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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1963, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 25, NUMBEE 34 Weoky imes, OËIONO WEEKLY TIM1ESI, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1963 Agremet Sgnd T Gie Al Extended Fele- Apple Quality Wider local calling became effec f 0f ow shi Fre roecton ive Otober 6th to telephone sub- Onfe Of The Best O f T w n s ýii ire P rý.,ýt cti. n srwIberi rn Eowmanville and New- castile when long distance charges Thte h*ghest quahity apple crop Tuesday evening the agrýeement the ,cdla,ing of the fire truck wl] 13DYCOTT COST $l0ýÀ were eliminated between the two g nhqire in a decado ' s expected teprvdefieprtetontbiugzh. have o fir§t be complebed before eentres. Io ','ach 10 000000 hbushels, and ~ theTownhtp 0 Clake WS5 GlANTSMr. C. M. Jones of the Port Hope pro 1peVs f marketingaebih à ed between the Orono Police T -\nshi.. The nine-d1'ay boyci,'t of the Bow»- Telephone Comýnpanly, Newtonville, ->ay, John b ;i-atta, fruit and veg- T~ stees and the Township of1 The a,reeýmten' constitutes that 'na-, 'les Publc Schiools by pupils- Which operates the Newcastle ex- etaole specialist, Ontario Depart- ýýrke Council. The signing of the ,two fire areae a - to be set up w th -e East and] WesFt Beaches cost change, and J. W. Lowery, Bell mernt of A.-riculture, Bowmanville. agrýeemnenV came about following a pne beïrng the PoWI'ce y: liae and the the S .hool Board almlost $15ins b Telephone manger of the area, say TI-És Is the foreca'st for the aiple :uanber of meetings between the 1 ther the TDwn-i3h n of Clarke ýexclu- (trants, it was rc\vealed at the I that the new tol]ý-free service is a (,,,,op i Northumb)erand, Durhamn Wo goupsand jýont te PC.ceVillge. ath ar- oardMeetng esuIt of extensive studies of the -.,-dOn'ar o Counties. ~~~~e~~i oh grus n jit omse.dIgteofceVlag.B the!ar- Board Meet3ng Thueppldaya Ves wi]l share tecotofte 0-g distance calEng patterns be- O - onywt plsa W-'th the sgning of the agree- 1ee l 'eration o,' the Depart- Thoadhar "te hihveen the two centres, ancoi "TetdV rdc metthe commttee can now pro- , enIF as weîl as sharng in the cap- f >as sent from the Ôtario Street The studies indicated the strong 1,500,0 bush-pIs.Northumbherland reod Vo have the working plt.nscom acostutio.0fr tol otf the new engine and the School Principal, Mrî Slute Vto neetbetween'the two commul- Wl]] have similarpouto.Dr pltd for the extension Vo the Or- 1i aladiin ahw lpys-Area. Public School 1Ispetor E. J. Les ha îlhv iuhsalrco rn ire Halil and Vo cal]l for ten- 'r aladto.Eclilpys aiwl iv uhsalrto des f nc wrk Athriy asparately for fire calîs into their D. Webster stating a otai of Newcastle residents also have aI 300,000 bushels. About halif pwn areas. 180 days were missedl by 58 pupils ýoll-tree calling Vo Newtoncville and these are of the McIntosh. variety. eýn o haove this done. The Orono tV is he hope that 'the addition over the perio d. b o rono. A shortage of ram Vthis year has 2 Chief is Výo compile a list of o the hall can be underaken the __________________for___the___________________un-_ spoifiattnsfor the tenderinsg forbenba dfothgrt 0un ne. iepipr hs pc-latter part of the month or the ftrst usually smaI] fruit in the Mclntosh. 'par Of ovemer. ariety. This bas reduced the crop _ainsae tVo Vochecked by the lpar0f Noemb aer.,b ad$.0R b rtH z l e l c e yfveprcn nDra n fl asalsofc ror Vondar]- an hour whie on any fire cal. Mr.R b r iaMdn El c e mst 15 per cent in Northumber- i ~fo tedes.Ross Mercer is Vo be appointed by J i and. When completed the Orono Fire by-law as fire chief of the Orono Pres1ue nt O.rono thtI"I tC Marketing of the Mclntosh ha, Department xii] answer all fire Police Village Fire Department as ýbeen almost exciusively within the- calls in the Township of Clarke. well as chief for the Townshbp of The Orono Amateur Atieptie As- Snelder, E'arl Taylor, John Moffat Jprovncewt ae rpr x The extension Vo the building and Çtarke Fire Area. sociation held their wiiuual meeting Charles Armsi.rong, Tim Cox, Lre etoal good. Sales will be di- __________________________________________________ ast Thursday evenng with about Perrault, Ron Black, Wayne Biley výrted Vo Britis oini nNv fifteen presént. Recports were re- Gary Cooper and Everett English. ember and probably to England in New O fficers InstaUled For ws eld teelcin fofiesume h eprssoe ltl avet a onpeedl Mr. Robert Hazelden wýas elected ball being played in Orono howevei week for lite Deliclous variéty. presidn 0 h Ascito. Mr thesum er park program was re- Harve.Sting of ,Spys gets into fuît H eather Rebekah L ode Doglas Allen was elected vice ported as quite satisfactory. Tesigti ek president. M-Nessr-s. Hora-ce Best was P-1gam was held ciuring te mouth Warm days and coiol nighVs have T e regulaar meeting of Heatheri L.S.N.~G.1 Sister Margaret (Ira- Alected secretar'y an-d Deani Wesl of July i the mnornings with 2,5 iven titese varieties a good op- Na 334 as tiel Iliamtrasurer. registerin-g for te programn. Miss ~ +- ,~ .. r Tý-,sday, October81h,13.RSVG- Sister Mildred Rainey.I Directors for the Association -are ~n Baile-y was lu charge of the ~itrAIi»e 1Hooey, Noble Grand L.S.V.G. -Sister Elsie Joue.nar.F LnMs. J ar ow, projoct and attendance hold at an pt-esid(ing, assisd y ite La-i Inside Guardian - Sis er J'ean Bruce Tennanit, Lloyd Taylor, MLiî,al (Cnne n ae3) iene Barre-bail, Vice Grand. Lewis. T'he meeting was well attended, Outside Guardian- Sistor Carole vstqsfo etdeod eBoyd. D r a s L B3wiaVllNunibrThoTiree, Osli- The semni-Anual report was read Duram ounty ixeportieu sGauara.ska, Port Hope and by Sister 11Ia Martin, F naucial Sec- MhÏéybeîle, Port Perry. i retary. AIl outstanding accaiuni-s Th f 'the e-veulfg W5 fwer a-rtv d pas5O for ?a L .s!Incidence T B A rea Xn8alatonofOfficers for te ternimntb- te Finance Commiittee. D.W .S laisnc h B-or tWsar-d otdrrt 164.Sister Barrabaîl, ïNoble Grand, - r W .S aieoio h B or twsare oudrrt T-eist l n Team wiVh their ianked lte Lodge for lier <corsage P-meon Halth n ofite Depant- 1the cost of selttng up lubeicuholî Lï,rtnstallereing Prd ySitraithne h emesfrpa e enton lt nToronifio raported tests tfor Onade nine for ail sclhools Alnleneanrd weced by ither angfdne ie meers for pac- gat an evaluation meeting of Vite of the United Counties. This was M~eAilen nd elcmcdby ic g onfdene t he b omiatitgDurhtam Survey held at tae home doue at the suggestion of Dr. Yllobe Grand. ber'for te position of Noble Grand . of Mr. C. A. Holmes, Port Eope, Charlotte Horner. The Dbstrict Dcpuiy Preeident, 1 Sister Hooey was invîted by SIster laV week haàt titae were-no clint- ~hVrGrace Love from Mayfbelle' jirane Murray, Presideilt, Vo join clyatv ae u rn ncie Mc icsinwsgvnt h ipgPort Perry, was ntroduced the Past Noble Grandis' (Club -casesy acntiv h e sbut reDina activ uhadiscussion ien VoaVnd ïYý, Sister Gladys- Gamisby. Sistr'Cub62c ase daring inene.Dirahm fcdinhaenthequsmagnes I îikan Lcive was escorted througit a guard Sister Love, D.D.P., was calledha ena1wiidcerahecdgon hoesmk tm- ofhoou f amn an ach it Wt upaoi iand in a f aw wcli choscu qaid and -the survay will-ave au- possible IJo use counter choeques in 0f honou formingfirmed this facV prov1ded 'the sscappeal leVers al Ciirst'mas Sea Loeeers, site was wclcomed by Sis- nemarks Sister Love gave a vcny lto fdsVia it oegwaTmeThsratsoaprbe toi Hooey, Noble Grand. inspringmessae. A Uic losehf goveg buast i.Tis fatroatepartai te pblicn Nominated Officens Install-od for bepr rg emks sge.rAtove clggestOf ;.ibti sflth profheule ti-e ensuing - iwr-Èe eak ise oesugse r William Kennedy also wiViithwo 'have alwiays wnititen 1citequeà year ere -thtat we spedfolwiirlete Dopertimant of Healtit said ha wil]saon bocome accustomod Vo Sistr Lvere Brrabaî, Nbledistess cxandsymetiy, akewas very pleased witit the percent- iwrittng out thei own personal oarnd. cane of te wi-dow and orpitan, help gpatcaioovrlbuws SitrBetty Newman, Vice Grand cheer te agcd and eliminaea self- disappointcd iu certain areas. The Sister Mae Allen, Recoerding Sec- isitness. To live up Vo te meaning percentage of attendance was 63%T î-taro f this slogan will ake mucit cour- but one of Uic reasons wity it seas 1- Sister Ila Martin, Financial Sec- age and wisdom. oýy63 a eas ra ib e ' T reanY. Sister Alice Hooey, Junior Pasi m-any peopleelied been Iested in Uic Sister ronc Murray, Treasurer. Noble Grand, tanked Sister Love clinics or in hospitals wititin te Sister Alice Hooey, Jr. PesI for the very efficient way site and past six montits and in addition in 'W 1 Y e nt lZobil Grand. bier st 'aff had iustalled te Officers, the western area a large perceuteget Appoinled Officers :- an-d on beheuf of lte lodige sked a lte men wene Working in Guneral The Orono Chaiber of Commerce Waren Sste LI-aKened. ier o accept a smaI] gifl. Motors witere a survey hed beau held thieir monthly meeting at te Condluctor - Sister Violet Dunlop. Lodge closed and a social bouritaken only two waeks previousîy. Brentwood Restaurant Tuesday cav- Chaplain -Siister Beai Majior. was cnjoyed in te banquet hall Dr. Charlotte Horner, M.O.H., ne-, ciibn-g with a f air attendance pries- Musician- Sister Jelan Wood. whene al] pertook of a deliciousI ported titat the majonity of Uhc ?nt. Mn. Citailes Armstrong, vice Colo1r Bea-rer - Sister Vilda Cowen lunch served by Sister Velmna Wat- chiidren in te eîementary and president, acted as citairman in thc R.S.IN.G. - Sistier Hattla Wilson. son, Couvenor, and her.Committee. seconida-ny scitools who were activ absence of te presideut, Mr. L. Vo thc Heaf test lied noceived a Aslett. citast x-ray or a urtiter Mantoiix A new venture for the Chamber. O est and nothing suspiclous itad was instituted when a committee New 0B5o oks Beégiln To' t enfudao' le.Tope was appointed to invesigate the scitool oiildren were retested an-d holding of a Wintor Cernival in Or- x-rayed. lono. Alth-ough nothing definite was Thora was mucit discussio about, proposed il was f e ttat sucit an A r riv eà%; A t Lh b ra ry ýrprova'intand te generalcon- oyant could prove otiersig The Orono Public Library Board grassing in cataloguing Uic books dca] had been leened from the gcsîed including ice carving, ha-rn- held a meeting in Uic Library on aýnd - in making the uecessary lu- isurveys wicit wouid .make future ess racing, snow shoeing contcst T'uesdeay evcning. The Board ne- eerts. surveys aven more affeîctive. ai-d mocassin dance whcncv-r te vYiewed work eîrcady underteken Chairman Michael Wlkadykia comn- committée will have Vo sort out a and laid furthen plans for te sale . New books are beginning Voan- mcnded alI volunteers and Uic possible program for sui an av- -of books on Friday and Satu pi,~'ve for the' junior section and acitairmen, of thc committees nigliticnt. OToer 2sale D oos6tab hl ipm het i 10 aryrvi e s. 1rtly jtiough ta Uic cauvassers, wvho, ha A latter was receivet f nom Mn. Ti ae abo, snisVoahaBhild in on Tm Uclatteiboo ibar eices.on- aid,'b-ad doue a magnificent job. Harold Bunley, Neiwtonvillcsteting téae datoso M unlBiding onheltesc late rboos ar bci n -A par icular commeudation Wes that he itad a building for ranI Vit abya ate. unig Fida Uc aed o te Oon Lirar. Wengiven Vo Onmoitd O'Sullivan (CO suitable for industriel use. The ,çae will ha held betwecn Uicebours tthe Librany is Vo open anothar ship- 1ibourg) for bs stimulating and building 62 x 62 Wiit a paint shop of 2:00 and 5:00 bu'ic aeàftcrnoon mn bl arciedfo bcO-jumorous ucws ,lattons. .C. A. 30 x 25 was used as a garage but and from 6:30 until 8:00 in Uiceav- tanbo Librery Services wbicit Will eha omesas aP,,resident à0<f the NDntit- bas beaui closcd. The latter statcd f-n-ing. The sale Saturday morning on boan for cbildrc's useI umberland-Durb-am TB and Heaâlth tatlieha s intterested in rn~ting beilh from 9 unt il 12. Many of te Mrs. Norton presentcd a financie Associiation axîrassed gratitude 1taVite building Vo a neputable enant Jbokis bemng offcred arc la good staearenV sbowing expendituras a]] of Uic axecutive for thair excali- for Industriel purposes. pondition and still have value. ma-de and anticipaie unti] te end ont cooperation end partioularly V'O ,Mn. P. M. Lunu rcported that the Books noV sold et Uic sala will ba of Uic year. The balance loft Wa-s i-n the Depertmcut, Dr. Jentieson, Mn. paint. was evablaible for thc Orono .-iven Vo Uic Scouts. ite sUm.0f $422.00. Thte Boa-rd ap- Kennedy, te Nurses and Tcitulc- sigl et ite souti of te Village Presently Uic shelving in te rroved an expenditmne of $300.00 for.,tans who staffad Uic ýclinics. Mn. B. Hazeldan wes givan auth- 4l4brary is bclng neconstructod in Ptie purcitese of adult books. The ;end Meeting oity to have te painting doua.. ordcr thal iV will a-l ha uniform. anticipatad balance of $122.00 is At a Management Comamittea Mn. E. R. Lovakin oifte New- l9Mis wonk is exîcpee'ted o ha comi- expocted Vo ha akanup witit ,QUiar Meetbng beld et Uichoffices of Uic calla Chem>ben was prasent when plated titis wcek. Wonk s elso pro- incidlentais in reopauiing thc Library A4ssociaýzon on WalVon Street, Co- -a biaf discussion ccntned around No problenis are expected in ,marketing. The grain 'oorn pràduced in Duar- hlam Vohis year showed an, increase\ý over 19,62 of 300 par cent. Some ;2,00 acres weire grown.* This was ,largely due Vo te gi'owers who are looking for a crop to repliace grass s'ilage. The grain com wsll render a, highfer y'teltl per acre. A 0imilar patltern iýs being folikwied in adjacent counties. Mr. Ingratta s-aid -generally the farmyers in the area, have experi- [enced a "reasonably good yeéar." The potato cro)p is down becd.use, of a rain shortage. Theire is a little more thlan the normal loss in rap- bernies. Some 250 Vo 300 acres of apples in tite Bowmaurville ares. %ufffered slight hall damnage. Less than haîf of the tdbacco crops were damaged îby frost. Those daniaged suffered the loss of aibout one Vo pne and a h-aif kilus 0f tobacco. o Consider er Carnival a joint effort between the Orono and Newcastle Chambers in recog- nizing te honour students of Clarke Higit Scitool. Mr. Lovelkin etated that a committee would be -'et Up in the Newcastle Citamber Vo consider takng part in titis Pro- jectand tal Vhey wolld contact tite Orqono Commnittee. Discussion centred around a let- Ver appeaing in te Orono Times' suggestmng a shelter at te hih- <way for ftose waitbng for a bus. At ithe same time te discussion also ponsiderad te enitrances, into te, Village. No action was definitelY taken but Mr. Kay Lycett was ap- pointed Vo, foin a commtîttee Vo tmake *a study ùi the shelter and enitrances. Mr. Dicksou raported tal the purchase of te Indiustiel Land should be completed by Novombex lst. t The Santa Claus parade was brouglit bafore the meeting but at ýhe present tîme no delfintite, action Was Vaken. This is Vo be furitoer iu- 1vestigated before thenext meeting. Mr. Len Pears exhibiting- poultry tfn the Noirwood Fair over te week- end wou seven first.s, three seconds, five thirds and Vwo specials. Mr. Pears also received anl oi paiting for the best collection of Bantawm% l Vite show. Competition was keen in the poulVry division. with ovex 4ive hun-dred birds being enlered. Mr. Pears showed Coclhins and 1 4loderu Games.

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