WEEKLY MONDAY, Gieet the Christmnas Hl iday season with a true appreciation of its f uli rneaing. MNay it bring ydu peace, joy and that wilI remain with you al- s Garage THE Glory that is Christmas will ring out and in our good wishes are -zctioed the beauty and spirit of 'brotherh-ood of thle seasoni. Lutn ardware Caroline, Pere and George SnaAt Orono ~.rI Extends to ail A M3erry Christmas anid a llappy'and Prosperous New Year Sýuggestions to Shoppers Chiristinas & Popular Stereo & L.PF Records < N Sanita arrived ini Orono last Sat urday anid greeted close to two hundred children at the annua] Chniber of Cclrýommece Christmus Pat.The partyý was hield in the 01 ono Municipal1 Building which1 waVts very tLastefully decorated by temenibers of the Orono Hi-Ci7 gru.Another big fature 0f th event wýýas a -Puppet Show. Decor'ateci Çhristmaus tesand l streamers decorated the hall for the Chistmas party. A throne wa- also cnstr.ucted lfor Santa "to wh1icb the- childreu advaniced by means oif a rmp ]oth Uthe throne andl the stg o he Puppet Shoùw w 1gaylydecorael The progrim comminenced withi singing lead by Mrs. B. Gustar. Thie Puppet Shoýw was an outstamd- ing featur1 eing presented Iby a Pýeteiiboro gr-oup. Included were sinie twdvelve puppets, who sang, danced and played miniature mis- e îca1 instruments. The puppets re- alîstically ehacted the musical numibers which were being played during the show. Tis part of thre programme Ield the attention of the Young ciirn Wi th the chldren singing out Jing-le Belîs, Santa arrived and gtýeeed alh two hundred indiiu ally at his throixe. ach child« was given a candy cêine. Meribers of the Orc>no Hi C's,i dr~esed as Santa's heqpers, assist. ed ~Santia and also served reffresll- ments of cookies and pop. Siog Carols The Orono Hi Ç,'s on Sunday ntghit beýing twenty-fisve strong, touired the Village singing- Christ- mas Carols. Mr. Ross Galbart was i ln charge of the outing. Fo,1lowingi the carolling the group returned to the church whiere a short busin- 1ess session was held aRnd a lunch served. Messrs. Carlos Taiblyn and Roy F orrester assisted by acconi- paningthecarollers wththeir jmusical inistrumients. A Very Merry Christmjas toail and a New Year filled with health, happiness and peace is the sincere wiish of GRAHAM'S E-ssio Service their staff and Mrs- Grahlam Wlvishin g you a very very fficrr~ ~hrtst mas O-RONO Se [ <~1 STORE -Neilson's Ice 'Creaui & 15 RP. JRecords for Adu Pipes - Cigars - Cigarettes ONCE again we greet 'VI. WEEKLY