...... . . . S-AN TA COMES TO R 0NOC Saturday,.lDecember 22 Municipal Building Puppet Show 2.30 p.m. Santia's M1ail to be Fosted in Santa's Mail Box Spo,soreïÎ by Orono Chamber of Commerce TIhh year, gfive theé Aappîest f0Aiy gift of them ail' Gnuin. Kodgzk-made Brownie Movie Gift Kils uart as Iow as $OO.OO STUTT'S PHARMACY. OLRONO, ONT. PHONE 168J) PRE SENTS c, 0 WINTER AnnualChristmas. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, Ted Taylor& His Orchestra Stiffents 2ýüÇPv, Cople Ohers$2.50 a Cul Refreshments Dancing 9:00 to 1:00 f PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND ROYAL B o wmanville 623-5589 THURS-, FR1, SAT, DECEMBER 19,20,21 ~Nigbt Creatures PETER CUTSHINCi Six Dlack Horses (Color) AUDIE MURPHY SUN, MON, TUES, WED, DECEMI3ER 22-25 WEDNESDýAY, DEC. 25th M3ID-N;ITE SHOW Susan 9SI2de <Coler) TROY DONAHUE, CONNIE STEVENS GAY PURWEE (Color) cartoon Feature OronoRinkOpend Thi Chif Me Ver ies The Orono ERink on lMenday en- ItNK SCIEULE einrg opened its doers for the firt mn. 7 '00 - O ubIc 'ka-ns ice skating ut the seasoni. T op- ening wlli certainly li e c-ýfte s.13-3:0ubi S 'hool numbr ~ 6 :00 7:00MdgtH Ocke years. Water ]ias been a rolm 70-8:0 Jven'l Hocke for floxling at the rin'krsling ~( i in tihe neeci of trucking w~rifltco Wd :0 Vl0 Aon Public Skating takes ever again I :00- 800 APconWcTi &I Saturdaby afiternoon ifroirt 2 tIo - 8:01 9:00M na e"'clocjk. Thie full schediule Sf act- ivitis cames jute force thi.s Mon- Tu.601-0:0 'gure Skatng iay. At a meeting, the forep0..,rt of this week, the Athietir Association bired their rink operators beîng- Messrs. Harvey ('Inn and Jirc Middleton. These twe men are tVo allare thie duties of ice-inakmng and Icare-takinig. Thae go-ahead was alse given for changing the stairs inite the basement. Two sets are te becIn- sta.lled at either sie of the nortb end of the rink. The following is the schedule fer the rink and it would be ad- visaible for those interested te clip fit out -and keep in a preminent CANNINGTON ARENA DESTROYEfl BY FIEE Fire dJestroye1d Lhie Cýnnin.gton Aena last weedcnigdami- ~age stim ted't $90,00(). Cause of the fîre has net been deter-ined. Firemnen were able te save a curling riuk near the arena, about 125 miles ilorth 0f Oshawar. £FARN TO) AT ~ ML~7AKE~ ND VOULL A~ AY~ llAVE/~OT$To LA11611 ABOUTA A COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 24HR N A L TOWING I e O * e e Callyour licensed Plumbing &~ Mechcznical Contra ctor who se ils, instalis and guarantees CARMAN VLUMBING HEATING Phone 143 Orono Building abI use? or remodellinig your presenit one, then Contact FIoyd NicIi.Ison PHONE l',2191 OR8NO Fnli. 1,:30 3:30 PubLic S ýiool 6:00 -9:00M IL) Hocky 9:ý00 -10 :00 Juvenile FHockey Sa t. --8 :00- 9:00 a.m. Bantam- 9:00 10:00 Peewee 1 10:00- 11:00 Peewee Il il1:00 -12 Mdgt& Jovenile 12:30- 1:15 Atom I 1 :15 2:00 Atoým Il 3:00- 5:00 Public Skating 6:00 7:30 -M.1dget Hocýkey, 7:30- 9:30 Public Skating Sun-4:00- 5:00 Fig7ure Skating Ice Time for Rental 9:00J p.m. -Monday 9: 00C)p.m. -Tuesday 9:00 p.m. - Wednesday AIl afterneens cexceptSaidy *Explosions (Centinued from page 1) quer stili, slioek the building. The still was in opemation, being tendced by Mr. Newman-Joncs, wehen il exploded. Ho was in aui- other room at the tne. Thining at furst tiiat the bolier wsex-_ ploding, he ran fer the deor just as a tremetndous ilail.rpped nut tlie entire cnr etno h brick, wall on the Cavan Streef side ef the pat liuk 0 sfî ot rc.' hey fouigl e vetthe so of e ahe mi n e t lid yard te the suh Orcno o'e-ikç Mco'mO I gA .0 MCUlOCh again Inds the flid wlth a kmw pdcd, precWuh bulft Chain Saw that ctits f8st 8»d StaYs en the. Job, Featwi. uuch as. 0 Fuli 17» bar 0 Fuuh eut handie o Automatie clutch @ Me- CullOch SuPer-Mlac Chain 6 Reboreable cylinder with caut Iroti liner Balanced, ightweiglit design. make the McCulloch MAC 15 your "lbeut buy" i oam saws. Corne in today and prove it to yourself. WATSON'Sc are& yl W A'NO ONT. PHOf4E1 F4ire ChiefResMceofrd today on the care anci hanling aif Chritins teesand oýther hboliday the snuber oA Srecs and consequent 'baý-s 0f lifec and property,ý re.uches ttis peak," lie said. "Withi heating, syserns *erkngat full capacity aed lecrlcl crcuts.loaded, we r' a,)-,no addl toth danger by 'r ngunsaýfe eoaiosit the Anose IF YOU WANT A FIRESAFE CIIR ST31AS - OLBSEHNVE THE 1. A Cedr o apuce Christmas trcan hum- -nto charred wood in 8 econds. ake _1ýslure the tre y,'>lect; green and fresh. Set M in water adfter cutt'ng base ci trunl on an angle. ep tree r y, ei etses TV stSruae n te wUltrrn spots. Do nqet let it, block room ie:xit. 2.When us'ng me% i re-es, avo%- dircet >ighlNg 3. Use non-comnbustible material jn your decomim~s where postbl (taglaszs, absts.Other- 4. D no alow lildre teplay tii tree ihtn:e.itDo'ef ver- o~ ~ ~~~~tý lilt oante n ake sur thre reneenitysckets o. l0 Cri:ststrewhenl neelles star to drp. prfeaby- 6. Hatve crtnhadyfr gift in ash trays. F,'UCNOL ONT. ý"èHÏj'AË 14&