ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUfflDAY, OCTOBER loth; 1963 Rev. And, Mrs. B. Long Celebrate Rcv. and Mrs. Basil Long cele- brateti their ,twÀeqity-ifith wedding annversary Sunday aftcrnoon andi eveing, Ootobcr 6th. Many frientis and relatives gath- ered-to convey their best wishcs. Mrs. A. Long andi Mms G. Ballan- tyne of Lakefleli, also Mrs. D. Mac- Millan anti Mrs. D. Long of Osh- awa pouredt to during the after- nobn. Mrs.. A. Joncs, Ennisinore anrd Mes. Oda Laing, Toronto pour- eod tea duing the cvening. Beïigthe guegts were Misses Da,ý,cyîe Long and Judy Ballantyne. Miss Seryl Long and Rober4t Jones, Enrttrniore, lookecl after the guest book. PMaI and lfford Long, sono of Re'v. a-id Mrs. Long, wlcomed the The happy couple reciveti many 1ovey g5fts, fiowers and cards.' «-u*es',s w1'cp'escn't from Tor- onto, Lakeficiti, 00e Hill, Oshawa, and, Enniemore. ROYAL 2 5th Wedding LOCAL NEW S Mr. andi Mrs. W. A. Long, 00e Hill, spenft the weekend W.th Rev. and Mrs. l3asil Long. Visitors with Mrs. Leroy Hamil- ton were Judge F. A. E. Hamilton andi Mrs. '-amilton of Winnipeg, Mrs. Ham 1l'on stay 'ng over for a few days and Jutige Hami'tton flewv to New Y,,rk a'tiending a Sesson at the Ur, ted, Nqtions. and f rom there flew to Washiington to attend, a.s a guest aLt-a C la',ion Dnner for Dr. Helen K1'm. Th s, dnner was held in reý s3gntion of her outsftand- ng missionary work. DURfY TO SPEAK AT LODA MEETING Inductry Minister Charles, M. Dnir-y wili be the evennrg speaker at the ILake Ontaio Devlcpmenit Association's conïferenice to be held ait the Rock Haven Motel, Octtobcr 23, LODA secrctaryniîanager, Don, aiýd Kingdon sa'id reccntly The conference theme wI'Il be in- dustr;al and municipal taxation. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS (Continued from page 1) year in the form "0f "dress-up". The theme "Autumn Leaves" was well portraycd with a stage scttng of autumn leaves, corn stalks andi pumnpkins. In the foliowing dances the Win- ning couples were: in theelimina- tion dance, Grant Yeo and Marion Demark; in the broomn dance, Grant Yeo andi Donna Couvier; in the spot dance, Ron Goode and Jean Webb. Our president, Mike DLmark, Was MaAter of Ceremonies and present- ed prizes tVo the Winning couples. Sheila Siater. W. FRAN REAL ESIATE ti LI MI fED 177 Cburch St. 1 O Bowmanville 623-3393 g 0 Bowmanville 623-5589 Excellent Holiday Entertainment THIS THURS., FRI., SAT., OCT. 10 to 12 Walt Disney's Trufi-lif e Adventure in Color -ALSO- Chart -'oose Caboose Molly Bee Ben Cooper Color WALT DISNEY SAT. MATINEE, Children 25e SUN., MON., TUES., WED., 7:30 pm SÇpenscer' s Mountain Color Henry Fonda . Maureen O'Hara $UNDAY MID-NITE ONLY (OCT.13 The ubteran,ýe&bîs Jazz - Beatniks - (Jolor Leslie Caron - George Peppard -ALSO - J ie u Save 9e! - 6c Off TwinPaek ~LIBBY 8P UMFP OWise Buy! - Save 6c!- Fancy Qualify MINULETS CORI gWise Buy! - Save 9c! - Stokely's ac gTOMATO JUIC 0 Wise Bey' Save 90! - Fancy, Quality gY ME RPEAS 0 Wise Buy! - Save 5! - 3c Off Pack 10 MET~ I t] Wise Buy!- Save 5e! WN IORTENUNO 28-oz. Tins 2for 37,c 14 oz. Tins 2 f~35ci 481 oz,'li 2for 57c, 15 oz. Tins 4forG69c 1 lb. Pkgs. 3 Jc - 11M. pkg. gROSE MARGARINE 4. for 89c ý Wise Buy' - Save 4e! LUSHUS JEL.LV DESSERTS 2 for 21 c Wise Buy! - Save lc - Aluminum 12 inch 25 ItL Roils QSTUARiT HOUSE FOIL 2 for 5 9c' g g Wise Buy! Save 27e - 2c Off Pack £V%àHuMà DOG M&FOODfl 10 for $ 1 Delicionsly RefrIéshing - Calfornia - No. 1 GR%%APrES-U2- lbs 27c >Tree Ripened - Juicy - Poly'bag Fresh - Ocean Spray Orange-u- Z doz 89c, Cranberries lb 29c Flavorfu Red RItpe- No. 1 14 oz. -cello tube Nutritions and Deliclous No. 1 Sweet TOMATOES 19c Potatoes 3 lbs 25c Save 4û! Save-Ail 100 ft. Rloll Save 9c! Robin Hood 2 for Wax Pper 7 c Pie Crust Mix,69c' Save 4û! - Dinner Size Pkg. Save 5c! - Maple Leaf Lard 2 for 1 lb. prints Kleenex Napkins 33c Tenderfiake 39c Save 20e - 15e Off Pack Giant Pkg. Save 10c! - Maple Leal 28 oz. Tins Spik & Span 67c incemeat 45 gCorniïsh's Red ORONO- 1and White'I ONTARIO w c o==o 0 0 o=o=DC O=>C5e Aduit Entertainment GaeA8 lbs and p DIIT~D il IIIUr Fill Selection of Canada's Fns ot] L'BUN lU.. II LL IUINlC.Ys 6 to 20 lbs. at slightly hlgher prices.ý g Well Trimmned -Fully CookedO gSMOK ED" HAM SLUCES lb, 85C pgMaple Leaf- Specially seiected - Fully Uooked- Short Shank - Skinless gSMCKr,àED RAM defated lb, 57c giMild Seasoned - Pure Pork Maple Leaf Four, Varieties - Maple L ef g Sausage Meat lb 39c Lunchecu IV.eat 4 pkgs 89C