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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Oct 1963, p. 1

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W oklyTi'm'es ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUlLRSDAY, OCTOBER 1th, 1963 VOLUME 9,5, NUMBER 33 MeeingTo Be HleIýd AIt' Sepiember Drector's >, 0 Dn4nnmCorunty Fed- ~e îof f irctuedelegates Ked atisPIayjTo4shl Calis irst Meetin b~ ~~ Kna -auday~ Board Th',e na Bantnm Baseba'l. tearn ix t sorne fUi omPetton The 1Townýship cf (Clarke set a tîoun",g of a buld iý7ý prora't last Sunlay in WheatW eey date of Octaber 22àd, wien the GtULn~ a servîc' , c aid Kr ~aliayd ther firt ga r rh-p Cancil nienijbers, Orono and rceaurant on the west side of h.JUlL J DC O L of t'he < i nals in WheaileY Foi -ce Tu.e and the newly ap- f-Lg'hway 115 ju3t sputh of Iirby. w th the :,cme ci b tak'ng a 9M vepi n JPli îoingEard are to meet The npcaJnwas by Hoie En- . ii 'u Su n, n bo woorg and Bewdley. mO ctoober 2thU. Cou i act no obje'ctions to th', Speaoker At Safetqyà RaIIy States Responsibility RestsWith Parents' Safety begins wîth the individual, Competition. Tinere were 423 post- and is th1e responsibility of t11e ers entered in Ibis year's contes, parenit inn Vie home, mnennibers of tine from about 1,800 Uat were dmawn Durhnam County Rural Safety in elementary scinools' tirouginoutl Lengue were toid last Fridny. 1the County. ,1 Cpi. Robert Cailaginan 0f 1the A second competition for group Traffic Safety Office of Une OFF dispiay posters was won by 11e addressed the group on 11e funda- Betinany 4-H Homemaking Club. m'entais f safety witin stress on This was ýciosen rom a group 01 lntghay saety.three final entries by Cl. Caiiag- He urged that parents take han. lime out 1e instruct their citdren on the subject and pointed out "Al of Ihese are excellent," 1e tinat "exýample was Une best in. commenled. "T11ey ail convey an Structor." He caiied the safe op- important message. This one is my eratiagl conidition of highway and choice because of ils readalbiity fnmn vehicles .11e mosit important froin a distance." atr i inSUringý safety l inoll In th1e competition for individual road. posters twienty winners were chos-1 The Counci met to distributo en. Th1e Junior Division included prizes for 11e Annuai Rural Safety students in Grades 1 10 4 and in the, [Senior Division, Grades 5 10 8S. WINNERS,1 Thie winnners lan1the Junior Divis- ion: Sandra Werry, Bnniskillen; Bonnie Barlow, Orono; Gary Kirk- ton, Port Hope; Brian Peck, Port Hope; Gerald Sprouie, Port'Hope; Stephen Barrie, Bowmanvilie; Joyce Westerveit, Port Hope; Kar- en Scinnoonderbeek, Enniskilien; Sally Staples, Newcastle; Bruce TmaniËer, Port Hope. LSenior Division: Judy GoVlton, Port Hope; Bill McCreery, Port Hope; Jane Hunt, Port Hope;, Ah- lIa Wells, 'Port Hope; Susan Long, 1Port Hope; Linda Coucin, New- .castle; Judy Behmi, Port Hope; Pal Maniey, Fort .Hope; Cnsey ý.an Heuvelen,,Bowmanville. The jud'ge was Wian Timibers of itive plowing was won by Morley StouVvile whose famiiy are well Fhiip. Local farm deniers wlio known in piowing activities. Theo supported Une prise lilt by dona- placing was as follo'ws: tions were: Jack ReMi, Massey Fer- Trailer plows- Gordon Badfield guson; Thnackeray-Milii; Gritfton Peterborough No. 10, Frank Tinney Co-op; Wilson, New Holiand & Oobourg No. 6; Howard Quanîril, Ford; Allen Hardware;, Baxter, Elizabethville Sinel i Ou; Brown of Texaco; and 10 inch mounted - Peter Newton,IMcnoh trePesdn Bue Coboug No 4. agleson ýmucin apprecîated Une co- CobourgNo. 4.opemation 0f 1the ammers 0f 111e 12 inch m'ounted - iDon Budd, Plaînville Communi'ty and 1the ser Port Hope, No. 1; Bruce Eaglesonn, vices of Unat amen. Cobourg Nb. 4. Northun-iberlaiid 4-H Tractor club Tactors - 4' furrow - Wallace Aciievemenit Day was1 conducted Buttar, Gores Landing. by Messrs. Gibb and Watson 0f Une Beginners- Morley Piiip, CO- Department of Agriculture. Match bourg No. 4; JohnMaughan, Cold work is very wothwhile la leamn- Springs; Miles Jackson, Gores ing inow to adju5t 1the equipinent Landing; David Buttar, Gores Lan- for the best of plowing with th1e ding: Bruce Buttar, Cobourg No. 1IC lest 0f power. A* few contestants Juniors - 18 to 21 - Don Tinney, ireon their way 1te111e International Cobourg No. 6; Paul Mackiin, Co- and Worid Match ait Caledon. A- bourg No. 4; Howard Mutton, Dow- m'ong Vtne group present were Hon manville 'No. 4; Gemald Kiopper, oary Presideflîs I. W. Larmer and Bowmnanville No. 1. Percy Gooding. District Director 17 and under- Bruce Aluin, New- Howard Henry and Sec etary Rali cachle No. 2; Hugh Allin, Newcastle Banbury weme very pieased with No. 2; Neil Aluin, Orono No. 1. Ray 1the Piowig Match and feel Unat il Westinglon, Gores Landing; Erie has a good future if presentinterest May, Cobourg No. 6. can 11e kept. mil w eeeetcd to -attend the Annual toyJ o ixin nteTwslp t.i pie Im., Flor'da, U.S.A. for a,, - in Toronto on Nov. h Pd~b e ae th a~e onlrR o-îr ,ü u ,g 1a8'ý by 5'6". The Church Sunday School of the 11.iL,13.Th voingdelga eae orefrptng yte W hýa d cf the piun i- com.mttee 0Coucil gave three read'Ings to a Orono United Church held their a- Doal.d Weish, BowmanvillleMrs. iîoe aurc i'r wh:ng ck Nea, &he.called the meetirg mwi ch wil be the, oy-iaw autl1ýor,«z,;npthe issu ng of luai Raiiy Day service on Suidiy G7krdon Ruth, Ida, Erie Falll.s, M«11-' j<îi fsiraJ-haony poy r t he rîewly appo- ned Board Id benllure far the Orono Ilyro ý Over two hundred and it ýaad H iard Quentr'li, Ca -i'- o~g r a oýt. Deputy-reeve JohnStn was act- Syc' i h moit0f$500.0o d en were in.lattendance for thie bû1î- o2. A-, ate deîegntes are!Iiîg i-cuve for the meeting on GOto- It wans aated tbat it lis hoped t'ont jo ej session which was held in the MTTr-tc -i D);rreil, Meri nu Van: Wheatley won their victory in the ber lst when approval was recelved n~ will be purchnsed localiy. man ehurch hall. C annI DaI;,on Dorrei, al of 1 first part of 'the gane with four from the Departimenit of Hghways! rhe issue will be at five and a haif Rally Sunday was also the open- .Blakatok. uns In the second, 1,nteIr o upee~ayrn pi Sunday for the attendance pt Mi B r ayo, nnshllnand four in the fourth. priation of $1000000. r.Bartw fLsard tod ,,Vs rP-e1eved. n meber or ur- Barry Lane pitched for Kendal Council requested the Orono F0-1 r. ars ,f ekadtod2 ,~ leounty te .F. Tertors teuernd slice Trustees to meet xvh thenm ~ ~ "~" tr 0th birnadteLs aeeci o provdÎ, prize înoney for' were scored. The rest camne off connctnwthherosdwar Mr. and Mrs. Downs, Detroit kard Choir sang three nurnibers. ~h uhm4dAuooieadKedlerr.system in Orono. The, request wasloAs nud nth prga the DuSani 4--l Aub. The ad edslerondgms. h fnl made after the Township had re- called on Mrs. Hownrd Walsh was the singing 0f "Jesns boyes Fîrý a fcvmlb.Teîycnd Keofen inat- ceîved a letter from Mr. K. Boulton Mondlay. e b h Kindergarten and Xur- ~M,. Gelnn Cole outlined the ne- urday nftemnoon at 3:00 p,rn fUeDprmet0 uiia A- M.adMs CeetWb fsiry classes of the school. ¶lte ov e 0 Crýeam Producers in___ fairs re gîving a c redit for 'the ex- Mdland, visited his nunt, Mrs. H. Frimnary departmenit gang' "Jema ~taio Th eecuiv fo te Dr stmg water main in thne sub-divi- Wash on Monday and ail enjoyed a BJds Us Shlne." am ouThe Cmeam i tu'c tesDare:A hl tc j e on when the overaîl system is drive and dlnner at the Brentwood______________ Prsien , Hoard Quantrili, Camp- aleed udh trebate s ntRsarat ears. He ertered the offce Ttiee- e1irf;Vice President, Tom Mt- talwe ner e s tatutcomes Te t- 11. f four-leaf ciovers means luck day w-în a handful of four and five.m Cwyr-us, Ia Sec. Treas., Lawrene '"Y o igh then Mr. Harvey Partner should leaf clovers eollected suth of jr SnpeBe'tlnany. Counicillor R. Poster stated that aibound With it over th1e neyct few 1E. Wite's in Onmo. The Orono Amateur Athletie As- if the present progrç es towads Wa- -Thene annuil îmeting of the Dur-, socciation are holding their arnnual ter was not stepped tnp it would be .han outyFederation of Agmicul- rmeetgtg igtThursday,lin the anoher two years before approval C a k i h Se o l S u e t aur Ny, -e1,be 30. Dr. Helen ýmeetmn i alled for at 8ý30 p.m. Acting Reeve J. Stone said that' Abe11, O.A.C. will address ie Aà revicw 40É 1h51 year's acti'Vities9 the Townshîp shouid not be involved ~on~n~~c V "ura ~~ei sadW~ak ~ ~ estr Over Top In Magazine Sales êsecalner )t oDurham County.1 plans for Vie eoming yeax. as far as hie was concerned it was 1FOOTBALL, subscriptions and supported ow. 1ne Durham Oounty Federtion ù£ Parents are inlvited to 'attend th1e Trustees' responsibility a.nd1 Last Tlursday afternoon our foot- sebool. The proDfit goes tu the 9tti- , - IgViuure plan to condtL a sur- th1e meeting o assi5It With thie pr&w suggested theit tlney 1e gvnIehl emlaeldV jxan u et luit h iluei vey in. he coujnty, Organiza.tionis gr-am, of activities fortVie childrer, auithority to comiplete th1e arrange- Up a good fight. They led 8-7 until the students' activites. wtr'n the counity vill bce asked 10 of the village fo r the <oming year. ments. aftér Ialf-time but were defeeited 1WEDNESDAY ASSE1MBLY -brin a rural redevetopinent com- The Trustees agreed that the in the last quarter by 20-8. Wednsay morning at 8.49i'w'e pntte. nrs were takng too long but they We wish 1the boys luck when field our regular assemnbly. Lyvma <n ve er4 an meeting wîll fl.1C..FOStp onie Vet at turnes tLhat they lack» they meet' Bowmianville at Ci'ar'ke Brown, the maiager of our ma-. ;xe helci in orono 10 acquaint People k-d the au1tbnriLty 10 carry out somre T1uisday, Vod'ay. Gel ont there zine camnpaign pr-eented Criiidly wîtV11 th1e onep f rural rede'vel- Of:f 1the womk an 1 VinaI Vinte project a,1 fig'ht boys. Storks with Une portable radio ii4d opmieint . dil -lecion ~w as turming in circles. andî,u the prognin i MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN grade 12>A recelved Une maoeot, ~be enacted in Une county. Suh The Trustees were ýasked to com- A football skit by Billy Reid and t1lgs as induistry, scinuul.ý, trans- jiic ers pete the rate'structure etig p Moiday, Ootber Mwe sces five grade nirye boys was very muci, p4oi5tawion and tourist areas wilî proval and bring il eoecucl ul i1hdou-ana aa enjoyed. Thîs was9 a tonte for te bçi studied. Sunday, Octdber 6th ntarked Une 1 at possibly the mld-mnontln meeting., zine canpaiîgn.. Thne goal was set aewt Bwavle ___________________ egnhning cf another year 0f, we! at $160000 nnd we reached $1850.00,1amik e mitinB.wmth e.ient âope, bigger 'and better lhings for Counicilior R. Chater reported 10 The par'tic'1pàtion was averaged at ikoùe D -ennate Vin pres it, t th1e Orono Hi-C Group. The main Councîi Unat the fume agreement be- 51.094 percent 0f the students. ICno fUenv h hwe F r eto sbusinees offoremeeting was o have tween Une Village and Une Township Congmaulationis go out to Candy , na a' film ywh on ue 0f offiers ' 63-'61 butth una- However, 1the Tustees, 1e said, who broug4ht in $88.80 i subscrip- ChLjaatra oddable absence 0f sonne f Our wanted first, before gigning lie a- 'lions. Grade 12A wiii receive the Cr ares e d'e y ÏI'telpromunent menmbers forced a pot greement, view 1the ther by-iawsl iascot as they brougnt ,in the AUTUMN LEAVES Pire on Tuesday levelled neon en ftiseeinuti thtwr 11 ase nsttn pmost money per cliass. This Was On Friday, October fourtin, Carke Bedly oelcasuganesim-October 20Ui1. the ire protec'tlon scheme. These $10.62 per captîn. High held ils second dance 0f the ted damage 0f $50,000.00 The fire a- Thne secreVary reported that there blaws wh eetio mntd Ithber1. W hnalofyuw bgt(onndnPge3 ppai-enty broke ouI in 1the restaur- was a profit 0f $304.00 f rom ourmdmnhmeigo cebr1 etaka ~ aîwnhuit <iniudo ae3 an-t por-Jition f Une bulding shor'tly Hi-C boot11aI Unhe Orono Fair. A There was a note of urgency on 'ar i : 130 pm. The V, ire spe>d odPortion 0f this will 11e usOil 1 gaining approvals 0f Une agmee- +Jhrou-lgh the building and six small furnisi a room in the new Chris§tian ments in order Unat tenders may 11e Nw a t e t o Hoe.The Hotel ltood on 1the west C Goup wiil use aloag WiVh 1the sen- extension to Une Orono Fire Hall. se f 'Une Highwny in Bewdley ,or Sund'ay Schbol Class. 41 i n enra e evewd at easCountyf 2500ws rPlo tewi ng M aqtch -bouthUe middle of 1the Village. 1a in gnealwereieedlat eas Agrnt0f$200wa ganedUn A 'wind off 1the' lake atvies and discussed further Orono Public Library. fn-nned 11e blaze making it impo,-Iposslbilities for inviting, otiner csibe tocnrol. p Igioups, repeatin'g our New Years' A letter was received rom Une The 1963 Durham and Northum- Horse Flow- Fred Bowmn1an, The buldming was at one lime used Bye pai'îy ancl pemiaps cloing same- Ganaraska River Authorïty in berland Plowing Match of Saturday Gores Landing. asa facehalinwiic wre~ tiing -special for Une Baster season. whicin it wns stated that Une Authior Octaber 5h at 1the farmi of W.,Tine Bsso cinoque for $15.00 Vo acl a gdelyin ib 0fbons The High-C will 11e looking afler,. il y had -givenl approvai 10o have a Biezard and Sons, near Plainville best woyrk by a mounted plow went c(ine gowlynr id cofed 11e star 1enreyaanUi er study made of 1the Wilmot ad Or- as one of t1e best ever eatured 10 Bruce Aluin who aiso won Une anI orth sasn ast ee-ed. An open invitation is e>etended 1e0 ono Rivers. Mm. H. G. Hook~e and by 11e local organization. 22 con T. Enton Tmopiny for best land by àtfor Vire dearlmn ats weghk-e ail oung people of High School Mr. L. J. Hans are 10 make 1the testants piowed. There is a distinct 'contestant under 18. The Simpson-, Forfir epr- s ouh healumvey move to mounted type plows. For Sears silver tray for best W'ork blaze beung rom Port Hope, Miil- age in Une communi'ty to join ussth ittmea4urocmped.dn boentbfr ncme-

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