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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Oct 1963, p. 7

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-~ - -~ --.~---- ~ - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSUAY, OCTOBER lOth, 1963 rofe~sioz~a; Drectory ~ - - - - ~ I n:1L ~ ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE ~irViii~ ~4iIaLL~ILUu A. F. McKENZIE~ M.D El etrical Contraeting PHYSICIAN anti SUEGEON Phone 186 Res. 147 j Electric Ileating I MAMAN A. KILPATRICE, R. N j Phone 193 - and Service I I OFFICE HOUES PHONE 245 200 f0 4:00 p.m. 7:00 f0 3:00 p.m WEDNIIISDAYS anti SATURDAYS - Orono, Ontarjo BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINAEV SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Ont. 0W KAY LYCETI, B.A.,- Darrister~- Solicitor ~ i t] lu the Offices of Il R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO fi t Telephone 138 Orono 9 czo<,ocyoc~oc>êc~?oc~n>o~> o ~ £ERRILL D. BROWN 8 B.B.A. BASc OLS PROFESSIONAL U7NQINEII1L f3 o Ontarlo Land Surveyor O 121 Queen St Box 160fi BownMnville, Ontarlo g Telephone 628.7251 g L. J. SKA1FE Chartered Accoimtant By Appointiflent Only Main St., Orono Telephone 138 PO. Box 208 WH1TBY Phone 668-8191 Monteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone: 728.7527 Whitby 668-4131 Ajax 942.0866 p General INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCEIT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 JACK EID Ûrono's Liccnsed Auctioneer and Valuatox Specialize hi Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit nie for terms and dates l4îone 5 r 18 Orono j TED JACKSON Communleate with hlm at Port Auctioneer and Valuatoî Cuoduets Auction Sales o! ail sizen anti at reasonabie rates Perry, Ontarlo J Oreno Ehctric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM ami HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCESALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds 0f Electricai Equipment and Appliances Sncb at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons Hamiltons Insurance Service g Insurance lu ali ifs BranChC5~ t] t] 0Auto, Package and Composilua t] O oPolicies, PirO, Farni, IMeW ~Burgiary, Liability, Marine, o Accidmt ami Slckness, WInd. [1 Bolier, Fidelity Bond, Etc. ~Sadie HamiIton~ o O Phone Orono 11116 t] o FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ~ 0Z>O.2ZZ)O<Z2Z80d. 1- Box 133 MO. 8-3552 Staflord Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers o! Cemetery Memorials Dealers lu and C.neterv ~ai~WS* Domestic & Foreligu Granites anti Marbies - Inscriptions Cul Monuments Family Memorials 0cr qnality and service leaves nothing f0 be desired Ask t2he person who bonght f rom us, a neighbour, trieuîti or relative The RUTT ~AN!T1 C01 IPANY 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE 'Large'~t Dîsplay bu Southern Ontarlo" O 27VDC~ ~OC2~D,-' FOR O ING - DECORATING~ t] BUILDING - GUPBO~RDS O G REPAIR AND FINISH FURNITURE Caîl o UOUG SINIPSON ~ Phone 208, Orono C, NÉ C ~ O NTARI O AUCTION SALE 0F LAND PEOPERTY SALE T-1258 Approximaîely 2184 acres 0f lanti sltuateti on Lot 1, B.F.C., Townshi1 0f Llarlington, County 0f Durham being on Ihe nortli sde 0f Highwa~ No. 401, west side 0f Road Allow. anse beiween Dîarlington anc Clarke Townships ai t'he Junctior 0f Highway No. 401 and 35. Sale 10 lie helti on the pnoperty aI 11:00 A.M., LOCAL TIME uun~iiax, UtYIUB 41 22nd. 1963 NOTICE Mo m d~livery b Vi1lag~ 0f I )rono o: Thani'sig~xing Day. I CEDAR Dï '~E DAIRY FOR RENT Five room apartment avaik0~e TURKEY DINNER niow. Reserve Wednesday, October 30ih Phone 13218, Orono. er O~ono U.C W. Turkey Dinner. Aduits $1 50 Clii dren 12 years an FOR SALE under 75c.; 6 years and under SOc. Four humer heavy duty Frt4o- Dinner will be served at 3 p.m. dairs Electnic Stove; reasonable Phone Orono 1084. TUEKEY SUPPER - The Ladies of Kendal United FOR SALE Church will serve a Turkey Dinner, Six coflorete weIl tue, 3 feet Wednesday, October 23rd com- across. mencîng at 5 p.m. Telephone Miss Lily Workms.c The following Sunday, October ~ Clanke 43-r-33, a~. Keadal Uniteti Churcli Anniversary _______________ ________ Thankoffening Services. Gùest Speakers: 11:15 a.m. Rev. BOOK SALE B. Long, Orono with Kendal choir. The Orono Priblic Library a 7:80 p.m. Rev. J. Porter, Oshawa ~hoIding a b.ook sale on Octôber 25 with Newtonville choir, b-c and 26 in the Orono Municp I Building. I -_________________________ The general meeting 0f the Uni- TERMS: $1,000.Oo Cash or Certifieti ted Church Women will be helti on ~heque at time 0f salo (Cheque to Thursday evening, October l7th in be made pîayahle lu Lhe Treasurer Lie Sunday School Auditorium. Mrs. 0f Ontario) ba1an~ e pay Thie Within Ross Steveris, Bowmanvifle wiul be ~hiety days. he guest speaker. b-c For funther ~ p RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OP- contact: EN IY Durham. The Auctioneer, - matie well establisheti. Excellent Mn. J'ack Reici, opportunity. Fuli time. Write Ruw- Orono, Qittanlo. leigh's, DepI. J-3Q6-189, 4005 Rich- Telephone: 5R18 elteil, Moritreal. OR Central Regional Office, Right-cf.Way Division, Department of Higihways, Downsview, On<tario. Telephone: 248-8445. OR Port Hope Dis~nict Office, 138 Hope Sitreet, North, Port Hope, Ontario. Telephone: TU 5-2481. Sale Subject to Reserve Bid. DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO. WAYNE'S MAINTENJ~NCE SERVICE Cheserfiekis anti Chairs shain- pooed. Ail types 0f Broadloom ~d: caJrpets cleaned. Phone Orono 255. RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS Will do rart time Radio and T.V. repairs. Ail work guarantee4. HARRY IVIERSMA, Phone Orono 1840. NURSINO HOME Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Home has warm comfortable ac- comniodation for bed anti up pa- tients. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 1308. 27-p Eleetric Motors t] RePaired Tooî~ ngs, Switches, Bearingso Brnshes, O and Small Appliance Motors O Work Guaranteed ~ AI. ileard g ~ Barnes and Byam Gf3 O PLU5fl~D<O and HEATIN t] Sales and Service t] f324 HOUE BURNER SERVICE~ B-A FINANCIN(~ .~ (i o Low interest Rates gPhones: llampton CO, 3-2283 Tyrone CO. 8-2650 t] O DO ) o c -v~oc'J PUMPXNG ~UT SEPTIC TANKS WIIITE WASHING STABLES Tompkins Sert hone NewtonvUle 4721 WATIUNS PRODUOTS W. T. COX PHONE 623-2267 TURKEY SUPPER Turkey Supper at Kential Uniteti Church on Wednesday, ~)ctober 23 (>RONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC - .vVWtA. ,.rrrrytlfl AUCTION SALE Hereford cattie, tractor, machjn-. ery, hay, grain etc., the properPy of Max Dutka, Lots 22 and 23, Gon- cession 5, Clarke Township, one mile north and one mile east &J Orono, selling Saturday, Octobe~ 19 at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. No reserve. Jack Reld, Auctione~r AUGTION SALE Giving Up farming. The undersigned has received m- structions irom Mr. Harold Oim- istoi3. Lop 29, Concession 8, Darling. ton T~vnship to seil by publ8c auct1~n on Saturday, Od~ober l9th at 1:30 p.m. 8 Ponies and a fuil lime of farm impleinents, hay anti grain. Tenus ca~~ Pethick, Auctioneer AJ2~ 121 UJItJ.. ~1T~ IA~ ~X CATTLE SALE The Annual meeting 0f the Orono Athietic Association w~ll be helti Ail Black F0eder and Breeder Sale Thursday night, October 104h at 100 Breeding - 400 Feeder anti 8:30 p.m. in the Orono Municipal Stocker. Building. Everyone inte~-ested iii AT TUE LES BARNS tue sporting activities 0f this coni- LINDSAY, ONTARIO munty are asiteti 10 attend. SATURDAY, QGTOBER 26 The 611-i annual sale sponsoreti b~r NOTICE the association. Ail sireti by an An- Dr. A. F. McKenzie wiui not be ~fl s bull. The teetier aud atodkeg his office October 7 b October 12 cattie, 400 0f theni, will be caSes inclusive b-c anti yeanlings, both steers anti heifers. There wili be 100 or more ORONO BOY SCOUT of breetiing cattie, most 0f theni registereti. Many cows with caSes PAPE R DRIVE at foot anti re~~breti. Anti aisi~ coin- SATURDAY, OCT. 12 plete dispersai 0f the herd 0f !vfr. swald Gibbs, Campbeiicroft. Sale Starting at 9 a.m. will stant at 11:00 a.m. commnene- For collection please ing with the Gibbs herd, which also cal Mr. J. Walker, phone 1411, Or- includes lis gooti herd bull anti ono. the remainder of the breetiing cattie, anti the others xCrill follow EGG PRODUGERS Atiditional entries f rom any farmer Attention Egg Producers-Take f [n Ontarbo will lic accepteti Up lu ssW time. Lunch available on the ativantage 0f the new egg prices. Which means more money to 3T~. I premises. Ship your eggs to Emm Brothers Easîern Ontarbo Aberdeen-An~u3 Association. locateti in Ashburn. Highest prîces James Moubray, Pres., Willowdale~ being paid for fresh tingradeti eggs. Ontanlo. Special prices on a 1000 dozen lots. 114gb prices on sma~îer îots. ~ alcolm Bailey, Sale Manager, Uî~- For information phone coîleet: britike, Ontario. Tel. Port Ferry Brooklin 655-3452. Free pickup. 85-7583. 32cti Auctioneers: Gord'on Ribe1 lIn- derwood; Reg. Johuîson, Sunder. NOTICE land. d-8&c I ani flot responsible for any debis incurreti by my wif e, Doris Reynolds. Signeti by Oviti Reynolds September Srd, 1963. c-c LISTING - BUYING A.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE Phone~: Orono 1407 O~hawa 728 428o ~BuiIdiog a hou ? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholsoo PHONE 2191 ORONO AUCTION SALE Entire householti fumnishings of Mrs. Wîllis Jones, Lot 8, Concession 2 0f Clarke, Village 0f N~-wton~ille an Highway No. 2. Sale 10 be helti fonday, October 141h at 1 p.m. Wertilaufer Cernent Block mach- .ue, pawer mower, gai-tien tractor~ dining rooni suite, 8 piece; bedroom umn<îure, cens fuil s ze, three ~ ci and single; Propane Gas ~ove; Safe îTaybor) combination ,ack; washng machine, Beatîx whth stalnless steel tub. Many other articles includîng eleour-al an plances and dishes. L. Clysdale Auntionem AUCTION SALE Vie have r~ceîved n 'c tions hum Mr. T. G. Hamnesc Lot 27 C ncessîo i 2, Hope Tov.rnslhp, thi- c miles casi ot Newtonx ibis on 11w No. 2, ecl~~ Satcrd-iy, O~tobe' 12 at 1:00 j~ on. Ma h:n~ y Fecd Live~t-ck Ternis cash. ~o rcs0rve Jack Rcid, Auctbon~'1- EEGISTERED HOLSTEINS 65 HEAD Basteru Breeders mc. 2ND ANNUAL SALE Kingston Fair Grountis 15 OCTOBER, 1 P.M. Value opportunity 10 buy supenior Unit sireti cows - heifers for re placement or foundation stock.

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