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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1964, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSD»AY, JANUARY,,2Srd, 1964 OROýýNO WEEKLY'TIMES k -ut?--rized as Second lass mail, Post Office Department, Jitaewe Establisbed tin1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editer and Manager MAY WAIT SOMETIME 1 ussell C. Honey, M.P. fer Durhamn, in speaking in Oronolast Thursday pointed briefiy te the French-EngtliSb conflici in Canada. He 'pointed eut that we have been hear- ng f rom only the extremists in Quebe.c and il was bis op- înion that they are in the minoity. Mr. Honey also stated ltaI the lime wvas past due fer hearring f romn the stable el- ornent wilhin the Province. He Ibooks le members of the Govemnment frein Quebec "te say what bas 1.0 ho said" and aise he buîlde a hope upon the diplemacy of 1the Prime Ministor, Mr. Lester Pearson. Il la, quite irue that we have been hearing f romr ex- tremisîs on hoth ides and, we feel, espeeialiy f rom the sepnratsts of Queboc. The point Ibal Ibis may be a min- ority group should net dispiace f car cf ils ability in reform. It is quite easy te look 1the world ever and observe th1e effect and gucces et exîremists even though weil in the minority. MVr. Honey now nwaits, f rom some members of the Grieamment, fer werds "which have te be said."l In Ibis he nay watt a considerabie« lime because we feel that any Quebec mneinber te cerne out and say whal Mr. Honey feels sh«u1d ho said could mean'plitical suicide net enly for the meyniber hiniseif 'bt aise for bis party. The separalist meve is certainly radical and we cln't beleve anyone knows ils extent. Recent ceneern with the purcbase ef planes for T.C.A. in which an element of Que- bec wan-led 11cm purchased froinD'rance ceuld be termed a link belween the radical movement in Quebec and De Gaule of France. De Gaule, looking for international stat- ure tbrougi- the Comanon Market group could possibly use a lever in Canadian affaire. This niay seem away eut of iUne but bas this man net been working for strenglh,,by Xeeping Britain eut of the Common Market group and thus increasing France's strength and autherity. By disregardin-g the atoni test ban and building France up as a nuelear power, and by other moves whieh have made De Gaulle,' a man of Power, with ,whom fe-v can bargain. Prime Miister Pearsen's visit te Franc euldl have more mneaning and purpese than has been laid in prinit. The unily 0f Canada is a prime problein aI1the present lime. Dlen-c-y will pay a big part te croate the will and detorntina-tion et bolh races te learn hiow le mederate theIr -Clainus and le set up a system ef co-operatien. At the pros- ent timne Lester Pearson, a man neted for ability in diploin- acy, is the hel-aman . . .. may his course In Cana&an unity be successf-ul. THE BIRDS AND THE BEES TÈhe calendar in-ay place us near -the end of January but nature lu some respects bas become baffhîd by the antics of th-e wetherman. The recent balmy days and nights bas breught forth numerous robins in the area who ne deubt wî shoch-e dbo find, one ef these days that winler is -nt yet c'ver. A hive ef becs who have made Iheir home in the brick waIl ait the back et the prinhuing office for the past four or five years are aise beûfuddled. Eariier this week they were outinta full force enjeyinig 1te warnmth of the sun. This January thaîw can net last ferever and we are sure winter is le return. BLOOD CLINIC TO BE HELD The cl2'in'c wiU be hieid aithlueafternoon iand 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 1- I Lons Cent' re, Bomav ind thie Im. in the evening. Please plan tct WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th hurs are frorn 1:30 teý 4:30 in the 1 aftend. SUPPORT NEEDED At a recent meeting of the Ex- ecubive of the Bwmnvtleand~ District Branoh, Canadian Red Cross Society, the foilowinf datesp for volunteer blood don-or chlsInn Bowmanville during 1964 were Thurs. August 2th; Wednesday, confirmed. Wednesdiay, Jian. 29th; November 1841i. This information? was inctuded in a letter from J. B. H. Gooedfellow, Blood Donor Ser- vice Diredtor. A system of rotating clinlc dates hias been designed for commun- ites in this part of the province. By means -of this Systeml, the less desira-ble ciiniic dates - those in midsumner and midwinter - will be equally distributed year by year iamong se.verai Red Cross Branches, nst.ead of continually faing on one or two. Three cElnies per year in Bow- manvilie -and area will presentlI somje problemis. The fijrsl step of j the ichanige-over will be the clinue hold in January 29th. 0f necessity, the interval of time since the last clànic is one wee< bas han thae usuai three mOths. DOxiOrs Who gave il November inay safely glive at, tIs Jianuary clinile. There ýare many otiier' reasons for the decîslon >lo ilold. three chn- les, tihe most important being that the hospitals require more blood and blooci products in jý64 tJhan in previeus years. Thiýs increased need for blood. is caused by tihe increane in population, by hospital construe- t:on whcýh will Create hundreds Of additional,ýbe4.,, ai by new-medi- cal and surgical techniquels wWh require large quiantitiýes of bloo>d. The response to local cinieR bas always ibeen ýgeod and the Donor Chairmian, Harry Davey and his fellow execdulNIe memibers trust that the icitlizens of Orono and the su-rrounding; communht-es. will d'O their part to, help f111 the need for this 11f e-giiving fluid. Anyone Ibe- lweýen tuhe ages of 18 and 6É 'n goFod heallh can be a volunteer dlonor. Ilh only takes about tbIrty mnutes ef your timne -and may. easily nien U le différen.cE be- tween life or deatfh îor- someone, Orono Pair (Conlmnued from page 1) - 1 the Annual Meeting suggested that the ladies departiment 0f the fair be organized the same as the men's with 12 directors and secre- tary. Mr. George Carson will be man- ager of the fair in 1964. The dir- ectors complmented Mr. Carson on the wonderful job he made of maaigthe 1963 f air and feit sure it would continue. The financial,' statefment showedý a bank balance ef $424.64 at the end of the year. A boan of $50000 does hewever exisIt. Total receipts during the year amounted to a suïa 0f $14,854.57 including a boan 0yf $1500. ($1000 h-as nowý been re- p'aid). Prises -mon les paid out to_ the various departnments tetalled $4758.90. Attractions for the twe- day fair cost 2014.80, mainten- ance, and expenses $3188.e~, items for grant (capilol) $275'T34 and prise expenditures $184.80. The f in- anîcial standing of the Fair was eonsidered to be sound. The Board is now 10o seek classi- fication of the Orono Fair as a lass B fair~ ratbier than a GUilss C fair. It is the fe eling that a lar- ger grant woul-d be available for a lass B fair, eâpecially in the expenditures of capitol monies. It twas stated that there is a need for further stabling and washrooms. Letters cf resignations were re- ceiived from Mr. Jack Reid as se- cond vice-president and as a dir- ec tor and Mrs. E. HL Samuel as Convenor for the Draina Festival. Mr. Carson reported that, pre- paration s are now uncerway for the 1M4 fair and that some dona- tions have already been promisýed. These would inclucle prise money for speciai harneéss horse race, Oid Time Fiddler'e Contest and possibly other events. A suggee- lion was made of dropp,,ing, the To- Ibacco show as it comes in, the mid_- die cf the busy lob q,,ýseasonýi. The Grain, and Sed Departmenl of the fair is bo undergLoexnse change for 1,964 and tuiroli Ibis,ý change il isý: hoped that more inlter- ý.wifl hashown. During the New' Yea r Recess of Parliament 1 will be pleatsed to attend at-your home, farm, f actory or place of business to discuss ajiy matters relating to my duties as your Member of Parfia- ment. lui order to ar range cails and avold duplication of travel, 1 arn setting out below 'the'days on whicb I will bie visiting the following communities. Jannary 28 30' February 1 10 12 Bowmanville Cartwright Manvers Hope Cavan - Mlllbrook Newcastle - South Clarke Darlington Orono - North Clarke It lias been nýecessary to divide the calls into two groups as 1 expect to be in my Ottawa offic'e, the week of Februàry 3rd ln Port Hope 1I wil be av ailable any evening or aIw date other than the above. Wil you please contact m-e by letter or telephonte ai my home, 5 Moore Drive, Port Hope, (Telephone 885-5310). RUSSELL C. HONEY, M.P. DURHAM FUUAtvSJr- M0vie Camera Kit Fun-fthled way lo enjoy personal home movdes! New Hawkeye 8 MovieCamera makes it easy and inexpensive ta take bright, sharp, moies you'II treasure I Cornera îi precision-made by Kodak to give years of dependable service. Comes complet. wlth a roli of Iodochrome Il Movie, Film and a fun-filled book cf moviÎe-maklng ldea& et our '0W price $p19.97 STUTT'S PHARmAC ORONO, ONT. PHONE lui, ROYAL, B owmanville 623-5589 Thur sday, Frida y, ýSaturday - January 23 - 25 MATINEE SATURDAY 2 P.M. WALT DISNEY'S luce d leJourney, Extra - DISNEY SHORT SITBJECT Children 25e Aiiyt!rn- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday JANUARY 26, 27, 28, 29 Incre4i'b'leJourney" CaainTrue L 4 dventure EM PLOYERS, - consider this man: For each men, and womnan, 45 and over you hire, the Federal Department of Labour wil pay you up to $75 a month-for up to 12 months-under certain conditions. The worker mhust have been- unempIoyed 6 out of the fast 9 months. All new jobs, or jobs which wre vacated before September 1 st, 1963, qualify. Cali your nearest National Employment Offiîce for full deuails. issuied by the ?athorîty of The on. llanJ. McEacen, iiSierof Labour, Canada -, gêÇ-M

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