ORONO WEEKLY TEMES, T-,URSDAY-, DEcE',ýïBER 1 9<3_____ polwitb whom4e woul).d en- îrom Goï, (God sceois- rnGid od wo taeterna ad 'THF-E Di)O U BLE FU EST ier ijoo olenn relations arnd longs for hmi. Mtra hn~p wy t hrg whom He woiild make a Thoen onhe othler s'de, thie mat-'itulthnsrmn Teotr Taken from a sermion by Rev. -)om Goda Whrsatthiol?" wtrs oalntos Ti steLr lyUg nto. anel1ty df!the couple wasno aswe B~ s J E . L on g. 1h w s e 's " h r i e " hop - i~ n r m - ise o f th e people of s o l t o u o . H e jnay f l t h n er p r y Scripture Reerences: Old Test- an im*measura>ble search lias- tak-1Is raeixr- . Wlen men ever-yWbvere mri eogZ t.B aY amrent Lesson - Genesis 3: 1-9 en place. The story of Adamo is the were 1wor"ý,h!pping idols and co)î- se aijatin ufhaeeent- Buit deep down tie Qet~a Nmw Testament Less-on - Matthew story off every man and every rupted thereby, it was a grea t ually emipty. Excitemont (lies, I fot de-id, The wife gaýve th e'r 2: -6 w.rnn.Man, that 1,l'vng soul, thing for ono branch of the Somi- finvs:p hang_,e, friends pass t-hat huingr, y menlift U ,cG le:chose death - the doath,0f d:so- iti'c people to Iear the message, away. s- dngth d misles but a, in overygoener;itin, he Some time a7i ron te1evision the bodionce, of self-worshiip, off alton- "Hoar, Oh Isi-el, tho Lord our hu4fger persists. "Thore ta a God- He? Whore la God who iL evý ,tQt was ld oOf arof ti 'on f rom his Creator. God seeks God is One Lord. And thon shait sha1ped( blank at thie heart of f man, fin Christ? We flnd Hlin t:ri e, b1 I -n lma ln cid .to restore - and rocovor thal lost love the Lord thy God wth ala m1n11WLhGc tiecocmontig f lf;H ae ehwas tryxngz to do something bo fellowship. thine hoart, and with'aIl tlxy soul fU."rywhere about us. Wo edHa yq lier duty to increase thir and with ail thy might." Throud-h H,'~n everyepoone0 fe;et self--conifidenice, ,io she took hm Gdm ean stlmae the the prophets, God kept romindingo1t, w ty-o nl ur st rceemberod sonentalyi on a trip. O>ne 1.tie boy who was lornyta find the heart of alien, Israel that a groater revelation o nwyi ie etyeeytigf(otne ae8 almiost compn, bnd ert- rebel man. I wonder if we real-ze Hmself was ahea1o1-t1-1-uderihe sun exce-(pt God's WaY. od himself from the gropp, soonphow great la the d*tatance o2tîween Thien we- hear of individuals wlho boseoing ba Int in -a largeoicty Be-1 danmn who ia losi.'How ar1 have taken God ai Bis Word. y od and manThen, '"Inthe fulnesof tîme" il eybv boiedtePmse 4eause thetace loved the child-imany innumerable shades of gros' came to pass. The seeking Godof G The y have saL ted he t Ines ron, she was 'concerned and aought 1 il ýtfrom white to blaçk? HWc oHmsef n hrstGeus 'fl.b ak t Gd n eI UIESCURI the bielp0of thepoie Tensionlin between? How far is the dist4 That la the story of ChristmaS.ý mnountled as theo ut'Ile boy, complet-. ance from hollness to s n? We Whn(heHlyCh11bcaeth "epness hasgUNITEui of heti el tre ut tid o in aylamGo l Hl, anl sfu.Holy Man, He made it clear ihattîes Oroflo Pastorail bonbiouhvr dnýeos Hwfan the distance from humil- tSono -1e bs whothjer - h~o houhveydageos i- ttote Seek'ng God had nover alter- t1~,manflbtbmevs sCCag cumtances. At last he was Spotted ý aprde? 110w widethe gpe i u.Wefn eu a.tt i xvdî; g l n upon s s tharg by a police officer, who waa es ewensl-enteredness and Goyd- n, "h o 0 a scorne bîi pr: ftdiscoadou.Mns ftive 10 thxe struggle going on in ceteredness? We have no way' of 1seek and 10 save that whicb is therewS a weaofG d lh sibowesa man. Nl Rev B.E Lf the lufe of the little boy. 30 th, 0f- knowVýing. These are calculations -îlot " Ths la salways the story Thof ,(-nd bis waf e from a largq'esmcity.. . ae ficer ffollowed hlm protectv, ia r oeta geogrical Christ - there is no other atory. Thy1r urndd wt UDYDC1I~ ~x -while aitowing h; in the satisffactior StiIl., whatevOX the distance, Gd ýi- multue 0fae tal pssesswions. UNADEEMER2n -i< fndin-. bis own wa.y home 10 rravelled iland Ho ahi1 travels S: s at hemângo hns-In qir'rIg beso, th esadsions.hSevie his parenxts who lovect hlm. Cit by bit and stage by stage, God nmas, God sooking for man Ma sese ba thir wnsous. he When we consder th, "Double ,seek,; to restore roan. ~~i ie o nwn elo 0lf hyvstdte Ooo-1:0an -4~±"to-dy, w dealwithGod!The history off th s seeki ng off wich way to 10 o o;tyn ih onweete rwipadLsad-i:~pm ý ~ Hs seareh foruanwho ila God is recordçed inour Holy Serip- over th e gfleleral tn 10 fiiod;mnK ilo o, oi iýiý lte huabandremaked,'l'ewtll elad :5pn woe l-tIeOlWetaet heobre s.W ,i .tra ra odtyig 1 rishimlfby. rules thati la%7wheewe came from dear." KirbY - .3.00 p.m. we ear Gd'squstin,"Whrosoughit out mon in who.se heartsa and reguItlabtions; rmaking- efforts The we repl ed, -"Yose n r i-as thbou?" In the ewTestamenit 1Ho could plant Hia dreamsalad [t laeGdand to corne into a wondeing ere wego " Hrunaynio ~esan-w Ixar tse 'ustOnof! We read of an Enoch lbore, an Ab. ng trela 0onshiP with Hlmi. Thoen, reply1vreloased a hiddeni ache. thse wise men, -Where a ie?"raham there and a Moses yonder, finajýlly, Gdsonding Jesys 10 Whore doos rman get unloas ho Orono - 10:80 ar. The first la tthe voice of God as ail men whso were sens-ti.ve bto ,le .sho o o 0fn o fdhwfns oWeede ate . Be eek fo mn. iseaeox~ laprn~tngaof Go. TonGod 10ý restore that rlelationaipj. Nol unless ho illows God ta 'fînd him? 'Vbe vo,<ice of! man as he seeks God. foiid a pooplo, a choson covent mater how fatrmnsem 10bEvnuiy oplc!Bauel Cry-20p,. '84 JOtlIflMoOth ,Luxury CHEMVROLET Any car this luxurlous ought to have its price examinedl Here are looks, luxury and comfort you'd expect to Set you backý plenty -if they camne from anybody but Chevroiet. Fresh-minted styling with, dean unluttered lines that give the '64 Jet-smooth Chevrolet its feeling of new length and lowness. Ricýh new interiors--with supple fabrics (sink your, hand into the ne-w vinyl upholstery of the new Impala Super Sport &eries, for instance, and ask yourself if youj've ever feit softer seat coverig-). Here are the niceties of Body-by-Fisher craftsman- ship such as you'I1 flnd on expensive cars. And styliîsh touches- like the vinyl-clad roof* you can order on the m1i. sport Coupes. Door-to-door carpeting, and foam-cuishioned, front and rear seats are standardno in all models,, ineciding the modestly priced Biscaynes. And there's a wealth of power to pick from. Engines from a peppery .140-hp 6 to a 42-5-hp V8*. Transmissions that are -iefinied for smoother, more silent operation. Fourteen power teams in ail. Then, with ail of that going- for you, you've got the '6-1 Jet-,smiooth- ~ ride atwork to cushion you from road noise and vibra- tion such as few other cars can at amy price. Beer promising yourself luxury li.ke this someday? Your somieday-is here, as your dealer wil g.ladly show you. 7: O(ptionid atexa cote See f ive enitirely diff erent Unes of cars at your ChevroIet Shwrwn-CHVROLET, CHEVELLE, CIIEVY 11, CORVAIR& CORVETTE Be si-ire to e Bonanza on the dBC-TV network eaeh Sunday. Check'your local listing for chainnel and timie. C-264C BOWMANVJLLE ROYW. NIOHOLS. Phone 728-6206 Mm ýl-' 'È