Surtees, former world motor-. cycle champion, and Mexicos Ped-. ro Rodliguez in identical Ferrari V-12's. LISTING -BUVING A..McGILL REAL ESTATE~ Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 R. m. BUrown JBest Oppsite Sex:* Sid Rapey, weme Port Hope. Best ]Bant-am, Len Pears, Orono. Best. Opposite -Sexe Mrs. Relit., N. lim, Newcastle. MARKET CATTLE- Hefer or steer 2 yrs: G. B3. Rich- ard. Heifer or steer 1 year: C. B.Rich- ard. Best baby beef: Dorothy Brown, C. B. Richard. SPECIALS- D. Lancely Comnish Trophy- Best Hereford Herd: Norman Mc- Leed. Durham, Farmers Co-op -, Sr. Championfemale: G. B. Beatty R. Glauville - Jr. Champion fe- male: C. B. Beatty. Bell aud Sons Special -- Bet, Beef Bull: Caire Coad. Canadian Imperial Bank of0Cin merce, Orono - Cham"pion Beef 'Herd: C. B. Beatty. Lunn Hardware Spechal: Show- manship cal! on halter, boy or girl 15 yn. Old on under: Dairy cattie: 1.ý C. Bradley; 2. W. Kerr. 2.Wayne, CÏoad. Beef Caif le: 1, Francis Rickard; bd 3rd 6 1 ,4 2 2 DRING TINSHOP SHEET METAL WORK Commencing S ept. 3 Oth Je E. GARDEN ORONO, PHONE 194M1 1 1 21 1 -G,-.- 'l", "' IA 1A PHONE'194MI 1

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