ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THU RSDAY, FEBRIJARY CtH, 1964ý HOCKEY NEWS Local hockey. players in ail age groups cetebrated Hockey %veek in [TOWNSHIP MEETING Oroýn o last , S atu irdclray n ýght 'wýhen (Continued from page 6) iVýor loccal tLeas: ,;,iw action. A iBridge committee. It is proposed god urout0 spectators was Io erect co)mmercijal tourist byuild- ala-o pýresenýto b urge on the local ings in the airea but proper en- hoys.'rances are needed to mneet with Y ATO3S 'i-N :-conditionas of the Department of goals. H-ghways. This area is 'nth11 The Orono Atoms, 15 strong, anid 401 ighw,%ays area. deaIt ýa 5-1 defeat to a Bowmanville Mr. Lyali -Lowery was appointed team. Robin Winter scored three as Warlble Fly inspector, being the of th O0rono goals with one being only applidaont. Council aloo passed1 the wining goal. H-e also assisted that the Warbicîde be purchased o)n q goa)l s;cored by Jimmiy Part-, fromn the Durham Farmer,'s Co-op. ner Th oter oal0f he am A letter was received fvrom M,1. was scored by Steve Bo3rd. !sit ~rwl oer elnn h p Went n ol to RbnWinter but! pointment to the Ganaraska, Con- also to Craig Tennant, John Gil- servation Autlority. Councîliîor R.ý bart and Jîmmny Partner. 1Foster was appointed, to this posi- Guy Johnson and Murray Or- tion for the year. MirltOn scored the Bowmanville t goals. The deed for property purcliased BAT4S INfrom Mr. B. Cowan was filed. Itc BTe OroN:B-tam cae ite intentiýon of cuclto widen1 with a decisive win scoring si the side onds tispontinth goals and keeping Port Hope cof foUt csin the scor~e iboard. Doug Taylor net- A letter was also received from ted two goals with others to Neil ratepayers in the Brown School% Alin, Gordon Hooey, Sieven West area requesting some improve- and T. 'Stark. Donnie Todd played ments in the rond leading to the an excellent game in the nets thus school. This is to be given consid- gaîning is shut-out. eration. NEWCASTLE DOWN PEEWEES__ __________ The Newcastle Pee Wees lead score cf'5 to 1. Michael scored WILD RIDE ENDS AS CAR îy Michael McGregor defeated the CRASHES HOUSE Orono PeeWees Saturday by a three goals with the ther two by A wild ride at hibh, speed along Brian'Blackihurn and Rod Johnston AIbert and Tweed Streets, Cobourg 1 rono's lone goal was scored by Sturday, ight ended when a car,i Steven West with assist to Harvey driven by John Bingham, 143 Wal- Pnrtner. Th.le Newcastle boys were ton St., Port Hope, rammed into pllnying a sounder and more slid a wooden frame bouse on Fourbi' style of hockeüy and were thius able SL, knocking the whole structure to keep Oropo under control. three feet off its base. JUVÉNILES LOSE - Binghoem's drive npparently star- The Orono Juveniles were out- ted' at Queen and Division sts., played Saturday night by a team when he lipped off a telephone f rom Oshawa with Oshawa takinglpolIe on the soutb side of -the st. the gamie 3-1. Poor ice conditions roceeding west, he clipped off hampered, pasîng pînys and slowed another pole et the intersection of the game- down consideraibly. Second st. also on the south side. L. Fis'k scored the sole Orono1 Contlnuing- hiÊ westbound race, goal with an assis3ît gong to Wayne be caused an eastbound taxi to Miller. A return game in Newcastle on Sunday saw thetwo clubs Play to a 2-al draw. MIDGETS ,WIN- T h e l o c a l M i cîge t s i e a d b y F a er 4 Q G f i ! W / P rU ges.Gordûn entscored the oth e omo oa. alm'goal was sc IS/D ed by ýL. Lever. ;/ RINK SUHEDULE 0 Friday«. 6.:00 -Mîdget Hockey 7:0-Juvendle Hockey, Ponït Hope vs, Orono. 9:00 -Ladies' Hockey. Aja~x vs. Orono An Atomn tournamnent is to be lheld at the Orono rinlx Saturday, ice permnitting. Atoal of e ig ht ganmes will be played. Saturday: Atomn Tournamient 9:00 Millbroo-k & Neeastle 10.00 Keene and Oýroïoç 11:00 Bowmanville vs. Burketon Championsbip g-ames to'follow. YEOJDE Valentine, Tea AND Antique 'Disp lay sponsored 1ly Unit 1, U.COW. Saturday, Feb. 15 3:00 - 5:30 IM Main Hall of the Orono Uni-ted Church Hiot Bouchés - Delectable Desserts - Tea, CfUce TICKETS 50e - LIMITED NUMBER ta e prhsdfrom Unit Leaders LOCAL NEWS Mliss M-ar-ilyn Tamrblyn repre- senting the Orono Publie Sehool gpoke at a Public Speaking Con- test in Garden Hill Tuesday even- lig. The contest is sponsored by the Durham Tru,,stees and Rate~-i payers Association. M\issý Tamblyn was one of a few chosen to cS-afpete in the Countyl contest bo be held in Orono this1 coming Tuesday evening. Elévent contetants competed in Gardent Hill on Tuesday... The Orono Fire Department ex- pect deierof the new fire en- gine sometime during the lsst week of February. A representa- tive of Bickle-Se agrave made this information available last week. Immediately on arrivai of the truck fire protection will be ex- tended 'o ithe whole of the Town- ship. The niew truck_. is being pur- ch.ased by the Towniship an, d will behoused in rnl n the rýeconi- struicted ire hall. Mr. aýd Ms Ross Taylor end family, Toronto,vite on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. mount the 'sidewalk to avoid a head-on collison -on Tweed St. Failing *to make a ýsharp right hand turn to the north onto Fourth St., Bingbiam continued to tear down a beavy wire fence before the ear became embedded in the living room 0f the wing of a bouse, owned by Mrs. Dorothy Linton, 167 Fouxrth St., and rented, to Frank Cockburn. -. ~ UNITED CRURCH Orono Pastoral Charge o. Minister R ev 8. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9ý 01ureh Srie Orono - 11:00 ams, Kirby -8 '0p.m. Sunday Sehool oron9 o 0:0a.m. Leskard - 1:5 p.m. Mrsq. C. A. Cummýring, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. Heber Souch. Tickets now on sale for Ye Olde Valentine Tea, sponsored by Unit 1, U.C.W. As.nuinber of tickYets lis limited, may we àuggest you buy youris early to avoid disappoint- ment. Sister Betty Nevmian, Vice Grand 0)f Heather Iiodge a ccomipanîed SistersMao and Barrablaîl when they attelnded the meeting 0f Dis- triet Representatives, Tuesd ay', January 2&th. The meeting wag; held at the home of Sister Grace Love, Distric't Deputy President, Port Perry. Plans are being madê& to entertain the President of the- Rebekah Assembly of Ontarie 0oa her officiai visit to this -District. Miss Brenda Hoy of Kendai and Keith Allan of Lockhart's Spihool. were chosen on Tuesday nig'ht at Glarden Hili to compete in the Pub- lic Speaking contest in Orono ou . Tuesday at the United Chureh. ORONO -e [o $1 'STORE Valentines for the whole family. Don't for- get your Valentine Sweethearts Feb. l4th Special Towels, Novelty Printed, white back- ground, assorted patterns, size about 22 x 40" This Weeks Special Pair .............. $1.59 Something new, Table C over, Plastic Lae, White, size 54 x 72 ins. Save washing .... $3,98 Don't Miss This! Boys Corduroy Lined Jeans, 2 pockets, zipper fly, assorted styles and color, sizes 3 to 6x. This week sale'price 99e Something New! Clothes Brushes, assorted shapes and sizes, wooden backs. Each .... 95e Absorbent Cotton, 2 oz, Boxes Regular 33e This Week Special.................... 23e Individual Serving Bowls, Break resistant Ideal for serving salad, cereals etc. Reg, 29c This Weeks Sale Prie- 2 for............. 35e Special! 2 - 15e Note Pads and 2 Pkgs. 'Self Seal Envelopes in Sale Package.......... 41C C New Candy Easter Egg containing plastic Toy, Priced at .................5c BCýadburys Dairy Double Mllk, Chocolate Bars, Regular 25e. Our low price 2 for .... 39e FURTHER REDUCTIONS: IN Ladies. Dresses 8 DRESSES - Regular Value to $29.50 YOUR CilOICE- $15.95 17 DRESSES, Regular -Values'to $21,50 YOUR CHOICE - $12.95 16 DRESSES, Regular Values to $18,50 YOUR CIIOICE - $9.95 4 DRESSES, Regular Values to $19.95 YOUR CHIOICE- $4.9E 43 Pai.rs, Ladies House SIlippers. Sizes 4 to 9 in the lot, Regular val- ues to $4,95. SALE PRICE - $2,59 30 Pairs, L.adies andci Children's Slippers, Regular.,Valuesto $2.95 SALE PRICE - $1,29 AR'MSTRONG'S.;ý,l 1 ClaMPLETE AUTO SEP ýCE 24HR- SLIPPERS