_______ _______________ ORONO WEKEKLY TIMES, THRSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th,. ORNOWEEKLY TIMS o oking In At The Libraryj Thie 0ronO lied Cross, who endeavoured to hold their aýnnual meeting recently imet with a cdisapPOifltlg turnout w,,hich -lbas r esulted in the discontinuiflg Of the Society in Orono.1,1 .Althollgh one might edaimn that Oreno lias too many org,,,aniz&tienS and soieties 1tey do ail provide a specific pur- pose and service in the ]Ylcaity. The Orono Red Cross v0as no exception and With its inactiveiiess a nunvber of wirtb- while prejects will cease to eist with the- resuit that the, commuiiy as a whole will be the loser., The Soith-as in the pasit f ew years been strigigliflg along- with littie support from residents in geneflal. A f ew hav ecarried on the operatien of the Society and 1-s worth- while projeccts of Vitamin Tablets for public schocl childreri, assistaflce in case, of need andc of course the Orono Red Cross Water Safety and Sw7iimming Classes. Althougb the benefits f rom these projects have been advant'ageous to the majurity in the area,,the vj>rity have not reciprocated in, givîng their support to the Soiety. The Water Safety program is certainly one which Was well received in Orono and district. L-ast year alone 264 children were enrelled and -receiveýd daily instruction in the program at the Or'eno pool. Surely the ied Coss Soiety warrants our support when such worthy community pro- jects are undertaJken by the Society f* the benefit of- everyeiie.. We doulit that the swiniming program will be dis- continued for it lias been a most popular1 program. Under present circui-stances it will n 'ot be sponsored by the Ried Cross but sm othier group Will neoloulit be organized, to cairry on thi:s se,ýcr 0f the work. This huwever dcoes not overcame Uhe 1loss of the Orone Ried Cross toti com nityIý and we do be'eve that it is regretilable that support andi interest 1was nOt fertbhcoming for thie Society from the puiblic in general. Support must be -given te those Societies that are bettering our community. HELPS IBOOST FRICES One factor in the up-3ward thrust of the retain price structure is the inventoî y shrinkage which prevails in every retaU elestsibhlshment. Shrinkage is caused by carelessfless ordishonety of employees,, by shopEfAtiflg of ostensible cust- emers, and by the failure cdf some magistrates to view witli sùffieient severity crimes that should lie punished in semee way. A case in point involved a young woman wlio lifted seven, ne less, sweaters in a Ca'ý,nadian store. She already had _been a suspelct and was carefully watched as she put the goods in a shopping bag. The young woman was freed on the second appeara nce in couirt. It certainly loeked as if justice liad bec pre-ar- ranged, fer the lawyer representing the young woman on her first appearance did not bether te, come te court the se c- o--nd time, The crown attorney said that iliere wlas insufficient evidence te convic4t, although the stolen goeds were in the Possession of the police and three enripleyees 0f the re- ta!ier were on hand te ive their evidence. But the case was vrashed up te tlie satisfoetion of the crown attorney, and the mi,ýager cof the store was lianded baLck the seven sweaters. I'f the Young woman cou id not lbe cenvicted of che or- iglinal charge 0f baving, tejen goods in lier possession, vj'by give the sýweters te the merchant if tbey were net stolen? If they wvere not stelen sweaters lie had neo right te 'ohaýve them baclc. -"The Printed Word"' VOUR '63 WAYN" Maintenance Service Complete, Maintenance on WVindows, Floors and Wnl Service Rug and Upholstery Shampooing Commnercial, Industrial Residential ]PHONE 255 Orono, Ont. e e G -5 *DRIVER'-S LICENCE expires February 28 The mailing of the new application forms fo r Ontario drivers' licences has now been completed. Present your application wth the required fee without delayat your nearest motor licence office so that your new icence may be issued. If you have NOT recelved your application, contact your nearest motor licence office lmmediately, or write to the Ontario Department of Transport,, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. Be sure to state the number of your 1963 driver's licence; whether it is' an operator's or chauffeur's licence; and your full namne, address and birth -date. YOU are responsible for getting yournew driver's licence by February 28. Get Y(our 1964 Automobile Licence Plates NowI 1963 plates for pass enger and dual purpose automobiles and motorcycles also expire February 28. There will be no extension. 1964 plates are now on sale at your local motor licence office. Get yours now and avoid the last-minute lineup! Truck, Du#sAn7d TrailerLicence Plates 1964 yearly plates f or commer- ciýal vehices and traliers go on sale March 2 and are val id until March 31, ý1965. Quarterly plates wilI fot be available until March 25. Last year's plates for com-. mnercial vehicies and trailers expire March 31, 1964. There will Le rno extension. ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 0F TRANSPORT if there is'a current conflict be- fully illustnated with woed en- wenthe peasure of reading a Igravings by bis wrif e, Lucille, Qilie. ~okand watching television, the ITe story 0f Owl Pen originally phildrenii0f Orone have proved be- jappeared as a series of articles ln yond doubt that tbe shelves of the. the Saturday edition of the Even- P)rono Public Library are net los- 'ing Teleg'ram. Tlie book Wlas pub.. 'ing the battie. Iiast Fridýay after- islied lu 1947. Altheugli it bas eni- ein, dezens of sehool chldren jeyed wide popularity, th.ere ap- once agaîn invaded the Library Vear te be quite a number of local armed witli books te be returned ireaders who have net yet had the And witli defunite ideas' on boeoks pleasur e 9f jaining the Wells in mley heped te take ont. itheir escape from, the city and Two books provigg very popular isearcli fer a new way of life ini w tb e beys are "Puck Graliber" týhe Township nf Medonte, between, a hookey yarn by C, P. and o. B. tlie Meenstone and Colchater ja&ckson and T. MacPhersons Vailleys. Owl Pen is the nume tlhe "Grea_,t Racung Drivers". Now that Wels' have given te tihe pioneer Quite, a f ew pages have been turn- iiames§tead tliey purchase -in chap- ed, the young readers are begi - er'one for the sum cf fifteen iling te recemmend books te each dollars. Turning. dea cars te Vire other and, in many instances, ne ,ikeptic laughter of local resîdents, pooner is a bockl returned te' the t'hey searci fer an'Eden on which Librarian than it is being sta-mped ýte transplant and eventually re- put again. t. was noted that quite store, tlie ld lieuse. a numnIber 0f beys and girl ake With weed engravings- and a for certain books tirait hey feitgreat sense ef humour, Mr. and p rnightsh. h m u e r n s h o Vrs. W ells> go on t e tel the fsa- proje'ts.,einating story of their first at- There lias aIse been plcnty f _pts' Of stevepipe cleaning, lactivity in the aduit sectioný. Mcm- IihýI!cken raising,,lieekeeping and 'bers aie beginning te comment 10orne ef the joys and sorrows of on books as tbey return them and 1modem npieueering in tlie Ontario appear te be eujoyIng the new cunýtry side.. The1 non-fictionsIc- ý,îbrary. Several readers have ves in tlie Library beoast three coP-ý commeu.ted on Owi Peu, wriitten iles of tliis mest enjoyable boYok. Iy Kennetli M. Wells and beauti- F. D. Rieid Roaid SupeÈrintendànt Reý-Cports To Co0%un c i The Council of the Township ofî Clarke met on Tuesday fer their ýFebruraty Ymeetinig.1 The Road Superintendant,Mr M. Ross, gave a report te deuncýil eutlining present worlc and somne- porposals fer the future. Lu lis re- port lie stated tirat tlie FWD truck& was now ready for snow plowing aise tliat, the 1/2 ton t, rck h'ad been overliauled. Thiereport al;:) te ht hr were 190 r'n'les Fof rador s-now- plowin'g srud tis d net îinc2d streets iu Orone and otirer buit tip areas in the Townsliip. A revi- sien was aise made in the sau'ding- operation. The Superintendlant suggestedi that Stop Sign.s at Hamiilton's cor- nier's be unistalled. He pointed eut that poor vision existed -at this cor- ner. A motion was passed that the SuperIntendant made a study 0f intersections in the Tewnship in cenneetien withi Stop Signs. He asfed Couni's ideas on read surfacing and sugg-ested that roads be prepared initialiy for surfacing lu a manner te give equal service te everyone in the Township. 1Mr. Ross also suggested that the Township Purchase a new front. end leader which matter was turn- ed over te, the Road and Bridge Cjommrittee. He aise suggested the purciase cf a gravel pit. A representative - f the Lake On- arie Developmnent Association met with Council seeking membershîp frem the Township. t was peunted eut thrat the Village of Orono was could exist. The matter Was turn- ed over to the Finance Coinmitèe for study and for contact to be made witb the Police Trusites. A request fromi E. R. Lovekîn on behaif of the estate of the F, B. Lovekin estate re a change Li tesicte road lot 34-35, ýonefff- ion 1 was referred to the Roadand (Continued on page 5) Callyour licensed Pluing &, Mechanica; Cantractor who sels, instails --j CAR RMA N PLUMBING - HEATING Phone 143 Grono' NOW VONI America's Top Selling Permanent Wave lutroducles a comIPletelY New Home Pelrmanent Kit For a Completely àNew Customer . The Womiap, Wh0 wants Today's' SMOOTH 'N SLEEK Hlgh Fashlon HajiStyles!! New, TONI uncurly $3.75 complete kit STUTT'S PHARMACY OR'>NO, ONT. PHOSE LO8J j t I - - - ------ ------------- -------------- -and quarantees v 1