flROXNf WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER' Srd, 1963 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES LÈtTTER TO THE EDIT OR 1 Dear Editor: May 1 have space in your paper 'to present what seems to me to be areal problem for a mioorîty group Ui Oronb, and give my own experi- ence in regard to it.1 It is not to be. expected that peo ple fortunate enougli to have tlieir own transportation, are goîng Vo be greatly concerned about how the rest '0f us travel, but it seems to me that isometbing could be clone to niake it more convenient for us. For the last tbree months it bas1 been necessary for me to go to Toronto quite often. 1 have stood ini the hot sun. and the rain waiting for, the bus. At night there is no street, light close enough te, be of, rouch value and returning f rom Toronto, crossing from the east to the west side of the highway can .9ometimes be hazardous. A lady comning to visit in Orono got off the samne bus on which 1 was returning home. Through a misunderstanding there was no one to meet lher. She had no idea whicb way to go or whére to phone for a taxi. Her luggage was heavy. In the local paper nozt long ago was the ar-count of an organization With money to spend on some pro- ject. If Orono cannot or will flot meet the requirements to bave the bus corne loto the village, how about building a shelter at the high- way where one can wait out 0f the sun or rain with a light so that at iiight the bus driver can scýe you waitîng, aL pay phone, and a side- Wàik to-get tîjere. Why not make "ORONO, A BET- TER PLACE TO LIVE". Mrs. J. Richardson >DIED ;SHACKLETON, Rowland-At Mem- orial Hospital Bowmanville on Wednesday morning, Octobe r 2nd, 1963, Rowland Shackleton of Hamp- ton in bis 77th yeair. Beloved bus- bad f 1Mabel MUartin,derate t'f Gerald, G0ordoýn and !Kenneth. Resting at the Northcutt and Smith ;Funeral Homne. Funeral service at 2:30 O'clock Friday afternoon. Interment Orono Cemetery. a-c CARD 0F THANKS Thank you again, dear friends, for ahl your kindness to me while I was ln the hospital the second time. Very sincerely, Zella Graham. a-p CAIID 0F TIIANKS I'd like to express my apprecia- tion to, Dr. O. G. Milîs, Dr. Camp- bell, Dr. Patterson, Dr. Sanderson relatives, friends and'neiglibours for the lovely flowers, cards and vif ts. Also visits f rom Ven. H. D. Clevil-don ani Mrs. Cleverdon, Mr.s. Scbard, Rev. J. Hl. Moffat, Dorcas W.A. and ladies of Christ Memoriaàl Churcb, IHeather Rebek- ah Lodge, Orono and especially Nurses and Staff of 3B Oshawa Geiierai, Hospital. a-c Priscilla Bradshaw. SERVICE inosWashed, 4rn- pat on Chosti-fîlds ~ChAiCl aed Phonîe aid 255ni LAW ASSOCIATIONS HONOR MISS HELEN CRYDERMAN A.n era in the United Counties end- ed reýcently with the retirement of Miss Helen W. Cryderman, Regis- trar of Deeds for Northumberland Durham. A veteran. of '44 years in publie serVice, miVss Crydel*niafi was hon.- osed at a tea and reýception aet the Flîying Duteliman Moýtel by the UTni- ed and Ontario Counties LJaw AsIso- ciations. She was, presented with an oil painting as a formai recognition for what Bowmanville Mayor Ivan Hcbbs termed: "Devotion and knowl.edge over, the years that lias been of so mucli benýefit to every- one." FASY TO BUI You cari buy Cana da Savings Bonds for cash or on instalments. Buy them on the Payrot! -.Se*gs Plan at work- or at banks, aut,;+hohized investment dealer§- sîockbrokers, trust or loan companies. They corne in denorninations of $50, $ 100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000 up to a limit of $10,000 per e3Cn They fit every pocket book' ORONO SIMPLE TO CAS You can cash Canada Sa'Àngs' Bonds anytirne at their full face value plus. eai-ned înteresý-t. youL have to do -s crnp h ri.a irnptiorf teori-i onthe 3nd, and preserltil to your Eiank. You wili receîve your money irnmnediately.. Caniada Savingls Bonds are betier than cash I PHIONE 194MI GO DTO-KEEP You get interest on Canada Savngg Bonds on Novem ber lst each year -4Y2% for each of the f irst 2 years; 5% for eoe-h of the nex- 6 ear and 51/% fqr edch i h c -rining 4 ye:r---giving an av'erage .,eturn of 50%yearw-hen bel1to maturityý In î2 years with accurniulated ineest every $100 Bond wilI be worth $16100, Many Thanks 1 would like ta express sineere thanks ta the workers and electors of Durhami County who supported our cause during the recent election.1 Also my congratu1ations and best wishes ta our M.P.P. Alex Carruthers: c~ 1'1~ ~ ~ £ ,~ jT sios 1-RENTWVOOD MOTEL AND states tb.at somi additions have been RESTAURANT CHANGES BIANDS' macle to the menu with one beIng The reit-ýo(> Motl ad Rst-Char-Broiled' Steaks. aurani îs now under newv owneriship havhng been purchased recently LISTING - BUYING by Mr. Ron Belton. The new owner, formnerly of Parry Sound, took over the operations on September lst.,, A NAY I having then purchased the enter- A'.J. M cGI----- pdise from Mr. Ken Ferren. Mr.L Betnpio o omn REAL ESTATEil served i this field for twelve of the Ontarlo Hydro where he Phones: Orono 1407 years. The restaurant ana motel Is to remain open every day of the Oshawa 728-4285 week cturing the year, Mr. Belton - Commencing Sept. 3Oth j. E. GýARfDEN