UN~IT NO. 5, U.C.W. T'he Januarv meeting- of Uitt No. q f the U.l.W. was hel'd at the b--me of the Unit Leader, Mrs. ÉXyrr-ell o_1 Tuesday afenoJan. irtn at 2 o'éock. ,Mrs. I imonid ledVe ru iýn the siig-ng of a muli erljOYed group of Uiyins. 'Corne Thou Fount of Y-very Elessing', 'Jesus Calis us O'er lt.he TLiuwd,' '0 Hlappy Day andl 'This. Will 1 Love.' -Mrs, Tyrrell opeaed dhe meeting wvitli a, ualI to Worship undl tien asqked Mis Sherwin to take the de- v-ooal. ý)4rs. 1eJçnge assisted Mrs. neWnwhthe ,eo.na byrea.'a rr wflcnl ±itted 'Il wtth Uhe verywoiwiemeag apprp~ae V tole Newý Y7ear-. A. voILunteer tLo act as secretaiy waS aýk4c for. andý Mrs. Armsiroag tok ovrtoeduttes. Mrs. Wood- yard wasý reapatt tea,'Surer! and gave tile floigreport for: tLnre year 196.3. aeo gvgs 1,183-10; mexnmber-ship fees $11.00; Other sources yýl43.Q9, mak.ng ax toaýl o1 $357.3j. 1i Withl Mrs. Dr unmmond leadhAg the Bible discussio.n perioti, 0onevil , Vie following are some ,of the questiions ' discussodj: Whiat is ovil?ýi llçather Rebi ORONO WIgEKLY TIMES, IIUISI)AY, JANUA ekah LOCAL NEWS Lo g tA imeeting of thse E cui o he Orono Horticulturial Society The Regular Meeting of Heather Mrs. Carl Billings on Wednesday ReibeIkaih Lodige No. 331 was held eveni.ng 0f last week. The tnnual Tuesdy, with Sse La'verne meeting and Pot-L.uok supper was 3arraball, Noble Grand pre$gding discused and arrangements mnade andi,, S.'ster Betty Newman assist- to hol'd it on FebruaryT 12. mg. her wa a oodattndace, Tickets go on sale February 5th woofficere were reported eb- ifor Ye 0ie Valentine Tea. Limit- Sent. jed nun-Éber - buy early. Minutes Of the last regular mneet.J M.. Rose Taniblyn, Waterloo -Un. ing were read also minutes 0f the lvèeity, le presentîy Worku<ng at F-peciail meeti-ng which was in thse the -Alcan Auminum plaint in 'Arvi- o : f the Ohristmas banq'uet and da, Quebec. Hie work at Arvida tei party.i Conec':tinwitli lits tudies o- Sister Betty Newman gave awarde a degee in eng-ineering. cunmplote report on the activ'ity Dr'. J. W. W'right of Mil'irook CI the Vîsiting Costte.was elected cliairman of the Dur- J Secreary Sster ae Alen r a lmn County District iigh Sehooll Secetay Sste Me Alenren jBoard last Wedneeclay. He has i ianliy belated Ohristm'as Gr-eetilngs bc-en a member of the Board for andi many notes andi letters o! sp. the past toen years. Mr. L. A. Par-J preciation. ker of Bowrnanvil'le wae the chair- Uiee ws a apealforiu-nd. iman last year. Ther wa an ppel fo Itnde Clair Allun 0f BOwTmanville was to assist the Oddfeilow andi Re- electeci c-chairmaii. becah Eye, Banik andi educational MasteroIan Moffat,1 son o! Mr. Funti. ltwa iced and agreeti andi Mrs. Jacki Moffat celebrateti bhat each mnember would pay ________________ twenty-five cents to hlOp bulild ______________ f untis for these two wortlhy ro- ~ ~ AI jocts. The 'rreasurer Sister Irene Crne auswer bto ile being, Anything Mra i' epest oseev Opposeti to dhe mi11 o! Goti is evil.b lesdt eev a~n doatinsand wilU forward What l o' wiIl for us? Dur,,ng he o polraure this di1soussion the following s3tate- t lepce ore mrente were made. Ohristianity Each locige was asked for a Lias a positive approadhi. We lose.fuiuher, donation toward complet- ourse1ves ta the service 0ýf Goi g the Peace Garden A donation Got lias a god purposo runi-ng, was votodt o this worthy cause. thirougli ail of hie creation. Wisat are we to do about e'vil conditions? Degree Practice was Calieti for Wisomùiat cani create cain con- Tuesd'ay, 8 p.sn. January 2lst., ini tro1 his"ICreation. Job loarnodt'O~ the H-all. Heather Lotige will con- c44pe witli evil when hie finally euh- fer the dogree on three candidatesl ir.tted Vo . at banaraska Lotige, Port Hrope on February 6tis. D~urin., me busiinlesýsperioti IVt was decidedtiltat the Group woýuld cater to -Mary Janle Foul's wed- ing oni Januia-y 31st anici plans wvere- madie for tLhe same, Mrs. Reinley and isr. Sherwin to act as eonvenorts. The nýext meeting te tobe held -st t he home (4 Mre. A collection of 55c was taken, up to- put ini an expenise box. . An announcoment 0f the janjjj- oury Geni rali meeting ý,brouguit the Birt'hday Greetinge were ex- teni-Idto Sistere Irene Murray, Betty -Major, Lola Kennedy andi Uladys Gamsby. Lotige closçeti anti the Vice lrand Sister Betty Newman serveti a cu~p tif tea with a very taety lunceh'anti aso-cial hour wae enjoyeti. meitng 'tf a cIb8e alter Wtielh %V tl'or-oughbly enjoyeti Mrs . Tyrrell's cake, cookies a?-d 'tes. JACKETS PUIMIROSE FURIIEu 2539 Yonge St., Toronto Remodelling, Repairing, leaing.i, Stopage VSSiting Oro0no regularly Agent - Bill'Armstrong Armstrong's Dry (leod$ Phone 165 UNI TED CHUItH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, ,TANUARY 26 Church 5ervies Oruo l~l1:09a.o ~ Leskard - 1:45 p.rn, Kirby --8:00 p.ni. Sunday Sehool Oriono - 101:00 an Leskard - 1:45 p.rn. Kirby -2:'00 p.m. [RY 23rd, 1964 lis fiftli birtliday on Wedjnesday, prior to their ret-ura to, their home Janu'ary 22nd by en'tertaÀning hsi Egad Mr. and Mm. Po'd- li:ttle frienids at a Party. more are réturning by plane after M~iss Janet Shoenm-aker, daugli- spendling severa-1 months witli ter of Mr, and Mrs. K. Shoen- thieir daughter Mrs. Bruce Mercer inaler, is entertaining a numhber Mr. Mercer and family, of littie friends todiay, Tliursd'ay, the occasion 1,eing lier 5th birth- Mr. Jim Ric 1kaby attended the day. funeral of hiýs uncle, Mr. Hlarvey Mr. Wm. Davey is' a patient la H-otram in Toronto on Wednesday. the Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. John Armstrong returned A party was lield Tuesday ev- home on Sunlday fram the Bow- ening for Mr. and Mrs. Podmore manville Meinoriýal 'Hospital. ORONO 5to $1 STORE January SALE Sale Pri:ces Good To Saturday Night Jan. 25th Something New, Sno-Briefs for boys or girls Ail step over Pants, 100% cotton, windproof washable, elastic cuffs for strength, guaran- teed 100% waterproof, Sizes 2 to 6x Pair $1.29 Latex Rubber Household Gloves, sies small med, or large Price per pair........... 59c Special - Bayer Aspirin, Genuine, bottie of 100 for................. «..... 84e Pire King Measure Cups markçed 2 ounce to 8 ounce, Regular 45e This week's Special. 39e Special - Dish Cloths, size 13"x13", Stedman Value now............ 6 for ... 63c Electrie Blankets,' fully automatie, double bed 72 ini x84 in, warmth without weight. Two year guarantee, Priced at............. $14.95, Ja uay Sale Continues GIRL'S. JACKETS - 3 only, Girls Laminated Jackets with warrn quUlted lining. Green only in size 8, 10 and 12 years. Reg, $9,50 for $6,95 GIRL'S SKIRTS -,31 only, Reversible Wool Plaid Skirts ini sizes 8, 10 and 12 years. Regular $6.0O SALE PRICE.............$42 GIRL'S PYJAMAS - A few pair§ of Girls Snug- gledown Pyjamas in pink and blue. Sizes 6, 6X and 141 years. Regular 'values b, $2,95 Your choice for only....... .......... $1,59 CH1LDIREN'S PANTS A qûantity of lined and unlined Pants in deni, and corduroy, Sizes 3: to 6 years., Regular price $2,95 . .. .. .. .SALE PRICE ... $1,25, GIRL'S'WOOL HATS - 4 only, Wool Hats with brim i red, mauve and green,ý Reg, $2.95 Your choice now only........... ...... $1,29 CII REN'S KNEE SQGjES - A quantity of Childreni's Wool and Cotton Knee Socks in brown, cream, green, red and navy. Sizes 6 to 9%/, Regular 75c SALE PRINCE per pair 49C.' CHILDR-EN'S SNO q-,TWS[-ITS - One-piece Nylon SnIowsuits withi hoodls, blue, brown, red and grey. Sý!izes 2 to 3X years, Regular $11, SALE PRICE NOW .............. $8,95 A-RMSTRONG'S Sprîngiîs for the birdsot.. do itrnow! WhýUy wait 11the Èuwarm weathrt tr mpoigyu homle? With an NIHA Homne Improvement Loan, avail- akie tho~gh yur ban, you cati do it now. You'll get fatrservce and you can oftený save maoney. Chtçck >the list for thle jobs thlat need doing arounjd your house, thlea go ,ýfead, Do it nw *Additionaj Rocams .PodrBom *Cupboards& *Parntrng and d Feneces - Batlroonsl or Walpaiç,e p s Kitrer ?î'ixýuns * Ga-age or Car Por,ýt *SÏnkinp oui - Ffrepi ce *porches Improvemnent . Strm iWjndowa., * Plumbing, oü', l and Dors , ,arnaCe eIIasolir-y -* JiuIt-rn Cooldkng *Finishing offÀtAi P* loors <md1efrigerdi *Basement *Roof * ren. _; Playroom e >Inslati Ons. Awaings L'ericai yse - eFoan,-datïon -Walïs Who's eligible Air lbans? Houseb.olders, or owners Of Xrntal prop-erties, nldgaptm t. ilow fa't lm1uet you pay back,? It depends 0on the Oum. ]But loans cati be repayable in monthly inetalment, tojgether wî.I it intreFt, for periods of up to ten years. Wliere to get detailS? Apply 10ý your banlc manager. Do it now. Then haveoe neediu repaire or renovationa done. right away. Wh ait forSrng MINStEIRnrrFA3UUR, CANADA DN22 Ç j a-