ORONO WEEKLV TIMESTHRSAY,OC RE 3d,16 no actio.n for somt me. This horse place in Peter~borou.gh last Sa%Êur- L H -- ai H ers s S tili W Vn n ing y. recently placed seconld anl 1t day night. The race went in 2.20. Loco ~ ý ~ chorseF are st1:11ee- iddel, alo ofthe ,d1Stble, ré IiJunior West whlle warmiflg 1p Roughley bas increased, his stable vF' Z I} g9 ac .t Mt aeay e'l placed fifthi. Braduliff e at Lindsay Pair, also ran1 of horses to four. His most recentg ar, '1e rn h atfe F~ayngh a ohw, a l.into ,troubie when the hors3e eut 1 ourchase was a year-old-colt,, 0 E.5TAi gh 1,i;it sstbeo Graittan, a horse oined ov Burns c orn er too short thus tippng Up1 Plain AI M, bouglit at a Toronto L9 rs hem reacbio th~ mon -loregstredissc iwnti the cart and throwmng ta driv er' sale. Count Markie also a Roughley V- wi: ýiascoi~tirda ea at Mohawýk in a tme of 2.08.3. This-did flot hinder the horse 1torcse is racing at g\ontreal and -tii~ raIce where itplaced s'xth in both i ;ýe ith in thse last rcc<. LIMITED A. ayrlha tM,!ilv',ýL, Chuirch St. niolved Mcàdoiwý Boob, ch ven by 7 iw che race hre e rneiSat-urV' g-r> -;hsp:)ca_-day nght at Moak 1.2. x -l i; plo dbi ei:,] Robinson. Startïng terae Arhe!lnysV'Uc V Gatta.s, a horse ow.s d by Bwfl fl 63-39 -,v Mvcxi\ 1taI~.Ecb ffou when it came snowedthe way ai. 1.' ,-a ýL U ' Burns-Hoy olh 'gir. rah int eo starting gate. The drive.r witha t.me 0ýi L-0 2- J ,race ina row in a Urne of Bwavle6339 ts i es lL day wi s unhurt but the home will sec Orono crove hls îscrse to - c= PWO"-, PRESTIGEI POWERI COMFORTI TaIk about Action with a capita. "A"-and you're talking about the 1964 Oldsmobiles. From the elegant Ninety-Eights, through the adventurous Starfires, the superb Super 88's, the dashing Dynamic 88ls to the never-before Jetstars and the ail-new F-85's,'Oldsmobile for '64 has the looks, the performance and just the right touches of luxury to matle this another winning year! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE THE PRICE SURPRISE OF'64 NEW 10W PRICE! MORE ROOM-MORE POWERS More room-sleek 10 inches longer outside. More comfort-F-85's wheelbase is three inches longer. New V6 economy and V8 vigor. ln fact, more of every- thing-except the money it takes to buy one! ~eeya~ II adc4eý gkwee ROY W.' NICHOLS OX-164-0 BOWMANVILLE Phone 728-6206 'n C:y F 'T îZI;