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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Dec 1963, p. 1

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ai ORONO W'EEKLY Ti-MES, TIIURSDAY, DECE -MBER i2, 1963 Rlýew ard' e n fç'ed fr tie Areetand D j bin e'tiseperen or pensons,, i~e is atheî Soc ai Cl b An ar and T a oece ag n ~ Thr ?VOfl~ ,n 0f- uvie- Who viere responre'Po rtevadl ismin acage 11 Uc Knda e a. Tifs as ben rvaled y os do>llars iof dmaeexi31ed we STEAW CAU)SES PROBLELM Fire 'In'ViIge LHome The Orono Deprtentha the'r hands ful on Thursday afte-- no-on of iast weekI when they v wýee raldto fighit a fire at thse resi- douce of r. ind Mùrs. Gerald Roinon nths o?1111- i'tb f bne Vil- tge. Tlisefire ke1ithe iremen bll,îsy ýýfor an1- heur Li'anldbafere visboultudrcio. D HIeobeSpeak The annual m eeting cf the Dur- h,.yn C'annt,, F,'prwton of Azr,.. isli ntieOdfllw5 al otae niseKendal area. Tise 1 Llriws eld atilacok cr,,owd aien se eview asluithe rrou 0f tisne Or cl1)u ling, ceGujelpis addressePd tise ineet- purcisase the aay productéîd a ttllssb is n ein rgos-ýrurl rdvlpmn lisia. Ilvryne eeedin VoltDunlop anidwoit by Mirs.b. tise baze was exigshed. PliEe 'biriefly outlined iow ARDA (Agra- pp no o n th - after- Perrault. fi-re structure was ddvided culture Rehabý1ilitation and Deve-, Penny Sale Wliners w"ieeas into three serions bad ataw pexnnAct) te te func(tion. a[Il those wiso donated aI"dCIfolcwe Mrs. Lngan an Dish;: stored in tise centre sectL-io)i nd 71 i aaWayplese acep Jen Wnnatî Bown Bsi; ety nflt until thse roof wa, oeneduI sinure tliaaiks of tise rom1- MreClsistmias Table Centré;1 along writh a secton of tie wai "The people imust get gesr iic'a~ It is only mith Adele Myles, boia's, Permanrent; was it possible for theire iiseiýii the county tà asses ,tise.rne achismyupoit of al Se people Lois Co-, Cusision; Mrs. sdlz, ito reacis the flims it atr. [laed Dr. Abeil. Eiaci yeartie- rono~~~~~~ thtIi rje a eP'lw ae;'r.KnNxn teady increase in part line, l,1,iî,,ý )-,-c)j(etarm ng.FThisusle esn.ciaflyixtr1ue lai a sueicess. Avon 'Set Margaret binton, Tatted On arriving at the cene thlfi E>u-ram . "iis ile pcilosetre mnerouss drawswreil dur- D ibny Mr U b MBains, Candle oubujiing-s werje alilabl-t7e with fDuact vuoàries.C te afbernoon witli tise resutsSicks; Bob Taîggalt, Table Ciot; a good head start avorugtise iliows: Mr-s. U. Bll P, ay on:Mrs. lire. Tisis o f galloýns 0f wateî atur drw -letprie - ler Ela Bcket, , be Clits;Du- ere poureti on tise famsto the Foreign people coing b - oaa,-n lankeCt woýn by s.n oyPm" "Bsp y,'M Tweis.mirs. .0,11-1. acesaJ L91study ways cf ivingar er;: 2nd prnize - a perm byJ.1Aklrýead, Suare Doey;Mrc. L. punir waterfrn the creek atteri amazed at sucis govenment pois- rian won by Dore(en Parýk, Ty-Alkins, Bab)Jy Bot;MrS. Stan ,tIse fire tanlk was Lenaptied. Tt wa.sries as free and compusory edu- 3rd prize- - Ciristrnas Ca-ke Birown, Piekie D'sh; Mrs. Perrïault ipsil o stop tise fCUa ierain fam-ily alliowance andi old by Mrs. M, rBarber. S Maat iite Doley ai M ýrs. Vein-t Foc- Maes 0f straw and tisese isat to beagasitne"iseartsng T-Anigel Cakednae e , Bird Cage Ornamnt. pu1llud out of tise bui1lding and ot-whc people in Caniadia takefo ened to dose thenimoilthi ater. grjanted," said tise speaker. >5,8. ~$BSRBDNo fire ,dainigc was done, to tih, In rural 'Canada tle wy0 i- brck selctior0 tce bouse ai- tng 15very uneveni. Some areas reri U rnversty F urbave ylw living standards. Can- re t ni er iy ound ngtouh ore mkedaagse-aais now third i liv ing sandj Fun G es Ov r he opIg) Odiforpie h ingld. 3Dur arnt-v Furic 11-Â0 te C3Î3 At the tMe W tie bre thse truck couunty are classifidqas ruraýl,1 l Y s being isoused ln the ggesRrlfam5 ,c~~r rrai on e TrendtiUnvpersityFoundsng 1o ff the Fon'd iboAsurpassed ts tar- Tonnant Transport. 1It baýsbena is3% Campan ba gon ove tis get la ise r'eronal s cv~s-aeceary o resovetisetruc fro Tiseamiu eten wa mae ~n, cair isJ . Wsa-ryal thse re hall as ia is unctepreno- Wty at tscoe of tice Founti-sol et $288,76207 had been rais- voansxwitb lise west wali being FundCampignby thle Uni .TItis was more t cisdlehtmoui. ty's fi j t president and Vie2- initLial objec tive oj $1-25,000 fortisat! relier, Tisoms H. B. Symndvnion . Similarly, lise EnmployeeIM-s baowhwsatom idenit Synions reportt i-4d A GltIs dision, AfWbch LionelIa soie hefr Founissýig Fund hiad Ivaiseti a 'rwa and Gerald Dolaiswere Mand ple tis ral tiee thre de- of $2,051,282.10, Tise initiall Co-Chirn-ieni,lisad raiseti a total i 0f tie FuH ntiist been $lý,52G,- i of $699,266.58, whi<ci was more parunmt. t liandouble its lai Lai objective__________________ - -- - .. lof $320,000. The Co-poration s divisions, cisaired b)y Walter G. Ward, liati I been assigaied lise largest ob ject-- ive of any division of tise Fiuaiti-1 ,$650,000. However, lA lad me-t an£l surýpassýed i ts target, r-aising a total of $660,281.30. president Synmons noted 'tisat illportant support lied cone 10 tise F'ounding Funtif rom outside Pet- stione sdivisioai, of wicisWilliam H. Palmi and GordonR.isrot ,f Torontoe were tise Co-Ciaim, isad i aised $281,375 for Trent n 'iversity. qubs#,aia&Isupport for tise foundiaig of Trent Uni.versity' hid aiso corne fromn"cI many dlvi- duials and corporations and uaom- Valle2y, totalliaig some $50,000. D. W. Kiiigdon lsad been cisairman of tise Area Gifts division. beleive tisat ail sorts of re- cords have been biioken in this caripaigni," eaid thse Presïdeht. "For exainiple, a new higis for em!- ployee group g inîglaCanada wras set by tise Emnployee Gifte division.'Tise response liVise Fe r- sonial Gifts division bas also set a iew hlghi for Ca-ýnada i ternis 0f the overall support given by a conimunity 10 its University. Comm enting upen tIse WidesprCad interesit in tise founding cf Trent Uiversity andth ie entlisuiastie support glven by 50 maay peuople te tise Campàign, President Sy- monýs praqisedth ie good workdone isyý tlise Public Information division under tise clisirnisip of Myîer Tie Presic'ent aNtiMr. narýies K. Fraser, tise lairman cof tise Board 0 f Gvrnrpaid warim LInibute 10tiste Cisairmais cf tise0 Trent University Founirig Fund Comitlee, ~ ferst ,LC. ýBraunti, foir thie vigor-ous andi positive leader- siip wiliiislihehatiprovided th ie Caimpaigli. Tisey ex,,pressed appre- cialion andi coigrntillattOi5sto al tbjose wiso lad woi-ked witis Mr. BrauLnti on tise Conmmittees of tise F'oundlinggî Funtiandt10tise ma'ny mio10re wiso acdgiven of tiseir time andi labour 1>anti mens C10malStelie Founding Fuidsuch a succese. President Symons aioteid tisat tise Trenit UiesiyFounding Funt lisati met wlis subsîtatial succees laiJ oer,,ly divisî,i of ils organi-1Z- ,tien and tsat nearly,,,every division, "Rra eveloýpment is not aily 'for farmi people bttwill atffe7ct ai.'l people lin Durlsam oaiyisila eouaity is wisat you make it. Vie muet remiember lisat people frcni thse cilles amelok.rgforting tisat we take for grantetil," said Dr ýwas presented with the 4-.H Ah motive anid Farm Safety Club tr- phy dionated bv theDuhm ee- ation 0of Agiclture. The following directors w Ire eel- ected Ù1 each towainsMip: aii' ton - Bruce Taylor, John Kniox;, Cla'rke - Clarence Allib, Donùld Stiapes; Hope - Howarcd I nnli Milford Whte; CartwriTght - Dalton Dorreil, Merrill Vancamp); M. vers8 - Ray RoLnof, bareace,1 Staples; Cav-,an - Erie Falla, Lesi OnoFish Ami, flunt Reorganize Memibers of the Orono HIuntad Fîsh Club met in the Mnc ber 10 eleet a slate c offcsfo nbce r To Prepore CeËersaiet teTet1"lb', S J "Tie fne eepnsete iseTre't1964 anti to for-nmulate plans for Unvst Ounding Fuid lias tise future-. givn tn'ileevidec(e cf the irisà0f Peterborugis Wathie n1J z 1Treal Vnlieyecommnity ,1, aeap Isle Afowing were eiete: ise banquet antipd ent o. On motion et C. Armnstirng a , andt upr d'siils rsdn. Peie îa csenae e isi fSasat Oroeand Alti ecmieaiitm fIyl et only i) s pful lu 1, cInu. ertry-Knei H tpsn utieci hem-m~ bbelsldtie no o m e a. of omme recii l 1i iepull srnllse-', n sc-ayD ~î 2~ l is 1neI i ~ n.c ~ e l aJeai >reno Mnicipa Lwh. r,. f Lwas f <i . ~Il s - i-' ai, rne eii'ii- Te~r-~ eoUD I angeent hae brn mtieto resctcdUs lie oblc. ilsand eacrusoutsdc iseare ngeaPpe hwa Iebit- O cinc l.Dvi n .~ ts dîinlfaco sl ng fr eitetalmen nlng wtliWatoîiivach ilbe nede iftis Un- Onces o~tis Clb vSil~cltis ho aniual viIlcf anaTiea' c cca, caIcvrst SbgaiataslantunueamnnteP ire T osicspocel Ln1,ALc fe'- ieis adc- ~eigac'tls otaebreaik-ins li tise are. n 21ase and sale cM lanti for indus& FuadigFuait, 1Cfnneisf efr*L.0 Tise trea-surer, C. AnistLron9, re- 1rial prpo e iesaid tisatl ie f elt five-yeîar programmne. "ie bik-j iutda isaisiabalance of $1048.11., tthtie Cisamiber. sculd net enter ag success of tie Trent Univerily 1Juiorr memisers arue atosi et- Tise tisree immediate past presi- into a eLter> writing ccntroversy. Founiing lFon>d la a mont 'ielipifl cor1ne Lù attend anti ask quný dents were àppW&eait das a con-Anyone wanUing answere couAdi a- and hieartening bgisiig.Bt i-l1cf tise otiser menibers tVo hlp f'ur- njibtet o present a slate of fficers tendlise Cisamber meetings wisere 1lis ily Se eginiing of a mrucistiser tise cause Gf!ssstè gunli at ~the January meeting in 1964., sucis coulti le dlseussed, he si. igger lask" lie sAit. bing.

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