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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1963, p. 6

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-~ -~ -~-'~ ~1 I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBEIL ilth, 1963 L inda Joarn Vagg Bride 0f Cyrus Rei1d Cochrane White and yellow rnurns decora- ted the Orono United Church fori 1he marriage on Saturd.ay, Octdber eth of Linda Joan Vagg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vagg to Mir. Cyrus Reid Cochrane, son of Mrs. Cochrane and the late William Cochrane, al of Orono. Rev. Basil Long officiated at the double ring ceremnony. Mrs. Rich- sard Morlton played the wedding mu- -s1c and accompanied tihe soloist, Mrs. Raymnond Chapran. Given in marriage by her father,, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white lace and net over taffeta. ,The fitted lace bodice had long lily-pointed sleeves and the bateau neekline was scall'oped and sequin- irirnmed. The bouffant skiirt -was fashioned with alternate tiers of lace and ny- lon net. Tiny self-covered buttons cfosed the back. A halo, of pearîs and sequins held her ,elbow length veil and her bouquet was a cas- cade 0f yellow roses, yellow car- nations and stephanotis. Miss Judy Vegg, as maid 0f hon- -Our for her sister, wore a bright ,turqýuoLse sheath of nylon over or-, .ganza w_ th a self sca-Â trn at the back. Her headdress %vas a siiall Jesus Aks ,AQàestionj (Continued from pa~ge 4) workJ, and warrying. The M'racle at IBethesda was ýput into the Gospel bL be t1ranslated into terrns of the ýSpirit, to speak to yû,)u andt.,to me When it cornes to health or spyirît, there ta often the gravest doulbt' whether we really want Christs Saving Power, even when we ask for, it. Jesus is asknîg us today, "'As You recognize need in your life, do you reail1y want to be chaýnged?" if in our innermiost hearts we are ,content to stay as we are, then there can be no chainge for uLs. Tt ;A just as simple o-r as comaplex as. that. The desire for better things mnust be surgin'g in our hearts. The cripple wanted to be2 healed. Then Jesus told the man to "get up." He sh'ýdn't lift hira in His arms and- placehim i the pool. He was say- 'n, Man, exert your own will to db it ' l" 1arn convinced that such is the Power of God, that He can move the stars out of their courses if .He saWfit. God car lift my brother, MnY fellow man, without me. But 1 arn juit as sure that Gad wifll ot lift me, without me; nor WiII He lift my brother withOut the sur- render Of My brother's will. We have to become invlved in it. You- can't stand off to the side of life ,ýnd be a Christian. We 'have to bte,. ý"crne involved in the Christian lite. Jesus Cornranded the iman to at- terpt the impossible. For thirtýy- eig'h y"ýars the bed had cridt nan, then Jesus told hlmi to get upjj aýntI carry the hed. HOW otten the seern.gly impos- 41ble becornes possible when we 4ie up Off Our beds 0f easy clef eat andI take Christ at His Ivord. With the Power 0f Christ we dan conquer that WhIch has Con1quered us for so long. When we rnean what we say, Wle can say tvith the song wriLer I'd rather have Jss than sul- Ver and gold. I'd rathrer be His, than have tiches unteld. -I'd rather hàve Jesus,, than hous- es Or lands. I'd rather be led Jby Bts narroW, pierced hands . Than 10 be a king of a vast do- Main -And be held in sin's dread sway. I"'d rather have jesus, than man'S -,PPause. I'd rather be fihu oBsda Çause atfl .Hsda I'd rte have Jesus, than ,World-wide fame. I'd rather be true to, Bis Holy Name. When we can say this, then living beoesLving indeéd, and a Whole neWwWorld 0f'opportunity and mne'aLning is opened up touf. As we Football (Contiinued frorn page 2) good teamn frorn Bowrnanville. Again thse team appreciated the support given to them by studieni's, W xater Rates Revised Hydro Debenture Passed- White feather band, and se car- sa ana, cheerleaders and theI The Orono Police.- Trustees met Ponnecting to water will have a. ried a bouquet 0f yëllow 'munis. hard work done by our coach Mr, Ion Tuesday evening with the Town- hgher rate under the revised r'ates IElaine- Vagg, as flower girl W'as Jowrey. ship of Clarke counicil. The Trustees than as under the former rates. dressed in white nylon and lace reported on the water project stat- h rnaert ýyb eie jvith halo 0f white flowers, and car- VICTORY (IELEBRATION ing that since the last me eting of Tefotg aemyb ete 9-ied a basket 0f yellow muns. Lasit Friday we, the students, counicil wisen they were given au- by property owners with a single Mr. Harold Moffat 0f Oirono was 'helped bIse football team celébrate thoriby to complete negotiations paymnewt of $6.00 a foot. TIse connee- ~es mn. shrig wreMr.Peertheir defeat over Bowmanville by that they had 'visited Toronto and tion charge may also be retired in ,Mlaaitense of Orono and Mr. Ken ýhligaVcoy okBpi l eIt that everything was now ready asnl areb0 lOO.Bt Rose 0f IMadoc. auditorium after school Everyone fox a submission to the Ontario paymnents would Iowever have bo Was in hisgh spirits andimany 1è-II be matIe within thse f irst year. o Municipal Board. At the reception în the Sunday ed up for the dance. School auditorium, thse bride', Today, the team, along w1th' The subrnisslon to the Board When asked when tIse pxroject md6ther received the guests, des cheerleaders and spectatiors, tilaV vydb o eiso.f hre could be cleared through the Muni- esd lu a beige sheath fashioned -f elled to Wbitby to pla agis and rates and wibh this change it thial oa they rstee st aSw lace andI nylon over taffeta, with Henry St. HigIs. We hope they wUliws necesary ta have council pass htbe nesodi a o brown accessories. The grooms return witb good news. ' a rasolution redr Jc,'ng the c insurnp,- taking fromn two to thrree monlthg, rilother assisted and chose a sheath At the samne tire, while the boys t*on rate for water frorn $30.00 ti Council at thse meeting on Tues- 0f green figured silk with sheen are pIayingfodtball our junior and $1500 a year. Coun -,l oassed the day ga ve- approval for the transfer and gold and brown accessories. senior girls volleyball tearnaare a esr eouo n etfe fpoet rr h rsrEtt Roth mothers, wore corsages of ye- playig their first gare at Clarke c . oesary e t s en)l t on a Trt do f ta M r atI r s. KtenF arer. sT e 10w P-arnations. againait Henry St. cý.saet esn nt oot ,M.adMs e abr h _________________________ The Trustes outl'InetI the present rpryi.nCsri iet rn For 'the honeymnoon to Morris- vleadtegomi mlyda re fctllowing the recenit change 1 CD-o , il gave third reading to thse burg, Winchester and other eastern vill e ant Lunmib er, Oono. a debenture by-law for the issuinýg et points tIse bride was wearing a'Vwo- Oo eand show er h rono.rdt Frnaera-Ica ot ebentures for the Orono Hydro piee baci wol sit ith blckbride prior ta the rnarr'iage. M;sý Connection charge (annua) 7 ytml ieaon f$5000 adwhite accessortes, and corsage ceînossoeswr ie y , . ae(nml 1.0 jTie interest rate bas been set at antIeu hoeswr ývnb ae(ana)$50 j512ïU% andI it is the intention of thse ,cf red and white carnations. Mrs. Donald Tennant and Mrs. H. Mill rate 5.4 milîs. grsesta hs ilb o They are restding on the groom's ÉMercer. A linen shower was given ee htteewl esl farm, north Orbno. at the home 0f Miss Marilyn Quan- The annual payrnent for the aver- IocalIy. Fur'ther arrangements are Tih 'e e ;'-- ~r"--------~--7 M---r "'-ý'-bhome usnt, wq ter still rests a- Ito he 'madIe in conectio-n with thse 2oot . na1.D ii :m: an d Il --- i' toe not Chevrolet bu iding a fiftb. hune of cars, when, it builds, fourgreat ones already? A GENERAL MOO~RoS VALUE Chevelle Malibu Super Sport Coupe A fair question. a And we could give you a lot of impressive-sounding answers. But basically the explanation is quite simple. It-has to do with people. M Each year their tastes become more discerning, more selective.,They want a car that fits their particular needs, "Almost" isn't good enough. a So for '64 we're building the Chevelle - a totally new line of cars that combines some advantages nobody else has come up with yet. Chevelle's ride and room, for example, compare favorably with many of today's bigger cars. Yet it gives. you the'handling ease and agility you expect in a smaller c -ar. And as for looks - it's styled with a fresh and youthful flair ail its own. 0 And, of course, you'l EER'B I N find the kind of quality craftsmanship and reliability you've corne to . expect of a Chevrolet-built car. M Matter of fact, once you really get to know it, we have a hunch you'l corne up with some reasons for ~ building the Chevelle that haven't even occurred to. us yet. HME'VL'CVYWR-RET' BCHr"EVELLE! BY>%fCHEVROLET! E ROYW.NUOHO"LS Phone 728-6206 BOWMANVILLE

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