SATUR'PDAY, DEFC. l4th After this date we cananotgaan tee Delivery belfre christmals Hfospitallty1 F-RUIT CFd-AKE lb 49ce 21b97c JA pple Pie Hospitahity Mince Pie eaeh 45c 49c CROSS CUT RIB! RO,(AST lb 59e BOuNELESI""S SHO,,ULDER Tablerite Wïeiners lb 59c lb ~cPIl Sd Ribs lb 49c f. _____________________________ Onitarlo Nei ew Bunswick No. 1 Grade CELERY California (Grown DATES 23c UTTUCE 2 for 29c jSIlnkisýt Navel1 39e Orarlge-s 2dozen 79c ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ~1 Weston's 2 lb. Pkgý VAMIL1U-PAK BI1SCUITS 89jc Sunbeam kg. Peanut Butter Cookies 35c SunbeamPkg. Dainty Kaiser Rolis 30C A EXTRA TOTAL 0F' INý BONUS TAPES RECIVE'F$10I.00 BONUS TAPE WITH SIMO0NIïZE FLUOR ULEANEP. - Vista PEP'iSODE-NT TOOTH FPASTE $44. 32 oz. Size Famlly Size RECIVEANEXTRA ý$6 :00 BONUS TAPE WITH "TETEA" Tela Jilags Pkg. of 60 O)XYDIOIL soAF Giant Size ECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 TAPE WIVTHl J{LEEEX DNNER APRI114k. of 40 RECEVE N ETRA 2.0 BOTUSTAPE GWITH MOACIMRAIE2 1b. pkg. Green Giant Fancy .SMALL ,PEAS la oz. Tins for 33C 6 oz. Pkgý. instant PTTE 25c JELLO Pkigs. ~instant Pu-dings 3 fior 41c KlenexPkgs. of '40 LuncheonNak-s ;49c KleeexTwels4,5c S. YSoapPads2 f or 45c ORNEj- ICE - OldSoutit Frozen 2 SLIEDCG KE 7ATS âùabert 6, obz. Tn 3 H I ] Il k ýMrs. Foster ledtue dvto on1 the subjeut "The Star an(,[ the- S~abe" Mtthe 2:9. So ofLen weý follw or dramsand they leald to th [ rie, eries a i,1un)1esant- thnf o ifMe. SirFrdei B ailt- M n'sI of servce b aniind VwaS us. an j1Iýldti-t iln of a young dc -Lrwho fo)Llowe bàits dreanm anddificutie tLi le (cliseove-red if5Unfo he teaten fi dlaW Our new curcli guelbo a iithe clorILfthje chJurc.. unumler and luniýcl was ser-ved by oinr hosteses rs. .Mv. lLon ani Mrs.Poster. 1't was dtcided tc take La penny collection to pur- caefruit and gifts for, the sicf< ini the future meetings (,f thie U. Mrs. Jo6eph Grýeenwoicd p-assedý awaïy liOsliaiwa Geilerai Hüsýp.ta1 on Saituday, Decem-ber 7. Site 1lv- ed in the Kendal ai-ea Yýor mnaxi years but te las't f ew years she lilas macle ier home in Newcastleý andi been empkoyed in lite cl storage plan-t. Symipathy is extLendi ud to lier d'aughter Mrs. nobeit Winn anct to lfer brotiters Mel, Gus and Victor Wilson. r.and 2Mr, ,Russell Wrigitt ol Orono, elitertained Mrs. C. Thonir- son., Mr. ArtiurThompsGon and -Ur. andi Mrs. G, Cat1icart o(n Sun dayv evening of the past week. Mr. Normian Patt.oiattendedth funeral of Mr. Le-onarid Buekierý in Bowm'anville on Tuesday and i i staying for, a few days wit M,ý and Mrs. Roy Pa[tni, Oroino. 'lTe insa ae s-,;wi haiv athiln býin!g titis ye. h ast year aliionsi icing was sold a't two po)uînds for' -9e.TIL is yer Ipaid- letghtby Cents for onle pounsi. 1ebe 51,1, tihis Sundai.-y, ýs WhîteG44tSunday in the Kendail chuci. vcîry tilld te sked t bring some mùney ini tel eve ol pe ifor ihe -ee 1ÈIÀuleen ofte )rHd. >rojecrors.. ONT. PHQNE 165 Orono, Ontario T R