lui _____lll-qll ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TelURSDAY, OCTOBER 17tht, ORONO -WEEKLY TIMES Establishet inl 1938 by R. A. ForrOster Roy C. Forrester- Edîtor andi Manager Last Wednesday Mr. Justice Campbell Grant dismnisseti permission off free-lance tobacco growérs te sell their 1963 crop. This tiecision upholds the authority granteti the Ontario Fiue-Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board to control the greiwing and seliin'g off tobacco. This authority was given the Marketing Board in order thait they coulti corftrol,,produtition anti thus maintain a firmn price for tâhacco. The authority was graniteti by the Pr~o- Vinicial Government throuigh legisiation andi the Marketing Board has power off control beyonti that given to any d0ther growers' organi:pation. The tobacco growers sought such powers in ortier that they could maintain a price struciture to the benefit of the intiustry. An3ýone without the autliortty to grow tobacco may also have his crop tiestroyeti anti this too is backed by Provincial legislation. It certalinly appears that the tobacco iniustry has had pliaced in its hantis authority that shoulti enable them to keep the priice off tâbacco up. No other intiustry has been given such power. The surprising point is that even with this power (which dictdtes the right to, grow or not) the tobacco grow- ers recently asketi the Feieral Government for guarantee deeiciency payments seo that they woulti be ensureti a guaran- teed price per pounti. It wouiti seem that they are reaching for an Utopia w1h,'ere on one hanti tbey have been given the authority to contro] their pioduction and thus prîce and on, the other 'land they wranlt a goverument supported price level. The Marketing Board would in effect, if the deficiency payment planwere inaugurateti by the Fetieral Government, be dic- tating Who would receive this fuether price support. Only those 4000 authorizeti growers could benefit fromn public ;fants anti this shoulti not happen. The tobaiCo intinstry has been given great power to control its present andi future. Why is it necessary to pump prime the' irdusry further with puJbl!c funds? Surely one cannet have their cake and eiat it tee! Wayne's Windlows Wi hed, Storros put on Eavesronghcleaneti out Cheserfilti,& Cairs Cleaneti Rugs MachLine Shampooed in your own home Ail Types of Venetian Bids Cleaneti andi Repaireti Hardwood -andTi te Floors Refinished Ba cements nti Garages cleaneti - rn o f unW.anted items Interlor-,Palnting Contact: WAYNE KENNEDY Phone 'OrOno 255 ORONO TINSHOP j. E. GARDEN OILONO PHONE 19M C.G.I.T. NEWS 5We staÈted the meet'ng w.:tha :Iaý,eî reati by Darlene West. Then P)ae ChaFllice reati a p,.e!ce ont ed th.e tible. Ruth Sharon reati the ge cretAry's report. We took attend ance and collection was taken up. Judy Vaigg reand a story cailed 'GYgSteady." We aiso planneti on selling soap.' Pur next meeting is on Octber 28. We closeti the meeting witlh prayer andi taps. Then we journeyeti home. Athletic Meeting .(Contiued frein page 1) avera4ge 18 up until the Penny Pia mocst'successful e vent. Fol- losing'the fair, attendance tit i top BENEFIT BANQUETV The Orono Amateur Athletîc are te aIgaLin this year holti their annual benefit d banquet. It is to be helt on Wetirnestiîay, November 13th. The cha,-rge for the banquet anti iraw wiL. bei$5.00 anti with a sing-leticket the purchaser will receive a, sea- sons ticket for skating at the rInk. The purchase off tw-,o tickets wil] entitie the purcase-r to a fam Y seasoni s tIckelt. No other seasons tickets wMi be soit. The enly op- portun ty te get a se-,asons ticket io hy pin chas3ngi banquet ti-ket Ia consitiering pubic skalin~ eonsitierab1e faveur was voicet i i hoding such skating on Suntiav af- eernidon. -This wll ho cons.*dered furthcir when tirawin. up the rink sochedule. 'Me Athietie -expecet te sponsoY five hockey teams this year being etoms, PeeWees, Bantams, Mitigete pnti Juveniles. 'The latter three are expecteti to play in local, leaiguer tihat are te be fermeti. RINK OPERATION Work iâ progressing on plqaclng pew player's boxes in the rink andi ioe sux¶face Wîth plywooti. The Ath' eetc are aise, consitiering operating With, facing the cushion. arount the thee re0reshment booth themseives this yea.r ratjier than havnig the ice inaker operate it. Consitierion is aise being direct edti te prov,ýiing better bce by mak inig it poassible te apply hotwtc te thse ce between games off hock. ey. In the past tis has net heen possible at thee ink anti ice condi tins couic] get very poor at times, ~Mr. S. Barraibal as offeredtu sni>ake applicators for sucis a prýo çeess The Athletic are te approach tàise OrýioeHytro 'ystemin thee poabl vent of obta'inng a ren- tdwae heaterý on a tWo or three "I'm going across to the bank for a minute" Wherever Canadians live and work, a local chartered b'ank is nearby-a familiar, friendly source of financial" services. Banking in Canada lias been brouglit to people as i few other countries-the proportion of banking centres to population is among the highest in the world. Every day more customers become mware that a chartered bank can flot only, guard their savings, cash their cheques and make loans, but help in many other ways too. They find new, banking services being in troduced, others being'changed, improved or enlarged. For example: personal money orders, life-insured loans, company payroll plans, niglit de- positories, banking by mail, safety deposit boxes - the list could go on and on. The local brandi of the bank is the one place where you'll find complete banking facilities-al underone roof. THE CHARTERED BANKS, SERVTNG YOUR COMMUNITY through full-range bankîng respon8ive to growîing, changing needa t' iClarkè Football Team Defeats jhaif with a strong detoerminaltio)n ta ait Ieast put 1uP a g>,d sowPoe r'1 1-' r ~ n ~the next 24,minutes Clarke put uv-f Souad 7ro M Bowmaniiie JTIgflIa terrific fight. The offence with 3 short plunges by Keith Swarbrick CLARKE VS. BOWMANVILLE touchiowns in the next ten min Oounting for touchtiowns and the 30-21 utes anti took a 13-1 lead. Just be- strong running of Doug Martin, Ter This game was termed a real fore the hall Bob Parks scoared ry Gratam anti Bob Parks. The de, grutige match between 2 rival from the 3 yard line and the coný fence led by Andy Murphy stoppeti teams who h-ad been waiting tW4o vert was matie. T1his ended the the Bowm'anviiie offence for Ltee months to get at each other. The first haif With score 13-7 for Bov last haîf until'the closing minuite. game was playeti under ideal con man-ville. Ttfwo fine plays of the game werG dý*t,,ns anti a large cirowt was (1 thee running off points after toDUCl hanti to see the match. The ggame In the first haîf Bowmanviile was dbwns by Graham anti Rogerrset s lartet i wtb Clarke taking the Wend 1'a much improveti team as to when The Clarke team really enjoyed t11a ,with a single point kicked by RaIlph we met them in preseason play bul yictory especiaîîy over a reaxi Kennedy. Sowvmaoville scorei woCIlarke after playing a very poor 1 first half came eut for the last (Continueti page 6)