ORLONO WEEK-ýlYTIMEjS, THURSDAY, JA-NUARY 2-nd 96 (Y~ONO EEKLY TIMES L"rzdas Second Canari Vo (_ Ut1 ce Departmi-ent, UttawgVî Lstablished iu 1938 by IL A. Forrester g Rcoj .v QYrrester --E ,-tor and Manager 19-33 We now ,ad on the th,eshiold of a new year and pausi e ly to 1c a cast a back,,ar-d 'iok at 1963, a year sim- ilar t'Lmnit others, having acc n ýilyients and csappont- ments. We may lbok on 63 as a period in history wlien inter- naintenisionts lessened leaving a greater awarenes.s of a moesubsantial peace. Thie leaders of the worl have found common grouud on whîIichi to begin lessening the iace for mA.tary power. This cdan grow k, accomplish a more complacent world in wbili to live. As tenisions lessened internationally -more concern was piaced(. throuighout the World on a national hass w2,th some realiationi, as in the United States and States ef Afric-a, that ail men are created equal and are expected to continue tltsir life span :as sucl. There has in titis fieîd been a bg break41hrough in 1963. We otften feel that John F. Kennedy, a twentietli cen- tury leader liad brought a great strength to the 'above changes. His leadershuip gave an i mpetus te affairs that hiad bieeni lacking-. His advisers were likewise of a simlar age and with a similar purpose. His sensedess assisination can lie tabTled as the tragedy of the year. In Canrada the Most serions setbacins have been the cyiimabout Parliament and the growing strained rela- tosbe'ween Frencli and Englsh speaking Canada. We have yeýt to outgrew botli of these for ne legielation is geing to et Jie biclcering, jockeying for de bate positions or temper thle ang'er,0f a man's heart. 1Canada lias uow t'o face Up to the respensibilities of nationhood ýat hSne . . . . t naay flot be easy fur Canadians have yet to be tegted'iii thls field. Canïadians must realize that Canada is greaàter than any on1e of Its parts and here ýve wil iodk to our leaders to set the exam~ple thiat Canada is a nation in which al factions are equal and are also as sui i ts most worthy component parts.. Ail is net dm in Canada, cEt course, and Canadians eau look with pride on lis lowest unemploymient figure for some seven yeurs, Trade and comîmerce lias been on the upswing -and the economy in general is good. Young men are also showing the capabilities of leadership sucs as John Robarts and others aces- the country. Mchael Sharp, hias we be- lieve, lias showu a real senge of resipousiblity and frankness ln his hiandling of his departuientt in Ottawa. Other new men wlth ablity have, been Paul H~eyer, Bud Druty aleng with Primie MinIster Peîirson. 1964 will pro-vîde its challenges which as Canadians, we mat uow lceill,"ng and ready to accept. It is now the fwentieth century and Canada is on the thresliold of nation- irood. We muais n«w grow-up, policaily and nationally mind'ed TrusteeN-s Report S. S. INo(. 12 The Trýust'eezs of S..S. No. 12 Township 0f Clarke, .beg leave to uethe toilowinig reýport for the year i963: (1> Operation and Mahitenance- Room TU rwas completelly redecorated and the ceiling- ta room VI Nwas ropaired and painted. The P.A. system purchaâsed from the Students' Council of tle Orono High Scliool was tinstalled tliroughout the entire aclool. Boo Shelves were installed in the library. (3eersonel- (a) -StaeffMr. John Paxton was engaged as principal. Miss Alidred lias been appointed Music teacher throughout the entire school in addi tion to lier regular classroorn duties. Mrs. Jean Hoy is teaching Oral Frencli to Grades 5 and 6 in addition to her regular classroom dluties. -The Boeard lias regretfully accepted the resignation of Mrs. Violet Moffat, effective Dec. 31, 1963. Mrs,. Ro2ss Bow las been engaged to fill out the remainder ontheiFi1olye r rlief teaclier to tlie principal. (b) Graes mdEnrolmient as ef Dec. 20, 1963: *pRLIMARY JUNIOR INTER. 1om Tace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (1) GaÈin 21 7 2 i2; (3) Alidreci Carleton Lune Bey Paxton 16 -16 12 20 7 25 28 6 19 21 23 28 28 25 28 25 34 18 37 19 195 cAISH RýECEITS Ca Ido bu rem 1962----------------------------..t1899MO7 SaayRehb---------------------------------1.00 poes'p et larke (Secton levy) ,-------.......21445.50 Towshp (etfClre $Upplementary Paymnent 1962 .. 135.01 Township et ClarkeSupplementary Payment 1963 -.... 221.76 Non rsdn ui es................188.80 Rasdenal nd armSchool Tax Assistance Grant . ... 3607.60 Depa«;rIment LGeneral Grant (lesauperannuation) .... 13764.83 $68358,20 CASH PAYMAENTS In9hruct'in (leas superannuatien)....................49ý'8350-,, ïInstruct1ial Equipment .................2009.67 Administraion-----------------------------------1299.556 Scloel Planperatien ................................ 5187.54 Sdheo Plnt Mintenance............. ...............1025.29 Auxilary A .enc.et----------------------------------402.81 Capit al 0utLay...... ..............--.....N il $3490836 Balance n h..........23-------$23449.84 SALARIES 0FTECERBEINIGSEPT. 1, 1963 Mr, John........ Patn-----------------$ 4450.00 M i s s B e r l a. .ai n. . . . . . . . . .., ,5 0 0 0 .0 0 Mýrs. Ethel Anlte .....----------....4200.00 Mî-s.Franes Lne .....---.....--------------4200.00 Mi sa abr n lîrc .....-----...3600.00 OTHER ALAiE Mrs. ViltMia-----------er hlaitday 90 MrsElenorSîcler...,.. --- pr heur 1.50 MrI. Rbr acc - - -prann 300 Mr.HorceBeaýt (Sec. Tr'eas.) ,.... 'p er arnuum 4 00r.00D 3r . C Gam-ey (Scioný' Auditer').............0 Mmi. C. W. Billinga (Trustees Adtr..............50 Townmship of Ciarke (uîe)..................000 Assessed vaýlue etf Section, F and Rsduil $8300 Commerci nd Industriai....94773.80S Tru-stLee Le-vy - Fa,ýrm and Resdenti'al.............. 23.8 mi"Lis - Cn .,nrca-1 a19,dîsri.......... 26A mlli's J esus, Gode's Love Letter rrorej a Sermon býy Bey. Long. m en. lisu ever keepj that in our Scripture Lesson - Matt. 2 :1-12 r!nids As we seek to witness for, thie Pr-inde of Peace, the Kiug 0f A n Auniversary is like a snow- love, commands and pr-ohibitions bail. As a snowball la roiied across jwlntisieubtlv ii the lawn It piClis Up leaves, tswigs, 'he oniy way to turn cilminals sticks and stones as well as sn trflom Ineïr crime is -for them te These fereign substances inriease discov,,er a gîeat love in whicl its bulk but detract from its beau- they can lose themselves. The only ty. effective way for earnest man Christmas is an anniversary of h'imself in love. the inuat wonderfvl act and exper- lence tlie world lias ever known, We have net reaiized tlie power but as Chiristmas lias rolled, a- et loceè. It is the strongest force in cross the broad expanse 0f years the world. The* Reader's Digest it lias gathered efl sorts of aecre- g ave ani accounit of a se arcli to tiens tliat do net belong te it. To dscover the effect of love in thie the celebration of Jesus' brtl many toreîgn things are added - drinking, carous[ing, trayed nerves, commercializatien., But what is gooci about Christmas?, Is it not true that Christmas la a time wlien maay teel a new tenderneas; a new awareness of eadh aitier; greater impulse to de good; te love in a deeper and more Imeaningful way? Isn't this se be- cause the true, Spirit of Cliristmxas la stiring within us? The centuries have been filled with the struggiings andi tragédies 0f men witli their feeble, awkward attempts te know God. In many ways Ged tried te make Himselt kuown ta man. Mighty -men et old refle.cted some of th1e Liglit, but in1 gene-Val ian lu his daikucis oontinued te seek lunthe wrong Way. Elaberote systema eof sacrifice apid comiplicated sets of rules were wor'ked out, but sacrifice-was mis- understood. Tlie naturai weakuess et man prevented hlm frOmý suc- cesstuily keepiag the regiulations. Ancient man understood undesir- able experiences lu ternis of Ged's auýger., Man sti11 walked in dark-t ness, but the time came wheu a few could see that this was an In- justice te the natureetfGodý. Sens- Itive seuls began ta loo~k for a revelation et Gad whichi would turn men's hearts aud indii-si thie riglit direction. A tew cauiglt a vision of 1the nature of Goti. TJney began te prophesy tliai a Saviour wouid comie. They dtid not even uPaiersianîti tLheïlr ew11prophecy but a new expestaucy w3 asrhe. Eveuntualiy we read lIat "in 1the tuinesa. oetlime" the prepliecy, was tulfilled fer "God sa loved thee world that He gave His ondy be- getten Son.", Christimas la a lime te remember that 'God la Love' and Godas dealing witli man la 1the expresion et lovej. Christmas meaca quietnesa amiti tumuit; ligtitnl darkuess, peace amid stl-ivicg, and hope lu the présence of despair. Net ail of the Christ-' mas trimminga indîcate these tthings. ' On that Ioly niglit there was a star shining in the'darkness. W;,se men, seekers et liglit' and trulli,1 directed their footetepa in pursuit ot it. Thare waa licavecly music tilling the air and lonely, iistening, sensitive shepherds iearing ih. They were men who were netý cauglit up le the fliss acnd noise et th-, crewd. That niglit Mary teund i-est in a humnble 1(.dging place and Wise kinga came 'ii umility ho sce the Bale Jesus in~ those humble surroundieýgs. He is ever ho be tound in the ceni.mOn things o cf 111. ý1e - a onily toucciý by those who humble hhemselves. There was Simeen also, who haci looked with expectaccy for many yeara te the coinlg oft île Savieur. The* years Pasa cd, then as an old man Simeoni had bis hpeacd joy fi- filled lu the knowle1(dge that th1e Messia had corne. Wlien lie hiad seen Jesua lie si,'nopw letteat, thy servalnt depart i penace." la it nlot true that the message et Ch-rsas lathe message of pea*e? Our11 livea, are filled full and ovrfowcgwhen we .recog- nizeJsuasavur afler there bas beena true epctancy lu eur livas. 0111y the seeing fînd, eely the 'ensiive ar, niid oeiy the humle eceve.Jesus la neyer teuc hy hosewhoallow themn- save t l cuglit up in al the confsio et ite Beis net re- veald t thse lieare filled with prd n aiyeAWisi u~ be ile icmacsv o- i- and Ia la wl-at edreve[ledl cau:se 1tee a iv.Cms anprhbtosnyrdinpe lives of babies. Il toid 110w some fifîy years ago Dr. Talbot went -into a child-en's clinic in Dusýsel- dort, Germrany te do researq n u the cause eft tle higlidetlriatYe in babies. He, notîced a fa, old Woman wïth a baiby on hier hip walkng in tlie hall. Ha--ving aked the superintendtent wlio she wa, the many replied, -That's eld An- na. Wlien everything elst tliat we have tried lias faiied te brin-g heallite t a baby, we giýve the baby te Anma and she las àlways been suecestul. Since that tiýme m-any have corne te realize tifat we cannot live without love. Iýt wvas the love that Auna wvas giVing te these that brouglit themi baek te bea1th. i- A lovetly story was teid over the raldio rýecently. It wm of a l4ttle girl in an orphanage wjjj'Ws 10n- ely, unioved and m4siundertod. Her belaviour irritýated the ma- tron wlio resolved -to tind socm:e ex- cuse te 'geit rid of lier. One' day a maid camie running te, say tlat 1the little girl h'ad writen a note and had puit it in the shrubbery near the street. The matron, assumjing th'at this was the .auswer 'te lier d'ilemmnla> ordered that the note shoulId býe brouglit 10 lier imimed- iattely. But te lier dismiay, this is what -the note said, "To 'wloever findcs this, 1 love you.-' The Chistmias etory says mojjst ptrfon.lythe self-slam-,e thling. Thel LIglit alnes in the dIarknieas, OYAL and whoever se eheLigil'tkev liat God lve lm od sent ti Oly Soni, the ofhtu the Wol)-, teO thlis dai-k ncre o-dt dispeli thle daî'kness and te revei (Continuied on page 2 Cali your Iicensed Plumbing & Mlechanicai Contractor whvsil SI, in!;talls and quarantêes CARMAN i>LUMBING HEATING Phone 143 Orono ~ ~\ UNITED CIÇ4 M in iste r Rev B. E. L Orç SUNDAY, JANUARY 5t11, 19i3'v Church Services Orono - 11:00 a.m.' Leskard - 1:45 p.ini. Kirby - 3M0 p.m. Ssmday Schoot -Orone - 10:00 a.mi. Leskard - 1:46 p.m.. Klrby - 2:00 pm. B w wm anr)vil 6 23-58 Thutrsday toý Saturday - Jv.nuary 2 t4 MATINEE S'ATURDAY 2 P.M., CHLLDREN 25e ANYTIME Sunday- to Wednesday - January 5 tohS riO COMPLETE SHOWS AT7 L) 3 P I Y t Y