__________________ OIONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2(:" 'iii 3 ftl ! MAUCTIftN SALE ITractor, ecombine, hoistein cattie, à Iswinehay, grain, ýfurniture etc.. the roperty of Mr. Clive Lamnb, _________________________________________________ Lot' -6, Broken Front, Daril1ingtonl iTownship, one mile'east and one TO GIVE AWAY BROWNIE NOTICE Imile south of Bowmanville. Seli- Pr#fàsiouaI DirecoryS ~GerMan, Shepherd pup. 'Will u eodOooBonePc ing Saturday, October 5. fi htetn give to somneone who wifl gve it Tescn rfoBonePc Furniture sale is to commence CENTE vrl i 5tnj,-9-, home. Tilis gisecpon will commence meeting, 'Tuesday, tl at 10:00 a.m. As Mr. and. ORJOMDCL FfU, 9ally go-J with oilîdren. October lst at 6:4e p.m.'at the Or- r. Lamb are moving to Van- A. F . McKENZIE. M.D ! Electrical ContracntctRiingmao phone rve vrtigms esl catngOontat onTasm O oo ubicScoo. -cueeertngmtbesl Orono'ICIN'n SURGEON. a-c without reserve. Phone 186 Resý 147 Electric Hleating , Terms Cash, Jack Reid Auction- MA&RIAN A. KILPATRICK, R. N. . FOR SALE Phone193 ad Sevice Well marked oîîiepups, aiso Those wishing to order wreaiths, er PhnP9 hihwahiaus. crosses and sjravý Rv Rer-FRR OFFICE HOURS jPHONE, 245 -iPhone Bethany rio R 12. -cbFOcRDy r ke t cntc A o t 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p-m acbneDyaeakdt otc 1-ý0jX»NSDY8andSAURAYS Orno OnaroGeorge Dunlop, ÛAoû à onc iL five roomed house in Newcastle "W~NESAY~andSATRDAS oono WATEDTOThese must be ordered by October area., Dv APPOINTMENT ONLY I sANTD BUY Phone 4136 Newca.stle. a-c ________________________________ g-A I-al house in Orono or New_________________ D&__R__J.___________ Phone 1308 Orono. a-p WATKINS PRODUCTS NOTICE DR.R. . AGGRTW. T. COX Farmers don't burn your old YETERINAILV SURGEON Orono Electric NOTICE 1Plrtie Pki~ 066Orono, Ont. PH ON E 129 Kin-bY Thank Offlering Service Phone 1175 Orono. CONTRAC0T1RS FOR be held Sundýay, September _____________a-p CNRCOSFR 2th at -7:.30&m CHARTERED BUSES FARM an.d ]OUSE Rv R. C. White Gf Newtonvile FRSL 11ý1 will bDe the guest Speaker. Special To Boston, Mass. Thanksgivîng Four huriieT heavy duty Frjgl. ï VIRING nusic. Sveryone welcome. b-c weekend, October llilh to l4th, ho- daire Electrie Stove; reaso>nableýl.« lu&N yI'CETeFeeEsimte 1 -tel and tour to Cape CodI arranged, Phone Orono jo,3.a- IL PLA CESLS8OiKSIfOP IPhone 885-2527. Rowe Travel ______________ APPLINCE ALESAgency, Port Hope. 11DaaTsterf- Sdltcitor o prmpt and Guaranteed Repairs, Date: September 28, 1963 Anyone wishIng to go to Maple CARI) 0F THANKS luteOfie o x ail kinds of Eleetrical Time: 9:30 a.in. -. 12 floon Leaf Gardens for "Massed Bands The family of the la te Mrs. AI.. In. . WelficesO Equipment and Appliances 1:30 p.m. -~ 4 p.m* Royal Highland Black WatoDh", frerin wish to express tltoir [I Suh at Metors - Water Heaters 'Place: orono, Town Hall, Or o Massed pipers and dancers, TuIes-.ta s ad aprc.to to n gh MAI ST, RON ~ T.V. - Radios -Stoves - Irons -Admission. 50e per session. day, Septeaiber. 17th. Tickets avail. bor1 n red for help and sym- NAINeep ST.,18Orono Free to al members of groups able. Phone 88-2527, Port Hope. bop ay iendelss f, er w Teep1hoe13 Oee o<OCO=Q==o 1= =ý participating in the Orono Drama Chartered Busg- n o Ago-at nd mthe, for ad ad floes CýOndUcted by: Mr. Jim Dean - quin ark atebe nd fonta'Vlgesent to hospital. $pecial thanks to [J Snda, Sptenber22n fo caai-Dr. MèNenzie and nurses on tlie ~~~~~~~Well known director, desg-nr and cade of color.M dcnfor p Rv ~ Ln f. [J adjudicator. F or reservations p lon e 885- 27, a th f lo w , - F u e ral B o. org S H Sujeo: " OmePrble s o th Pot Hpe bc their kindness and understanding; OJRRRIL OD B ONainh0ltonsiensBackstageted hub-c BASeBRO N WYNE' MA]ENN<~EGG ]PRODJCEUS friends 0f Cowanville, Kixrby neigh. D..e.,O...bours, Durham 1deor6,Stf O.L.8.0 O alS Sevi eSEVIEAdata ften hegg - gpre f od Springs Camp, Orono Mas- P E( CE i v l ) E G N ~ n u a c E V C Ea v n a e o h e e0 p e S m i e L o d g e N o . 3 2 5 f o r t h e b e a u t « W u fiCii 0 Rngs Machine Shamp0ooedge a Whlch Mea=s more MOneY tO YOI floral tributes andi a special thanks 1nrncel an Its Braneu square fot. Al ty7pes of Venetianý,ShÎp youir egWs to Emm Brohers to-Kirby U.CW.fo erhepfe- Onai g» urvoe Blintis cleaned anid repaired. located la A;Ïlburrn. HMfee pri<cea warcls. frh epa-pr. 1%One taAu", aL.AIUMd COR Interior Painting beiflg peÂd for fres1~l. ngraded egp. ____________ ~ ~ ~ A to, Psi ha O a d O iuat0 BaSem ents and G arages Clea ed SPecia i pTIC es On a 100Ô dozen 8 w m v e ,al L I U Reenoval of tmwanted 'ems 10ts M ' prices Onn suia l ots. DIED DOWIU*IIVil'~Fire *aEn LierI. Tule Floors Refiuis hed Fr information phone colleet:PE IN dihMr-A± e- * ( Contact Wayne Kened,;y,Pon Brooklin 655-3452. Free pickup. ora1 optl Bwavleo 1a1n~ #3'. ,d Thursday, Septernber 19, .lqq, A c id n t a i t y , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E d ith M a r ia P e r r in , K t eb y , O n . L.qb. ciut d~ .Wn.~Ooi» am nlot 'rsonle for any anid dear motheraf«Grace (3&s. L.J IL Boier, ffleIty Bond, te Will do pr ieRdoadTV. debts incurred lbY my wife, Doris WranLReid, Klrby Ont.), Hil1da (Mrs. repaira. AI work guaranteed. ecynolda. Cck emre) n Charered AcPhonae HA rY WIRM Sîgned by OvId Reynolds~ fred of Newcafftle. IRegted !it -the Barlow Funeral Mi.Bt.,ffiOrono Telone 1HorneRPark__t.,_______forService M b .- olTmet hoBiye 138 Hon, Saturdey, Septenibe 21 at, 3 p.nx. 1 1 1 '0 ~~~Lyntonhurst Manor Nquralng HELP WANTED1 11 temn rnCmtry FOBOM HM'Phone S68ne 1R u Homne bas warm conifortable ac- Energetie young men interested ItretOooCmtr' phone m4m COmmodation for bed and up pa in Plumbing and Heating. tients. Reasonable rates. Apply hi persontoHrePatFARPIELT F9S OTGG ON Phone Orono t3S. 2- nexr. a-c (Continueti froni page 1) Monteîth, Montith arnrPmbnand H-eating. Mrs.' G. Chant Ri'ehi & Co. FEEDER SALE J .Brig RADurham Farmers Annual Pan (onlymaenty Sale.lhIV Grand Champion Cake, Mrs. S. CHATEIE DBOX 138 MO. 8-32atteDuhmCony ae gea Moore, Port Perry St lf rd 1pir a:30 p.m. Year olcs, two year C ro a by ,O oo 135 CmoUt.NortOshaa Safr Brothers I1oWindiügs, Switches, Bern ls stock calves, feeder cos Grand Champion Pie, Mes. S. Lùnied andBrnhesEletri Tol4 olstin eifrs.Allcàtte gade MorePort Perry. 818 unds S. E Whtby On. OsudSma Apilace otos Oand sold in suitable lots by the Reserve Champion Pie, Mrs. Ev- Telphne 78-52 38 unas t.E.Whtb, nt 0an Sral Aplane otrJ- pound. erett Stapleton, Orono. Work GAaxuaralctuteedf 0 P.S. This'is the sale ,where buye>IIERSS PCA- AJ-M -C M afater Ver îa A * . land seller meet each year. Plan FV O SSEra Ms W.C bhpIAI- ~f 1 r, -A2418_ Bea.-Me. . eteery. es - ~ Domestie & Foreign Granites one arR 18-. l.anS. ors.C.Tmby adMarbles - Isrpin u0 ihetU%, ONI.B Termns cash. No reserve. a"i Ie7 eçà u Jack Reid, Auctioneerl j ~ FLEISCHMAN'S YEAST SPECIAL _____________________ --Whi.te Bread: Mr. J. W. Biirrtdige, [C Eepo=o<=DO ocz>o=:>c=:>Oc=>AUCTION SALE -- Mrs. W. Colybledick, Mi-s. C. Bill- jO The undersigned Auc-tioneer has ings. n Brai M s. C Ta by Monuments and Barnes and Byamin eacesed.intucio newtonvilleMrs. W. Co.bbledick. Cbldct OPLUMBING and JIEATING to sell by Public Auction on Satur-Mr.C TT Madlyremrials [J Sales and Service day, Septemiber 2t,16 t1pm r C.namn. ORONO Our quahity and service leaves .0ltle eiec nN.2mhaCnainBn:Mý.S Moore, tes 171 Fnutily ho bougtfro 24HOUE BURNER SÊRVIOI ewtov N.o. l efcsan r.Audrey Walker, M sW. AsIc tue p Swo ogt ro ag qatt f antique furni.Cbldc. us, a o Low os~~WLy) Ternis cash. L. Clydestiale AucOe STCSOTNN The RUTTM GRANITE Phones: [ tioneer. bc SPECIAL (X)M0ý'PANY [J Hampton CO. 8-2288 o____________Apple Pie: Mrs. W. B. Hoar, alaof7 Otrl too TrneG -60 Mrs. M. Jefferies, Mrs. 'E. Stapie.. PaUt» 3OntrStrOeetT 0.32u ton. PORT HOPE________ IiD LyrCke r. .MorMs ,n and ,Largest Displaya in ,>u E. SaplrCetonr. S or,1Ms e r m s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I IfB O W M A N V IL L E L O C K E R I MPNO I WSPECIAL for, most worthy entries Orono ~ ~ ~ ~~ PlMiN OUT or remodelltng your peet ltMs .Moe n r.W FOR Iprésent Coledicks.S.Moe nMrW n PAINTINGMd - DECR1frATING Iv»mu - General INSURAN F SEE FRED LYCE JACK REII Auctioneer and Vâ Speciaiize in Farn Furniture Sale Consuit me -for tt and dates Phone 5 r 18 "'9"ED JACKS 1-u-tieer and Va] ;ON[ luator an ireosoname rates Oqmu~ruietewîùh I&n alor 1 PAN1IU - UV""' &NU *LV 1LTANKS- eue, ~theu contact SBUILDING -CUPBC4RDS I FURNO FNIS WRITE *WASHING STABLES CaiDert TompklsFyiNchlo DOUN SIMPSON~ Phone Newtonville 4721 PHONE 2191 ORONO Phone M0, Oromo MAGIC BAKING POWDER SPECIAL: ist Mrs. S. Moore; 2nid Mrs. A. Walker; Srd Mrs. R. Chapman. 0impson Sears Award for most poinýts in Needlework anti Domes-tic Science: Mrs. Sandy Moore, Port Ferry, :>'~ i .1