ORno-; WEEKLV TIME$, MONDAY, DECZMMBIR 23, 11168 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Author$sed aese ed lass m-ail, Post Office Departmnent, (Ot%wa Estab1lshed in 1938 by R. A. Forreâter Roy C. Yorr,.ester -- Fditor eand Marnager Summos At Christmats This s Christinais. Christmaïs Beils throughouLt ailt Christeni- dlom- are ringing out the ihost joyous proclamation of the gospel message. '4Fear not; for, beliold, .I bring you good tidings of great joy, wV1icb. shlal be to ail people. For uni/o you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, -which is Christ the Lord." (St. Luke). Yes, 1964 years a-go, the angels sang, "qloy te God in the highest, a-nd on earth peace, good -iwill towa-rd m-en," andi those that folowed the sta-r in the east foindti te S-aviour, Chist the Lord, Iyin-g in a inanger, in the city o! Davidi. Buit the first hismswa rying and painful ti-me, despite a1l the manifestations of glory. Wa-s fot Joseph summoned fromr sleep to ta-ke unto hiniseif Mary,, who gave birth to Christ Jesus? And. were not Mary andi Joseph sum-monýeti by decree f rom Caesar Augusta tLo go f romn Galilce to Bethlehemn to be taxeti? Anti were niot ail men of gootiwl sumimoned by the anigels te go to the manger inBethlehem to fiind their King? Mary andi Joseph liveti under La ictatership i which life waýs ehea-p. Their income was more likely in the lower, third of the nation. Whien it came time for the Baby, they were summonerd to inake a trip Vo meet the demia-nds of their government. Whether the Balby lived or died -%as of no concera- Vo the society in which they existed. As far as their own people were concerneti, Mary and Joseph coulti maike eut for themiselves. But because God reigned, they were neot alone. The Wise Me-cn brought gifts o! great treasure. There -as great rejoichng. And so tonight thiere is rejoicing and there are visible tokens of Onistma-s. Most business sections bave been bight witl-i Ohisthmas decorations for days past. Holly wreathis are founti in inany home ,windows, bells on door s ad gaily lit Christmas trees, if not on the front lawn, visible in the living rooms , from the street. Everywhere a/bout us, there seenis te be a new spirit, a new À,life, a new hope, a new joy! Toniglit chilren will go o beti assured that Santa Claus is on his way ant ill come downv the cbil-imney, in our respective homes, o deliver a portion of his hea-vy Joad. Most of us will banish ahI thoughtis A, external troubles and for the next f ew days concentfate on internal joyls. It is, ind-eedi, . tinie 0f Merry Christmas. ROYAL B owmanville 623-5589 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATU1RDAY - DECE31BER 2&-28 Soumner Holiduay COLOR Cliff Richards, Laurie Peters ALSO GO JOIHNNY GO COLOR SNMON., TUES., WED. - DECEMBER 29 - 1A 31ID-NITE SHIOW 'TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31t EL CID Color Spectaculcar Charléton Hestoni, Sophia Loren Letter to the Editor Orono, Ontarîo, Dec. 23, 1963 Auuui-ig, to your paper ý4f lýst week, thie reques5tof AMr. Samiuel to obtain a building permit for his factory on 115-35 Was turned o-ver to the Planning Boiard by CounscJl. Since this I have learned thait a building permit has been grantedI. On what groun.ds did the Clarke Towvnsbip Planning Board aliow a permnit to be granted? This'or any other are'a iii Clarke Town~ship is nlot Zoned andi therefore is flot classed aas residential Qr industrial Sinice this seem-s to be the first major issue lb-at the new Clarke Toýwnship Planning Board bas had ü o chiai wïth, I feel that their decis- ion must halve been made because of thelir lack of power to either re- fuse or grant proper land usage. It appears that the Ci,-rlce Township Council flot knewing what decision to make, dumpeti this issue in the lap of our new Planning Board. 1 was inforined by letter of Dec. 6, 1963 from Dept. of Municipal Af- [fairs, Toronto, in answer to my letter, Ithat ut tindicates wisdomini checking on the existence of jcd- equte 1land ulse regulations in the neiglii)ourhiood( before purchiasing, I purchalýs'ed this land thait imy i or building bue on olher pro(p- erty. 1 pur-chaseti tbs land ithat mny bouse is On (also 4 other louises) some seven years ago and 1 would like to know how many more years before we will be tTble te knOw When we buy'land. whe.t use we can put it to. 1 feeli we have a fine body of mnen on our New Planning Soard, one being. an employee of V.L.A. and a former building inspector of of Clarke and, realiy ra.ving. the knowledge of wbat good planning is. Whien are we going to Sto1)pUpss7 ing tlic buck from Counceil tuo Plannling Board, andi get down to brtisstcs giving our Planning * Bo1ld fil po-w~er to carry out their Gb,ýgatiÎons in a proper way? DarlingtLon Township has bad' tertownisip zoneti for somie timie. WIIyý is Clarke Townshiplag gis.lg 'eid 1 wvill bue the first to congratuJilate th(, Pln gBoardl andi Counicil WhenIse some real action taken in this l-ter and I will flot leave a sud unturned lîntil sud-i action 15s taken. I ilclose by wishing tbe Newi Clarice Tow\nsiÈp Planning Board a very happy and ccn#trucriive lyear ahead in goot i plnning. Yours [truly, Floyd Nicholson. ~: ~43 -May Ai the joys of the Christmas Season be yours LOLA'S Beauty Salon A Christmas Pretsent FOR SALF 1Refrigerator, efour Burner El- Am-s novel Chris*,mas prescent ectricý Stove with locl;5 piee was presented Vo the Picplo! D-inedýte u ;14, continental bed likle High iSoho,, ),Mr. 1t' r-I(nm -,,Bo: 5Yi a _mattress; sjoon Frlýday., bythe s -ýudentHS 1V at -.e wir t et board; 2 o! the school. They calied il a do- antique waln-ut centre tables; 1' at-yourself Christmnas tree.* Mr. whiite dresser; 2 tnunks; 2 conIjbIn- Witherspoon) was presenteti witb ation storni doors the ha-ne tree, aha-g containng al LUhc needles and a container o! -Phone Orono 13R17. a-p glue. Mlay we extend to everyone Best Wishes for tihe Festive Sepason and throughouIt the coming year CA RMAN k>LUMBING ,HEATING Phone 143 Orono ... . .. . ....... . ......