ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, »I64 MI dgets Victors 17e Oono Midgets came from retlndlait niurdayevenng to i deaVam'ldget teamn fran. Bow- navfieat [lie O ron nk. Mie Oroo by~sdown ritwo ýgoals '-d one tnnebroî b! forlth a 6-5 xVIn. IngMofii:at proved Oron's akmnwithi three goals follow- cc yTerry Cox with two andi an' ast RlnPoster netted' the cltfoe Ovnogoail aual collected an s~Lt, Assisýs alslo went to Fraser 1 W -tciad Gordon Dent. -le 1local Vans were deiltigihted- wthOroýno's showting in thso- dn hchproved a rean contest 01-110 Gon dnnnating the i ~in Iiihe final peviod. 1h.tring he Pas, ee teOrono1 Juvnieghav senacý-lon in two ~1nms. Althogh hey lost lyoth ~mnes heywere by ondy sanal tUstFriday the Orono Juvendies payd aganst a Nexvdonv,-qe teUaa adl>droppied tËhe gamne 4-3 to Vihe Nawonvflecrew. The Oronlo goals wer scredby BIL- Merer, AI- twan Fick and Dane Rogerson. ithe N~iVnvi1e-gals w7ere by A, Mur- Ïh o wo, JOhnI Quantran and I2Ùsa lgfrtl at tihe Orono rinljk tht Jan'nes 11et a Juvenijle tenan fniPe-exrog191a and held the c>e o5-3ý for the vsltors. Wayne Milierstaredfor 0Orono0netting ena o tha hree Oro0no goals and astngon the Other twvo. BUZZ, ~eTcrald Terry Fisk scorad one. AodWallace w-as credftted wt cr'silo Wayne Miller's goal. RBLIKSCHEDULE 1EIAYNIGHT: f 01-7.00 Bow man ville Atollns vs. Or!ono Atoms. ~7 -E.0 Bntam Igania. 8O-:0MlldgeîtgoeSalern VS. 000:oJuvanile gamne, Orono S:~Pee Wee Game. A team froan teaOsaw league vs. Opono. "'as :nte ahng mgame time -ox Midgat anciPeea Wees. TWRILLED IN 'COLLI[SION J~ 15 -NEAR MILLBROOK Two Toronto ma-j wre klled "W'e ofMlloo Satuarday n1glht wbý1enwo rs1rukhead On on TPî,g'lwayv 115. ~nDLunn, 28, -105 IMrabella St., .î1ÙrontVo, and Peter Lyndfen (30,11t- 'y, 2.65 GQormV!ey Avenue, Toron- tawee iLled 'M'en the car ini VMh iltey were riding wvas strucdk by another vehicle. 1Mr. -%Dunn xVs drivilig he eh 1c35 Alcora Avenue, Toroltoý, aps irclie, Teonr ri oir 1 , ngýer 11in e car, 15i. nhospitai ,Výth hend inijuries,. OPP Constable Carney, M-11. bokthe inva'stilation officer. said tiot an inquest wui lie held. ,'Pe second wr, e astbound at t~ imWas driven byLloyd R.' M)o~ar, 0, 169 RyalDrive, Petelboou~~ WV1 lm ereMrs. Mohe, 0anold. agftrslinda, 1,and Susan, 1.Ms Mosher ai-d Lnd~wereslghVJY injuired, bt9tnetsenousqy enough o be (le- Vindin hospital. Mr. M-'osher ndSUan eaPaclinjuîry.- o COMPI LETE AUTO SERVICE L N..A.L TOWING M CAHSAVER! -Coloured CASH SAVER - Save 35c1- CA'SH SAVER! - Save 6e! FancY Cream Style GreenQGant CORN 3 CASH SAVER! - Save 17c! 'York Beans With Pork CASH SAVER! - Save 6e! - MashedJ Shirriff Potato Flakes CASH SAVER! - Save. 4c! BEE IVE SYRUPÏ CASH. SAVER! - Save 10e O! - Wagstaffe with peetin - Rasberyor Strawberry Jams CASH SAVER! -- Save lie! - Twvii Pauk Colored D EY TISSUE 4 roîîls GO" !en Goodness Cal. SUNKIST Su Flavoured Anjou Smot,vwaxed and washed PalanGade VieRipenied No., Crxsp Curly No. I et'r . O 8' >S69C -Z. Botties 15-oz. tins F 20-oz. tins 12-oz, pkg. 53C l-b. tin 3'5c 24ozjar 55I Sc MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET ' PORTER'S RED & WHITE 'heiaySlce au hce Red.Brand '!TEAKS *R RO)U ND 9 * T-BONE À Specially Selected Bonelessl Rolled Mild Seasoned - Pure Trend PORK SAUSAGE lb 43c Speeially Selected Value Cheeked Tender - Flavorful Lean Beef ,Steakettes for Ecbnomy - Lean Meaty SAVE ON THESE FEATURES! lb 55c Save 16e! - 10c, Off Pack! - Instant Save 3e!. - Pkg. of 10's - S.O.S. -Scouiring Pôads 2 fo 'r 49luc Save. 6c! Tomato Vege,-table - Chieken Noodie Lipton Soups 3 pkgs 35C 1 -lb. tin Libby's Frozen Foods Save 4c! - 4. large size Corn-on-the-cob 35C 0 0 * o * a a PRICES BELOWEFFECTÈIVE AT CORNISH'S RED and WHITE RED BRAND BEEF QUARERS FOR HOME FREEZER OWNERS w'w1 ND >3 Elb 41 ABOVE P-RICES INCLUDE CU'tTTING AND WRAPPING Golden Hour popping corn 1-lb. 19 cello 19 Suprenie White Beans l4-oz. lel 5C -e. Ma pie Grove Oronoj NewtonvilIe 1 , 0 ZI ýýIýIÎ' et ýw*-i-rmwr