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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1963, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 25, NUMBER 32 wýeelyýi ie ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUIZSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1963 Mexican Wins Grand, Postmasteër General Pic-AxPIay" Prix At Mosport Track Announnces New Rates At Drai A 24-year-ol Mexican, Pedro The Postmnaster General, the Rodriguez, wheeled his 320 horse- ROWERS TO ASK Hon. Azellus Denis, today aflflOUfC- The Orono Drama Festival spon- powr Prra tovicoryat os-ed changes ini postal rates for sored by the Durham Central Agri- pot as Sturdy urngth ~ PRICE SUPPORTS pitdmtergstered mail, cultural Society saw seven one-aýý pingof he anaianGrad Pix. The'feera goernentwil bcspecial delivery. service, postal plays competeforthe top award In p g: trng hh CaainGrndrix. The edera gove rne supt inbemoney orders and OOD parcels. in the Festival. The Festival was ,çomregiteri the 5 wilin adiuz se o rvd piespprsi The changes for registration, spec- held in the Orono Town Hall last comletd te 20 mlesin 'mre the marketing of Ontario's 1963 iivery and money orders will Thursday, Friday and Saturday. of 2 hours, 41 minutes and 38 sec- tobacco crop, Remie Miggns ice-beefciv on oem r t onds and at an average speed of chairman of the Ontario Flue-wietoefrCDsadprne Saturday evening was the Feati-j :155 miles per hour (a record). He Cured T1acoGrweshMrktig athe wîfot tD'ake defectntd val's Academy Axard night when earned a sum of $3,500. Board, said Sunday. latter'changes will enable large us- the ajudicator, Mr. Esse W. Rodriguez and John Surtees, driv- Mr. Miggens said in an inter- ers of these services, who prepare Ljungh, an, associate of the OBO, igan identical car to Rodriguez, view that board representatives their mailings inontlis in advance, pronounced -the various awards. bat tled for the thirty-on turns of hope to discuss supports and other April 1, 1964. Deferment ci'teTi etr f the Fsia ruh ,the track changing first and second new methods of marketing -this advertisers and mail order houses great delight to many of the talent- Places repeatedly as they drew week Wrth agriculture department 'to make proper plans. Direct mail ed participants. Uway froro the field of contenders. officiais. would suffer hardships if the print Th cptrdtph fo te lun the thirty-first lap Surtees had cd matter and COD rate changes Te s p nthe e tival frentt Wt vacate the race due to engine were placed in effect too, quickly. btPc play h est ickl eng a trouble. Rtorige wn noa Kenldal 15 antains Ail- Mr. Denis said that present rates Ajax for their presenitation of "'A eas vctoy.for these services have been below -Cood Womran". The award was pre- The fastest lap of the race was T costs for some time and that thc sented by Mr. Les Aslett on bc- in te tentýseent whn Rod-vance T Finals salary increases recently granted 'haîf Of the Orono Chamber of riguez and Surteas both clocked> The Kendal Bantams with a 8-1 postal employees would bring a Commerce. The director o! this a time o! 1:35.3 for an average of victory over Penwick lasi S'iturday larger discrepancy between rates play, Brian O'Leary, was presented iý93.87 mles per hour. in Kendal have earned -the right ani costs. A substantial postal def- with the best director award. This Grahm Hil ofEnglnd paced to dvane tothe inalOntaiii would resut unless the increase award was presented by Mr. J. .Ghaham Hili o! Englaned placedlubin rateswere made. He noted that McNalbÙ on behaîf of thc Hampton second in the -big race, driving a aedown seri1-aiesTe Kendsandclbthe deficit accumulated- by the Women's Institute. Ford powered Lotus 23. He finishedar now lyfrem-fiat icosiand Post Office Departrment for the ,one minute and hirty-nine seconds nwtafor the arnpionDship., years 1958 to, 1982, inclusive was Second place play was "A binus' behind Rodriguez. enal nteBna ru.~4,725,360,91. Mr, Denis also noted presented by Uhe Ajax Dr9ama The final series will be played that the new rateswere still con- Workshop. Here the adjudicaltor CANADIAN TIRD with Wheatly, located Uirty miles siderably lower than commercial commented on the fine tempo and Denny Coad of Toronto, driving fromn Windsor. The first game wllrates for comparaible services, and team work. a Lotus 19, formerly owned by the be' played this Sunday in Wlleatly were generally lower than rates laie Peter Ryan of Montreal, which at 2:30 p.m. The second game ol , charged by other postal adminis- The set design of "A good WO- was the> firsi Grand Prix winner the series will be played in Kendal trations such as the United States.- man"1 was also an award winner in Canada, came in' third. This on Saturday afiernoon, October 12th Changes Effective Nov. 1, 1963: with the presentation being made placing. gave Coad the Canada Barry Lane pitched thc Kenda] yRyFretr nbhlfo h drivers Championship. He gainedAsquad to victory on Saturday taking Registration-present fees Vary- blarowFnrsti er elaif0f he onepontaboe udigHeiraheiht strike-ts. Bran Fter wsIng from 20 cents to 40 cents, c mission. Toronto in the cbampionship. behind the plate for Kendal. One cording to Uic amolini of indemnity fieimrath placing twelftb has been of Kendal's heavier hitters' was requested by the mailer, were last The best actor's award was won apparcmetratMsotrceMcewihteebt, set in 1951. The new fees will vary by D. Kerr MacKay for his portra- rvng his, Porsche. Notable in Uic field was Camer- f rom 35 cents to 60 cents. ai of Robert in Uic play "Married Saturday marked Uic firsi time icae rul wh to epcelintatsr Special Delivers-the- £ee for peo!T mel" thtaLotus had not won an in- cm pwt w xeln îy letters was last set in 1939 at 101 Kay la a member of Uic New Play thratioal et h ou a (Continued page 4) cents. The new rate will be 25 cts. jWorkshop. This award was pres- ternational meet.toThenLotuslhas been claimed suited for Mospori ne yRyPttno ea!o -eve thughitshorepoer isal-1 cilden.In 1946 a f ce o! 20 cents was set the Orono Oddfellowi. mosi bal! o that et the larger 1BHih took $1,500 for placing sec- for parcels. It will now be 35 cents. Ferrri. nd.Coad$130. fr tird nd n M d ~The best actress award was pre- Pai atedace24,93wih n additional $1000. for being the top o! fees will be inaugurated ranging senetrlof Jane SevnsA inforher estimat o! 28,893 4,ith3guestsand Cnda rvrfr h er otaa1f obel AMns estiateof 8,89 wih gestsamdCa.diandrier or te ya. f rom 5 cents, for orders less than play by the Ajax Drama Workshop one dollar, to 25 cents for Uiose of 'Then,-psentation was made on be-j Junior Gardeners To Compete With Bird Feeders' The regular meeting o! Uic Jun- Fairbi-other made two Thanksgiv- Ior Gardener's Club took place on ln g arrangements using colo>Ped September 26th with eighteen1 leaves, fruits etc. members present; three ne'w mcm- At the next meeting, October,241h beswere welcomed. a bird feeder competitioli will be held. Please check your books for Mrs. Fairbrother congratulated Uic two classes which you may the eilîdren on Uic excellent show enter- one is to be o! wood con- ing o! Junior exhibits at the Aug,,- struction and the other is a novelty ,t t Flower and, Vegetable Showfedr held in conjunction with the Sen-fedr lor Society. Our October meeting will be close to IBallowe'eii and each mcem- Following a talk on bird migra- ber is asked to decorate a brown tion, and ther discussions, Mrs. paper bag and bring it along. Expect Sale 0f Library, Books This Month Misa Monroe o! the Ontario Pxrov- brary for six cartons of cildren'a îmcial Library Board again visiied books (400 to 600 books) on a four the Orono Lbrary in Monday a!- monib boan basis. This service, ternoon and evening. once establshed, will continue witt Along with memnbera of the Police a new sipment arriving in the Village Library Board a further Library every four moniha. quantity of books were removed Miss Monroe also informed Uic from tbe abelves. These books, Board membera that books of a num'bering close to 3000 and which special nature May be ioaned from are to be taken oui o! Uic Library tbe Provincial Library on requcat will be placcd on sale inter ibis Thia service makes it possible for monih, possibly Ociober 25Ui and Uic local library to obiairi books on 26th. Tbe sale will be held lai the requesi from their readers. ýQrono Municipal Building. Presenthy tbe librarian, Mrs. B. Plans are underway for paintingiMercer, wiih assistance froni the 'Library and insialing new Board members are prepnxing Uice lights. indexing and cnialogueing of books Currently the purchasing, com- in preparation for the opening. An mlttee are ordering newv books for entirehy new system la to be used Uic library which, i is hoped will whicb conforma witb other libranies bc reopcned around mid November. ihroughout tbe Province. N w books are also expected !romn Miss Monroe poinied oui that the Provincial Lîbrary wich wiU there wasa an alarming lack of be presented 10 tbe Orono Library cildren's books in the Library and fr'ee o! charge. Application is also also science books and other simi- being Made to the Pro vincial LïiJlar categoriez. ers Winners ma Festival Noreen (GreeoIy Stili Missing Humors have been prevalenýt Uic pas3t week in the recent disappear ance of 13-year-old Noreen An iGreenly o! Maple Grove. A report Tuesday dispels ail rumors that Uice chlld had been found. She mysteriously disappear- ed on Seplember 14 and to date n real chue las been found. Mr. Harvey J. Greenly, father o! Noreen Ann, states that he is con- vinced that his daughter has been abducted. -Anyone who knows my daugbter will realize ht is unlikely shle would take off voluntarily," ha said. Wins 50-50 Draw The promoters et the Orono Fair dance Wisb to announce the winner o! the fifty-fifty draw., Mrs. Fred Vagg o! Orono was Uic winner and received. a sum o! $56.25. Ganaraska T. Study Wihnot Watershed Word was r4eei'ved last week byr the Orono Police Trustees from Uic township. Council that the Ganar- aka RIver Authox4ty are to, have Ia survey made of the Wihmot and Orono Rivers. Recently Uic Trustees requeaited lthat the Township ask for some Paction by the Ganaraska in the area of the two watersbeds. The request was passed along to the Ganaraskà la the area of the two, watersheds. The requesi was pas- sed alonýg to the Ganaraska who at their'hast meeting gave author' - iiyi .iv ei 1muA ofýr. arger denominations. The oId bal! of the Henther Rebekah Lodge Haas, Orono, o! the Depariment o! schedule, set in 1949, weni !rom by Mrs. Jim Major. Landsannd Foresats will assist with 4 cents to 25 cents. thIuvy Changes effective April 1, 1964 It1suvy ,Adrianne Hans o! the Henry ________________ C.U.D.-the new charges will Street High Scisool Dlrama Club o! range from a minmum o! 15 cents Whitby received the special adjudi- play. The adjudicator stated thai to a maximum o! 40 cents. The old cator's award.. Mr. Ljungh com- it was most evident o! a real effort schedule o! rates, from 1i0 cents to mended this group o! youngsters on Uic part of the whole cast o! Uic 30 cents, bas been in effect since for their talent, intereat and warm- Orono play. 1940. hearted presentation of "Hello Ouit tednea ieFsia a There." The award was presented a small bandful on Thursday night Printcd Maiter-the.present rate by Miss K. Stewart on behal! o! the with good crowds on Friday and -or "householder" mail (items Kendal Women's Institute. tidv Fwfo h Vlse îvhicb. bear no other addrea:sing than "To the Householder") is 1% pents for the first 2 ounces and ibis was lasi adjusted in 1960. The new rate will be 2 cents for the The Orono Hi-C'a who on EFriday evening presented "Sorry, Wrong Number" received commendation for their efforts. Their se t design were in aitendance. Attendance on Friday night was estimnated ai around 175. A drama workshop was bel in first 2 ounces. was chosen as one of the botter o! conjunction with ihe Festival on The general rate o! 2 cents for the festival and the play itself was Saturday when James Dean gave the first 2 ounces, set in 1951, wl] placed in the top four. Mrs. Gladys instructions on see design and be- increased to 3 cents for 'the Aslett received honoralble mention Miss Helen Binïka instructions on first 2 ounces. This rate covers as the director of! Ihe Orono detailed make-up. sucb items as advertising materi- ,al, unaealed greeting cards (includ- ing Christmas carda) and most bok, hniniidal adese.Cl arkeà Teaclihers Atteand A special rate o! 21/2 cents for the firsit 2 ounces will be established for large mailings - usually cir- l e e b ,ju g e àt n the mailer and made up accordIng Two membera o! the staff oiff a chance 10, exehange experiefloes 10, postal regulations. These large Clarke Bligh. Scbool wcre among an I diefo testah mailinga, prepared accor ding, 10 115 men and women beginning in i te aie fro othes tec- the conditions set out by ibe Post their f irai year of teaching who senge. A ib jece gouantea Office Dcpartment, require con-sevs Asbec coulata siderabhy lesa bandling. Il is !eht were entertained by the executIve teacher o! experience, waa provid- ibat mailers prepared 10 'do this Thuraday night in Peterborough cd for, eacb subjeci. New teachers pr-sortrng, sol av r-o! District 22 o! tyb Ontario Sec- took the oppotunity to gel help pere ae ondary Sehool Teachers' Federa- wiib ibeir problema from these ferred aie.m. Clar~-ke consuiltants. HONEY ANNOUNCES $20,OUo. FOR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Russel C. Honeybas announced Ébat a sum uf $20,000.00 has been grantcd to the Memorial Hospital, Bownianville bo assist with plans to remoderize the old wing of the bospital. Announcemeni was also made in that R. C. Honey bas been appoint- 3d with others, 10 serve as a liason between Uic caucus and M.P.s at 0' tawa. gigh school wcre Mr. Y. Laniel ýOthers on had'd to welcome the and Mr. O. P. Sabhnruah. new teachers to tise Federation I. M. Robb, Toronto, field sec- were William Joncs, Toronto, as- retary of the OSSTF, outlined the siatant fi.eld secreâiary; James D, 'relatiotiship ofthie individual tenach- McNnbb, Peterborougb, chairman erWiUi the Federation and expînin- o! the provinci,#l profeisàionai, de-. cd with Uic assistance of a film, vehopmciit commitice; Donald Is- the ad-vantagea and services to be nace, *Peterfborougb, preaident of derived from the organlization. tbe organization ini thîs district. Under the chairmanship o! Jack The new teachers came from ev- Chenoweth, Carapbellford, chair- ePry secondary achool in the district nîan o! the district professioflal which exiends f romn Bowmanville te -]evehopment ',commitîe o! Uic 1Campbehhford ilutbicsouth, to BHaL. )jSSTF, the neopbyie teachers had iburtori and Bancroft ln the norib. If

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