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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Nov 1963, p. 5

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OKONO WELKILY TUMES, THURMDAT, REPORT FROM I1sw44ê1I C. Holley, M.P. Durham ZI- Llnder unusual c:Ircums'tance. K b teLiberal governneil, 1st nifht WvVed its 124,h m ad l4týh uno n. J £,.dence' motion snce >the session Cegan.- The circanmefances were Cmm turrusual as t'-# government seized cn the cautiaus wording of the 0 f 130 N.D.P. subamendment -hich was mnh irealy fnt critical of the govern- .es, 20 nient, and which Mr. Pearso>ndes- chickenq cribed' as an "affirmation o f a E e p-iniple acceptable to, this gov-1 port ed, erminent." feline, Conserv4tive' front benclier, AI- berland na Hamilton lead off thed bf and Mi O*T--Wi-A! L«*L' isvîsitlxig bier sister ýe Casts Repo rtc' I .H own By lleaihh Unit Ms ereWibtr omn inicable DiseaSe Heber Souch. ;0 cases reporfed during'the Junior Gardeners are reminded 54 were nsumps, 30 meas- f0 have their Scrap Books in by Ger»an masis an 19Decemiber 1sf also ail entries -for thse Centennial Plaque coutest are ,n rabid animais were re- t'ei ntesm ae 6bovine, 2 foxes, 1 f el ntesm ae 1canine and 1 skunk. of these were in Northuar- C o t 1 County, - inBn htu o f, P ow er Erray Townships, and the se~d'n aconsideýrable propor- ohr in Durham Couty,-- i to c lstm ini a co nA .Umenu-IHcpe, Clarke, Cavan and ManversI ïa v revle of h[s uwn pariýy's re- Townships. Fourteen. persons were, v ifhi provincial jurisdicu.on." l4r. Dougl as, moving thse N.D.P. amndment ta the Coservative xr t ion of n-confidence soffened tIe wording of the Conservafive motion by deleting ail crtical pirases, su that it did little mror e than exhort thse goverument f0t carry ont more fully, the princi- c'. G o-operative federaism. Speakiug for tIse goverrn i, Mr. Pearson- said thse N.D.P. euhb- a nendarent was "Icleurly flot aI vte of wan't'0f confidence but an 1 affirmatin 0f a princi"ple accept-i alqe to thegoeumuf"Thel Pr-[me MiiIster nufon to saLy ti at govenmeis supprte rs '-have rio dfiutyw ctver and, in-i deed, w, ae ev hppy ta sup- port tIse shmumn The announiceirent that tIse- gov- erurmeft would accePt the N.D.P. subaimieadàineii.#broughu tan rindig- nant Mr. Diefenbaker ta hie feet laý an unscheduled speech assert- ing. that i f - the memnbers of tIe gcvernmeuft supported the sub- amndmit fhe",iy would be votinig tliecmsýelvee oufl of office as he said, ",Thiis je onîe timie when they have otgsmartedý th-eecves", and, 1 I'Euaf pwut trePrime j insfer li CIe m ost diffîcuit position that any Prime Ministýer bas ever been put, In~ the hisfoiry 0,f ourconr" ~Mr.Dieenlekerhadflio-t read his rule bou, o r, alternafely lie badly 1er1ae ;hes as.If le ci!-,theHusan rrpafdc clear frcrm the sadigOrdere, DSIO DIPAl HED K Ausfi N AND YOI WLLSEEI J miOWLE6 PI/NVS SERVICE u-o increa e Tae Or3no Hydro Comm'ss*oners recelved word un Mondav evening that the cost of pawer was to be i-icreased f0 the VLlIlag-e system at the first of .1964. The Commis- 1,son presently pays $40.20 a kil- owat. The increase will put the icost of power at $42,00. Orono is one of 213 munic'paP'ties that will be receiving the increase. Ninety centres w1ll' ma'YtaAn the same cost and 52 gett*ng a decrease. J This additional cos' :ý exj'ected to add fromi $130000 to $15'NO.00 to the cost of power for the year. The local commesseon are doubf- fui that they can aJbso-'b this in- creaýseani feel it may affect th e consumer rates in Orono. The CornmissIon gave the man ager authority to proceed with the! arrangements for thse sale of de- bentures in the amount 0f $15000. A letter was received from Curv- ply Wood Products in which they_ have appliedý for power for their new plant now under construction. The manager s[ated toat this hast f een takeu-up wïth Ontario Hydro, a that a joint meeting wrill be called, poss5biy sumetime this week. The area- le now under con-, sýderation for annexa.,tion. isihe carnuot erawl f0. Thse FuýJc health nurse is trairIed to bu awvare of thse neede of familles s'ie visits and the'assistance given cannot he listed as statistics. Nursing Care Patients ueeding nursing care vssît are most elderly. Some live au'ýne or w_1h elderti' sýpouse, neighbours hep ýg ith house- keepi'ng. There were 131 visifs. toi gve nursing care and 121 Isealth supervis-onî viste f0 aduits in Oc- tober. Part tiare registered nurses (Continued page- 6) 411 OROINO 5c [o $1 STORE THE CHRISTMAS'STORE WITH MORE Willards Will-O-Pak Chocolates, assorted flavours, Slowpokes, Cocoanut FIngers, Sweet Marie, Miniatures etc. 8V/2 oz. box 43e Electrie Tea Ketties, $7.69 Electrie Irons $3.98 Special - Chore.Girl Pot Clean ers, S This Week Special............2 -for 25c, Xmas Sno wFlakes in Press-it! Bottie Two sizes priced at.......... 59c. and 79c. Xmas Snow Stencils, package 7 fo...15e Special - Tea Towels Check Patterns, ail linen. Our specia1 Low Price .... 27c. or 3 for 79e Special Lingerie Set, 2-piece Pantie, and Haif- Slip, colors white or pink. Sizes meýdium, or large. Regular $1.00 for.............. 86c. Hot.Water Botties, red only. Our low price 93c Boys Pjamas, 2-piece cotton flannelette, sizes 4 to 6X. Suit for .............. $1.98 Childre>i's Cardigans, wool blend, assorted color's. Sîzes 4, 6 and 6X, Boys or girls . $2.29 Hollywood Wave Set now in larger size and plastic bottle, regular 39e Special for . 33e Ladies' Flannelette Nightgowss, Mother Hub- bard -style, white with flowered trim. Sizes j medium and large. Priced $2.19 Outsize $2.3a) Xmas Candy Canes, buy a box of 24 for . $1.19 c d hlie in cffce. . Mr. 1-lamilton Lo be treated with a..roe vac- r Ylealble but' not modest type c'ne. t Ehas no hesitation in takingi' cred[t for those parts of l.s re- aoecuoi curd which he personally feels At the f'our monthly chest clinics, ý e-îo,,ld be drawn tu publ -c atten- 170 persoas receîved a free chesf 1-i.Infig speeoh he also seem- X-ay. Ôue 'patient was admitted l ea preoccupied with rma! krs of f0 sanatorium, and theee were no0 1Icadership and listeners could be discharges during the monfh to eccused if thse thought crossed this, area. There are 21 personSc tneir mmuds that the former Min-, receiving anti-tuberculosis drugsc Is-ter .0f- Agric 1ulture mtght in fact at hSme and 6 of these received ipe preachng for a call as succes- their regular quarterly eNamin- .sDr fo Mr. Dlefenbaker. N.D.P. 1ation by Dr. G. G. Brearley, of the leade, Tommy Douglas followed 1 1 , fTuecooePrvn -1r. Hamiton in the debate and in tion, Ontario Department of Health, heopening remarks he said, "Itau the Cabourg Caest Olinie. 'vas not clear to me at some points Immunization L-i his, speech whether he (Mr. Office and school clintcs totalled Hlanslf on) was moving a motion 5(). At these 91 chldren received e.0 ni confidence in thse prýesentsmlp goverument or asking for a vote pr;maryacato an . '232 infants wý,Ve re-vacciisated. o! confidence in thse previoue ad- Thirty-seven cumpleted thse initial niistration. As a matter of fact 1series of Quad vaccine, and 89 re-1 fliere weî-e long sections of the cerved a- reinforcing dose; 366 spe ecn la whîch 1 thoughu there children' had a, booster dose ofr Wai heing added [o the D,.efen- dphra elnsu~bd dpl baker years an uu[(bouýîrapay on ,jilyelitis Vaccine. the Hamiltun years." Fmil Heait h Visitiiig A tall rangy westeaer, who IDuring Octuher, HealtIs Unit auýgît chool in Siaskai.ctî u e- ourses made 954 vists f0 homes in for e being e lected tu the House [ne United C )untiCs, to help and o- Coîrrîn~s Jri,957, Mr. -i -amil-. advise families in mauy health t' iOlluws nu tonynai plan 'or ouf- Probieisr. h .~forILS peenes.H~srearrîs lu a typical visift the nurse help- s,.if laudatury, and heavily laced ed a harrassed motiser of siX'emal a- e usýually wide-ranglng, a bit children tu plan fu or 'ec9crreettun1i wýLh i ticisnis which seeni partie- ofî a serions eye defect in one n odly su'ý ecl tolire Western style child, through referral f0 'the Çan- off oratory. Exanples from thrs adian' National Institute for' the week s speech: Blind. îrere was dscnusion of The hononrable meusher whu I oods and îf thse cis eatet4s as bas just interrupted rem'inds me familles on 10w inconre can af- of a type ut wlleat we used to tord only emergeacy dental care> gýiow ta Saskatchewa'rr. 14 was and there are nu dental clnics.The long ln the sfraw, big lu tIse head ' Oahy will have hier inîmunizationt but when you tlrreshed it there starfed, and thse cleauing ropm- .W, amn't mucri in if." pounde will he put ru a high cup- "As we say in an ares far froiri hiere this government dues flot idents that ameadments mnoved by lkauw wheýher if bas beeri punclied, opposition parties may be aceept- fLoried, conîÀ.er-'euna or reamed ed by the governrment without ex- out with a steam shovel." posing tIse goverumeat f0 rist of defeat. Thse principle is, of course, Iu concluding his lengthyi speech well established and if is quite Mr. Hamhilton muved a motion of necessary ln the operatrun of thse nu confidence la Use govermirent, parliarnentary sysfcm of goyern- -that -fis House condemns the ment. If if were otherwise we goverument for lus failure f0 car- Would have thse anomalpns situa- oy ouit tlie spirit of co-operative tion where a goverument would îrealsm and for its iiegleet to be unable to support a motion of 'Consuit wl4h fthe provinces before an opposition 'party even fhough a.inourcink or underi-ug1ý pro- the motion might be la thse most gr-ams whichfaîil wholly or partyj complimetary terms. i Style, warrn-th and comfort in leather and shotwer-proof Suede. COCKTAIL BOOTS-Wth Cuhan Heel, ruhber ,warm lining, size 6V/2 to 8/2. Prie..$35 COCKTAIL BOOTS-with good warm lining low heel, long length. Size 6 to 9 .... $13.50 WOMEN'S Black Rubber -Boots with Fur top) gooid warm lining,,,size 6,- 9. Price.. $6.50 WOMEN'S Low Rubber Boots with heavy fleece lining, color brown. Pl-icee .... $9.50 WOMEN'S Riîbber Goloýshiwîi i ersey Iining Priced at.................. $6.95 MEN'S and BOY'S - An all-rubber PuRlover Boot with front pocket and adjuisabh-. t'-ýp strap. Cream fleeee lining, înside shear- ling cuff P.t top, felt insole. corregated toe cap Priced Men's $6.95 Boys, 1 6, $5.95 Ciren's, ail sizes............. $398 WOMEN'S Plastic Goloshes in charcoal or clear, low or walking heel. Prieed ... $1.9â KNEE BOOTS - A good quality Rubber w-,ith red soles. Priced...... .......... $4.95 7-EYELET BOOTS, Men's brown, good warm lining. Priced at .................. $8.95 MEN'S RAINTITE, 4 buekie, ail rubber, fleece - lining, ail sizes. Priced ........... $6.95 MEN'S HIEAVY LOW RUBBER, storm front rolled edge sole, al sizes. Priced .... $ 2.-95 MEN'S TOE R1UBBER, with added sure-grip hee1 featur'c. Priced at........... $2.75 r ___________________________________

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