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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1964, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 25, NUMBER 53 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, FEBRUARY 6th, 1964 Mony Events F-eaturiled 58 p.c. 0f Cattie At Ri nk Fa iIy Nighkv Bred Artf i ciai l1y Selectîve servce to ten differen 1.1- e Oro)no- Amateur Athietic As-i breeds -of cattie, ail telephone cals sntinfaû-uly night bold at the 'iI I or service paîd for- dustomers, OnoRink last Friday met wiit ioiy, L anda 7es nd continuoùus service 363 days of consýýtlidrable success. The night the year, is the type of artificial rovýiùdtiatditional, funtis for the gT g. insemination service wanted by AjzSsociation while includîng enter- 31 I11 lIL armers, serviced by Eastern tîimet, klating pleasure 'and Breeders Incorporated. g eor the cbiildreni. Plans for a tbga at Teopening of the night was a er postponed becatîse 0cf the Mm!e -> f Durham Cuny; romalgame between lRendal oid weathcr b tx Ui ul9Ilearnec1 at 1their local rmeet'ngin adKirby teams. Ký:rby îsordmeeting of theOrnoHt f i Orono on Jinuarvy 22 thait 191279 Tl,:odal 2 to 1 withý goals by Merrill - cc oiS la vn u ws ere 'bred by Eastern Breeti- cG~ha an TrryGr nam Te ary 26. A.great deal of noýýw and ers lac. during 1963. 1,2 were î>naiga wsscîdby ROPýss biportant business wais di cscussed bred from the local BrachIffc Row.Thi1s gamne, as; usual, 1following the opening sing sang. at Port Hope which basMifr ?É-ught muci enjoyment b't for The girls unanimvously volunÉeered Creighton as,>.- its Branch Supevis tb - p ýyes nd spectators. to serve the refreshments for the or. 6500 cyf ites cows.were in, Dur- AI~ crÉe ~ino an engra~ved Dedication of the New Christian ham Co)unty,. u , w ' reented to Margare t Education Building on February Tagat y r.Keith CarrutherS 16. The correspontiing setcretary Mr. C Cmpbell,. President cf PotHop -wo is a past presi- informc ,d us that Rev.' Oaten of of Eastern Breeders mnc, from Arn- 4ti1t0fth Littie N.H.L. Associa- Five Oaks-had written expressing prier, Ontar.îo,, Dr. J. M. McLean, to.In mnaking the presentation bis regrets for not being available General Ma'nagter andi Dr. R. G. Mr.' Carrîuthers stateti' that Mar- as guest speaker for ourý spr ingSleAssatMngr ln gaIet ate first girl to play service. Several other possible With Branch Supervisor Milford -~aProvincial playýdownis Af-the speakers. were suggeste andi will Creighton adltressoti the meeting. LlleN.H.L. Margaret was a ibe approached. The girls of the To continue tho proving 0f bulis in lLer0fthe Orono Atom HFock- executive andi Mrs. Gil'bart haveaniteruefruthrmpv- ey Club who a few years ago made many purchases for the kit- ment of memnbers' herd,s an in- j ja -e a strong bld for the cham- chen in the new Christian Educa-i crease of 75e will be matie in the 4MonShiP at gaines playeti in tion Building anti drapes have also service fee effective March lst. Oanngo.Mr., Carruthers alSO been bouglit for- the senior class- lit was pointeti out that the 75c saiti that Margaret had been giveti rooin. Plans were laid, for the increase can be paid for on 29 a tnigovation by players and' Felbruary 6 meeting 0>f the Senior cows by ',he extra millk produceti culres 'en introtiucied At the Citizens which the- group is con- -by one tiaughter froin tassie- t<~unam 1t anqueit. She also, he venig Leader, one or ton top proven Hl aronthe respect ci opposing pae in p'laiyinig ber position as The rest of the meeting took thestnsispretyinevc. a f nsela on the Orono teaml. fOrm oft a wontierful trip through Mlr, Car'ruth lers also saiti that asithe Holy Land brought to us by In the Election 0f Officers for q~ s ca-,n be fouint only one otier the slides of Mr. anti Mrs. S. Chap- 1964, Russell Osborne of Newcastle glbas la ire saine. distinction. pian of Kir{by who made this trip was re-elected the County Director. A nw rli the Little N.H.L. to years ago. Wth Mr. Chapinan Mr. Osirn is also the l-st Vice- n~w rohiits irls f rom pIlayillig at the controls anti Mrs. ChapimanPrStet0th etiebsns ou bys eam. jcommenting, the excursion dame which services al of Ontario east acswere thien contincted i ith to lf e froin tbe rai storrn which, 0fOhwa tefoloK.ving, results: idaipetietI their departure f eo.m B;?oys anti1girl under 6 years, Malton£i'i Aipoit, throuir the miaj- ounty Elti Director will bc Clt-s obnso. stie architecture anti colour of iRalph Glaspell cf FHampton. Gil,6 rnd 7 years- Dianne ROme and Athens to. tbe stark T và severity of Jordian anti picturesque The Voting Delegates for 1964 roys, 6 anti 7 ya steven Israel tself. Along with the Chap- are Wesley Werry of Hampton, Aile. mas~ fift sixothes ~Francis Jose 0if Newcastle, Rs Gil,8 and q years -Rhconda over Canada matie this special Stevens 0f Bowmina4ville, Russell onnnt.trip under thre auspicesii of- the 04b- Osborne of Newcfastle, and Mel Boys3, 8 anti 9 ytiars - Brian Black server, a Uinitedl Churcb 0f Can1- McHolm ef Port Hlope. irs10and il er aone ,aapublication. JIobnon.iWhile refreshnients were served, The Alternate Delegae are Boy, 0 nt il, years -St n emibers se uetos heWsyYellowlees of Enniskillen. icyNe'il was th iqly boy 0of Pr-es-itie-nt tbauloet Mr. andiMs Carlos Tanblyn 0f Orono, George sot ifle en whcolibite Chaplian for coming and we oloseti Carson of Oron anti Ben Brown 0f with the-benedietion. B wman 1le tanrgt u n a pucjk shooting, contest. M.Francis Quantnili won the el- ixiato saewhile E('0)BOst was a gir's hockey gami-e playeti Agricultural Representative A. wo sa$.00cj bih wbwich was piaceti between M1ýillbrook girls anti Oronor). Darypn was re-appointeti ý at bIox wbvi1e six boys were irls. The local girls helti supenior Secretary. thre gaine anti came forth with Theyonget kaer on the ice a shut-out 3-0. The Orono goals ATOM TOURNAMENT wstwo7--)-year-Oli et Eglshwithwere scored by Joanne Cameron, NOOOSTRA M~. eorg Polari, ï70, being the-1 Wendy Partner 2, Patti Partner olties. ant Fransic Rickarti. Here 'againi Weather permitting a Atom Theprgrmme was inteereti the fans were tielighteti with the hockey, tournament will be helti in with public skating. 1I brin cf play anti the entertain- Orono rink with first game at 9:00 Thie last feature on the program inent provideti. a.m. Orono's fîrst garie at-.10:00, Meary liane Found Bride 0f Richiardl3' Marsh 1,,v lv we di c w as sole i- coral carnations. w int r!it ih a veil. M r. o t uîeiFritiay evening, 'January 31 194at 7 :30 by cantile light in the rooUniteti Churcir for the mai,;age of Mary Jane Founti, dauightýer of Mr. anti Mrs, Dane Fono f Orono te Richard IMarsh, son of Mr. anti Mr.Wila 3arsh off Courtice. Rev. Batsïl Long was thl of ci atigclerg -yiîan. Mrs. R-ichamrd Morton playeti the Wetiding Music. The flower girl, Cathy Mansh, sister of the groom also wore a winter blue velvet tiress anti car- rieti a white muff anti carnations. The ring bearer, Dane Founti, was the son 0f Mr. anti Mrs. Williamn Founti. Mr., Michael Kirkton of1 Boýw- man'ville was best man anti the 1-ishens were Mr. Williamn Founti, brother cf the bride anti Mr. Jerry Mrs. Marsh will be resitiing il Bowmanville. The guests present froin a dis- tance were the grantiparents of the groom, Mr. anti Mrs. Husbanti, Courtice; Mrs. E. Porter, Sher- brooks, Quebec, Mr. anti Mrs. Pat Meoeanti dauighter Susan of Trno(aunt anti uncle of the groom.) Guests were also present from Toronto, Oshawa, Bowman- ~681Books Circulated From Omrinô Librar, 65 view F, On Sunday e, 2nd, in the Odd Orono Fish and 1 y îA report submitted by Mrs. B. ~êL AI Mercer, librarian at the Orone Isil Andu Public Library, showet ielîdren'r ire ading equal to (tliat 0f theadl H ringthe month of anry uniriîsine the official openîng) a toý- bal cf 681 bocks have bceen circu- ývening, February I (Ced. Of this number 41wore ta- fellows Hall, the JSn :ci-i' by aduits ,anti 339,by Jun- Huint Clubh rPut-onor members. a filma entertalîment for the gen- . h epr sIelau-sred eral public. About 65 people a- I(>6 fioto ati 36nonitionea. 1îng 2H ito n,16nn4ein Vailedt ,eve of this privilege Ch ie aort ito ogea. anti enjoyeti'the evening thorough- erdezee rf q.Iinp,..,1.qf .. -*ý EThree films were shown, the tirai "The Michievous Bears'" toj pimuse the young fry, the second, the main feature, a film callet "The Life of the Mallarti Duck". It is sponsoneti by the Olin Mathie- son Corp. in conjunction witb the Missouri State Conservation So- iciety. As well as being educational it was scenic anti very entertain- ing. The thirti film pentainedti 1 tiucks anti showeti different meth- otis of duckh.unting ini varieti partsp 0f Canada and the Uniteti States. If anothen sucb evening is to be pua on at :a later date, if is hopeti that ail those presont w'Ill tell their fientis b attend and not informative films, fnee of charge. 10 see such intenestillg, as well as miss thie opportumity offoreti them1 SwIon Leson ln oubt As orly 3~ persoris were interest- eti enough to attend the A'nnujal Meeting of the Orono Redi Cross on January 3OLh, no mteeting could be helti and no further meet- ing will be calleti ant there will thenefore be -no Water Sifety'pln- 116 n on-fiction. ISiarting yesterday school chhil. cren will visit the Library as a, sehool on Wednesday afternoon-s. Arrangements were COmpleted be- tween the LIbrary an 'd the school with ýa trial being given for a one maonth period. Three rooms ofth six will visit the Library on aRter- nate weeks. The Library. Board eàtiimatel. their budget for the year on Tue0-; day evening. Due to. the tact thiat they do flot receive a provineal grant in 1964 they have only iuf- ficient fuads ait the present time .or operation costs. A Motion was passed at the meeting to cancel an order oif books totalling,$90.OO. Sotte new oooks have recenltly arrived, the cost of which were included in *tha yearly budget.. Mfrs. Ivercer stated that uhe would seeàk 'assistance froim the Oshawa Library to helr o*tau bookq requested. Reçlently ea nu.7û berIý ",f reqluests were fti or certain boGk,> by High Schic* students wbteh could not be fiUffwi as the Provincial Library bas yet to be fuIly replaced since the Èire. gramn next Suimer unless enouht lnterest is shown by contacting 1rs. D. Tennant immediatuely. One 0f Two Ever To Play GI4ven ini maniage-by ber aer Mar51, oroilner of tme grooma. ville, Uoutîce anti Orono. Lbride -wore ca floor length ýsheaithi gow cfwbte roatiti atn wth A rceoltion was helti in the! The bride' was bonoureti with a ~ tai falig gacfuly 0 he unaySchool Auditorium where miiscellIaneous sh',ower, previcus, tu ficr. er houtie legthvei cfthegueiswere receiveti by Uie hier marniage, at the home frs flr ilu sio -as el bya ha Vel o f britie's mother who wvore a teal Harolti Ransberry ýby about thirtyl peaîsani rohe 0 par cy-blue sheatb tiress with a m a tch- of ber frientis, co-hostesses beling aVas nd hecariei awhteing shawl Irimmet i wth silver Mrq. Joaý-n Simpson, Miss Darlene Rbewih et rsebuisaniblue foxat leat ii Ransberry anti Miss Cathy Ferren. dtehanti onwhte trames. flower iraI. She wore a corsage of ink carnations.Mary was aise ueo f bonour The miatron of honour was Ms The grooi'S mother asseia iehm r.Toa ei GaiPier cf Bowan'ville nt Ianti she chose abeige brocatietiOooa icelnossoe the bnîdesm.iis were Mse utantji bat 410 ïmatch jwith or ni i.-a Pprin wa- H-eather Rutherfortianti Mis Dari- cge0f wbiÈe at wn1arains1ileetet1et ar 0at n lene ansbrry.Thei fuî lanth Fr th honcmoonto Mnt ~cellneou shcer;Ms s MargaetTaggaît bas the btdlgrsto play in uhtci~ wetdig ou-tw grlsintie etie roince il i ono Rink.oe c

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