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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1964, p. 4

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OnONO WEEKLY IMES, THURESDAY, FEBRUARY 6thi, 1964 communïity in Wficfl-the"Cr- yaiunlity of Christians" were to be foJund. 11n our seriptllre lesson, Peter wasspekin tothe "ýcommnrunity cf Crisians" Ptersaid to themn, "You are ai chosýen race, a royal 1priesthood, an holy nation. You are God's own peuple, that you may doclare the wonderflll deeds of Hlm Who ýcalled you out of dark- nsinto Htis marvellous Light."- The Çhurch within -the Chumch is that cuiUnity of people who have s0 assoeiatOd thernselves wh h things Of God and with the persenl Of jesu-s Christ, that they becoine this chiosOflrace - God'S own peu- pehoare tO decl9are the Won- deJinfulýl ded5l!HtnWho called Us C,,,, of darkles junto Lgt om5 coine te reaiZe that the roal chuchste "hri ihf he, church th 1How easiiY w pa wthter "od Christian" hWge9 ea eaiWltto boc i O lur thlik- ,ng. The EaLstern Noi ay,"h ~at0fl ~fth Wet are thie Christ- ian nations." Tinis isamic- cepton.We re nt Chiristians just Clecause ,,;elive in '.culr ealO Cristian or becOul-se Nve live ,ll alCIsta 0uiUy. Whefl te cosus is taketimayclu Sbe Christianlwo ont elz what hrtantyreahl Is. lany : laini to be "P dtetandî lu tasg ative way, 11~rtuîu ta "net einga R0c1anCah(' Wheu adiîttedi to a hopsital, peo- pie lairi adeoninatiou îti theChistanChurcXb who have 11o olosr reatiflshP tan tatOf jaeinq)aptsed or maý1rried. Wha:.,t is the Chilrch? Wea1 h ,building _the Church but we donit m-ean- that. The Church is people. Somne Say the ChuIrch is the con- gregatiun* o!fr bers and ad- herents; others narrow it to only the meinbers. We can see how broad isýtlie concept;on and how varied are the defieinitionis but evon yect we hae ot really icdentifiod ttheChrh What is the Church? The Church ,ýIiis the "Commnitiy cf Gods eope"Who )have been c;aîl-- douofthle worldic to loe God's in- àetrumnt in the wrd"Thiis,<is, wihat, the Bible says and what dieeperl exporience in the Christian falh reveals. The Church is 'the z:com.paly. of Jesus. ELton Trueblood says, "The Chrhis not people, stre.aming tea shr1in1e;the church is nLot ae. npurbr o! eoplo makýing up an, audince or aspeaker. iTho ChIurch' isM11ý th(om )Èt !Jou h ar e a our rs I gaiL.i the, Jaretjtsk of reaciug their per- pic:,ed -d !lsookng behewt zometLhinig so vital, ý1t at f il is re- ceivod, i ilchainge their ivo." The Chlurch is the co -)y f l-he, conmitted, Cmitd mlakes Ilhe difference. 111 theol7y,- the wholc miieanibersh4,p(f the Clsuch houlbhocancerned with thiese thlings, but lu pracetice it nover happons. For this oal, whlich cahijs out a pecople, seus to be ead y tho ,few. These f 0w are ho epcl)e who are prcpared 1 to suintthnsevs ot l is- cilnsof the Chr£istian if e and tofuifili the mission'ary r4ni ill'tY. OÙrrnmis.sion i hemsso Tt Chit.I nvolves ês very One 0f DISCOUNT PRICES $1.08 Value! - Free tooth brusbh with Dontal Creani Giant Size Colgates 63cl tube- Brylcreem 59;fc Regular 79e! SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D You sv '.10with trim ifandR oa s 47P Specially Selected Short or RoIIed fl1t 59Sit J C w0I-trckd sWeet pickHod ý Reg 7e damoesp . ia cyoyac halros" pre-Co 75eguapoo Seial IC Cottage Had< 1',Silv"Ikrin 59c- 1RéiIs Port- Reg. 39e! for ÇehaPled ~lb 5c lb49 l, LYPSYL 29-câ BONUS BUY! Save 4ec! 2-1b. Decanter A1U-NT JEMINIA PANCAKE FLOU R, Save 2e - pkg 21c <r n>GoldenSyrup 35e BONU-S BUy! Se! l6-oz. Jar BONUS UY! Save t v! -White or Coloured Twini Pack BONUS BUY!Save 12e!-rkd 39e 'Special! 35elu BONUS, BUY!')Si,e 12c! 12-oz. Tin BONUS BU!Save Se! -4c Off Paüek 1-lb. Package Save 14c! 3-lb. packiage Siv 4e2! Culverhouise Choice Style CreM Corn 3 for 55( Savo e i! 15-0z. Size -9 9e28-oz. size Bh-ds Eyo s-6-(>7. tins ICE CREAM, 93C G*olden Hour lass't lb. box.. Chocolates 95c Golden Hour cello bag Popping Corn 19 Xunt Mary's 241oz. loaf cORNISH'S MARKET PORTER'S RED & WHITE dock IoQns lm, 0 B Y ic ee lb . ~Brown'n Serve Sauîsage 45cj Swft's Premin 8-oz. pkg. pkg. Swift's Premiur4oto)gna29c >PRODUC E Ref esh ngThin Skînned Florida Washed - Waxed Purpie Top- No. 1 TU~IPS - b 7c New Gardien Freshi - No. 1 CAIAG -1 b9c Rich Creainy White Musbrooms b4e9c Save e! tasty - appetizing bi A&-i SAUCE -2c Save 5! i-lb. pkgs., Gem Margarine 4for Oe" cav 10>Sif ' rniium & m at bafis24 oz. SPAGH TIpre:Iu:-- tin39jc k~zd ish V ,to or ~,uîbeam reg.4il ,~reno:eshonuts doz 29c~ _î - ~withln the Church has to be the, there need's to be, and ean be The "Church wîthin h07i FronL 'h 0ro à fC ur hsame tx} the people who are found snm(ewhere, a littie group of is a band of peo,,).e nmade ýt ready ',o c,-me outL from the gen- pcople whýo are ready to commit yOurig and old, mien ami w ch eral population and the general themiselves to Christ. Lt is through nmnister and klaymien, aep l ite ("I-, c \W ithin the Chur m'meshp fthe congregation thiem tatGodwilork Bis re- ei ar0d to acetrihe challenge AA~~ NAAL~I~.~J~A and become disciples In a special deomin.g purposes. When this tereut etand ok sense, because their calling and'church in a special sense, is eaUl- something- more aîbout God ('sW Taken from a sermon prea~hd~hr n ~eeyohrpae their commitment is for the pur-,ed out>and, active, it wilî croate an-odsWll ep1 h byRv1ailE og It has to do with the developmente rpedtsuy byRe. asl . on. f spiritual things as woll as shar- pose of declaring thé wonderful tension in a congregation. The seles ad o sud t sowt S ip u e L esson - 1 P elter 2 : 1 -10 ing m aterial. So the "C hurch w ith- d eed's of H M w as c l e Hi ch r it n t e c ur ., r - sharing in su ch a w ay that i ' 1 1 n t e C u r c " 1i s h a t b a n o f p e o p le o u t cf d a r k n e s s in t o , H is a te t e n s io n b e c a u s e it r e in in d s c o rn e s r e le v a n t to th e e x e r ie n , cAmtvac aiin lwhre ine callod out peope who are ready marvellous Light. others f what God would have. of to-cl1y. That is how God and ton year old boys were play- to submit themselves and topco y - Too oftndetae outs We tdd i they togo cannolythalow ol.Hsproe mu îng base[ball. He watched until Mit themselves to Christ a--tepa-a-aon teotiean hmeve og asal hogh Each of us know" within uoi thy lingd ids A oe itll ork !of God is done through this nover corne to grips with real Ufe any mo re. It will create ton- whetlier or not we are the "h fhelocamgedtroing iAsnefrom the isrmetw 1.Christianity. We stay ln the back- sion because thoy havetowh-whithcurl" ground and lot sorottene ie foodI wht enstrumenttofsome tenih-wtntho hureh.gtoth'?rit outfield ho said,"Hwithgan What did Jesus do when He the batting. If we are sincere a- 1 and have a special f ellowship. communlty or to the Coiumuni4 going? What is the score?" The came to be the Messenger f Go's bout Jesus Christ we cannot with each other and with Christ. Christians? There is a TS 4¶ boy said, "We're losing, twentY- Light andi God's Salvation? First, idodgo the issue, and the chalIlenge 'But thlat f ellowship and that train- ence. eot everyone -who is four to' nothing." The man said, He called aro-und Hlm a lhttie to come up to bat. The ehurch igwl i hmt obc noal ebro hý -Weil, you are not doing very group of mon who were ready to wti tthe 0f iiig will bnd f it tho ad m o go back intlow ally a meany ernmwf theyr well, ar o, Obt" adle er. TruhtenH o people who are taking their turu church members to radiate Jesus (Continued page 8) littie boy, "Iwe haven't been up to) bat yeÊ!" So many of us play the outfield as far as the Church is coacernod. P-erhaps all we seei to catch is a fe'jw files. It is when we get up to bat Ithat we bogin to talY UP a ~v tI tm i e h ,qcore. The question is, "Are we Up to bat as Christians?" There'is a vast difference betweeu, the Christian 'commuity and the "Coýmmujnity of Christiaus." What ,iesus called into being wvas a "-Community of Christians." What ,y developed later was a Christian o, * o eOronioI Wc* l ogle ~jre riS, e os a

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