SORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER Srd Pr@fosieaI Directory ORONO MERDICAL CENTRE AF. McKENZIE. M.D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 'Phone 186 Res. 147 MAMIAN A. KILPATRLCK, R. N. Phone 193 OFFICE HOURS 2:*00 to 4:00. p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOIN17MENT ONLY DR. R. J.TA AR VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Ont.1 11W. KAY LYCETT, .A. ýBarr!sterL-Sliio g In the f fices of R. R. Waddell QC. MIAIN ST., ORONO G L:z2:Z:i18 Oon ~ MERILLD. BRWNU PU PlOFESSIONAL ENGINEEII a (Civil)o g Land SurveorG 11121 Queefl St Box 1 t,1q o 0 BowmalVile, Ontario'G Telephofle 623-i251 L., J.'sKAWE Chartered Accouplant By Appointmfeflt Only Main St., Orono, Telepb.ofl 138, P.O. Box 208 WIIITBY 1Phone 668-8197 IMonteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Sinicoe St. North, Oshawa eepone: 728-72 WhithyAjax 131 942-OM0 Guen eral IN.SURANCEt S E£ F RED)LYCET OFFICE -.MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 JAC ~ED Orono's LiccnIsed Auctioneeý,r and Valuator Spýcialize in Farm and Funture Sales a ortcrmsj Poer- 18 Oronc Auctionieer and Ylao COoduts Auctien Sales ef ail sizas1 -and at reasonable rates Communicate wth hlm at Port It Perry, Ontarlo FOR SALE i j Mixed Pot Plants, ail through thc <~*, jwinter. Phone 11316, Orono. a-p urville Chatterton FOR SALE Eletrial ontactn¶.]~ Phone Orono 1546. a-p 1 Electric HeatirLg I FOR SALE -1 j 1I Two pece nylon Snow Suit, b*y's I and Service o r girls.- Size 5 years, Pa'or' -7'r-16, Orono.a- PHONE 245 a__________-____ Orono, Ontario FOR SALE 'jGirls W nLer Coat, size 4.Phone S235J Ororco. Pedli's ýiercomplete O rono Electric wit 3,ý d 1t1steel noie PHONýE 129 i n good concition. Cr Todd, New- CONTRACTORS FOR tnil - FARM andl fMUSE VAN'FED 1WIRING Used wood range wanted. Have Free Estimates Space R-eater with fan, 3 to 4< room APP IAN E S LES size. Wil trade or seii. A P IN ES L S Poe2ý5. a-p Prompt and Guaranteed Repair's to ailinds of Eleetrical MEN with cars, outside work. No Equipment and Applances epre,,c eesr.A.eae$ Suchi at Metors . Water Heaters eperionce necessal. rghs. ep$3 T.V.Rados Sove - tans J-306-36, 4005 RLcti'neu, Montreal.- v -~~ BOWE RS IIANTEDI f3Men needed to, filbi Men's Bowiling Teams playing in New- c3'astie every Tuesday evcning. Any- o onc interestcd contact Cii don Wat 11amion(Il son, phone 146 Orono, - o ÀPl NOTICE TO HOCKECY PA~RENTS Your assistance is needed at the fOrono Rink this Satin-day mornirig ' U Isuranat 9 o':clock to help in the repair ofj --s Branches-Iý boards and other items, at the rmnk Olnsurance lna alita oin order thaýt hockey inay epiaye d Luo Package and Composite~is itr - oPolie ff, Fii-e, Farm, LUfe WAYNE'S MAIN'ýTENANCE u- Cheserfields andl Chairs shamn- oBurglary, Liability, Marne,o polbed. Ail types Of ralo and u G cearpets cleaned. Ph q rono 255, SAccident and Sickness, Wlnd. o Bolier, Fidellty Bond, Etc. G j RABO Ca"LtM 1tý 1 anRST.V. Oo repairs. Ail work guaraj.Lnted 0 Phone Orono 1M4. ~Sadie iHamiItonir NURnSIN HOM Phone Orono 1E16 Rom e bas warmn comnfortable lac- o ~~o mmodation for bed and Up pa- g FIRST MORTrGAGE' LOAN Phono Orono 1308. 27pi IBox 133 MO. 8352 ElercM t s Stafford Brothers i Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Deaiersin Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles - Inscriptions Cul Our quaity and servie baves nothig te ho desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neighhoïir, friend oýrrltv The RUTT1?à,iZ JA II 73 Otaýrlo, Street PORT IHOPE, e"Largest Display L Southerna C il o g g r' gand Brnshes, Electrie ToolsG adSmal Appliance Motors gadWork Guaranteed g G0 gL AINeard G heaO U79, Oromo g gDares and Byai g PLUMBING an« HEATING Sales and Service f 0 24 HOUR BURNEIZ SER.IE g B-A FINANCIN' ICG oLow Interest ]Rato g Hampton CO., 32283 0 Tyrone CO. 3-2650 Ontarîo" PAINTING -DECORATINGg ETC AK BUILDING - CUPBOARDS f REPAIR AND FINISH WHIT-E WASHINGr STABLES FURNITURE 3 Cal1IBert Touipliins DOUGSIMPON ~ Phonie Newtonville 4121 Poo28Orone , * 'yD Words caninot c oir sincere thanks and apprc ;o -o many relat 'ives, frienci, neighbours foi, their kind e " s ______________________ sofo symnpatby and beaiulfuII WATKINS RODUCTS floral tribu-,tes during ouriA~e :;ad bereavenenit of!-a dea- W. T. COX bandi andi ondrfl fathier, Wil:.a' PHON 6232267Allen. Also speciai thanlks to' Dr. A. PHON 6232267F. McKenzie, 11ýev. Basil Long anýI the Barlow Funieral Hlome for S17PheEr thoughtfuil kindniess. TURKY $UPERConi-ie and Trudy Alleil. TukySu3oper a edlUnitedI a-p __________________CARD 0F THIANKS ORON AMT~U 'ATLETC W,thie famnily of! the late W luaI-.I ANNUA MEEING AîhurAllen, wish to expre:_sco Tii,, Aniainofereethianks to alour relat-,es Th Anul eein f heOrnofrensand nihorfo, -the AthitieAssciaion illho eldfloral tributes, cards anci kind ex Thursdý,-ay .ight, Octoýrber l tp reseXins of symIp'athy eten'I to 8:30 ). m. in the Orono MurmicipaL' lus dÎr ng our suddenc bereavent Bidg.Everyone interested inlof a loving son and brother. Aho- the spýorting activities of this com-l.t'îanks to Rev.Log Dr. MeRenz-e, murity'are asked to attend. khe f.CW. of Leskard, Boy vman- ----,ville Goodlyear Depts. 274e and NOTICE '2713 and everyone who helped in .iny way to ease our sorrow. Dr, A. F. McKenziewllnot be - Ail your kiiness and sympathy bis office October 7 to October 12 sdel pried inclusie. b-cV-ance, Jean and fanilly. COMING EVENT AUCTIQN SALE 0ron0 United Sunday Church Tractor, combine, hoîstela aatle, Sehuiol Rally Day this Sunday, Oc- swine, hay, grainî furniture etc. Lober 6th at 10:00 a.m. Ail Sunday the property of Mr. Clive Lamb, Chu: ch School will meet in openlLot C, Broken Front,, DarI ngton session. Leskard choir wiil supplyý Township, one Mile east andi one soe<al mnusic and Mrs. Norman;,ml ot fBwav1e el Baerstow will tell the story. Coi- jmg Saturday, OctQber 5. lection will bc for Missions. ' j Furniiture sale is to commence Be present to start earning your1 promiptly at 10:00 a.m. As Mr. and pin award. a-c ýMrs. Lamb are moving to'Vn _______:couver everything must ho soid COIN(G EVENT without reserve. St. Saviour's Anglican Church Ternis Cash,, Jack Reid Auction- iHarvest Thanksgiring Service w-JlI eer. lie held next Sunday, October 6th at _____________ q - npqýkpr Rpvi J.1 --- , ' ~'rarnpton, ecto(r of St. John's Churc Buinianiile"500 HEAD" yoý1u ae cordiaiily invi ted to wor JAh Black Feeder and Breedo-r Sale 1100 Breeding- 400 Fe and p wi us.a ~Stocker. AT THE SALES BARNSý, AN.NOUNCEMENT l LINDSAY, ONTARIO Mr. andMr Edward C. Copping SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 Q0rono announice the Thaeinto fe thannual sale sponsocd by their youngest daughter, Dor:1een the association. Ail sired liy 'sa An- Joyce to Mr. Robiert A. Boyv-ton,j1gus bull. The feeder and 'ýocker Peerorugsn o!(,fMrs.-o, pcattle,, 400 o! themi, wili bo calves P 3tn Xdte ap- otiÎ, nidy !l8 dhstceer and Kik iiOt. The mrig ohies There wi'i1lie 100 o more tako plac,,ýe inirb United Churcb 0fi breoding cattie, most of rhem on Octolior 26th), 1963t 3 o'clock, re-,gisFterod. 2lany cýows with caives a-p at foot and re-brod . And aiso coin- ________________________-1ploto dispersai o! the herd of Mr. RECEPTIONOswaid Gibbis, Campbelicro. t. Sale 7ýCETINwiii' start at il1:00 a.m.coîn- 11ev. and Mrs. Basil Long wiii ing with the Gibbs herd, whi -h1 also lie at home te thero friends Sun-inuds isgo hedbl d day, October th from three-thirty the romaindor o! the bruieding te five-thirty in the aftornoon and cattle, and the others iil foliiow. seven to nine-thirty in the ovening, Addiîionaî entries froni any J.Lwmer on the occasion o! their twonty- [n Ontario wiil be accoptod up to !ift« time. Lunch available on îhe acpremises. Eastern Ontario Aberdeen - An 2is ORONO BOY SCOUT Association. PAPER DRIVE James Moubray, Pres., Wio-rVdale., SATURDAY, -OCT. 12 Z0lacolm Baiiey, Sale Manager, U>F- Starting at 9 a.m. Kridke, Ontario. Tel. Port Perry For out-of-town collection ploase 85-7583. cal Mr. 4. Waiker, phono 1411, Or- Auctionoors: Gordon Ribey, Un- 0110. derwood; Reg. Johnson, , land. d 35-c: EGG PRODUOERS Attention Egg Producrs-Take AUCTION SALE advantage of the new egg prices Entire housohold f urnislrrjs of whioh means more money to you. Mî-s. Willis Jones, Lot 8, Conu -son IShîp your eg'gs to Emin Brothers 2 of Clarke, Village o! NewtGnville locatod ln Ashburn. Highest prices on Righway No. 2. Sale te býý,lieldi bing paid for fresh ingraded eggs. !,,.nday, October l4th at 1 p.mi. Spociai prices on a 1000 dozen W ýCttaafer Cemnent Blco-k r: ch- lots. Hi!gh prices on sialler lots.,1 ,e",jwer mower, gardon t- r For information phone collect: i oom suite, S pliece; Dm ooi Brookln 655-3452. Free pickup. 'ir, leds full s:zc~, three 32-c4 erad igl;Pr-,anauGas NOTICE ws g mcie ar amnet responsîbie for n ic.:g iM~a ane dohbts incurred liy my wl! ,Doris' ' aad îscs Reynolds. Lllyd-e ando~ Signed liv Ovid iA.els L September 3rd, 1963. c TOTSL r.~ M. T.G. 1arneý3- -loe T , vi-j p j rreniodetling ycour reV IJcieo,*- One, thon contalet TED t(Wl.îs -.u riîBreeders toc. PHONE 2191 ORIONO ens 'Jr 5V Kig-toii Fair Croumi - Value orpportunity tobuy auerior Unit sired cows - heifers for re placement or foundation stock.