ORONO WEEKLYTIMES', TU1 1~1 I~ rA IN T flÇ' u) part of ag eoigreg-aftiofl, but lie A slp capt, T H EA~ C ELRLTL IN T Y O Fwoldin't becboe a part f that the ltghtbouseE w n ,.u erenence becse-ie of iiiquiry revejale' ~ V E istield.i~e said, "Just as sc>o'1 buri-lng but a gri (iO' D 1 ~j LO VEC as ILde. suy frieMls xith wlOm 1 fliles shut tout the have sardcertain critic 'smns iicptin eye an Takhen from a sVrion techdby )'tý.iiu,, ylen have knewu-vi frustra- thie past and experienced ,eri-aiu t can be Iiket Roev. Basil E. og o. We sayv, "What jýs the uise af ques3tienubie tiln.gs, will saIY, 1ittle thiuigs, ail1 I:tal?""our gett.lg soft, Bili. YoLire sien et it e, ca.i Scrlpture besson -Roas 8;1-18,becoming ireli*'ious." Because the!whtoh could Sep'L ,8, 39. Elijah, tiie greait Old Testam-ent vie of these people are so close l'ove ot Cod, Jin -- ý 1roph-tIl.ad1-newn1rnany ex-er - 10 hlm, he cai'rt enter intq ithîs alize il. Duilluig iWs Auvent l, seas,34 once-s ef the Power et Gad in him. whillotor s1e-uhprsur1in ,y was off by hiýmself wlth If -1pen uand w reI dner yIis heaid lu is hands, disýouraged,,l - ,. l - .lý- -- Jongtue sphua ofT',le SeRsol, Wc may e prfitabiy eefo'nte b the teachig et St. 1aM as hl sas. "Whe ce.nseana lisf ren the, love eof hisCan triblatýin cau i ,stresîs er prs1ulln r amn- neor. nakedress or pori l olo- reNo! iii al thsethig' w are nmorethncnerrthob Hlm thatiedus For, I arn pei- suaded that neiluer death nel' !nte . . . io ngs preut reermÙ Vhnste corne, nor heig-ht iner detner amyetor ceature smhhhoe e te sopaae us fren the love cet God, whih Is in ChIst Jcesus, eur, bord." salg Iarn ail alenle. 1 arntino test efthîeppe t" i toubles' weese near'hilm, bis dsorg mntiiLse close, tha't hodi't reai- z thl teereremayproýph- eï tit aud ho wlsenet t 'one be- cause Ged iwas there arid Qe(dý S p ssLsi es ca n hind Ius urnItilw e djo net respend te God'S caîl fer gr ntlluSpirit. IuSt.Mi n w wo road abouLtitmnany w' eue to e hopeeton cetauin ccs ion. One had te see a Yeke etfx on, aner a piece ý et Ëpirry and oee ad imarried a i,that coudrl ere.A rew Couplewh it we stop aatake a:i se 0o1iýapore lin ee t luecnr- wo xiii reahuze tere are t1ge-a osIserved seme illxe agO, tirai have a sregteudency te issl, 'We lve the hchc, Anti are, eeCparate us trom Geî-,d's, love. Pal i appy we are se cýlose. We have speaks eA "tings prosont". Ai-, taklover the business up Ithe reiacly vwoare caugît up lu preartoad" Tirey caime the nemi Sun- atieu for, the Chriý . maýsc seasen and kday. Thoen tlueÉir itr as eps'. fer lue pace wMllqurcen. inUSt, us usneslue lloieing Sn a ad and hubb)ub p ireapswo wll los-, 1 nt e um acuchaau lue real Si i tCrsra. eHr is theee r et i. Ji- 'tings itings poet al Icue rause oet their vey gliowrwL'luo s and dopress us. yver us, but reassuros bis bar lew esily hoy eu takotlie ers tînt these things canuet have S>rUtLthm nus hatwouldlead us final vlctery if wo ailocw Christ i t. a tuiler lite.They have great ilo for us what Ho, wills. poeocauso thoy are se close. Palis, yin, 'Net even these "Thilngsrsent" ay be duties. îigsJuseaao o reule Hwow fen iwesy, "A jus cnt oeee, fyo o u oee participato in ceilauin eaW% tl edw dxvell yuurleS ueo t-hiugs because etdils" e otteýn we bave falled te enter inte How otten wo have imissedth trie Spir'it ef Abundiaiit Mliug ho- ged luings luhitNe because etf cause of disceuragemient. We have eompanie and assoaieus. AI trlrpdWmered, hldideals anld arn-limon w vanted t e bcem-ie a maig e lilght waslbe ceutered iu Hl,.There le tIoud eof xxial2 wltjlle',thleir hole lite and t,- t between the 1 low,,er edose te us that can Ishw e lieghthousîe. ont tire neaîies tCalu fw in lit e. lýVany a!liowo UrSe-Ives to catcr to tIre f our expre-po)wer etf "thiinigs eent"Bu- È rn' the pDwer we weulturu our lt'ves icathe ,o.- us ftrn tIe!recétîon of ChMt et .and lotH'm hob, we dMnA re- t1he centreetou Lr life, thon h >ower eoft lese lulngS weuld h ex-parince wlch ho wants, andj feels ho needs se badly. bet us take comuge lu the tact tivat Jes us, Himiselif, faced the jTlue pewer ef thingS petpMSIIeer et things Presse. Jesus tonbyts in At nearness. 1 may trled te bring the message of Ged's work under an electie Elg't und love. TIeppe dlaln't under5ftndi fauil. te see thie glory of the stars. the difference betweeu lvng fNr How pennuly smail itisc pae the cr-edit eue geais for a few goodi wvAi t t lue havens yet it bas pow-,er deedsý, and ilue lite etofpenlng up] because et itS closenesîs. HII(Id a one'S beart te Ced. Ife always hlq wvo1rqce'ppe2r coin uP Vo yeur eye lue hingry bof ore HlT-m and aisei and lit catn blet eut the sunl, tlie lue i sappein itment eitofilndinig thiat beauiter et he universe. Te ýan 1t lleed Hlm bcaue e mastr 'h/ns protsent" we need h iigsH el iv hn.B b bermee rem themn. We cnnuiyhad thle Slck, upeon Uneed teucorneasîclefrom 1f e and whom HŽs b'S anc et heaing was have a qi ,oe tilme \Wilu G(,od s ai.Always Ho was saying, "0Go lIait Ho can 1if141 Us illue Spirlt aed 1te'il neo a, auethie ef Chr"i'st. -it we wanjjttolwaik aiwroi, ngmpulýse forlleigm Straiglbtcors, We need te liftt oust, dho here as He tr'led te eyes te something linîle istance.* brlng God's love te mari. Net that Qed is net near us, butý because Ced is far greter thin1 Ho had Llte face lue misery & et we are. We noed te keepp our eyes Cross.,HlLad te face lue weakness lled t tHs %Ways, fer "As le etBisdisciples. lH o tel hemf heaven are highi abeve lue earth many tings and noe mauy oethlese se are His ways greater Van aur thlugs luey ml'isunders¶teed. Hoe ways." tied te leaçl therux ai-d they Ciddt Proes eut lb n.s are difficuli)t undersand boause t luiri close- n S S. iAchIIl 'rebels againSt dis- cipline eotdby prnsand ether, ,buit when le becemes a mn ho letbanlks God for luhi-ý clipline is pens gavehlm. Let us reaiie that things prosout are net a littleoIbunidieetofbig thlng-s. Mesît et us de)n'ît have te c3nsider Imurdor or steoali'ng wheu we thini-L oft living lue 11fe that is acceptable te Qed. RatIer, it is a ig "bundie :o et itt.le thingis" that get uLS down. jhe eîoncobinie tetake tivor lu eux ivsbecause they are se close Vo uis. lgins', lue very message e i itie. Fisraily Ho trustod tho(jse very vwhat Ho, haa beguri. Beenusetle eoro relited te iIS love w"Ic is inChrit, bcaus isSpýIritwas li le tiuir weakuoiess 'vas hagdte strength and lueir de- tfeai ijnte vivtery. The ,Vie world w's auedtelow te!(Imle of Jostis Chlrist, I l auy asthe whole wrlhas been trausformed threug'l Hlm. ,Jesus was victor*iens evorluhe bli'iigs that were presentinluHis, ite because Bis whioie bite anud fuller and m1-ore audn ie Tlés is ai glonous passage m' Paul'S, eue of hope and jy. %o powver cau det(eat the love 0f GQed. if we a th le Sp-irlt et Chr'ist dwl lui us. I arnnoit saylng we lwil neeknv- e Éiw dot at ordlaL. poium eu.1Iarn saying9 we vf j on thrreugi tnese lui,gCto ve tr.As-3elook ahoad te thed et hKlst's 1c',ltou xie once net be ddnrmed or,,n,, c 1 the pwer e thf gspresent, but- lot u nwvidtýOry ilu.h oe of Hlm w ,h( oi del rc lui us, even Jesus Cnrist, ou, od UNITED l.ugsq orono Paztora! Charge minister Rev B. E. LcOng SUNDAY, DECE-MBElI ISil' Chutrch Services Orno) 11:00 a.mi.' Lesîkard - 1:45 p.mn. Kirby - 3:00 p.m. Sunday School Oreono - 10:00 a.m. beskard - 1:45 p,±n. Kirby -- 2:00 p.m. ItÈ eanîng0 pott i ts Earning power depends on the ab il ity of your truck to do the job at the lowvest possib le cost. That's where Chevrolet Trucks shine. Th-,ey've been earning top money for owners on every kind of job, in every part of the country for many ye-ars. You!r local Chevrolet Truck dealer has the right Chevrolet Truc-k (5,000 to 43,000 lbs GVjW> vvith the right Chevroiet engine (90 to 252 hp) for your kind of baulinig. No m-ratte-r which one you neeti, you can be sure of this: it'll have pienty of power -earning power. -That's the kind that cou nts! I CAlTAIt & SlOgAN LU. #~C'"O * S,.P, S ~ * s, '0 - - f iteeZsuocess e n -- viith ourChrot. DQWJ~.'S ARTGE& STORAGE, 5. ulton, MORE TRUCK- MORE TRUJCKS fàrI041 Be sure te 'watch Bonanza each Sunday on the CBC-TV netwerk. 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