ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY th, 1964 VERYV DISTINCTIVE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS CREATED 1BY The Carnation flower S hop MicCregor 's Hardware PIIOVIDES MODERN SHO PPING FACILITI Es TO THE PEOPLE FROMI ALL PARTS 0F TIHIS DISTRICT 2311 95 King St. West .55 King St. West Thins well known floral business was established in ,kepteniber 196< and very capably dtrectedl by -Mr. LEO{NARD KOPENDERMAN Sr, with Twenty Yoars of experience, bas ýteasiVe knowledge ln the fi eid cf Horticulture. This fir I S iwel recogiiized as growers of the fineat flowers and for the cenvenience cif their many, patrons opened thieir popuilar ilower sbop. Afr. Leonard Koeuderman Sr. is assisted I:n bsns .Uy is son LEONARI3 Jr. Through the".rwideepeenen iwrfoeey ocasion they hjav7e gainjed anj eviauie ptainand with- eout'doulit havedo ter share to make faimous theSIslogan ."*Say Tt Witb iFiowers." As mmbes f F. T. D, U. F. C. Qand- the T. D. S. they fCan1 cablefloerste any part cf îthe iwocrld. WUihunexcicd staff Ir, thie art of floral ar- rangemnen, anon desiring fIoraI designs for parties, iweddings, fnrl or creat;ions for aacy occasion, sucli as Vaieine'S Day, wMinl using the service, of this firm assur ihesele f urnque floral desigais f romr this firm wvhich is v.ecogized throughout the area for- their "FLOWERS 0F iDIS MINCTION." The John & Judy Shoppe IS THE SMARTEST CHILDRENS'S SHOP IN THE AREA 623-32931 .5 King ýSt. Easgt -The smartest mothers in the area have been shopping iat the J014N & JUDY SHOIE'PE. This fine business was est- "i'abisied la 1953à by Mrs. B. Turek and was taken over by eier sister Mrs. AMR EBRIOCK la February 1, 1961. TbePy feature everythinig for infants, tots and chiîdren, laý 623-5211 Many department stores and discount bouses carry ~o me general hardware lines, but your independent bard- lare store sucb as MCGR'EGOR'S HARDWARE estabisled pince 1938 by Mr. Arthur MeGregor the Pres. and bis son "DON" wbo is Vice Pres-. and Gen. Mgr. Th is modem Hard- 5vare Store feaitures a miost complete variety, where yeu can c.eeict Topn ûulitv Tinp of MrchIanriise gt P«Pular Pric's. r B"EAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. TUE GREATEST NME IN THIE BUILDING SUPPLY BUSINESS IN CANADA 96 King St. East (at George) 623-3388 - -L ýj N LC l y - r ýIVUIU1aLUlU t tjýL 11 1- -T rlus the fact that ARTHUR & DON McGREGC, a-,nd their This firm enjoys the env-*able reputation, by virtue of ~ .~VC verti i~; cc earscf cpriene i th Hd- er 50 years cýf banest business dealings witb the pubiac. c . c~is as.ur ,-;usail of able a4ss'4an e wïiyorTi-li an ail Canadfian Company with over 300 branches, uî case. fom ritsh Columbia to Quebec. There are 75 branches ini Throughi carefulý purcbasing and by seleecting oniy the 00f2 naln and -this is the woriýd's largest Building Suppiy finst toc 0fGenralHarwar, Grde TolsEletrial omony.With their modern and complete supplies of lum.- l brhe are equipped to fumnish anything that is available Supplies, Chinýa-and Giftware, Sýaws, Power Tools, Quality 'ieve PaintProduts, faturig LOE BRO. &,CNADA AR- largest bouses, and are sure to be alble to spi ~c îbwhatever you may require. Firms sqch as the- NUSH PAIN'TS, and-- 1001 articles too numierous to mnention B caýver 'Luniber Co. Ltd., wbo bave their fine brandi. in iias enaibed aith Hwae orgizaioitaen-ite x Bwmnille capably managed by Mr. PAUL ANDRUS te cellnt eputtio thy hae bili.I srvethis area completeiy. The Beavet- Lumber Co. LtW, Thie frîendcly atmospbere which predominates at ail hveafarm building programme *whch is the most coin- tirnM pace Ibs sorein clas b itelf lamakng hisplete building service ever introduced to the public. T#ey review oe. the progressive businesses la the area, we wis5h ta bave a farm salesman wbo is a specialist in farm buildings., irefr MGREOB.S HRDWRE n on cfthedisinciveThis firm provides -ail modern blue prints and plans. They factors of the commnercial1 efficiency of-this area. wiîî even build the buiding for you aitgreat savings and are _______________________________________prepavred ta advise you on your buiilding requirements with- ---- ~oui obligati 'on. In addition they ba:ýve a qoomplete kitchen. _tplanning service including installation and spriinb ýBeaver". Sa wby nat go ahead witb your plns for rexnod- U OrS ellng or building and stop in at this, dependable fiTnm and ONE 0F THE BEST RATED FIU1MS IN ELECTRIC Beaver Lumber Co., Ltd., and discuss Beaver Budget Buy- MOTORS& CONTROLS mng, featuring their own financing service. 43'Third Ave.' 628-3058 This progre ssive firm estabished in January 1959 is caPâaly diredted by Mr. TED kRENDSad provîdes in- ,eustry, commiecial and Ingtitutionai establishments with one cornqplete coverage for ail Electric Motor requirements, -ie rnig rminfants ta 12 for boys ana for girst duavluvease L ni re A w, a noos ny ýpre-teens -- beautiful treasures for your inost precieus ido a complote service for aIl types of Electric Appliances. ,bundie, your b)abyv! Every imaigina,-ible article for infants, la The confidence Shown in ARENDS ELE-CTRIC MX)- g4arriedJ, in a wide selectian, whet1iler a, complete layette or X1ORS by their customers i,1 reflected la the steady growtb --mdvidui itii- is eede. Lnd expansion of their f2cilities. This filrm specializes la the The owner M4rs. ALICE BRO(JK bas been very careful iCewinding. and repairing of electrie motars and controls, +picld softniess and delicate tnsfoýr thie infants' wear,1 liey, are, one of lie large-st electric servicing firmnis in tle and the deeper, mare striking cieurs for lotis and older child- iarea. Trheir teclinical Personnel now bandie a complete ýren, Fealuring the f amocus inmes cf GAYTOGS & LADY- 'range of mecýhanîcal trainissji procluets sncb as, con- . URD. every detail bas receivedî their very special atn ionveyors, bearings, spe edcr addivsc altps, CpartlCular1y, price markings. 'rhey are, as you wili dýbserve,, aise a large stock of new and used mo(tors for sale. welwithin the famlily budget, and are at the présent time Companles sucb as WAGNER-IJELAND wbo establis!i ýfeaturing some (>f the Fiaest Displays and would appreciate la standard Yf qtialty lu. electrie mnotor servicing selected tiaving you drop ila and look thoem over. 'You wouid do Weli eRENDS EI.'LECTPIC MIGTCXR as their authorized repre. to see thieir fine display on your next shopping trip to Bow- iSentative. Large stoc'ks of (equimeat, are always availaible, -manville -as we are pleased ta recaned this store tb: our and emergeacy brea-tkdawýýn service is provided. You wild. ~eadrs. ind this, conipany a fine placee ta do business. BOWMANVILLE'S POPULAR (ireig'1s llairsty1ing salon e.aipT.rnr 1I SER'iVî'ICI B1I ITY CULTUR.E Severn 's Bcikery ENJOYS LARGE PATRONAGE THROUGH QUALITY PRODUCTS 53 King St. ]t 623-5651 EXENS lýJIFI 9,, VI-A The exceellenIt reputation enjoyed by %EVFffl'S1 f, King st. West 623-'-932 BALERY is due to'the higli quality ingrediez9s used ini theirî products, which pro-dule, the distinctive good taete-zkombla-ed Advanced bhair styling is the ase to the success of wth the fresbness and the efficient and'frienkdly se'rvie IIEGSHàMiSTYLING SALON servir19 style conscieus extended by their entire staýff. ~Voren as experts in ýail beauty care, ,ýlieh is capaby dIr- 1 Every product of. SEV'ERN'S BAKERY is made with Wected by Mrs. DORIS CG11IG who is a, tvefl noted hair stylist. the finest grade flour for better nutrition, as weiî as cuier y!ii this- shop and -et that lustrous iook fer speciai occas- essential ingredients of the highest quality sucli as yeast, titns, as they are specialists in nil the u0WVest méethode. milk, sugar, sait, shoxtenng, etc. These are aeourately This Hair Stylin~g Lounge, established since Aprin 1, and sicientifically baked by menas of 1the Most modern effl îs amply prepared to serve you n 1jthe field of Beauty eqlipment, uinde'r sanitary conditions, by skilled bakers. C>üture. Their excellât produots include bread, pies, cook4es, cakes, REGSHAIRSTYUING SALOIN is ceiitainly wrthy pastries, ýwýdding and birtbday cakes a specialty. e~ the ,paitronage of ail the smart wç»nren 0of the district and In tii5s review we compliment Robert Borden (BOB) ehe splendid repuitation they have attained Is mostly due te Severn, tbLe owner of tVhs fine DakerM_ he is assisted by bis e~e ligb s ýtate 0>f efficiency orithe par of the three operaters wife EL&lE, bis daugihter Mrs. Gen Thirteli and bis son ý4re, Through their weli ciûsen treatments, they are able GORDON WILLIAM SEVlP)RN,who are rece>gnîized for their to bing o>lt these most imiportant qualities of Youth, dignitY quality Products since 1~950, and have made niany friends in, end good grooning-, which are go aecessary for the wemen the district through products of Peilfectiin. %f today to týbtain.L-n4ies, ÇlREIiG'S HAiRSTYLINGoff ers We suggest yeu avail yourself of the fine produets of eMost'coilete service iijbeauty care and we arepleasedlI EVERN'S BAKERY, which are, guaranteed freeli and have $refer their services ta you with<iut hestatien. met with great f avùr by the large population in tihe ares.. Ororio Public Sohool Hrolds Interesting Open House The Oreno Public School held their annual Open' Hanse on Fr1- day afteraoon. The event was well atteaded by parents of lie students of the school wio hbad an excellent opportunlly ta view the wo5k of the studeats la lie six r<oms of the scbool. The cbildrea were excused fr'om sehool an heur earlier on acceunt of lie Open House. The teachers at the sehool ont- lined tie ivork being undertaken la each grade of lie sehool. The curriculum was aise explained b-y lie leachers. The students wark was on disq- pay bathi at their desks and along lie walls of Vie classroams. Displayved at their desks were work books in lie varion-,ýslsujets along with srme of 1ie text bocks. Proee bokson anmi, birds, plans sd lsectis were ,113soron display as were examples of wt, ing, ard exani papers. Cop j-,,HihS ho N w ti:s were aiso an display aloii tl lSh olN w wit soe rtitiall ceatdINTER31UIRAL HOCKEY cad bir ouses. The Interm'nural hockey lias yet Anew and interesting f0ature ýto determine a champion iewever Rf the displays was a "Who Ami 1" the plnydowns are drawing nearer dispIay la Mrs. 'Lunn's roomn. Here to th end. Mr. Oole's 'Cornedians' the students bad pested up their defeated Mm. Lowery's teami, !-0 baby pictures with the caption and Mr. Rutherford's team defeat-. "Who Am 1 " Ia the hall Mrs.,Heys dM. eaki'ta b a room had prepared a Frenc is- sced ofMr. MMci emb play which was also associated lu1 coe1 f -1 ic samne area by a music display. ilA.SKEITBALL Class exper ments were also The boys bave yet ta win their out onve frtglame and both the Bantaims Tba'c , - -~t paIota he and tic Juînioýrs were defe'ated re- teachers veme gîven the oporun cently by tea.ms f rom the Courtice ity. 'High Sebhool. The boys will try - M. Paxton, principal of tie Or- gain fo-,r victory this wek when ono Seb(-ool ,-outliner srnie of tie l hey play iagainst Henry St. 0f features <ff,if thesehlitrip forpuWhty pIis of grades 7 and 8 tari tawl Te Girls piayed an exhibition later tis I game wlvth Pickering- W. Frank, Real Estate1.Ltd., PROVIDES PERSONALIZED REA14 ESTATE SERVICE, AND ENJOYS GREAT POPULARITY 177 Church Street, Bowmanv!Uêe Phone 623-539 No firm 'could, in, this highly competitive era, survive aýId prosper without aking a personai interest in their qcomn munity, in pleasing their clients and in giving full velue te these clients. Here, it is interesting to note that W. FRAN K REAL FISTATE Ltd. lias aibided by these principles and wili continue to enjoy success in 'business. The business itself wa s orginally est'ablished ini AuguMt '1982 and is eapably directed by i Walter Frank Who bas eiglit years of publîc ýserviceand lias figured preminentiy in transactions of every nature, pertainïng te the buying and seliing 0f Real- Este, placlng eXperienced counicil of pxractical valueat ýthe pubii's "Onýnan* Having been so élosely acquainted with values und ýtheir fluctuations and noting the trends frem yeatr te year, they are lin a position to give an appraisal -of properties ,regardless of their type. This firm offers this area a coniiplete reai estate service, wuh Iincudes: Industrial, Commiercial, 'Residenttal,, and fanm properties, as well as Renitai tDepait- ment, a preperty Managemnt Service and Mortgages. Peoplecorne ta this office w4h confidence, because WALTIER FRANK of, W. FEL4 K REAL eSTATE 1JID has been de- cidedly fair at ail times. Kaye's Sports WVear & Ladies Wear anadàKaye's Large Size Shop ARE TH E FASHION CENTRES 0F BOWMANVILLE A-ND DISTRICT 57 King St. West <Sports and Ladies Wear) 1 King St. East (The Large Size Shop) 623.2571, There are very few stores t.'hat really cater te t'ie ladies of this area that lias gai&ted the prominence that 19 awarded these two fine f ashion centres. Yen w1ilfLnd eLt KAYE'S SPORTS WEAR& LADIES WEAR a CompleteLime ,of: SWEATEIRS, BLOUSES, SKLRTS, SBLIMS, SUI'I, AJI Weather Coats ad Car Coats, HOSIERY, and a fine selec- tion of MCGEPiIE. At )KAYE'S LARGE SIZE SH01> yeu will find -a cemplete selection la haIt sizes from 141/2 to 32/ and froni 38 up ta 50 in full sizes. - Their collection lat bâth eof these fine stores excel in variety and dîstinctiveness and best ,of ail they are moder-, *tely priced. Their fashion experts are aiways aiert ta every new fashion trend- and are la constant touch witi the- mode of lhe moment. For Your. inspection YOU wîli f ind a mnagnifi- (-nt d splay of authorative fashions fromn foremnost designers. KAYES well chosen personnel realize tbe importance 0f a saiferatron. At eilber of these s-tores you will realize that YOUR comnplete satisfaction is their first cons id eration. We take g-reat pleaisume in this Special review la com- miending these up-ta-date and miodemn stores upon the dis- tictv Sylsand Servie which they rendier. We suýggest týhat you mafke these stores wý,hich are personally directed byMrs. KAYE sN;I)EPýRMAN yoýur beadiquarters in this îaiea for Yoursaifcon IWho' s Who In Bowmanvi lle By Burns