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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1964, p. 1

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VOLUM 25,NUMBE 51 ORON WEELY ýUTIïES3, TUSAJNAY23rd, 1964 ir dsA ur-I prsg e ythe chrnu po vf0 tha provemets 10 he cal the ppaanceof a gruns ere &attracti M.DUrAsle, tIlc cd tinl ie iýve1t ca)r!yo the fair ra' May wenit qonlflictt School final .;,atns. Mother And DQughter aqe The CrniGnGde n te0îfle;r î Packý1s in '!rono Onro own ie hel teir :anui receiveil ler warrant. Her packc Mýg vothier and Daughl-ter Banqueýt on1tii n gte around the Toad Monday eveingw, January fl3th. Stool ' Pd sang. Mrs. Atkins' group the Durham The ban'quet anid entertainment albo sang ami played a game for Society was was lield in tlie basement of the!the entra;nrnent of those present in Orono on Orono United Chu71,ircli with abouti MS3 Mi rene Adams, waspre- ulih. The me- one hundred andl fifty present. 1 sented witlh a gif t for being the top coniittee Mrs. Wmi. Rudeli1, Divisional saleumn n o f Christnmas Cards 1, h 93Cmnssoe ecnid thieere-whh wats promo-iýted by t]Lie Gides ss. W'ith im- senit and called upon Rev. Basilý Mrs. Joyce S 'mpsoni, wlio hias tfie ties and 'LOngf0say CGrace. This was fol- been a Brownie leadcer for- a num- renoatedlowe by toatof the Queen and ber of years, receîvedl a p)in. Mr$. weîl mo)wn 1 -ýtl. ra toast f0 the mothers, fi mpzDn liaS nwresi'gned her pos- ve o vsit Mr. Dnal HamGuide L-ea- it"on wth lier dte being fakeni de, reenedachievement 1-ad- Up by Mrs. Mercýer. Mrs. June ges to the Guides and also recoýg- Armstrong also received a gift A~rcut' ji izedDorenHaze1d,-n who at this for her work in the Guides. that~ ~ lew ~ tothe Ods from Memrbers of the Orono Guides rhlng theBrwes prese'ited a sliorf skit. ionontie Ms.Elin Merce ül'io lias An interesting fdlm on guidIng tis thn ntakn oerý tiise leadiersliip of onie was shown by Mr. Wal'ker. f5 hoped to, again spo nsor thie pntn ou oefetesfB.Mercer is shown liere yun readjer, Kathy Walker. Fat Calf show hich was suclh an!iM s ý,, ýV'1-1ýn_, on sorn fePuesto attract on at t'he 196,3 fair. Thenmnaincomnmiftee of Mr. E 'q ~J, S one, C. Tamblyn and R. Os- P e i e i Lo ki g inO O e in D decors and Associate Direc- TheO0rono U.C.W. hem b Lo r n e p re se n t e t e f li w i g i asayte ;. g i l e i p r a b a v A t h e i b rci y t tecto)rs- itorium of tlie fita D a  t T Ep% Lib a r ' ý ,,F Jos e, 1D. StapiesR. Munday, Bluil1ding mwith a good atna~e t'le OOoPbi L R.r in rmtesbse-br.P J., L, Pears, J. Moffat, TePednMs og et WPle itsen !Orono 0 u1 lîc i arv tie o ro se subscib enst-mng . B. iciard, . Gilia t, B. Tink, nenced the m eeting w ith a poe m ~e~e is toos en ridyfletioboknelcedb aut ed - Kîl od~T'y,~E itled "Tliroughcut tise Comn 1 0 ca i f1 a n uý s a s , t e i r e p o n o e s f r m b o i 0fc i n a n d Ino n - Y e a r " f o ilýo w e d b y a ly n m " J e s u s ladMSL ear ws veWhemi.gfiction Shelves weme "pan1t-gtlie very filouglit 0f Thee." wh- andmi erein to ail fliose Poftraits" by Helen Olsen, ".T. o. Direc-tos- Mrs. M. H. Staples conducted wl -1 ai aticipated for so mllanY 109" by R. J. Donovanl, Mntîs L ths C. W. Billings, B. he~ wo;-ship serviu-e seiecting as weýjetksin its preparation and or- "Aýýn lintrodctcion to Ph;slloopiy",- an .CuiChnlR atýer, thehne, "Ljght",rainPam2, ganleation."Gu.1n Digest" by Auber, "Ti'se IL. FoundLoe, L. Harris, J. "Thle Lord Is my t'i. h tt The gay itnoaonf îtt cn fWtr by EGlizabeth H. J, ýoSe, A. Jakcertjen, A. Moffat, Ld lighit i yblftuiweý orlginal oil paintings contribufed IGdeand -"Foodiarama, Party R. shmn,0. W. Rolph, J. Rick- shofild render hakstoGo for by,, memnbers 0of the e Oono ýit PoBok'- by John Adactms. "Rýeega adR. StLeven, ,A. L. Blantcha1-,"Ligi"iti miefomHae Groqrp, ctansed; mucli favourlable in Powýer"', IJwaelonrvr m.SaeC TreM . a-adgowo h atl.GdH coenimnt fro Fnidy's visitors. si"!l booK GonJohn Deenike tlyS. B.Rutherford, R. G. Mot- self i Llt Se a e me ece Eungthse aftern-,oon and eeigjwa acnout by ayoglayftI.Tmlate- -O h~ V~ttia r~. emin4 detto- Chunke-'Hlfih Simho1. > nd 11Wevil f0 file faiiarkedk du, f c'pen, 157 snbsýoibçrs were rýgstL-, R. B. Biwi, J. W. Bow- [en a iea est a eI'ed. 0f thiese 70 were pibjic 1In spite of Umne amd att ention 1Be3tand quoted a. few WOrdH.£uod &Iisoo ebllren '-nd pr-scs ent the first weeki(,egis',eingmn en r a ln, R. hs ladSpeech, nle inte'nderd dceIIv- Scîfi)' (2 'cien ndpiSd, _ ý G'iaspeil. eigi Dla.Mrs. Stapleis s.Thanýilis are due f0Mm oh sberbrs n1nes, advýice andi P~~.Prrncipal of Orono Public sisac was given, whlen pos- ALthtie Directors meeting tieeoe hs npiring re-nalis Scý1forlits extre-me interest i l, i n the searcis and selecétion OF following officers w ereeected: wt utto rmfl Knf Uwi Library's suoýeiss. nr. paxton,1.1certain bookis. RequestÉ ranged President - F. Jose, Newcasctle. Mesage Dec. 25, 19Y39. made q. speciai point of se1igfrom "-a book about skunks" for 1lst Vice - Don Staples, Newcastle ..1 î sadtd(f a man who stood et bithe Velilcidreni, ecuain ih~ ielp in a scisool project, f0 one on 2nid Vie - Bruce Timk, Hampton Ile ga o0ftise year, gpve mie ai te âcun and use tise new ,ý,Librai-y edepit for an adult read- MUrs. John Riokard will be thie liglit, th,_at I may tread safely nto aifour o'clo)ck bnounght a wave secretany treasurer and fi the i-uaiknow11, and lie rePlid, g uf exiited youngcfens flirougli fie Menibers of tise Onono Public Li-1 auditors aippoinfed are W. Slafen u into tise darlness andpu youn dycor. Tastesa varied lrom "Harry, b-t'ry are invited Io contribute nd R. Dlckson. handjý into tise hand of God fliaf VIje Drfy Dog"- to "Epeiensf0is fur'fnen improvemnent and ha1btoyu etrtanlg,1 grîtiîcP.a iroseope" but it was not- z;ucicess by lnagIing forýward any In file pasf no ladies have been ashah berfo yu ether fslm a igV, Pa in~ystery an-d ave u tgg'estions fhey may have ftoîise appoinited as Direcfors but if liýas an , ,e ia li nînwy boo.liýs weie file first C) dis3npPesfr îLibrartin, lrs. Bruce -Mercer, been clecided flaf tise ladies at Al swLoe etl endned voal trý,io frijtram e Jluiioi, sbelves. It is hopesi, over tise weekls a- tierfirsf general imeeting wi"No1Love.Like Thine," ws ding parficudan interiest "sas fakenlise&di, f0 commeînit on scorn f thViappoint 2 members to meet w i y nd A . uGo, Mc C. Ei byv ïIe Llbrarianl and tise Orono mnore, popular bookis in tie Llbrary 11ihe Directons af regular mneetins ill eradMs.G aso mcm P.u)kLibrary Board ini tise seec- and f0 advise readers of new an- MrS J.H. Leslie of P pib,-r panied by Mrs. M. Staples et tise tienr of non-fiction bsookis and tiltsri vais on tise shelves. wsoacco'ifpanied Mn. R. Stewart pie no tlaino.Ofcr a deartmn- rceve Wdeatten- F. DI Reid. (Continued on1 page 2) encdctdbyRvLog e -7 sPIke very appropriate words o0f av& Iwîdoni f0 ail accepti;ng ogicp. i RusIl Honey Sees Liberalt 1s ice,.- Mrs. O. Glatterton1 ànd Vice- Mrs. C. Ainsrong11 ___ - -- - - RecordfIgSecretary,- n.G uNm I dsmmU 5-*Unc m 4"¶ ac isa nmlyefti iemjor pursuance 0f legisiafion ible tilat tise aopposition nay corn- iYekemlber was af tise lowesf Point land policies already epacfed and il ne f0 det ts oenreti Sthiat montS -la six years i-fise introduction 0f cucli new ones i yobevtoneisa femspnterj c~show wvejljthse Liserai goveIrl- as may Se required f0 ensuretise )a rtiefi .DPts To-po ýnent'js pr-ogram f0t exipand tise ec- sfeady and substanfiai growtl of Soial rhe Ndifgr,p.,a the Cred-so iYIra workinIg"," usseil Honey our country'c economy." - ti.stes (Io nof wanf anelco.In Duli.mswi alise an-l Inestmet la ouIn- i, eeIorrra ia t oi' 11etiln l o deed clif seemis at ts fîme fIat tise _l: ne 0 f 1tise Durham dua- "Ia 1964 I beleve we wil ceentise Mn. Honey sfted ht ie$50O ty Liberal Association lield ia Or- cextýension of family allowantjces f icetîe risase new hr 50*oe 1,1%o 1aof TliUs pa t nigilf. inc-'11ludie stuilentstupi fo fise age of in fise winter lias put liousing weîî "Tis goemneîi putuaeitpoy-18 years. I believe we will see fise of seisedule. This program, metand tise exiiension of fise estî-tiiiiinent of a systeiniof luadnia-be idcie u etoom o tseth~t niniy1 versît.y scîioiarships and a3 student Was now lisowýinig ifs true effects. e.riia and they have been sucecess- lban fund. Mn. Honey stafed fiat lie was fui. Thse government lias, no comi- Critics of fhis legisiation say a stonjjg adocte0ftise Canjadaý placency about if s suocess," co,ýn- we cannot affoldts xr ot PninPa n ttd thadn fsUed Mi-. Honey. "Ulinmptoy- t;aY we caniinot afford flot Vo j)pay -ada was Itise oi naion n ail m-,ent is sf111 f00 higli and economf- fise extra cosf. acnijtr eninpa.Tî teepininis sf111 toc) low." I fI aewecstpepr pa, ssilas had rougs "Tie asi asumd y tsegov- oui- chlîdren f0 take fleir places im f mcs eigdue f0 isose' eminrnent atAi lwas f0 accel- in 1a hglyeducated -.nd l cilled advocatng if. Tee Ilogf eteand maintain alisealtisy rate soiet. ver dlla w spd ave f0 lbe go fiis, esan nI growtli ini Canadza's econiorny. fodJay in aid oflisiglièr c(aËoiý t ,] on tihe part0ftsPrvne P ieCs Limplem--enfing ,th s goal - il le nefrned t lp , -undreci an FdmlGven'f e EeoomicCouncil of Canada; fd ver te lhffeti f urchild-- Tise spea sw imieiefa t~~~~~~~~~ Diatet0fIdnv; iern r estieat ilate nation'c Ltin o)ili tliscmîg ss -. entive for tise win erc a- iîevenftually reýu1,it n ion -,-oioi 0fXiomes; c l~purclaqsing lw) -ndu- n Hn 'Q 0 Ile prim t plang ns for older - fi1 fIyinresou- fxdolr. iiseasadora naon an& os eekîýngtrade t ýiin; NEarly Eeto l ilb lmu ty b tisecon -al t sol3ciedule jf egsc in a . 'Il istise intention 0f tse pc,- ty. Th speker said ilat gvenmenif to comipleote ils -benhinE g foitise extreinýt ".Ëiý febiua- weUw lleareplan' of legilation be- in Quebec but lie feit sure J.i1s th - tphs o u p*'0-lfoe èalling an electiion," said 3Mn. J was lnofa imajorlfy 1t s'm sai M. 1Joey.l'gai lloey. "Whle ift isalway se-j (Uw4iaied i apre 3) win Elïected 0 f UCOWO' WoMrs. W. H.',Robincn. Ulrisfian Eua1o .Mme. R. iancooi. lowers - àits. C. MicLaree ïÂlterature - Mrs. C. Billings,ý Mrs. R. Ponrter. 1 ase-Mrs. D. Stej-des, MrS. W. Reid. Nlernfbemchip - Mrs. E. Rainey Progrram - Mrs. A. Drumnond, irs. M. SaleMis. R. Porter, Scal uctos.-Mus. H. Allen, Pi,, E.Slerwini, Mrs. J1. Sisetier, Mr.J. Batimetow, Ms G. Wvafsýon, Mr C . Harness, Mc. . Coxsc, Mrs. L. Bowins. 'Chnictan Seadssp- Mms A. Mmn.ît od-Mrs. . Robice et Mnit tHe Banlo . 0 yr Uniafran-Nminat. iond r.C Unit onve- Mrs. F. Lyong U7nit six- Mrs. F. Vagg 'Unit seven - Mrs. Norman -Por- fer. Mrs. Lonig, Pres'ident for tise, past two yeaýrs exçpresced lier persona) flancs f0 ail for their co-operatio'n. Mmc. Irwin, newly elected Fres- ident, expressed apipreciation f0 Rev. Long for lis kýind word, alnd slie considered if was an honiýur and pnivilege f0 acýcept tisis office and vvIslied for conceiitrated. 0f- fort of emery mendier. She flianied -Mrs.1 Long for lier leadership in 1die past and f0 ail otiser officers whio responded f0tisehécali. The Presidenit, Mrs. Irwiii con- iucted tise business, Roll cahll wvas Carson. responded to by Units. Minutes CJoretpndngSec retary M.s.were re'ad ani alproved. Log1- Mrs. Logan read corresipondence Treaureinr and Finance - Mr11s. A. which sie lad received. Yr*cG:ll.Mrs. lrin ann-nce Presby- dli:stanCItz~shf -M.Rs. terial ocm ouay1 n t ak Gilart 'Ciurh, hitiy, andwe eeded itrg - Mrsý. V. RbnoMrs. C. 'Plie W.dd Day of Prayer is

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