ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY9 'd, J.961 Sets O-blective- To Pro- vide Best In The Ocono Public Library was oraiy. offielially opened on Thursday ev- 'he felt ening usihen Mrs. E. 1-1anim, a the Li menimber 0f tie former Association and th, Board officially cut the ribbon to hetwee4 open -the ne-w 1Lb,-iry in Orono. r ý brir Sanie Itenlty-ffive attended the op- worthy eniug whiih was chaired by the He lh chairinan of the Public LIibra.y rnke ý Board,Mr Arnold Wallace. '.!iat th the chE In welcoining tiose present Mr. Fo11. Wallace also spokýe 0f the work the vî tiat had been eompleted since those1 Septecnber 1st when the Library Lîbrai wa s fornmcd as a Public Lâibrary, He said thaît some $1300.O0 had BoUlq been s7perlt on books and éther PlaYed features to fimprove the service Jiiono Chl the comnrunîty. Tiree thousand Orono books 'have been catalogued Iby the tion of hIbrarian ani the ladies of the Board. Board and a great deal of assisi- ance ha.d 'been cyWtinc-d from mise Tune Munroe of fhe Provincial lj- R brary Branch in the planning 0f the Library. Mr. Wallace extendedi Une B ad' ppreciatdon f0 Mr. S. flOW tin r. Norton ani Mrs. Reid for the that w assistance tViey had given in pre- the Cal paring the library for the p'iic. are me to say T1he chairman said thiat the oh- be said ;jeao f the Eoard was to present us in1 Vin& escdrcadÊing for- the public. He too mu, po-in.fed out that a Juvenile section iismi" 'lad been added to Vihe library wi!Vh We ir sanie ight îunidred books in ttus play ci category. Athougili te Library havea was wcak i .oxe ategories il was other's the Board s dtn.nto e 01n11 flY ,g Iliese siiort-comngs as soos as Possible. MUr, Wallace also taanked the Orono At group for the blan of paintings gwhlucî added grearîy to thc qppeantance o0f tne L.orary. 1Mz-s. J. Rickaby, a ureiber 4f the Board, extcnded thanks to, the former Lîbrary,- Board who had co-operaUed gLiatiy in tnle tuin- over of Lhe Lbay Sne then pre-I ý,enLed theniti.Honorary Life MenrberehIps ini Ule Orono Publi Library as a token oÉiitanÊ,s ioi' tihe years of work mhey had g ý;ven in the Library. Those recev.;ng Lif e Meimnbersips were Mn3. W. Mrs. H. Morgan, Mrs. C. W. eBilI- ïngs, Mrs., H. Dean, Mms. W. E. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. .E. j. Hanmm and Mrs. N. F. Poirter. Miss L. Relwiick is also to recive a Life Membership? in the Orono Public LI-brary for, lier donation of Professor Squair's Book and a suni of »ioney. Miss June Muntroe of tic Pro- 'vincial Library was introduccd by Mrs. S. J. Norton wio stated that ý %Alss Mnrehad been o ff great aIIssistance in the re-organîzatiion ofi VeLrry- Miss Munroe, she said, had taklen a, keen interest in tie Orono Lbay Mrs. E. Hainim tien spoke brief ly off the past history 0f the Asso- ciation Library in Or1ono and also stated that over the yearis she hadj( certainly enjoyed ie work Miss Munroe spoke 0of thie en- tusias Ih lat was held byvie Or- ono Board in bheir, re-organization. Sie sad that it was qui;teevdn tihat tic ci:tizens 0(-f Ooowerc t bave a good Iibrary iacdfc funds froni Vie Poyl'ce VIage anld from tic Public Iibraries B ranci. Sie -qso brought greng fri tie Depaitnent of Euainand tihe Library Service Briicl. Miss Munroe stated liat Vie De- paPtlment encourages Pub)lic bJi- bnarItIeq oi Association ibrre and also -Li e larger grants t PJlcLib)ranies. Sire said Vhitit -as also iipor'tant to ke the Lji- brar-,y up ito datLe cpc ll n ltiej kscience eJairtinents. The cio(e off bioos, sire caid, ust be On i e positive basin;i as also shlould be tbbcl guidance given to ohRiden on wjhat tiey sot read. "I beieve' in a goGd sciection off birn -o(As for they are tie future a-i dtuifs. Theur rcading limle is lmit- eýd, so give thein ,ie best to) readi." "«-O.od Ilteralure will. last aIl yur also sadlai h opi in i 1Family Night gThe Ororio Amateur Athletic As- R ea in sociatiýon are holding- a '_amily 1 ighýt at th e Orono rink thýlEis Fr1- The success of the LIÀbrary, I day 'eveinig, January 24th comi- 4t. res-ted with the Trusýtees, mencing_7 p.m. àibrary Board, the LIIbrarian The program for the night in- :e schools. Wit ,h ,co-operaltion1 cludes for the first three-quarters ni these varCous groups the 'y, he said, ciould provide al other election on the people of T service to those in the are±. Canada are Mr. Diefenibaker and oped-êc tlhat everyone would A haif dozen of bis close associates. g-ood use off the Library anOl The rank of, his file of the Con- he books did not remain û o ratvnenuesd ntwn helves in, the Library, saetion2'br d otwn !owi.nz the Offici;al openn n Offtice lete various departments off the Followig Mr. Honey's reniarks resn uee h bdsi Allan Beer, 'Libral candidýateý for Y- Durhýam in lest year's provincial iqets c>f flowers were a-s election, spoke briefly, outlining cbeing presented by the or- some off bis expýeriences in the haniber of Commerce and the provincial campaign, and told how >Police Trustees in recogni- he hýad enjoyed his first venture >fthe opening by the Lirbrary in!to politifes. 1. The meeting was chaired by ______________________Glenholme Hughes. Frank< Ricl<ard, ~~ former M.P. for Durhamn, tlianked ýuIsseII rioney' Mr. Honey and Mr. B3eer. Officers' elected for 1964 'o the (Continued f rom page 1) Durham County Liberal Associa- ne:, he said, indeed past tilne Lion were: immediate past presi- we should have heard froin dent, Elmore Scott, Hope; presi- )mer side in Quebec. "There dent (re-eleýctedl for the second ien' in the cabinet xVho have IemGehleHgeBw y wat s oin tohae t !manvillýe; first vice president, d," beiev the wil tI Harry Wade, Clarke; second vice English Canada not to pay presi.dent, Roge:r Kirkpatrick, Port ici attention to the extrein- Hope; third vce president,ý Wil- in Engfiliam J. Bragg, Darlington; fourth nngish Canada nmust also vice president, Neil Malcolm, Cart- ur pat esid n a wright; secretary-treasurer, E. R. Sres!ponsibility to cee the ,Lovekin, Newcastle; public re- viewpoint. 'latIons director, J. D. Burns, Port ropwantý,ig to inflict an- Ho11pe. Wheni a businessman wins an order or contr act, he knows lie can turn to his local bank for financial assistance. A boan may be needed for one or more reasons-to lay- in a supply of raw materials, to buy, new equipment, to meet a payroll, or to cover other costs until the firmreceives payment for its products or services. Withi batik credit, companies large and smail can take on projects they couldn't handie if they had to depend on their own financial resources. More- üf an hour a Men'sBrmbl The Association 'is endeavouring gaine. TIfis will be foilowed, star- to provide something for everyone.ý ting t 71:-15 withi races for bQys ajId1 Admission a miodest 25C with pre~ Igiris, also slharp-sbooting, novelty sehool children free. gaines and public skating. Prizesý Due to famiily nighit on Fia atre ls being presented to the there xvili be no pubolic skating or winners.SatUrday evening. Hock~ey games, wil be played Saturday n'ight. At 9:00 the girls of the comnmun- ity are to take omer on the Ice h f you HIAD to miss àt last year, when' the local girl's hockey tea i niake it a MUST to attend tlhie faces a teani of girls from MIII er' nt ,UC..Vletn brook. ITea. TINSHOP .Sheet Metal Work FURNACES and REPAIES VENT14&TING F- _N and ROODS EAVESTROUGH and FLASIUNGS, J." E. (Jack) GARDEN IZ 11)No PHONE 194m1 over, the chartered banks have steadily widened the scope of their commercial lending to serve new or expanded short-termi needs. Every day, local bank managers are lending to producers, manufac- tuirers, farmers, retailers and. others, to help them develop opportunities, meet competition, keep men and miwicunes buisy. Conimer&creal ]boaps are one of man-,y essential services your~~~~~~~o loa akpvds thq benerit o vr Lni the coxnmuaqnity. THE CHIARTERED BANKS SERVING YC, OUR COMMUNITY ~ troghfni-rageban2king resPonsive to- grk-,4zing, chan.ging needa "Got the order, got a bank loan -we're ail set" i .7-777 77-".