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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1963, p. 1

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Oron Wokt imes VLMI25, NUMBE I 41 ORONO WEEKLV TIES, THURSDAY, ,16 TPAY Pui The la COST IN TVO YEARSM is e 11apeous Show e ri rchoe N w Fie .Miss Conoie Tyrreli A isc l0eois showe was Truck ForV FId'ay svening for Miss ist stag iin sCtnnisupTyrreil iiu ths Christi1an 15Vstae in sttaig P~ ~licatonBuilding, io Vota ber tlir prtecion wais camp eLed -idesa veniing uoflast week t2e hs Township Ccouncil and te Orono Police Trustees gave ~ Iautbority for ths purchase f e ire pumaper. At a spec al neetng four tenders wsre opsned on, pumipers with Kinig-Ssagraýve eing Vhs succesaful biddsr a. 11 pce ut $M8236100. The KIng-Spa- grave bld was the second lowsst ,lite four'. Otlaer bids w-ere by Th-Lau11t 17350,Americýan Mfarsh, $18,_ ,ý87, and La France $:8,S00 Delivery of tbe rnew vtruck Ls1 e, foe orty-five working days! iatter receipt ot a trtwk by the i ,(lomnpaniy. Delivery could p9ss4lbly emacle oetime in Februa.ry. The new tre truck will be a ,M.C. truck and will earry five nandred gallons of water plus ai *1,J)nplmnflrit ot ladders, twoý M _,s of hose, nozzles, gas masksl an, other ire figtng equipnent. l'eHale V*o-st 11amp nip w i e ýmrol1ed solly froau an exterlor û~e qu'pped wth aliil ncssr v-ilv,es, guages and wamning lights. 'ne Conpsy gaining the con- * last wednesday is the STame~ ,,é pry thtat bult the present ~Id~tr2 ýýîn- pmpr n heealythrtes VMiss ctoarabalw e Wozkh at the hall is proýereý,siing ce1l gadute a xahogstred n,'etd lablyinndecell e CoinNursing As;sistaint was the valeý- To&ta l ot in themaditoer. hedicto)rian at the graduatmng ex ý ~D~al ostai th aditon o te eroses which were held in thei ta-re hall and for the fire pumpe rhý7_ti'Msia n oono e~ee $2,oq,90.~ Brraaîl daughter of A ~ar ber ei~& n çneotan~ ý-etix tire protecti6h tas he1d- wlo .Brrbl r Mbu1oday evening between telthe tiartatd fo, ourse 0-,, acwsh nd Pole Trulete5,. OtroDprm fHat This mneeting was field to estsblish ivhih course was affilited with rý in ie f-fni4, 1-.he 6s f1 otals in Toronto. The class ttte new fire pamper and the 5a-]'nuibexred forty-five. 4ition to the Orono ire H,311, a, Alss Braaii iigthe 'OtLal cost off $2,000.00. valedcOtry adcdress had te foi- 1, was decided at the meeting loing wordis for 1ber cýlass ;mattes 1hat the total cost ot the pr,1oject , ais often a woi rd ligtly wvouild be paid over a two year 'tee n ediyfrotn u ;ýeriodl. The reasounmg behmid en i aknh!rudn move was Vo sav the costng off ter stonto S aVý_it L naont. asand comýnpletion 0of a chapter it ýý2esL o te cpioi montItis bcoiesin(eei"tlieword that ,îý-ýece tatby paying over the -wo year perroci that it will tack makes us linger" but it does flot con a sum utofsomewhere aon prnoemany thier od.ti three and hiarit mils on the n- ~al rate. The Trustees supported1 ES THN 1 ..VT the- norve but lheld the rgft o cither exteaid or dces the timae )-n esinate of the annual o Vo ersScai crating cost excludhig costs of a,,nswerL1 tire calis 'wflt amounti o arolm4. $2500.00 or a millVrate utfetU ru FoIlolwiag fte meeting the Trus-1. t.ees ,7,i Township discussed the1 Mui-nicipal Loan At as il nay ap- igrvainbefore action is talen ply to the Orono Water ;Systel.1 by Council. There exists a ques- ofticial forms bave been received1 tion on whether the, projeet could a_-O ïn the fi' il,- of these fOa'Ins apply for the Loan as it haLs pro- he '1iasees are to seeic turther gressed o its present stage. 50'Mtlend Norticulturi forth--coning martiage, to Mr. FEW TURN OUT FOR NEW LICENCE PLATES Corels aarenelater tiis! The new Ontario Motor Vehicle mo1h Licence plates went on s<ale on AI)uLILfifty flriends an 1d rela î-- 1Monday. h lias been reorted Àvc wee pesený,t Vo paesent Con, that fewer people than usual i-ie with lovely* gýfts and best turne dout Vo buy. ise.The licenc e plates have a whIte A table was' set at the front11,ut background with black lettering the room with» a beaultiful, cut1 for 1964. In Oshawa is. was re- work cloth aind a crystal can dela- ipIorteèd that usuafly there is a lins- bra with pinli caildles. This wasilUp waiting to purchase plates, on centred with asilver bowl conthe tirst day. This dIdflot happen, tairning pink jand white mixed this year. The hostessesi*ere Mrs. B. LongI and . .Millson aslisted by1 frienats out he bed-taýbe, 'MNarilyn Barrabaîl, Dfl rls I.oag, Nancy Gaamsby and Joan Rutherford. t AMter Vhe g1lts were 1snd connie exprcýsed her siniceree thnsvery ,ppropriately. t After a most sociable evsning aI deliclous lunch was served by the IInstesse;s. hes;t expressed, in a tew. Tu have been ass>ciýated witb you, brIings, I feel, a real and. lasting honour, anld 1 want lo ex- press imy sinJcee alyrecia tien out your kind regarld, your faith la 'y abjiity, and your whýesbearted ,to-operatiffl during the short per- jod ,t time that we have workedl together. As we take our separate paths in tIis phase of hlIe, il is wAith a confidence that other hands will carry torwaird its ?equiremeatq t witb an increasing insasure uofsiuc- caess , and ose who come o] takce our plac, extiend not only al cordial greeting, but congratula- tions upon an opportuifiy for ser vije that. will enlist the higbest1 ca3paibilities uf mind and heart. 1 wisb Vo express Vhs deepest thanks Vo our parents for being ,8o undierstanfing duing or n ments uf frustration andgvîgu the enoýuragement we neede V bring- us Vo the end of the fia The Orono Police Trustees met 'on Minday.eveninigwhen an agres- mont, was signed tor Vhs renioval ut gaarbage la Vhs Police Village. The contract is with Mir. H. Hooey of Oa'ono for Vhs removal and dis- posai of gail-bage and rutuse from ment was moved by H. Mre and seconided by R. Fo)rrest'er. L seconding Vhsi motion R.Fretr said.that he reservsd thu right Vol re-'open hs discussions on hs confract in hs event that a puiblic utility type serviec' was considered in hs future. D. Simpson, Whlo re-4 frained tfrom sec-onding hs mhotion stated that lie consdered iV was now turne o set up such a ,Service.J At a previous meetiing Vhs r'rus- tees4 bnci considered grotaping al Village services such as garbage, paretaking hs Municipal Centre, *Tils Heather Social Clubae 1bold*ng their annual bazaaran 'tea on Saturd'ay afternoon, Dec- ember 7th ai 2:30 at the I.O.O.F. Hall. The l1Irns Bakîng table will be groanng wit deliclous cakes, p'e,3, tartsand many glood things. Vslmu Watson is convenor utf thls Iepartment and has muny cap- abl e nl-ers Vo serve you. Christmas Cakes, madle by Vhe «Sisters will be sold by.Betty M-ýa- Jor and ber h ,elpers. The Oandy -Bouth'is to be organ- ized by Laverne Barraball who, Ihas several gsood hel-pers lir-ed up,. 30,M00 EE SANTA AT. There will be a Penny Table, BOWMANVIMLLE ON ýSATURDAY and tickets are now on sal-. e LV 4as been estimated that1 close articles on this table are mogt o 30,000 peuple watelhsd the santa bëauitiful and useful. There s a parade Ln B .>uwmanville last Sat- permfanent Ineluded on this Penny urday afternoon. Weather condi- table and you could %vin a $110.00 tions were, rather adverse for the 'Permanent for juÊt une cc-nt. Rat- event m7hich started at 1,p.m. and ie Wilson heads this. project and fnshed soxme two hours later. she and her .helpers will be dver so hap'py to help yau Win the art- Over 1500 people participated in, Icle of your choiýe. the parade which had 25 floats a-ý long with 16 bands and marching TeApo ot sawl nw uits. Clhildren and adults bOth cne, Ycu e'an purchase aprim ofa watclIed il, Wonderment as thie every size, shape and e$buo1r. parade uof fairy-land characters' These aprins are all band xao u marched by. finest quality prinits. Alices êoey and Irqne *Mrray %vthhlb té ývill be on band ta hieip yo4I e-harpter in, this immense 12<>k u of oeyor -zandcuor. hDe r siz~e a nd elty be Perhaps our gratitude was not evident at aIl tianes, but always in our heartsthere was a definite feeling of appreciation oward our1 iinstjructors for ýthe trne and effort that was contributed for our ben- etit. Atilhough we cannof ooffer 3en- ~anything, but a .simple TAN YOU, yoli bave the knowledge that we are constantly striving Vo do our best and thiat we are porouiVo bold thie titis. Registered Nursing- Assistants. In conicluding ber address Miss Barrabaîl read ths Nuse's Prayer As uf Deceniber lst Miss ;S. Barrabaîl is on the staff' uf the Memorial H-ospital, Bowmanville.' enuhsaid! Juàt cone and iseé. This booýth is under supervi1Lon Of Elsie Jones and Vilda dowaa. The Country Corner will be wfeli stocked aith meat pies, jellie3, Jams, eggs andc the nice fresh~ foods thutatsre' SQýilUportaTtt to making up a meal. This corner la3 tVo be bandled by Chris. Maar't6nse., Rigiht next door wil be Bld. 'Young- man selling c-ider h-y tise glass and gallon or whaever quaýntity o want. There will lie a Touch and Talcs or Nearly New ,or what have you table and also a table of prizsesý for the children. These tables will be supervised by Gladys Gaalhybbý and Margaret Graham., draw for 1. Electric Blanlvst; 2. rce In Cia'rke Election $4.0pr tix .3. 6 M IIand Jean Lewis are respuflsible for thsdraw., Incumnbents To., CoUnciliTlere are 'numnerous tea- Those casting ballots -in Monday's and no issues were befors hs elec- elcotion jn"the Township ot Clarke torate to stimate their interest Last but flot leasV is ths Tea. were rather on ths scarce side. in hs duli campaign. 1 Mf[lîîe Rainsy and Jean Woebd Out of a possible 2500 vo>ter-s only The c 1ost of rnai hs election withl many belpers are in charge a sciant 300 turned out o malke ths on'electIon day would ruja close to o b. eatet selection for çouncil fpr ths coin- a dollar a vote. This cost does noV ontn e n u adss ingyea. Te prcetag vu in inlude expenditures which are in- joy a tasty lunch While having a was less than fiftesia perýcent whicb cuire'dwbefher or noV an election visit with your neighibors and couud actually be soins kind of a is held. t risnds. -rtcou lut.VaIsiPtnnnof the'J un icipality. The thae dred vutes did however return Výhs iinbent * Ch istm s Me tingare RoA, Poster with 286 votes, R. The Orono Horticutural Society joyed( by everyý,oie presen.t. R e CIaSIer xvtb 248 anad Lorne Per- hseld their Christmas meeting on FollowLng this ths judges gavp- rault wiVhi 243. Thae tpurth candi- Wednesday evening of lmet week at tlair decisions wich are as fol- d1ate in hs race was Anhdrew SuLtch the I.O.O.F. Hall. There wers ap- lows: t 1ho fnishsd well back with, 80 proximaately titty persons present 1. Christmas Gift Box, Wrapýped: votes. Mr. Sutch was inaking bis anid hs ent ries for hs different Heleni Scbmid, Orv-ile Ohalice, le- tirst bld into munii .pal poilitlcs. Classes ot Christmas arrange- absls Challios. inslias were ver- ttractive hough 2. Christmas Dîning Table Ar- The following is a record ofths noV marny in nuinbet>r. rangemient: Mary Miller, Helen voting at he various pols: ý A hotbuins metn wsSchi.d, Alice iH.>ey. Poil No.-C F P SI 3. shorttinasesMantetiArrange-"> 128 26 24 8 held after whiichMrs. FairbroItlhar ment: ilèen Birnaie, Isabe-le 2 8 10 7 6 demonstrqted naiga Chaistlnas mn3 E 8 8 8 4s Iabll naelcing Chal..lice, Helen Schmld.427 5 3 Vancorinewadehs. urs. of 4. Christinas Door Decoration: 5 49 46 145 .12 VaÈbn mead r cs ns teIsabelle Challice, Helen Sclimid. 6 37 28 21 5 Whity mclether deisins n Vs5. Christias Arranigenment with . 14 i 3 entries. Mies. Fainfirother hadt givlsa1r elgosThm sabCelle7CIai 8426l 3 ~na~ae d~~1r o V ulice, Elleen Billings. 31 3 f Chne1 rhul,6. Chtristinas Corsage o b-e1 4 4 9 17 Mr. and Mra. RyodCap-m'eadwonb Iesuaiio:Totals 248 28e 2 43 80 ir.%i honsli),ýed 3,y1ýod ICa HelaendSclaid rn yte sMurray, r C-Clater, F-171oster, P-perraut,1 asnte hwdpic tures of a Hand S. id IrnpMurayh. tndp Mns. Clhpman bad tVaken tisalabelle Challie. n .Sth ,uxfmer on the Saguenaay river.1 A sing son-g was enjoyed wvlille It ws quise evidleat eveni early Mrs, Chapinan gave a very inter- Vhs exe'ecutive prepared luinchpin ths day that a ligbt vote would estig coimýlýntsry and ber pic- which was ssrved dý-uring a social be registered. Interest and knw- tures were mot beauttil. amnd An- haIt bhour. ledge t tueýf el-eotiOnwa laC]tiiig cutting grass, snanding walks and sweeping Vhs Main Street, under one cosltract-I't was teit that ons part-turne Würkman could carry out Vhs varions undertakîngs and possibly assist with other pro - jýecta las connection wifh Hydro and. water, when it is.inistalled. The secretary's salary was ln- creased tromi $250 to $300 on mo- tion u ofMercer and Porrester. The' chairmnajitof Vhs Ronds, H. M4. Mercer was asked Vo have ths construction on Churcb St. prup- erly completed in order that water could flow into' Vhs catch býasins and also Vo malke adequate alter- ations so that water would noV flow frein Church street ontoi Duchess street - At Vhe present time Duchess streef is a foot ieowe lower and, the chairman said -c would be flooded out in the sprint.' Rebekahs To HoId Anninal Bazaar O ro no Police Trustees Sign Contract For Garbage Removal Mm"

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